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T.W. Lei  Q.W. Zhang  L.J. Yan  J. Zhao  Y.H. Pan 《Geoderma》2008,144(3-4):628-633
Soil erodibility and critical shear stress are two of the most important parameters for physically-based soil erosion modeling. To aid in future soil erosion modeling, a rational method for determining the soil erodibility and critical shear stress of rill erosion under concentrated flow is advanced in this paper. The method suggests that a well-defined rill be used for shear stress estimation while infinite short rill lengths be used for determination of detachment capacity. The derivative of the functional relationship between sediment yield and rill length at the inlet of rill flow, as opposed to average detachment rate of a long rill, was used for the determination of detachment capacity. Soil erodibility and critical shear stress were then regressively estimated with detachment capacity data under different flow regimes. Laboratory data of rill erosion under well defined rill channels from a loess soil was used to estimate the soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The results showed that no significant change in soil erodibility (Kr) was observed for different slope gradients ranging from 5 to 25 while critical shear stress increased slightly with the slope gradient. Soil erodibility of the loess soil was 0.3211 ± 0.001 s m− 1. The soil erodibility and critical shear stress calculations were then compared with data from other resources to verify the feasibility of the method. Data comparison showed that the method advanced is a physically logical and feasible method to calculate the soil erodibility and critical shear stress for physically-based soil erosion models.  相似文献   

Critical shear stress is an important soil parameter governing detachment by runoff which appears in numerous erosion models. Soil shear strength has been often presented as the best soil property to predict critical shear stress. However, only a few studies have documented the relationship between soil shear strength and critical shear stress, and the results obtained have sometimes seemed contradictory. This is why we have put together all available data about the relationship between critical shear stress and soil shear strength in order to analyse and discuss its significance and its generality. Results showed that contradictions between different studies mainly arise because total shear stress is a poor predictor of detachment on rough soils. When grain shear stress is used rather than total shear stress, a significant relationship between saturated soil shear strength and critical shear stress does exist. Soil shear strength may thus be used to predict critical grain shear stress. However, it is recalled that in general only total shear stress is predicted by erosion models, which makes detachment predictions difficult on rough natural soils.  相似文献   

The hydrological conditions near the soil surface influence the soil erosion process, as determined by the soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The soil erodibility and critical shear stress of saturated purple soil slopes were computed and compared with those of unsaturated purple soil slopes. The detachment capacities computed through the numerical method (NM), modified numerical method (MNM) and analytical method (AM), from rill erosion experiments on saturated purple soil slopes at different flow rates (2, 4, and 8 L min?1) and slope gradients (5, 10, 15, and 20°), were used to comparatively compute the soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The computed soil erodibilities and critical shear stresses were also compared with those of unsaturated purple soil slopes. At the different slope gradients ranging from 5° to 20°, there were no significant differences in the soil erodibilities of the saturated purple soil and also in those of the unsaturated purple soil. The critical shear stresses slightly varied with the slope gradients. The saturated purple soil was relatively significantly more susceptible to erosion. The NM overestimated the soil erodibility of both saturated and unsaturated soils by 31% and underestimated the critical shear stress. The MNM yielded the same soil erodibility and critical shear stress values as the AM. The results of this study supply parameters for modeling rill erosion of saturated purple soil slope.  相似文献   

 径流剪切力是建立土壤侵蚀过程模型重要的水动力学参数,研究径流剪切力和土壤侵蚀产沙相关关系具有重要理论和实践意义。以径流冲刷模拟试验为研究手段,研究不同流量和不同坡度组合条件下坡面侵蚀过程中径流剪切力的分布特征,并对应分析土壤剥蚀率与各阶段径流临界剪切力的相关关系。结果表明:不同试验条件下,坡面侵蚀发育各阶段径流剪切力和土壤剥蚀率随冲刷流量的增加而增加,随小区坡度的变化受临界坡度影响;土壤剥蚀率与放水流量、坡度和径流剪切力等多因子呈线性相关,与流量或坡度的大小呈正比,与径流剪切力的大小呈反比;土壤剥蚀率与各径流剪切力单因子呈幂函数或指数函数相关,随径流剪切力的增加呈增加趋势;坡面产生跌坎时的临界剪切力和坡面径流平均剪切力均可以作为土壤侵蚀预测参数。  相似文献   

土壤可蚀性参数和临界剪切应力是评价土壤易侵蚀程度和抗水流剪切变形能力的重要指标,目前在黄绵土坡面细沟侵蚀过程中,土壤饱和条件下可蚀性参数和临界剪切应力的变化尚不明确。该研究采用室内土槽模拟冲刷试验确定不同坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°)和流量(2、4、8 L/min)下饱和黄绵土坡面的最大细沟剥蚀率,基于数值法、修正数值法和解析法计算土壤可蚀性参数和临界剪切应力。结果表明,3种方法所得最大细沟剥蚀率均随坡度和流量增加而增大,其中修正数值法和解析法计算的最大细沟剥蚀率更接近。土壤可蚀性参数分别是0.485、0.283和0.268 s/m,土壤临界剪切应力分别为1.225、1.244和1.381 N/m2。修正数值法可提高数值法近似计算的精度,使近似计算结果更接近解析法计算获得的理论值。饱和较未饱和黄绵土的土壤可蚀性参数略有减小(16.83%),而临界剪切应力减小了66.97%,表明土壤饱和对黄绵土土壤可蚀性参数影响很小,但大幅度削弱了土壤临界剪切应力,使得黄绵土坡面饱和后土壤侵蚀更为强烈。此外,饱和黄绵土边坡的临界剪切应力比饱和紫色土坡面大6.38%,而细沟可蚀性参数大2.35倍,表明土壤饱和对2种土壤临界剪切应力影响程度相似,但黄绵土较紫色土对土壤侵蚀的敏感性更高。研究结果可为饱和状态下不同土壤坡面细沟侵蚀模型参数的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Near-surface features have a great influence on runoff and detachment processes by overland flow, but the contributions are still unclear on steep slopes with yellow soil in subtropical humid regions. Field scouring experiments were conducted to investigate how near-surface features affect hydraulic parameters and detachment rate by overland flow. Five treatments and a baseline (disturbed rootless bare cropland) were designed to identify the contributions from stem-leaves, litter, biological soil crusts (BSCs), root systems and non-disturbance, respectively. The results showed that (1) the values of velocity, Reynolds number and Froude number for vegetated slopes were significantly lower than that of baseline, and stem-leaves made a greater contribution (average of 47.30%) to reducing kinetic energy than the other features; (2) the total contribution rate of grassland was 99.38%, and of this total, 1.19, 1.44, 2.49, 49.79 and 44.47% reductions were attributed to the stem-leaves, litter, BSCs, root systems and non-disturbance, respectively. Root system and non-disturbance dominated the detachment rate reduction; (3) with increasing flow rate or slope gradient, the total contribution rate remained between 98% and 100%; and (4) for each treatment, the relationship between detachment rate and hydraulic parameters remained constant, and the stream power was the best predictor to detachment rate. The study results are helpful in evaluating the effects of near-surface features on erosion control and providing reference for government decision-makers to choose appropriate soil conservation and management practices.  相似文献   

Interrill erosion, which is less visible in the landscape than rill and gully erosion, may cause major sediment deposits in the lower part of cultivated fields. It is often associated with runoff resulting from sealing and crusting, and soil properties such as soil detachability or soil aggregate stability have been used to express soil resistance to interrill erosion processes, i.e., interrill erodibility. From a literature review including more than fifteen erosion models, we have identified three main methods used to measure these properties: aggregate stability and splash cup detachability, methods performed in the laboratory using only a few grams of soil, and standard plot methods that are based on field plot measurements. This difference makes the parameters involved in assessing interrill erodibility dependent upon the scale and the hydrological processes involved and difficult to compare. According to the literature, the sensitivity of actual erosion models to interrill erodibility is lower than the sensitivity to hydrological properties and rill erodibility parameters. This numerical study shows that erodibility measurements from the three major assessment methods give different results regarding the contribution of interrill erosion and show that the sensitivity of erosion modeling to interrill erodibility may in fact be greater than shown in the literature on global sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

黄土坡面径流剥离土壤的水动力过程研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
坡面土壤侵蚀是径流冲刷和坡面抗蚀作用以及地面物质补充能力之间相互作用的复杂过程。本研究采用野外实地放水冲刷实验,研究了20°裸地(CK)及鱼鳞坑(YLK)、苜蓿草地(MXCD)、秸秆覆盖(JGFG)径流调控措施坡面薄层水流剥离土壤颗粒的水动力学过程,并运用水流切应力、单位水流功率、径流动能三种理论进行了详细分析。结果表明:(1)对于裸地和调控措施坡面,输沙率与径流剪切力、径流功率之间均呈现良好线性关系,与水流动能之间呈现良好对数关系;土壤侵蚀发生时均存在临界切应力和临界功率。(2)随放水流量增加,坡面流速迅速增大,导致水流切应力、单位水流功率、径流动能增大,进而水流对土壤颗粒的剥离能力增强,最终土壤侵蚀加剧。总之,三种理论在描述土壤侵蚀过程时各具特点,径流切应力更能详细地揭示土壤颗粒分离过程,而径流动能及功率理论更能简便、准确地描述坡面土壤侵蚀过程。  相似文献   

中国土壤可蚀性值及其估算   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
土壤可蚀性是评价土壤对侵蚀敏感程度的重要指标,也是进行土壤侵蚀预报的重要参数。本文运用野外观测资料,研究了我国不同水土流失区的土壤可蚀性值问题。根据实测资料,计算给出了一组土壤可蚀性实测值。并利用这组实测值。对我国土壤可蚀性估算问题进行了探讨。结果表明,国外现有的可蚀性估算模型不能直接应用于我国土壤的可蚀性计算,估算值明显大于实测值。但估算值与实测值之间存在有良好的线形关系。最后提出了我国不同地区及不同资料占有情况下的土壤可蚀性估算方法。本文研究结果可以直接用于我国土壤侵蚀预报中土壤可蚀性计算。  相似文献   

冻融对土壤分离能力及侵蚀阻力的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
冻融后坡面为水力侵蚀产沙提供了大量有效物质源,是河道泥沙的主要策源地。该研究利用室内模拟冻融和径流冲刷试验,设置不同冻融循环次数、坡度和流量梯度,分析冻融对土壤分离能力及侵蚀阻力的影响机制。结果表明,冻融条件下,坡度、流量和冻融循环次数均对土壤分离能力有显著影响(P<0.05),贡献率分别为17.94%、19.96%和18.43%。冻融前后,土壤分离能力基本均随坡度和流量的增加而增大,冻融后的均值(5.28±2.48 g/(cm2·min))显著大于冻融前(2.39 ±1.71 g/(cm2·min)),但冻融后的增幅明显小于冻融前。不同坡度和流量条件下,冻融1次后,土壤分离能力均显著增大(P<0.05),但其随冻融循环次数增加的变化趋势差异较大,只有在坡度与流量同时较小(10°和≤18L/min)或较大(15°和≥18L/min)时,呈显著增大趋势。冻融循环1、5、10次后,土壤细沟可蚀性分别增大1.25、1.66和1.72倍,随冻融次数的增加逐渐趋于稳定;土壤临界剪切力冻融后显著降低,与冻融次数无明显关系。冻融后土壤平均容重、水稳性团聚体和抗剪强度分别降低了6.61 %、24.77 %和21.35 %,土壤孔隙度和三相结构指数变化与之相反。冻融条件下,土壤细沟可蚀性与水稳性团聚体和抗剪强度呈显著负相关关系,而与孔隙度呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

Detachment of road surface soil by flowing water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An agricultural watershed generally consists of two land use categories, farmland and the unpaved road or path networks with different traffic frequency and size. Road surfaces are quite different from farmland soil in physical properties, resulting in it's distinguish production transportation process. Hydraulic flume experiments were conducted with the flow discharges ranging from 1 to 5 L s− 1 and the slope gradients ranging from 8.8% to 46.6% to simulate the soil detachment process on a road surface and to develop tools in order to calculate detachment rates occurring on that road surfaces. The results illustrate that road surfaces behave characteristically in the runoff detachment and sediment delivery process due to the difference in the bulk density and functions of agricultural soils. The soil detachment rate is closely related to flow depth, slope gradient and other hydraulic parameters such as shear stress, stream power and unit stream power. Multiple non-linear regression analyses indicate that detachment rates for all roads can be accurately predicted by power functions of flow depth and slope gradient. According to the experimental results, stream power was suggested as an indicator to estimate soil detachment rate instead of shear stress in soil erosion models. However, considering the simplicity and availability, power function of flow depth and slope gradient is also recommended to predict detachment rate on the road surfaces.  相似文献   

土壤风蚀可蚀性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
南岭  杜灵通  展秀丽 《土壤》2014,46(2):204-211
土壤风蚀可蚀性是风蚀研究的重要内容,也是进行土壤风蚀预报的重要参数。本文对土壤风蚀可蚀性的相关概念进行了阐释,从土壤颗粒及团聚体、土壤水分、土壤结皮、地表不可蚀物质、土地利用方式和空间尺度等6个方面对风蚀可蚀性控制因素的研究进行了综合评述。然后对土壤风蚀可蚀性的指标按照间接指标和直接指标两个类别进行了归纳,同时也对各个指标的监测方法进行了总结。在此基础上,对未来土壤风蚀可蚀性的研究方向进行了展望,讨论了土壤风蚀可蚀性研究需要关注的热点问题。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺对扰动红壤可蚀性及临界剪切力的影响   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
为了利用化学措施防治工程水土流失,研究了聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)对扰动红壤土壤可蚀性及临界剪切力的影响。采用室内人工模拟降雨试验,探讨了5o、10o、15o、20o、25o 5种坡度,0.8、1.1、1.4 mm/min 3种雨强下不同土壤处理后坡面水动力学参数、径流输沙率与流量、土壤可蚀性及临界剪切力的变化关系。试验结果表明,在相同的径流流量下,对照的输沙率是施加PAM后的300倍;施加PAM后,红壤扰动土的可蚀性由13.223 g/(min·N)降低到0.2693 g/(min·N),径流的临界剪切力大小由0.77 N/(m2·min)增加到1.47 N/(m2·min)。施加PAM可显著降低土壤可蚀性,增加径流临界剪切力。研究成果为PAM应用于工程水土流失防治提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为探讨自然条件下黄土高原地区刺槐林地枯落物和根系对土壤侵蚀的影响。采用5个坡度(8.7%,17.6%,26.8%,36.4%和46.6%)及3种流量(0.5,1.0,2.0 L/s)分别在有枯落物覆盖、去除枯落物的植被和裸坡样地进行试验,探讨刺槐林地枯落物和根系对土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明,枯落物和根系对土壤侵蚀有显著影响,当枯落物厚度超过3 cm、根系密度>0.5 kg/m3时,土壤侵蚀量减小程度趋于稳定。与裸坡相比,刺槐林地土壤侵蚀量减少约55%,且根系和枯落物对土壤侵蚀量减少的贡献率分别为66%和34%。此外,枯落物与根系可降低土壤可蚀性,增加土壤剪切力,进而增强土壤的抗蚀能力。与裸坡相比,有枯落物覆盖和去除枯落物覆盖的植被样地土壤可蚀性分别降低80%和66%,土壤剪切力分别提高285%和237%。研究结果为揭示森林植被的土壤侵蚀机制提供新的思路,对改善黄土高原的植被建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

水力梯度影响下WEPP模型估计细沟侵蚀参数的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析近地表水文条件影响下WEPP(Water Erosion Prediction Project)模型估计细沟可蚀性和临界剪切力的可行性,该研究选取长江中上游地区典型黄壤为研究对象,采用不同水力梯度值模拟饱和/渗流(水力梯度为0、0.71和1.43 m/m)和排水(水力梯度为?0.71和?1.43 m/m)2种近地表水文条件,并设置3个放水流量(0.55、1.58、2.51 L/min),利用"V"形试验土槽测定不同条件下细沟产流产沙,以WEPP模型估算的土壤可蚀性和临界剪切力为计算值。测定增大流量直到侵蚀开始并出现连续不断的土壤颗粒分离时所对应的流量,将基于此流量计算获得的临界剪切力作为实测值。比较临界剪切力计算值与实测值验证WEPP模型估算的可靠性。结果表明,在饱和/渗流条件下,土壤剥蚀率随着冲刷历时的增加逐渐减小;在排水条件下,放水流量为0.55 L/min的土壤剥蚀率随冲刷历时的增加快速减少并逐步稳定,而随着放水流量增大土壤剥蚀率波动的更为剧烈。5个水力梯度平均细沟可蚀性为2.51×10?2 s/m。饱和/渗流条件下细沟可蚀性为3.07×10?2 s/m,是排水条件的1.78倍。除水力梯度为?1.43 m/m时临界剪切力在WEPP模型中的计算值与实测值相符外,在?0.71~1.43 m/m范围内,临界剪切力的计算值均高估了实测值,平均高估了36.85%。临界剪切力实测值与计算值呈指数函数关系(R2=0.77,P0.01)。该研究可为黄壤的侵蚀防治及WEPP细沟侵蚀模型临界剪切力修正提供理论支持和科学指导。  相似文献   

为揭示季节性冻融区土壤侵蚀阻力的变化机制,确定影响土壤侵蚀阻力主控因子,通过室内冻融模拟、水槽冲刷和土壤抗剪试验,对黄绵土(SM粉质壤土)、风沙土(WS砂壤土)和黑土(KS黏壤土)侵蚀阻力影响因素进行研究。结果表明:(1)随着冻融循环次数增加,细沟可蚀性值逐渐升高,而临界剪切力降低。经历10次冻融循环后,SM粉质壤土、WS砂壤土和KS黏壤土的细沟可蚀性分别增加76%,63%,11%,临界剪切力分别减小37%,13%,91%。(2)细沟可蚀性随土壤抗剪强度、黏聚力和内摩擦角增大而减小,临界剪切力则呈相反趋势。与内摩擦角相比,黏聚力更适合用来表征土壤侵蚀阻力。采用黏聚力对SM粉质壤土、WS砂壤土和KS黏壤土的细沟可蚀性进行预测,决定系数(R2)分别为0.42,0.78,0.50,平均为0.57;对临界剪切力的预测效果较差,决定系数(R2)分别为0.16,0.14,0.18,平均仅为0.16。(3)根据皮尔逊相关分析结果,基于土壤的初始含水率、冻融循环次数、力学特性以及土壤参数等分别建立细沟可蚀性(R2=0.85)和临界剪切力...  相似文献   

Grazing animals provide a livelihood for farmers, but they may also produce adverse environmental effects. We investigated whether grazing leads to deterioration of soil physical properties that subsequently increases topsoil erodibility. We sampled three sites (an ungrazed grassland, a continuously grazed grassland, and a track trampled by stock) on the northern Loess Plateau of China. The bulk density, water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and resistance to scouring were determined for each soil sample. The results showed that the track had the highest soil bulk density and the lowest soil water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and ability to resist scouring. The ungrazed plots had the best results for these parameters, in terms of reduced erosion. Soil bulk density and the proportion of stable aggregates differed significantly with depth beneath the track. However, the effect of depth on water content, infiltration rate, and the soil resistance to scouring was not significant at any sampling site. The ability of the soil to resist scouring was negatively correlated with the soil's bulk density and positively correlated with the soil's water content, infiltration rate, and proportion of stable aggregates. Thus, soil physical properties played an important role in determining soil erodibility. Grazing and trampling by livestock therefore appear to cause deterioration of soil physical properties and to increase soil erodibility.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion studies have mainly focused on the effect of topography and cultivation practices on soil translocation during tillage. However, the possible effect of initial soil conditions on soil displacement and soil erosion during tillage have not been considered. This study aims at investigating the effect of the initial soil conditions on net soil displacement and the associated erosion rates by a given tillage operation of a stony loam soil. Tillage erosion experiments were carried out with a mouldboard plough on a freshly ploughed (pre-tilled) soil and a soil under grass fallow in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal).

The experimental results show that both the downslope displacement of soil material and the rate of increase of the downslope displacement with slope gradient are greater when the soil is initially in a loose condition. This was attributed to: (i) a greater tillage depth on the pre-tilled soil and (ii) a reduced internal cohesion of the pre-tilled soil, allowing clods to roll and/or slide down the plough furrow after being overturned by the mouldboard plough.

An analysis of additional available data on soil translocation by mouldboard tillage showed that downslope displacement distances were only significantly related to the slope gradient when tillage is carried out in the downslope direction. When tillage is carried out in the upslope direction, the effect of slope gradient on upslope displacement distances was not significant. This has important implications for the estimation of the tillage transport coefficient, which is a measure for the intensity of tillage erosion, from experimental data. For our experiments, estimated values of the tillage transport coefficient were 70 and 254 kg m−1 per tillage operation for grass fallow and pre-tilled conditions, respectively, corresponding to local maximum erosion rates of ca. 8 and 35 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation and local maximum deposition rates of ca. 33 and 109 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation.  相似文献   

From 1983 to 1989 an erosion-productivity study was conducted in Iowa. The primary objective of this project was to determine the effects of accelerated erosion and its interactions with other variables on soil productivity, as measured by corn yields of loess and till-derived soils in Iowa. Multiple regression techniques were used to relate corn yields to erosion and selected soil, climatic, and weather variables. Organic matter content of the soils was significantly correlated with erosion phase. Yields of till-derived soils decreased more with increasing degree of erosion than loess-derived soils. The conclusions are based on data collected at 569 sites located in 44 Iowa counties.  相似文献   

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