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1. Cobb broiler breeders were fed to achieve typical body weight targets (2.1 kg at 20 weeks) on 6-, 8-, 10- or 16-h fully or intermittently illuminated (Biomittent) photoperiods in controlled-environment housing to 20 weeks, then moved to open-sided housing and 16-h photoperiods to 60 weeks. 2. At each photoperiod, birds given Biomittent lighting had heavier body weights up to 42 d, lighter body weights between 49 and 140 d, but similar body weights at sexual maturity. 3. Irrespective of lighting type, birds given 8-h photoperiods matured 3 to 4 d earlier than 6- or 10-h birds, but all matured=15 d before 16-h birds. 4. There were no significant differences between the 6-, 8- or 10-h groups for total eggs, mean egg weight or egg mass output, but all three produced=13 more, but =0.5 g smaller, eggs and =0.83 kg more egg mass to 60 weeks than 16-h birds. The proportion of abnormally large eggs was low (0.73/bird) and similar for all lighting groups. Egg production for a given period after sexual maturity was similar for all groups, and so differences among groups could be explained by the differences in age at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

1. Mean metabolisable energy (ME) intakes and heat productions over a laying year were calculated for laying hens which had been submitted to one of various lighting regimens and given either a normal or a high energy ration during the rearing period.

2. Daily ME intake and heat production per hen in the laying period were unaffected by either lighting regimen or grower diet. ME intake per kg W 0.75 and heat production per kg W 0.75 during lay increased significantly with laying photoperiod, was non‐significantly higher following an 8‐h rather than an 11‐h rearing photoperiod, but was unaffected by dietary energy concentration. The increase in heat production (/kgW°‘75) associated with a 1‐h increment in photoperiod was similar to predictions made from calorimetric measurements of diurnal variation.

3. Efficiency of conversion of food to egg was unaffected by either lighting regimen or dietary energy concentration.

4. Fat weight gain in lay was not influenced by lighting regimen, but was significantly lower in birds reared on the high, compared to the normal, energy grower ration. Fat‐free weight gain in lay was unaffected by grower diet, but was significantly increased by photoperiods longer than 8 h.

5. ME intake and heat production per kgW^075 were negatively correlated with age at first egg, but ME intake and heat production per bird d were not related to age at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

1. Two hundred and sixty four dwarf broiler breeder hens were subjected to ad libitum or restricted feeding and to four lighting patterns: 15L (bright light):9D (dark), 15L:9d (dim light), 2L:10d: 1L:11d, (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

2. Breeder hens fed ad libitum and subjected to either conventional or intermittent lighting ingested respectively, 25 g and 14 to 17 g more than hens restricted to 115 g/d.

3. Body weight was greater in hens fed ad libitum irrespective of the lighting pattern and of the amount of food intake.

4. Persistency of egg production was impaired by intermittent lighting.

5. Ad libitum feeding reduced egg fertility. The decrease was larger in breeder hens on intermittent lighting.

6. Hatchability was increased in hens submitted to the symmetrical lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d).

7. Egg and chick weights were higher in hens fed ad libitum.

8. Shell index and shell breaking strength increased in restricted hens on the intermittent lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

9. The best performance was obtained in restricted hens on the conventional lighting pattern.  相似文献   

为了研究本交笼对肉种鸡生产性能、种蛋品质及繁殖性能的影响,试验组选择108只29周龄的健康罗斯308肉种鸡,公母比例1∶8,随机分为6笼,每组16只母鸡、2只公鸡,以同舍内"两高一低"平养模式大群为对照组,比较种鸡产蛋性能、种蛋品质、孵化性能及行为差异。结果显示:本交笼养模式下种鸡产蛋率、破蛋率有升高趋势,料蛋比呈下降趋势;与平养模式相比,本交笼养模式下肉种鸡种蛋的平均蛋重极显著提高(P<0.01),蛋形指数显著增加(P<0.05),蛋壳厚度显著增加(P<0.05),蛋壳亮度L值极显著降低(P<0.01);2种饲养模式下,肉种鸡种蛋的受精率、种蛋的孵化率及后代健雏率没有明显差异(P>0.05),但本交笼饲养肉种鸡后代雏鸡初生重显著增大(P<0.01);动物行为观察发现,种鸡在本交笼内自由舒适,分布均匀,饮水采食频率增加,不存在扎堆现象,几乎没有打斗行为,说明本交笼内动物福利水平更高。提示:肉种鸡本交笼养模式可以应用于肉种鸡生产。  相似文献   

1. The performance of brown egg laying hens was compared under conventional and asymmetrical interrupted-lighting conditions. 2. Egg numbers and mean weight were similar under the two conditions, provided the apparent day perceived by the hen was the same under both lighting treatments. 3. Daily food intakes of intermittently-illuminated hens were not significantly lower than those of conventionally-lit birds. However, the reductions were of the magnitude reported in the literature and observed under commercial conditions. 4. Shell quality was unaffected by interrupted lighting in the period up to 60 weeks of age in two of the 4 genotypes studied. All breeds had lower shell weights under interrupted lighting in the last three months of lay. 5. Intermittently-lit hens had lower body weights, which approached significance, and significantly less carcase fat. There were no differences in ash, protein (N x 6.25) or water contents of the carcases, or in fat content at a given body weight. 6. There were no significant differences in the production responses of the 4-brown-egg hybrids to interrupted lighting. 7. Diets with differing concentrations of energy and protein were included in both trials, but there was no evidence of interaction between these nutritional treatments and the lighting treatments.  相似文献   

铬是人和动物机体所必需的一种元素,能够作为“葡萄糖耐量因子”(Glucosetolerancefactor,GTF)的活性成分与胰岛素发挥协同作用,参与糖、脂类、蛋白质和核酸代谢。试验表明,铬在提高生产性能,调节内分泌,提高胴体品质,影响免疫反应,改善糖和矿物质代谢等方面均发挥一定的作用,但这些试验大多以家畜为研究对象,且强调将应激作为铬发挥作用的客观和先决条件。国内外对家禽添加铬研究较少,对蛋鸡的研究则更少,一些结果也很不一致。目前,已确定铬能提高存活率,缺铬会导致鸡羽毛大量脱落,过量则引起死亡(翟桂玉,1992)。大量的动物临床试验已证…  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of broiler breeder egg weight on egg quality, chick quality, and broiler performance using Hubbard Classic broiler breeder flock. Hatching eggs from a commercial broiler breeder flock (Hubbard classic strain) were obtained at the age of 60 wk and divided into 3 egg-weight categories, namely small, medium, and large. For this purpose, 930 eggs having weights 63.09 ± 0.21, 68.85 ± 0.23, and 74.81 ± 0.11g were divided into 3 egg categories labeled small, medium, and large respectively. We further divided these eggs into 2 categories, eggs for quality parameters and eggs for incubation and posthatch performance parameters. Eggs from the small egg category had greater proportion of the shell weight and more shell strength. Egg weight did not significantly affect the albumen and yolk weight percentage. Egg weight affected the shape index and specific gravity for which lower values were observed for large eggs. Egg weight positively affected the chick weight, chick yield, and chick length (P < 0.05) of both male and female chicks. Results of the body weight gain showed that effect of egg weight on the posthatch performance of chick diminishes with the age of broilers. Egg weight significantly affected the body weight gain of male and female chicks up to 3 wk of age. Egg weights did not significantly affect the feed intake and mortality of broiler. Different egg-weight categories significantly affected the feed conversion ratio of female chicks at wk 2 and 3 of age and did not affect the feed conversion of male and female chicks at the end of wk 5. In conclusion, egg weight positively affected the chick characteristics (e.g., chick weight, chick length) and did not affect the final live body weight, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, and mortality in broilers.  相似文献   

杨静 《广东饲料》2012,(4):39-42
本文主要研究添加角黄素对肉用种鸡生产性能和繁殖性能的影响。试验选用360只小母鸡和36只公鸡,饲养于12个面积为7m 2的圈中。以体重相近和均匀性为原则,于42周时将母鸡和公鸡平均分配到两个试验组中。在第46至66周龄时,给予试验组1每公斤饲粮6m g角黄素的添加量,试验组2不添加角黄素(对照组)。每4周称量一次体重,记录每周产蛋率,于试验结束时计算死亡率。孵化期为21天,计算孵化率和繁殖率。为了评价不同存储时间和孵化过程中角黄素的抗氧化作用,对所有处理组蛋品进行硫代巴比妥酸法分析。饲粮中添加角黄素对体重,死亡率和产蛋率没有影响,但孵化率(P≤0.0001)和受精率(P≤0.0003)却极显著增加。角黄素还能改善母鸡繁殖力,降低孵化前48小时和孵化结束前1周胚胎死亡率。两组间母鸡体重和小鸡品质没有显著性差异。试验组1蛋黄TBAR S值降低,在储存4 d和孵化7 d的蛋黄中也能观察到这种现象。在肉种鸡饲粮中添加角黄素能改善孵化率、繁殖率,降低蛋黄中TBAR S的产生。  相似文献   

1. From 1 to 22 weeks of age 720 Ross 1 parent stock pullets were given regulated amounts of food to achieve 90, 100 or 110% of a target weight (R90, R100 or R110, respectively) while from 23 to 64 weeks of age they were fed 80 or 100% of a set allowance (L80 or L100, respectively). One hundred and fifty Ross 1 parent stock males were on the R110 treatment and then either the L80 or L100 during breeding.

2. Mean number of settable (> 53 g) eggs per hen housed was 131, 131 and 135 and mean number of chicks hatched per hen housed was 108, 101 and 101, respectively, for the R90, R100 and R110 treatments. These differences were not statistically significant.

3. Mean number of settable eggs per hen housed was 116 and 148 and mean number of chicks hatched per hen housed was 94 and 112, respectively, for the L80 and L100 treatments (P<0.001).

4. Fertility and hatchability were improved but uniformity of the birds was decreased by restricting food intake.  相似文献   

1. A food restriction study in conjunction with light control was conducted with commercial broiler chicks in a tropical environment.

2. Chicks on treatments 1 and 2 were fed continuously while those on treatments 3 and 4 were fed during the day (from 06.00 h to 18.00 h) and night (from 18.00 h to 06.00 h) respectively. Chicks on treatment 1 received only natural light during the day, while those on treatments 2, 3 and 4 received supplementary lighting during the night in addition to natural light during the day.

3. Food consumption by birds on treatment 2 was significantly higher at 56 days of age, followed by birds on treatments 1, 4 and 3.

4. The pattern of body weight gains was similar to the order of food consumption.

5. Efficiency of food utilisation was poorest for birds on treatment 2.

6. Mortality rates were not influenced significantly by the feeding regimen and lighting pattern.

7. Dressing percentage and proportion of abdominal fat were greatest for birds on treatment 2.  相似文献   

1. Eggs were stored for two different times at varying temperatures. The effects on hatchability, chick weight at hatch and hatching time were examined in two broiler breeder lines from 33 to 58 weeks of age. 2. Short storage (1 to 3 d). Storage at 20 degrees C compared with 16.5 degrees C reduced hatchability of all eggs set. No effect was observed on hatchability of fertile eggs, hatching time or chick weight. 3. Long storage (9 to 11 d). Storage at 16.5 degrees C compared with 10 degrees C decreased both hatchability of fertile eggs and chick weight at hatch. Incidence of early embryonic death increased and incubation time decreased at 16.5 degrees C compared with 10 degrees C. 4. Chicks from morning eggs were heavier than those from afternoon eggs irrespective of storage conditions. 5. Hatchability (all eggs set and fertile eggs) and chick weight varied with hen age irrespective of storage conditions. During long storage, hatching time varied with hen age independently of breeder line, storage temperature or egg laying time. 6. Hatchability (all eggs set and fertile eggs) was higher in line A than in line B. Line B eggs hatched later and produced heavier chicks than line A eggs irrespective of storage time.  相似文献   

(1) Tolerance to ad libitum feeding was compared in three genotypes of broiler breeder hens: a standard broiler breeder fed ad libitum (SA) or restricted (SR), a slow growing 'label' broiler breeder (L) and an experimental dwarf heavy broiler breeder (E). Two similar experiments were conducted in two distinct research centres. (2) Feed intake and body weight were measured every 3 weeks from hatch to 40 to 49 weeks of age. Egg production and egg abnormalities were recorded. The number of yellow follicles in ovaries was counted at the age of 32 weeks. (3) Body weight was stabilised at 2.2, 3.7 and 5.4 kg after 24 weeks of age in L, E and SA hens, respectively. Growth of the SR hens was similar to that of L up to 20 weeks and stabilised at a similar level to that of E hens after 30 weeks of age. (4) Sexual maturity was delayed by 6 weeks in restricted breeders compared to ad libitum fed hens that started to lay at 20 weeks. SA hens had low egg production and a high proportion of defective eggs, which was largely compensated for by feed restriction. However, productivity of SR hens remained lower than that of L breeders. (5) Compared to the low viability and reproductive fitness observed with SA hens, the E dwarf broiler breeder tolerated ad libitum feeding and had better egg production, fewer egg abnormalities and yellow follicles per ovary and a higher egg production. However, laying rate was still lower than that of the SR and L groups. Energy conversion (kJ/g egg) from 32 to 40 weeks of age was much higher in the SA group than in the other three groups. 6. The feasibility of feeding a dwarf broiler breeder ad libitum calls for further research on implications of specific IGF and GH-receptor expression at the level of the ovary in dw chickens.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were conducted with brown‐egg laying hybrid pullets to determine the optimum age at which to begin Biomittent lighting (a system providing 15 min light and 45 min darkness in each hour for 16 h).

2. In the first experiment birds introduced to Biomittent lighting at 18, 24, 30 or 36 weeks of age all gave the same egg output. Use of Biomittent lighting between 22 and 34 weeks of age reduced food intake by 5.3% compared with normal lighting during this period.

3. In the second experiment, birds introduced to Biomittent lighting at 23 or 36 weeks of age gave essentially the same egg output and this was true even for half of the flock which had been severely restricted in food intake between 6 and 18 weeks of age.

4. It is concluded that Biomittent lighting can be safely introduced at point of lay as a means of saving food consumption without loss of output provided that an adequate diet is fed. The response is interpreted as a saving in energy expenditure rather than a restriction of feeding opportunity.

5. It is recommended that, to avoid the complication of combining weekly increments in photoperiod with intermittent lighting, Biomittent lighting can be introduced abruptly as a skeleton long day. However, if this follows rearing on short photoperiods and if egg size is important, the start should be delayed until about 22 weeks of age so as not to induce early sexual maturity.  相似文献   

1. This study was carried out to determine the effects of breeder feeding programme to 29 weeks of age, and feeder space change at photo-stimulation using two sources of grain on breeder hen reproductive efficiency and egg characteristics.

2. Fast-feathering Cobb 500 pullet broiler breeders were housed in 16 pens of 81 females each during rearing, and fed on either maize- or wheat-based diet, formulated to have similar nutrient composition. Two feeding programmes, Fast and Slow, were used from 14 to 29 weeks of age. At 22 weeks of age, 69 females that represented the body weight (BW) distribution from each pen were placed in a layer house where feeder space either remained very similar (from 6.3 to 6.5 cm/female) or was increased (from 6.3 to 8.4 cm/female). Breeder growth performance, reproductive efficiency and egg characteristics were evaluated.

3. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with diet type, feeding programme and feeder space change as the main factors. The main effects of the treatments were found but there were no treatment interactions.

4. Breeders fed on wheat were consistently heavier than breeders fed on maize from 10 to 52 weeks of age and exhibited greater hen mortality during the layer phase. Breeders fed on wheat diets exhibited improved egg production while laying eggs with a greater yolk:albumen ratio compared to the maize group.

5. The Fast feeding programme increased female mortality and increased BW during the layer phase. Breeders fed according to the Slow feeding programme had better fertility, and laid eggs with lower percentage eggshell that might be associated with the lower early embryonic mortality observed in these hens as compared with the Fast feeding programme.

6. Breeders having increased feeder space at photo-stimulation matured earlier and produced more eggs compared to breeders with no change in feeder space.

7. It was concluded that the feeding of wheat, the use of the Slow feeding programme and an increase in feeder space improved some aspects of hen productivity and egg characteristics.  相似文献   

1. Nine hundred and sixty 1‐d‐old unsexed broiler chicks were used in a 4×4 eight weeks trial. Proprietary starter and finisher diets were given diluted with sand in the proportions of 0, 50, 75 and 100 g sand/kg diet.

2. At 8 weeks of age, birds receiving 50 and 75 g sand/kg diet were significantly heavier than those receiving the basal diet and 100 g sand/kg diet.

3. Birds receiving 0 and 100 g sand/kg diet consumed similar quantities of basal diet and yielded similar corrected food:gain ratios.

4. Dietary dilution with sand had no significant effect on mortality, apparent carcase yield, preventriculus weight, gizzard weight and intestinal length. Crop weights were significantly greater in birds given 100 g sand/kg diet to the age of 4 weeks.

5. The litter moisture content was significantly less in pens containing birds receiving 75 or 100 g sand/kg diet after 5 weeks of age.  相似文献   

保尔福对肉仔鸡生长、微生物菌群及免疫功能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着我国畜牧业集约化程度的提高和饲料工业的发展,抗生素、化学合成药物和类固醇激素,如促长素、驱虫剂、激素、调味剂、改良剂、色素剂、防腐剂等饲料添加剂也随之普遍使用。这些物质可在畜产品中残留,给人类健康带来严重危害。近些年来,很多国家都兴起了替代抗生素的饲料添加剂研究,都在寻找能够替代抗生素的饲料添加剂。众所周知,巨噬细胞在免疫系统起重要作用,激活的巨噬细胞在机体对抗外来细菌、病毒、真菌及寄生虫的防御机制中作用显著,并已证明巨噬细胞具有抗肿瘤的功能。此外,巨噬细胞可以通过直接作用或间接通过所分泌的各种可溶…  相似文献   

1. Males from three broiler breeder experiments were examined to determine the incidence of musculo-skeletal lesions (destructive cartilage loss, dyschondroplasia and its sequelae, ruptured tendons and ligaments) in birds culled for low fertility and in males surviving to the end of the breeding period. Relationships with body weight and fertility were studied. 2. The incidence of musculo-skeletal lesions in males culled for low fertility was high. 3. In two experiments, high body weights at termination of the breeding period were associated with a raised incidence of musculo-skeletal lesions and lowered fertility. 4. The results support the hypothesis that lack of control of male body weight gain per se is an important cause of declining fertility with age in broiler breeder flocks. There was no evidence that males were obese.  相似文献   

8周龄浙东白鹅体重体尺和免疫器官的发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对提纯复壮选育后8周龄浙东白鹅的体尺和免疫器官生长发育情况进行测定分析,体重为 2 599 47 g±362 65 g,平均日增重46 10 g。随着体重的增加,相对生长速度下降。体尺与体重的相关性较强,r值在0 5~0 7之间。法氏囊、脾脏和胸腺随着体重的增加继续增重,其中法氏囊的增重开始减缓。各免疫器官间呈较强的正相关。  相似文献   

1. Dwarf broiler breeders were either fed ad libitum or restricted to allow growth to mean body weights of 1.4 or 1.8 kg at 20 weeks of age. During the breeding period these birds were fed ad libitum, or food was restricted to different degrees and the birds subjected to two different incremental lighting patterns. 2. Egg production of birds fed ad libitum during the breeding period increased with the degree of food restriction during rearing. 3. Food restriction during the breeding period increased the egg production of birds weighing 1.8 kg at 20 weeks but decreased that of birds weighing only 1.4 kg. 4. Fertility was relatively low and inversely related to body fatness of females. 5. The differences in lighting pattern did not influence performance. 6. For optimum reproductive performance during the rearing period dwarfs should not be restricted so severely as conventional breeders. Best chick production was obtained from birds with a bodyweight of 1.8 kg at 20 weeks of age, which were subjected to a 10% restriction of food during the breeding period.  相似文献   

海兰白W-36育成鸡不同体重对产蛋期生产性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
海兰白W -36蛋鸡具有体重小 ,采食量少 ,料蛋比值小 ,产蛋性能高的特点。为饲养者带来了较好的经济效益。W -36鸡因消化道容积小 ,日采食量小 ,要求育成鸡配方添加油脂 ,对环境要求苛刻 ,育成中后期如遇上舍温过高、密度过大 ,会因采食量下降、导致生长受阻、抗病力降低 ,体重及均匀度难以达到该日龄期应有标准 ,继而严重影响成年期的生产性能。该品种育成鸡体重控制在哪个范围合适?不同体重对性成熟后期生产力的影响程度如何?本试验通过测定后备母鸡不同体重区段对产蛋性能的影响 ,寻找最佳体重范围 ,为制定后备母鸡合理体重标准提…  相似文献   

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