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The caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus (CAEV) causes a lifelong persistent infection in goats, and induces infiltrations of leucocytes and tissue reorganization in target organs, with a cyclical pattern of viral expression. The mammary gland is an important site of infection, associated with mother-to-kid transmission by infected cells in colostrum and milk. The monocyte/macrophage is the principal target cell, but other cell types, including epithelial and endothelial cells and fibroblasts, are susceptible to in vitro infection with varying levels of viral replication. Such cells, perhaps at specific differentiation states, might play a role in the regulation and transfer of in vivo infection in target organs. In this paper we describe the in vitro infection of endothelial cell monolayers by the transmigration of monocytes carrying the CAEV provirus. The infected endothelial cells progress to expression of the viral p30 capsid antigen, suggesting viral proliferation. Such a process occurring in vivo during angiogenesis and leucocyte homing to the mammary gland in the final third of mammogenesis, might contribute to viral spread in this crucial target organ.  相似文献   

Nisin, a lantibiotic bacteriocin, has been used for years as a natural food preservative. In addition to its antimicrobial activity, nisin also shows immunomodulatory properties, and the nisin‐producing Lactococcus lactis strain has been successfully tested as a probiotic in weaned piglets. However, the impact of nisin on porcine immune cells has not yet been explored. The objective of the present study was to examine the in vitro immunomodulatory effect of nisin on porcine peripheral blood leucocytes. The whole heparinized blood samples or freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were incubated with different nisin concentrations (0, 1.56, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25 or 50 µg/ml) for 1, 24, 48 or 72 hr. Escherichia coli bacteria were used to stimulate blood phagocytes, while concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide from E. coli were used as mitogens. Control cells remained unstimulated. MTT colorimetric assay was used to evaluate PBMCs viability and mitogenic response. Phagocyte activity and T‐cell proliferation were measured by flow cytometry. Flow cytometer was also used for immunophenotyping of T cells. Cytokine levels in the culture media were determined using commercial immunoassay (ELISA) kits. The highest concentration of nisin exhibited proliferative activity (p ? 0.05), stimulated interleukin‐1 beta (IL‐1β) and interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) production (both at p ? 0.001), and increased the percentage of CD4+CD8+ T cells (p ? 0.001) among unstimulated leucocytes. After cell stimulation, however, the highest nisin concentration showed antiproliferative activity (p ? 0.05), decreased phagocytic functions (p ? 0.05) and inhibited the synthesis of IL‐6 (time‐ and concentration‐dependent effect). As a typical bacterial product, nisin had a stronger impact on innate immune cells, and its effect on T cells was likely a consequence of the modulation of the activity of antigen‐presenting cells. Nisin may be a good candidate as an immunomodulator in pig breeding.  相似文献   

Eighteen male cats were fed either a canned complete diet or a commercially available dry pelleted diet or the same dry diet containing 1.6 per cent ammonium chloride. The daily food and water intake of four of these cats was measured. Urine samples were taken at random and the pH and the presence of struvite crystals in their sediment estimated. In some samples in which the pH was less than 7.0, and struvite crystals were absent, the pH was increased to 7.0 and any sediment was examined for struvite. No spontaneous struvite was seen in urine samples (pH 5.8) from cats fed the canned complete diet but when its pH was raised to 7.0, 46 per cent of these samples showed struvite. Cats fed the dry pelleted diet had urine of higher pH (7.55) and 78 per cent of the samples contained struvite crystals. Cats fed this diet supplemented with ammonium chloride had a urine pH of 5.97 and only 9 per cent contained struvite crystals but when the pH was adjusted to 7.0 all the samples showed struvite crystals. Energy intake was similar on all three diets but the intake of dry matter was greater on the dry diets. Liquid water intake was greater on the dry diets but total water intake was greatest on the canned complete diet. The intake of magnesium, calcium and phosphate was greater on the dry diets. It is concluded that urine pH is a more important controller of struvite precipitation than mineral intake.  相似文献   

Young cultures of rainbow trout macrophages were found to significantly increase in diameter following addition of muramyl dipeptide or of supernatants from testis/FCA sensitised leucocytes incubated with spermatozoa, or a testis extract. However, such supernatants caused little migration inhibition or increase in phagocytosis of spermatozoa by macrophages, whereas opsonization of spermatozoa with anti-sperm serum caused an almost six-fold increase in phagocytosis. These results suggest an interplay between humoral and cell-mediated immune reactions upon macrophages during experimental autoimmunity to the testis in trout.  相似文献   

The cause of cystitis in many cats remains unknown. The aim of this study was to determine whether or not any environmental or behavioural factors, particularly those that could be considered potentially stressful, were associated with feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). The questionnaire-based study involved comparing 31 cats with FIC to 24 cats in the same households that did not have cystitis. They were also compared with a control population of 125 clinically healthy cats. Compared with the live-in controls and the control population, the cats with FIC were significantly more likely to be male, overweight and pedigree. Several stress factors were found to be associated with FIC. The factor that stood out most prominently was living with another cat with which there was conflict. The findings support the hypothesis that stress may be implicated in some cases of FIC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the in vitro effects of cecal contents incubated with corn starch on colonic permeability in horses. ANIMALS: 4 healthy adult ponies. PROCEDURE: Mucosal specimens were obtained from the right ventral colon and mounted in Ussing chambers. Changes in short circuit current, conductance, and large-molecule permeability in response to addition of cecal contents and cecal contents incubated with corn starch were evaluated for 120 minutes. RESULTS: Incubation of cecal contents with corn starch for 8 hours resulted in a decrease in cecal content pH and an increase in lactic acid concentration. These changes were similar to those reported in vivo for ponies given corn starch. Exposure of colonic mucosa to cecal contents incubated with corn starch resulted in an increase in tissue conductance and permeability of technetium Tc 99m pentetate, compared with mucosa exposed to cecal contents alone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In vitro exposure of colonic mucosa to cecal contents incubated with starch resulted in increased paracellular permeability. Fermentation of excessive amounts of carbohydrate in the intestinal lumen of horses may directly induce increased intestinal permeability associated with carbohydrate-induced laminitis.  相似文献   

Polymorphs collected from ewes which had been infected with live staphylococci and immunised with a killed staphylococcal vacccine, had significantly enhanced capacity for phagocytosis of staphylococci compared with polymorphs from ewes which received only a killed vaccine. The numbers of viable bacteria were greatly reduced when blood serum or whey were incorporated in incubation mixtures compared to incubation mixtures containing only polymorphs and staphylococci. When serum was used in the incubation mixtures, the numbers of staphylococci which survived were significantly less than when colostral or milk whey was used. No significant difference was observed between whey collected from locally immunised mammary glands and that from non-immunised glands within each group.  相似文献   

The effect on water and electrolyte balance of stress, simulated by intravenous infusion of cortisol, was studied using 24 18-mo-old Merino wethers (37.0 +/- 0.94 kg mean body weight [BW]) over 72 h. The sheep were allocated to one of four groups: 1) no water/no cortisol (n = 6); 2) water/no cortisol (n = 4); 3) no water/cortisol (n = 6); and 4) water/cortisol (n = 4). Animals allocated to the two cortisol groups were given 0.1 mg x kg BW(-1) x h(-1) of hydrocortisone suspended in isotonic saline to simulate stress for the duration of the experiment. Total body water, plasma cortisol, osmolality and electrolytes, and urine electrolytes were determined at 24-h intervals for 72 h. In the presence of cortisol, total body water was maintained in the face of a water deprivation insult for 72 h. Water deprivation alone did not induce elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol, in spite of a 13% loss of total body water between 48 and 72 h. Infusion of cortisol was found to increase urine output (P = 0.003) and decrease total urinary sodium output (P = 0.032), but had no effect on plasma electrolyte levels or water intake. Water deprivation was found to increase plasma sodium concentrations (P = 0.037). These results indicate that sheep given cortisol to simulate stress suffer from a loss of body water in excess of that associated with a loss of electrolytes, and support the hypothesis that elevated physiological concentrations of cortisol induce a diuresis in ruminants that contributes to dehydration.  相似文献   

Plasma metabolites and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) concentrations and enzyme activities of some types of peripheral leucocytes were measured to clarify one aspect of the differences in nutrient metabolism between dogs and cats. There were no significant differences in plasma concentrations of glucose, triglyceride, free fatty acids and IRI between dogs and cats. Higher total cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations were observed in feline plasma, and H/T ratio (HDL/total cholesterol concentrations) was significantly lower than that in canine plasma. The cytosolic activities of fructokinase (FK), pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly higher and the activities of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) were significantly lower in feline leucocytes than those in canine leucocytes. Higher activities of FK, PK and G6PD, which regulate the rate of biosynthesis of fatty acids, may reflect the different characteristics in nutrient metabolism in feline tissues from canine tissues.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Although subclinical airway inflammation is thought to be common in horses, there is little information on its prevalence and none on risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for an increased number of inflammatory cells and for mucus accumulation in the trachea of pleasure horses. METHODS: Horses (n = 266) in stables (n = 21) in Michigan were examined endoscopically, once in winter and once in summer 2004. Visible tracheal mucoid secretions were graded 0-5 and inflammatory cell numbers counted in a tracheal lavage sample. Information collected about each horse included age, gender, presence of cough, percent time indoors and source of roughage. The repeated measures were analysed by generalised estimating equations and linear mixed models. RESULTS: Horses eating hay, especially from round bales, had the most neutrophils, whereas horses feeding from pasture had the fewest. Being female and being outdoors in winter were associated with increased numbers of inflammatory cells. Older horses had fewer macrophages than young horses. More than 70% of horses had >20% neutrophils in tracheal lavage. Twenty percent of horses had a mucus accumulation score >1; 17% had both a mucus score >1 and >20% neutrophils. The significant risk factors for mucus accumulation >1 were age >15 years, feeding on hay as compared to pasture, and being outdoors for more than 80% time in winter. Even though mucus accumulation score >1 was a risk factor for cough, only half of such horses coughed. Cough and mucus accumulation were associated with increased number of neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison to pasture feeding, hay feeding, particularly from round bales, was associated with an increased number of neutrophils in the airway. Being outdoors in winter was associated with increased numbers of inflammatory cells and with mucus accumulation. Because 70% of horses have >20% neutrophils, this value should not be used as the sole indicator of airway inflammation. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The study reinforces the importance of hay feeding and older age as risk factors for inflammatory airway disease. Horses that do not have 'heaves' may be best kept indoors when winters are cold.  相似文献   

农业部大力推行兽药GMP的工作,在近年来取得很大的进展。在今年九月份成都举办的农业部《兽药GMP检查员培训班》上,据农业部药政处领导宣布:“通过农业部兽药GMP检查验收的兽药生产企业已达到了71家”。估计到今年年底,可能有百余家兽药生产企业可通过兽药GMP检查验收。按乐观的估计,到2005年12月31日,可能有400~500家兽药生产企业可通过兽药GMP检查验收。一些未达到兽药GMP标准的兽药生产企业届时将被取消生产许可证,被淘汰出局。这样,农业部全面整顿兽药生产行业的目标将会顺利达到,我国的兽药生产将以全新的面目出现在世人的面…  相似文献   

<正>由于鱼油的有限供给和过量消耗,以及其中可能积蓄的二英和多氯联苯,水产养殖业迫切需要采用其它脂肪源替代饲料中的鱼油。最近几年,为降低水  相似文献   

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