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Soil food webs respond to anthropogenic and natural environmental variables and gradients. We studied abundance, connectance (a measure of the trophic interactions within each channel), and diversity in three different channels of the soil food web, each comprised of a resource-consumer pair: the microbivore channel (microbes and their nematode grazers), the plant–herbivore channel (plants and plant-feeding nematodes), and the predator–prey channel (predatory nematodes and their nematode prey), and their associations with different gradients in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape that consisted of intensive row crop agriculture and grazed non-irrigated grasslands in central California. Samples were taken at three positions in relation to water channels: water’s edge, bench above waterway, and the adjacent arable or grazed field. Nematode communities, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers, and soil properties (NH4+-N, NO3-N, total N, total C, pH, P, bulk density and soil texture) were measured, and riparian health ratings were scored. Environmental variables were obtained from publicly-available data sources (slope, elevation, available water capacity, erodability, hydraulic conductivity, exchangeable cation capacity, organic matter, clay and sand content and pH).The abundance and richness in most food web components were higher in grazed grasslands than in intensive agricultural fields. Consumers contributed less than their resources to the abundance and richness of the community in all channels. The association between richness and abundance for each component was strongest for the lowest trophic links (microbes, as inferred by PLFA) and weakest for the highest (predatory nematodes). The trophic interactions for the predator–prey and plant–herbivore channels were greater in the grassland than in the cropland. Fields for crops or grazing supported more interactions than the water’s edge in the plant–herbivore and microbivore channels. Connectance increased with the total richness of each community. Higher connectance within the microbivore and predator–prey soil food web channels were associated with soil NO3-N and elevation respectively, which served as surrogate indicators of high and low agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

 To study the effects of omnivory on the structure and function of soil food webs and on the control of trophic-level biomasses in soil, two food webs were established in microcosms. The first one contained fungi, bacteria, a fungivorous nematode (Aphelenchoides saprophilus) and a bacterivorous nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), and the second one fungi, bacteria, the fungivore and an omnivorous nematode (Mesodiplogaster sp.) feeding on both bacteria and the fungivore. Half of the replicates of each food web received additional glucose. The microcosms were sampled destructively at 5, 9, 13 and 19 weeks to estimate the biomass of microbes and nematodes and the soil NH4 +-N concentration. The evolution of CO2 was measured to assess microbial respiration. Microbial respiration was increased and soil NH4 +-N concentration decreased by the addition of glucose, whereas neither was affected by the food-web structure. Supplementary energy increased the biomass of fungi and the fungivore, but decreased the biomass of bacteria, the bacterivore and the omnivore. The omnivore achieved greater biomass than the bacterivore and reduced the bacterial biomass less than the bacterivore. The biomass of the fungivore was smaller in the presence of the omnivore than in the presence of the bacterivore at three sampling occasions. Fungal biomass was not affected by food-web structure. The results show that the effects of the omnivore were restricted to its resources, whereas more remote organisms and soil processes were not substantially influenced. The results also indicate that the presence of an omnivore does not necessarily alter the control of populations as compared with a food web containing distinct trophic levels, and that the fungal and bacterial channels may respond differently to changes in energy supply. Received: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

The detrital food web in a shortgrass prairie   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
Summary Several experimental approaches have been taken to demonstrate the importance of soil fauna in nitrogen mineralization, but there have been difficulties interpreting the results. We have supplemented the experimental approach with theoretical calculations of nitrogen transformations in a shortgrass prairie. The calculations incorporate a wide array of information on decomposer organisms, including their feeding preferences, nitrogen contents, life spans, assimilation efficiencies, productio:assimilation ratios, decomposabilities, and population sizes. The results are estimates of nitrogen transfer rates through the detrital food web, including rates of N mineralization by bacteria, fungi, root-feeding nematodes, collembolans, fungal-feeding mites, fungal-feeding nematodes, flagellates, bacterial-feeding nematodes, amoebae, omnivorous nematodes, predaceous nematodes, nematode-feeding mites, and predaceous mites.Bacteria are estimated to mineralize the most N (4.5 g N m–2 year–1), followed by the fauna (2.9), and fungi (0.3). Bacterial-feeding amoebae and nematodes together account for over 83% of N mineralization by the fauna.The detrital food web in a shortgrass prairie is similar to that of a desert grassland. The shortgrass detrital web seems to be divided into bacteria- and fungus-based components, although these two branches are united at the level of predaceous nematodes and mites.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   

This paper deals with migration of nematodes along nutrient gradients in soil. Portions of barley straw and green vetch leaves were mixed with soil and buried at 6, 12, 18, and 50 mm distance from each other in soil. During the following 12 weeks respiration activity, microbial (SIR) biomass, nitrogen limitation of respiration activity in soil slurries all indicated that nitrogen was transferred in the soil from the nutrient rich vetch to the nutrient poor barley at least during the first 3 weeks of the experiment. Twelve out of 39 taxonomic groups of nematodes showed different growth in the two plant material-soil mixtures. Only one of these taxonomic groups (long rhabditid larvae) suggested that migration could have contributed to population development; for three other groups (short rhabditid larvae, Aphelenchoides, and Bursilla) nutrient transport through the soil was the likely mechanism for a distance-dependant population development. We suggest that for most microbivorous nematodes, except larvae of fast growing bacterivores, migration over distances exceeding one centimetre does not contribute markedly to population development even when cues such as nutrient gradients to stimulate the activity exist.  相似文献   

Over the last four decades, spanning David Coleman's career, and in no small measure thanks to him, soil ecologists have made tremendous progress in describing and understanding the overwhelming complexity of biological, biophysical and biochemical interactions in soil. These interactions shape the soil as a habitat for the soil food web and the vegetation and, thereby, regulate the two main life-supporting processes on Planet Earth: production and decomposition. Changes in decomposition and production processes are governed by (human-induced) changes in vegetation composition/cover, the amounts and quality of organic residues and (in)organic fertilizers entering the soil. Such modifications alter the physical environment and the soil biota. Hence, decomposition and production processes cannot be understood and/or manipulated without explicitly addressing the composition and activity of the soil food web. Using a conceptual model, we argue that quantitative understanding of biophysical interactions, in particular those between soil fauna and soil structure, are paramount to understanding biological and biochemical processes in soil and the availability of water and nutrients to plants. The need to increase the efficiency of crop production worldwide, to reverse soil degradation and to increase soil resilience will set the agenda for soil ecologists in the near future.  相似文献   

土壤食物网及其生态功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
土壤食物网可定义为不同功能土壤生物类群之间形成的消费者-资源关系网络,包括腐食食物链和捕食食物链。简述了土壤食物网的研究意义及国内外研究现状,阐明了土壤食物网各结构成分在土壤生态系统中的功能作用。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵区不同土地利用方式对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对晋西北黄土高原丘陵区持续利用30年的小叶锦鸡儿人工林、农田、杨树林、小叶锦鸡儿和杨树的混交林地以及撂荒地的土壤理化性状进行了研究。结果表明,不同土地利用方式对土壤理化性质影响很大。小叶锦鸡儿和杨树的混交林以及小叶锦鸡儿人工林可以降低土壤容重,提高土壤酶活性、有机质和全N含量,从而改善土壤肥力。混交林和小叶锦鸡儿人工林的土壤培肥作用高于杨树纯林。粗放的农业耕作措施提高土壤容重,降低土壤养分含量,使土壤退化。撂荒地一定程度上可以起到培肥土壤的作用。在黄土高原丘陵区,种植小叶锦鸡儿人工林以及小叶锦鸡儿和杨树的混交林是较好的生态重建和植被恢复方式。  相似文献   

Summary Loss-on-ignition (LOI) and the organic C content have been used to estimate soil organic matter. Organic matter is often estimated from organic C by applying a factor of 1.724. Several authors have examined the relationship between LOI, used as an estimate of organic matter, and C by simple linear regressions. In the present study, this approach was examined in relation to two sets of data. LOI overestimates organic matter in soils with significant proportions of clay minerals because of bound water, and correcting for bound water gives some LOI: C ratios of less than 1. It is concluded that differences in the nature of the organic matter in different soils and horizons make the simple regression approach unsuitable. More attention needs to be paid to studies of the nature of the organic matter.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of applications of traditionally composted farmyard manure (FYM) and two types of biodynamically composted FYM over 9 years on soil chemical properties, microbial biomass and respiration, dehydrogenase and saccharase activities, decomposition rates and root production under grass-clover, activity and biomass of earthworms under wheat, and yields in a grass-clover, potatoes, winter wheat, field beans, spring wheat, winter rye crop rotation. The experiment was conducted near Bonn, on a Fluvisol using a randomised complete block design (n=6). Our results showed that plots which received either prepared or non-prepared FYM (30 Mg ha–1 year–1) had significantly increased soil pH, P and K concentrations, microbial biomass, dehydrogenase activity, decomposition (cotton strips), earthworm cast production and altered earthworm community composition than plots without FYM application. Application of FYM did not affect the soil C/N ratio, root length density, saccharase activity, microbial basal respiration, metabolic quotient and crop yields. The biodynamic preparation of FYM with fermented residues of six plant species (6 g Mg–1 FYM) significantly decreased soil microbial basal respiration and metabolic quotient compared to non-prepared FYM or FYM prepared with only Achillea. The biodynamic preparation did not affect soil microbial biomass, dehydrogenase activity and decomposition during 62 days. However, after 100 days, decomposition was significantly faster in plots which received completely prepared FYM than in plots which received no FYM, FYM without preparations or FYM with the Achillea preparation. Furthermore, the application of completely prepared FYM led to significantly higher biomass and abundance of endogeic or anecic earthworms than in plots where non-prepared FYM was applied.  相似文献   

Due to the dependence of soil organisms on plant derived carbon, disturbances in plant cover are thought to be detrimental for the persistence of soil biota. In this work, we studied the disturbance effects of plant removal and soil mixing and the mitigation effects of replanting on soil biota in a low-arctic meadow ecosystem. We set up altogether six replicate blocks, each including three randomized treatment plots, at two distinct fells at Kilpisjärvi, northern Finland. Vegetation was removed in two thirds of the plots: one third was then kept barren (the plant-removal treatment), while the other third was replanted with a local herb Solidago virgaurea. The remaining plots of intact vegetation were used as treatment comparisons. The responses of soil microbes and fauna were examined six years later in the early and late growing season. The biomass of bacteria, non-mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal fungi (estimated using PLFA markers) were on average 74%, 89% and 84% lower in the plant-removal and 64%, 74% and 71% lower in the Solidago replant plots than in the intact meadow. The positive effect of replanting was statistically significant for fungi, but not for bacteria. The PCA of relative PLFA concentrations further showed that the structure of the microbial community differed significantly among all three treatments. The abundance of nematodes and collembolans was on average 82 and 95% lower, but the total number of nematode genera and collembolan taxa only 27 and 7% lower in the plant-removal plots than in the intact meadow soil. Few disturbance effects on soil fauna were significantly mitigated by the Solidago replant (the plant parasitic nematodes being a notable exception) and in the case of the collembolans, the Solidago replant plots had even fewer animals than the plant-removal plots. The response of soil biota also varied with locality: the effects on fungivorous nematodes were found at one site only and the replant effects on the number and diversity of collembolan taxa varied with site. Our results suggest that despite drastic reductions in the abundance of soil biota, the majority of animal taxa can persist for years in disturbed arctic soils in the absence of vegetation. In contrast, the alleviating replant effects on the abundance of soil biota appear weak and may only partially reverse the negative effects of vegetation removal and soil disturbance.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of adding two organic wastes (cotton gin crushed compost, CGCC, and poultry manure, PM) to a saline soil (Salorthidic Fluvaquent) in dryland conditions near Seville (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain) was studied during a period of 5 years. Organic wastes were applied at rates of 5 and 10 t organic matter ha−1. One year after the assay began, spontaneous vegetation had appeared in the treated plots, particularly in that receiving a high PM dose. After 5 years the plant cover in this treated plot was around 80% (compared with the 8% of the control soil). The effect on the soils physical and chemical properties, soil microbial biomass, and six soil enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, protease, β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase, and phosphatase activities) were ascertained. Both added organic wastes had a positive effect on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, although at the end of the experimental period, the soil physical properties, such as bulk density, increased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (23%) and the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (50%) compared to the unamended soil. Water soluble carbohydrates and soil biochemical properties were higher in the PM-amended soils compared to the CGCC-amended soils (by 70% for water soluble carbohydrates, and by 34, 18, 37, 39, 40 and 30% for urease, protease, β-glucosidase, phosphatase, arylsulfatase and dehydrogenase activities, respectively). After 5 years, the percentage of plant cover was >50% in all treated plots and 8% in the control soil.  相似文献   

Tillage has been reported to reduce organic matter concentrations and increase organic matter turnover rates to a variable extent. The change of soil climate and the incorporation of aboveground C inputs within the soil lead to no unique effect on biodegradation rates, because of their strong interaction with the regional climate and the soil physical properties. The periodical perturbation of soil structure by tools and the subsequent drying–rewetting cycles may be the major factor increasing organic matter decomposition rates by exposing the organic matter that is physically protected in microaggregates to biodegradation. This paper reviews the assessed effects of tillage on organic matter, the scale, extent and mechanisms of physical protection of organic matter in soils.  相似文献   

不同土壤类型下AM 真菌分布多样性及与土壤因子的关系   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
以禾本科植物群落为研究对象, 研究了宁夏六盘山林地、银川农耕地、暖泉农耕地、固原农耕地、盐池沙地、灵武沙地6 个采样地点5 种土壤类型(黑垆土、灌淤土、黄绵土、灰钙土、风沙土)下AM 真菌物种多样性及其与土壤因子的关系。结果表明: 5 种土壤类型采样点的植被根际土壤中共鉴定出5 属48 种AM真菌, 其中, 无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)1 种, 巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora)3 种, 球囊霉属(Glomus)37 种, 类球囊霉属(Paraglomus)1 种, 盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)6 种, 各采样点土壤均以球囊霉属为优势属。地球囊霉(G.geosporum)和木薯球囊霉(G. manihotis)是6 个采样地点中的优势种。不同土壤类型各采样点AM 真菌各属的频度存在明显差异, 球囊霉属在各点均有出现, 频度值最高。具有较高植被多样性的暖泉样点, AM 真菌的种属数量较多。土壤环境因子对AM 真菌孢子密度的影响因所处土壤、植被类型不同而异。pH、全盐、速效钾、速效磷等土壤肥力因子, 在PCA 轴上能最大程度地解释AM 真菌孢子密度与土壤环境因子之间相互关系的大部分信息。宁夏不同土壤类型区域中AM 真菌种类及分布一定程度上与该采样点的植被类型、植物多样性和土壤肥力特征相对应。  相似文献   

在广州市蔬菜集约化种植区连续进行了6茬菜心试验,探讨有机肥施用模式[施无机肥(CK)、无机肥配施国产生物有机肥(BM)、无机肥配施腐殖酸(HA)、无机肥配合淋施复合芽孢杆菌剂(BSP)、无机肥配施腐殖酸并淋施复合芽孢杆菌剂(HA+BSP)、无机肥配施水沤腐熟鸡粪并淋施复合芽孢杆菌剂(CM+BSP)、无机肥配施复合芽孢杆菌剂堆沤腐熟鸡粪(BSPCM)]对蔬菜产量、土壤化学性质及微生物的影响。结果表明,不同茬别菜心产量差别较大。连续6茬试验中,CM+BSP处理菜心产量均为最高且显著高于CK处理,BSPCM处理菜心产量仅次于CM+BSP处理。BM、CM+BSP、BSPCM处理能提高土壤pH,降低连作土壤的酸化风险。随着种植茬数的增加,CM+BSP处理土壤细菌、真菌和微生物总数持续增加,显著高于原始土壤和其他施肥处理,BSPCM处理次之。CK处理土壤中细菌、真菌及微生物总量均比原始土壤下降。在连作菜地蔬菜生产中,在施用无机肥基础上配施适量水沤腐熟鸡粪,并在蔬菜生长过程中淋施复合芽孢杆菌剂,不但可提高蔬菜产量,而且具有培肥、活化和改良土壤生物质量的作用,有利于减轻蔬菜连作障碍,实现集约化蔬菜种植的可持续发展。  相似文献   

 The influence of compaction on Diplocardia ornata (Smith) burrowing and casting activities, soil aggregation, and nutrient changes in a forest soil were investigated using pot microcosms. Treatments included two levels each of compaction, organic matter, and earthworms. Both burrowing and casting activities were more abundant in uncompacted soil than in compacted soil. Bulk density decreased in microcosms of compacted soil containing D. ornata from 1.76 g cm–3 to 1.49 g cm–3 over the study period. The overall percent of aggregates in the same size classes in compacted soil was less than the percent of aggregates in uncompacted soil. The mean percent of aggregates in earthworm casts for size classes 0.25–1.00 mm was higher for compacted soil than for uncompacted soil. The reverse was true for aggregates in class sizes 2.00–4.00 mm. Soil compaction also affected soil microbial biomass carbon and soil inorganic N concentrations. These results indicate that the burrowing and casting activities of earthworms in compacted forest soils, as in soils of agricultural and pastured lands, can help ameliorate disturbed soils by improving aggregation, reducing bulk density, and increasing nutrient availability. Received: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibiotic production loci in soil is a key issue of current research aimed to unravel the mechanisms underlying the suppressiveness of soil to plant pathogens. Pyrrolnitrin (PRN) is a key antibiotic involved in the suppression of a range of phytopathogenic fungi. Therefore, field soils from different agricultural regimes, including permanent grassland, arable land under common agricultural rotation and arable land under maize monoculture, were investigated in respect of the prevalence of pyrrolnitrin biosynthetic loci. Primers for detection of the prnD gene were used for initial PCR/hybridisation-based assessments. By this method, evidence was obtained for the contention that PRN production loci were most prevalent in grasslands, however, robust quantitative data were not achieved.To quantify the prevalence of PRN biosynthetic loci, we designed a TaqMan PCR system based on the prnD gene for the real-time quantitative detection of this production locus in soil. The system was found to be specific for prnD sequences from Pseudomonas, Serratia and Burkholderia species. Using pure culture DNA, the prnD gene was detectable down to a level of 60 fg, or approximately 10 gene copies, per amplification reaction. Application of the system to soil DNA spiked with different levels of the target DNA indicated that, in a soil DNA background, specific amplification could be obtained to about the same level of sensitivity.Field soil samples obtained from the different agricultural regimes were then screened for the prevalence of prnD with the real-time PCR system. The quantitative data obtained suggested a strongly enhanced presence of prnD genes in grassland or grassland-derived plots, as compared to the prevalence of this biosynthetic locus in the arable land plots. The implications of these findings are placed in the context of the suppressiveness of soil to phytopathogens, notably Rhizoctonia solani AG3.  相似文献   

The relationships between roots and soil communities are not well understood. We used the ingrowth-core method with L-, FH-, and M-layer substrates to investigate the relationships among soil organic carbon, fine root biomass, hyphal length and the numbers of soil microarthropods. The study was carried out in a temperate forest of the arbuscular mycorrhizal conifer, Chamaecyparis obtusa. The relationships among fine roots, fungi and soil microarthropods were different among soil substrates and faunal taxa. Soil carbon contents, fine root biomass, hyphal length and soil-microarthropod numbers were the highest in the FH-substrate, and the lowest in the M-substrate. For each substrate, the total numbers of soil microarthropods did not positively correlated with soil organic carbon. A positive correlation between fine root biomass and the soil microarthropod numbers was significant only in the M-substrate, but not in the L- and FH-substrates. In M-substrates, strong positive correlations were found between fine root biomass or hyphal length and Mesostigmata or Oribatida numbers, but Collembola numbers were not corelated. Further studies of the regulation mechanism of soil food web structures should note that the soil microarthropods have different responses to C sources according to soil conditions and trophic interactions.  相似文献   

许多研究发现有机管理可以改善农田土壤质量,但是否不同土地利用方式下都存在此结论尚未明确。为探究有机管理对不同土地利用方式土壤质量的影响,本研究基于一个多土地利用方式的有机管理农场及其附近常规管理农田进行土壤质量调查,对比不同管理措施及大棚菜地、果园、露天菜地、农田边界、稻田田埂5种土地利用方式下农田土壤质量的差异,并对不同管理措施下农田土壤养分含量、重金属含量、动物数量共计20个指标进行方差分析和主成分分析。研究发现虽然总体上(综合5种土地利用方式的均值)有机管理的土壤pH显著高于常规农田;但针对一种土地利用方式,只有露天菜地和农田边界的土壤pH显著提高。总体上有机管理下土壤全磷、全钾、有效磷含量显著降低,但露天菜地土壤有机质和全氮含量均显著高于常规管理农田。有机管理在总体上显著降低了土壤Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn含量;但针对一种土地利用方式,只显著降低了大棚菜地土壤Cr、Ni、Zn含量,果园和稻田田埂土壤Cu含量,露天菜地和农田边界土壤Zn含量。有机管理虽然总体上均显著增加了土壤中蜘蛛目、倍足纲、步甲、蚯蚓的数量;但针对一种土地利用方式,只显著增加了露天菜地地表蜘蛛目、倍足纲、步甲,稻田田埂地表步甲、土壤蚯蚓以及果园倍足纲数量。主成分分析结果表明,不同管理方式下土壤质量差异明显,有机管理下蜘蛛目、倍足纲、步甲和蚯蚓等土壤动物较多,土壤pH较高,土壤P含量较低,重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr含量较低,但并非在所有土地利用方式下都成立。由此可见,有机管理虽然总体上可以改善土壤质量,但受具体管理措施、人为投入品数量和有机种植时间等因素影响,并非在所有土地利用方式下效果都显著,且在不同土地利用方式下显著改善的指标也各不相同,因此需要针对不同土地利用方式和不同指标采取针对性的改善措施。  相似文献   

施用有机肥对土壤生物性状影响的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
施肥是农业生态系统中的重要一环,因土壤生物特性如土壤酶活力、微生物量、呼吸以及生物多样性等对外来扰动的灵敏性优于理化特性而在近几年受到了广泛关注。长期配施有机肥能显著调节土壤营养环境,提高微生物碳氮含量,降低代谢呼吸商值并提高多种土壤酶的活力和土壤生物多样性,为作物稳产高产创造良好的土壤生态环境,而化肥施用的效果恰相反。土壤生物特性的变动关系到土壤质量、农业生产的产量以及生态系统的稳定,本文综述了近几年国内外关于施用有机肥对土壤生物性质影响的研究结果。  相似文献   

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