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Past breeding achievements in grain yield were mainly related to increases in harvest index (HI) without major changes in biomass production. As modern cultivars have already high HI, future breeding to improve grain yield will necessarily focus on increased biomass. Improved biomass would depend on our capacity to improve the amount of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the crop (IPAR%) or the efficiency with which the canopy converts that radiation into new biomass (radiation use efficiency, RUE). Four field experiments with a set of wheat cultivars selected, bred and introduced in the Mediterranean area of Spain and that represent important steps in wheat breeding in Spain were conducted in order to identify whether and how wheat breeding in this area affected the amount of IPAR% and RUE both before and after anthesis. Although there was genotypic variability, cultivars did not show any consistent trend with the year of release of the cultivars for their biomass, pre and post-anthesis IPAR%, Crop growth rate (CGR) or RUE but, the post-anthesis CGR and RUE of the two oldest genotypes were lower than that of the other cultivars. As the oldest genotypes have lower number of grains per m2 than their modern counterparts, it is suggested that post-anthesis RUE in these cultivars was reduced by lack of sinks and therefore further increases in grains per unit area in modern cultivars could permit to improve biomass via increases in post-anthesis RUE.  相似文献   

A pot and a field experiment were conducted to assess the effects of root/shoot ratio (R/S) on the water use efficiency (WUE) and grain yield of winter wheat. The R/S was regulated by pruning the roots during the stem elongation stage, resulting in reduced root systems of the plants. At the heading stage, the root dry weight of root-pruned plants was less than that of intact-root plants, but their R/S was similar to that of intact-root plants under both experimental conditions. After tiller pruning, the R/S of root-pruned plants was significantly lower than that of intact-root plants (p < 0.05). Root pruning reduced the rate of leaf transpiration and lowered the number of tillers per plant (p < 0.05) during the vegetative stage. As a result, root-pruned wheat showed reduced water use when compared to intact-root plants before heading (p < 0.05). At anthesis, there was no significant difference in transpiration between plants with intact roots and those with pruned roots in the pots. However, under field conditions, transpiration of root-pruned plants was significantly higher than that of intact-root plants at anthesis. Additionally, at anthesis root-pruned plants had a higher rate of leaf photosynthesis and lower rate of root respiration, which resulted in a significantly higher grain yield at maturity when compared to plants with intact roots. Under both experimental conditions, there were no significant differences in shoot dry weight per plant between root-pruned and intact-root plants grown in monoculture. When root-pruned plants were grown with intact-root plants, the root-pruned wheat was less productive and had a lower relative shoot dry weight (0.78 and 0.86, respectively) than the intact-root plants (1.24 and 1.16, respectively). These results suggest that plants with pruned roots had a lower ability to compete and to acquire and use the same resources in the mixture when compared with intact-root plants. Root pruning improved the WUE of winter wheat under both experimental conditions. This suggests that appropriate management for the root system/tillers in wheat crops can be used to increase grain yield and water use efficiency. Specifically, lowering the R/S improved the grain yield and WUE of winter wheat significantly by lowering its competitive ability and improving root efficiency. Therefore, drought-resistance breeding to improve the grain yield and WUE, at least for wheat, should be made by targeted selection of less competitive progeny with a small R/S for cultivation in arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

Rainfed crop production in northern China is constrained by low and variable rainfall. This study explored the effects of tillage/crop residue and nutrient management practices on maize (Zea mays L.) yield, water use efficiency (WUE), and N agronomic use efficiency (NAE) at Shouyang Dryland Farming Experimental Station in northern China during 2003–2008. The experiment was set-up using a split-plot design with 3 tillage/crop residue methods as main treatments: conventional, reduced (till with crop residue incorporated in fall but no-till in spring), and no-till (with crop residue mulching in fall). Sub-treatments were 3 NP fertilizer rates: 105–46, 179–78 and 210–92 kg N and P ha−1. Maize grain yields were greatly influenced by the growing season rainfall and soil water contents at sowing. Mean grain yields over the 6-year period in response to tillage/crop residue treatments were 5604, 5347 and 5185 kg ha−1, under reduced, no-till and conventional tillage, respectively. Grain yields under no-till, were generally higher (+19%) in dry years but lower (−7%) in wet years. Mean WUE was 13.7, 13.6 and 12.6 kg ha−1 mm−1 under reduced, no-till, and conventional tillage, respectively. The no-till treatment had 8–12% more water in the soil profiles than the conventional and reduced tillage treatments at sowing and harvest time. Grain yields, WUE and NAE were highest with the lowest NP fertilizer application rates (at 105 kg N and 46 kg P ha−1) under reduced tillage, while yields and WUE tended to be higher with additional NP fertilizer rates under conventional tillage, however, there was no significant yield increase above the optimum fertilizer rate. In conclusion, maize grain yields, WUE and NAE were highest under reduced tillage at modest NP fertilizer application rates of 105 kg N and 46 kg P ha−1. No-till increased soil water storage by 8–12% and improved WUE compared to conventional tillage, thus showing potentials for drought mitigation and economic use of fertilizers in drought-prone rainfed conditions in northern China.  相似文献   

Forages could be used to diversify reduced and no-till dryland cropping systems from the traditional wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system in the semiarid central Great Plains. Forages present an attractive alternative to grain and seed crops because of greater water use efficiency and less susceptibility to potentially devastating yield reductions due to severe water stress during critical growth stages. However, farmers need a simple tool to evaluate forage productivity under widely varying precipitation conditions. The objectives of this study were to (1) quantify the relationship between crop water use and dry matter (DM) yield for soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill), (2) evaluate changes in forage quality that occur as harvest date is delayed, and (3) determine the range and distribution of expected DM yields in the central Great Plains based on historical precipitation records. Forage soybean was grown under a line-source gradient irrigation system to impose a range of water availability conditions at Akron, CO. Dry matter production was linearly correlated with water use resulting in a production function slope of 21.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. The slope was much lower than previously reported for forage production functions for triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) and millet (Setaria italic L. Beauv.), and only slightly lower than slopes previously reported for corn (Zea mays L.) and pea (Pisum sativa L.) forage. Forage quality was relatively stable during the last four weeks of growth, with small declines in crude protein (CP) concentration. Values of CP concentration and relative feed value indicated that forage soybean was of sufficient quality to be used for dairy feed. A standard seed variety of maturity group VII was found to be similar (in both productivity and quality) to a variety designated as a forage type. The probability of obtaining a break-even yield of at least 4256 kg ha−1 was 90% as determined from long-term precipitation records used with the production function. The average estimated DM yield was 5890 kg ha−1 and ranged from 2437 to 9432 kg ha−1. Regional estimates of mean forage soybean DM yield ranged from 4770 kg ha−1 at Fort Morgan, CO to 6911 kg ha−1 at Colby, KS. Forage soybean should be considered a viable alternative crop for dryland cropping systems in the central Great Plains.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation (DI) is a water-saving irrigation strategy in which irrigation water is applied at amounts less than full crop-water requirements. Some researchers have suggested that greater increases in water use efficiency (WUE) could be realized if DI was used in combination with water conservation or rainwater harvesting techniques. The objective of this six-year field study was to determine the effect of DI in combination with straw mulch (SM) or plastic film-mulched ridge and straw-mulched furrows (RF) on grain yield and WUE in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation. Interactive effects between the water-saving management practices and N fertilizer rate were also investigated. Results indicated that maize yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were as much as 1.6 times those in the DI and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) treatments. Over the six-year study, total maize yield in the RF + DI treatment was 5580 kg/ha more than in the CFI treatment and 6500 kg/ha more than in the DI treatment. Wheat yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were similar to the CFI treatment but slightly more than in the DI treatment. At harvest, there was no significant difference in water storage in the 0-200 cm soil profile among the RF + DI, SM + DI, DI, and CFI treatments. Nitrogen fertilizer application significantly increased maize and wheat yield compared to the unfertilized treatment; however, there was no further yield response when the N application rate exceeded 120 kg N/ha. In summary, these results indicated that DI in combination with SM or RF practices increased crop yield and WUE in the winter wheat-summer maize crop rotation. Compared to CFI practices, the SM + DI and RF + DI practices reduced the amount of irrigation water applied over a six-year period by about 350 mm.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilization plays a central role for improving yield in wheat and high N use efficiency (NUE) is desired to protect ground and surface waters. Several studies showed that sulfur (S) fertilization may increase NUE, but no attempts have been made to explain whether this increase is due to greater recovery efficiency (RE), an enhanced internal efficiency (IE) or by an improvement of both efficiencies. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of different N and S fertilizer rates, and their interaction on N uptake, its partition at maturity, NUE and its main components. Field experiments were carried out during two consecutive growing seasons in the Argentinean Pampas using a single bread-wheat genotype grown under different combinations of N and S fertilizer rates. Additional experiments were performed in farmer fields using N and S fertilization evaluating different genotypes in order to analyze the components of NUE in other environmental conditions. Plant N uptake increased linearly in response to N addition until rates of ca. 80 kg N ha−1. Sulfur addition showed no effect at the lowest N fertilizer rate, but N uptake was increased when S was applied at the highest N rate, revealing a synergism between both nutrients. At the lowest S rate RE was 42%, and increased to 70% when S fertilizer was added. No changes in IE in response to S fertilization were observed. These results were also observed in farmer field experiments, in genotypes that showed different IE. This study showed that S addition increased NUE mainly by increasing the N recovery from the soil. Thus, the concurrent management of N and S is important for reducing the potential pollution of residual soil nitrate by increasing N recovery from the soil while sustaining high nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

在半湿润偏旱区进行了施肥对向日葵水分利用效率影响的田间试验,结果表明,在一定的施肥范围内,肥水表现为互协同效应。向日葵的水分利用效率随着施肥量的增加而提高,提高幅度为13.6%~45.3%。  相似文献   

Intensive cultivation of rice and wheat in north-west India has resulted in air pollution from rice straw burning, soil degradation and declining groundwater resources. The retention of rice residues as a surface mulch could be beneficial for moisture conservation and yield, and for hence water productivity, in addition to reducing air pollution and loss of soil organic matter. Two field experiments were conducted in Punjab, India, to study the effects of rice straw mulch and irrigation scheduling on wheat growth, yield, water use and water productivity during 2006-2008. Mulching increased soil water content and this led to significant improvement in crop growth and yield determining attributes where water was limiting, but this only resulted in significant grain yield increase in two instances. There was no effect of irrigation treatment in the first year because of well-distributed rains. In the second year, yield decreased with decrease and delay in the number of irrigations between crown root initiation and grain filling. With soil matric potential (SMP)-based irrigation scheduling, the irrigation amount was reduced by 75 mm each year with mulch in comparison with no mulch, while maintaining grain yield. Total crop water use (ET) was not significantly affected by mulch in either year, but was significantly affected by irrigation treatment in the second year. Mulch had a positive or neutral effect on grain water productivity with respect to ET (WPET) and irrigation (WPI). Maximum WPI occurred in the treatment which received the least irrigation, but this was also the lowest yielding treatment. The current irrigation scheduling guidelines based on cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) resulted in sub-optimal irrigation (loss of yield) in one of the two years, and higher irrigation input and lower WPI of the mulched treatment in comparison with SMP-based irrigation scheduling. The results from this and other studies suggest that farmers in Punjab greatly over-irrigate wheat. Further field and modelling studies are needed to extrapolate the findings to a wider range of seasonal and site conditions, and to develop simple tools and guidelines to assist farmers to better schedule irrigation to wheat.  相似文献   

Bread wheat has been frequently characterised as sink-limited during grain filling but the degree of sink-limitation could vary with the contribution of breeding in increasing the number of grains per unit land area. This hypothetical change in the level of sink-limitation due to breeding has been insufficiently documented. Two source–sink manipulation experiments under field conditions with three released cultivars and an advanced breeding line representing important steps in wheat breeding in the Mediterranean area of Spain were conducted in order to quantify whether genetic improvement of grain yield in Mediterranean wheat modified the source–sink balance during grain filling, and how it affected grain weight and post-anthesis photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the crop (IPAR) and radiation use efficiency (RUE). Average grain weight of control and trimmed spikes during grain filling was not significantly affected by halving the number of growing grains in the two oldest cultivars, but it was significantly increased in the most modern line, and had an intermediate response in the intermediate cultivar. In those cases in which a certain degree of source-limitation during grain growth occurred the magnitude of the response reflected a co-rather than a source-limitation. Considering grains from different positions within the spikes the smaller (distal) grains responded more markedly than the larger (proximal) grains. No differences in post-anthesis IPAR were found between the trimmed and control sub-plots for any of the genotypes. However, trimming the spikes reduced post-anthesis RUE, a fact corroborated by a simultaneous reduction in leaf net photosynthetic rate at noon. It seems that bread wheat breeding has tended to reduce the strength of the sink-limitation during post-anthesis even under Mediterranean conditions, and consequently the most modern line presented a sort of co-limitation.  相似文献   

Plastic film or straw mulching cultivation under non-flooded condition has been considered as a new water-saving technique in rice production. This study aimed to investigate the yield performance in terms of quality and quantity and water use efficiency (WUE) under such practices. A field experiment across 3 years was conducted with two high-yielding rice cultivars, Zhendao 88 (a japonica cultivar) and Shanyou 63 (an indica hybrid cultivar) and four cultivation treatments imposed from transplanting to maturity: traditional flooding as control (TF), non-flooded plastic film mulching (PM), non-flooded wheat straw mulching (SM), and non-flooded no mulching (NM). Compared with those under the TF, root oxidation activity, photosynthetic rate, and activities of key enzymes in sucrose-to-starch conversion in grains during the grain filling period were significantly increased under the SM, whereas they were significantly reduced under the PM and NM treatments. Grain yield showed some reduction under all the non-flooded cultivations but differed largely among the treatments. The reduction in yield was 7.3–17.5% under the PM, 2.8–6.3% under the SM, and 39–49% under the NM. The difference in grain yield was not significant between TF and SM treatments. WUE for irrigation was increased by 314–367% under the PM, 307–321% under the SM, and 98–138% under the NM. Under the same treatment especially under non-flooded conditions, the indica hybrid cultivar showed a higher grain yield and higher WUE than the japonica cultivar. The SM significantly improved milling, appearance, and cooking qualities, whereas the PM or the NM decreased these qualities. We conclude that both PM and SM could significantly increase WUE, while the SM could also maintain a high grain yield and improve quality of rice. The SM would be a better practice than the PM in areas where water is scarce while temperature is favorable to rice growth, such as in Southeast China.  相似文献   

To compare N uptake and use efficiency of rice among different environments and quantify the contributions of indigenous soil and applied N to N uptake and use efficiency, field experiments were conducted in five sites in five provinces of China in 2012 and 2013. Four cultivars were grown under three N treatments in each site. Average total N uptake was 10–12 g m?2 in Huaiji, Binyang, and Haikou, 20 g m?2 in Changsha, and 23 g m?2 in Xingyi. Rice crops took up 54.6–61.7% of total plant N from soil in Huaiji, Binyang, and Haikou, 64.3% in Changsha, and 63.5% in Xingyi. Partial factor productivity of applied N and recovery efficiency of applied N in Changsha were higher than in Huaiji, Binyang, and Haikou, but were lower than in Xingyi. Physiological efficiency of soil N and fertilizer N were lower in Changsha than in Huaiji, Binyang, and Haikou, while the difference in them between Changsha and Xingyi were small or inconsistent. Average grain yields were 6.5–7.5 t ha?1 (medium yield) in Huaiji, Binyang, and Haikou, 9.0 t ha?1 (high yield) in Changsha, and 12.0 t ha?1 (super high yield) in Xingyi. Our results suggest that both indigenous soil and applied N were key factors for improving rice yield from medium to high level, while a further improvement to super high yield indigenous soil N was more important than fertilizer N, and a simultaneous increasing grain yield and N use efficiency can be achieved using SPAD-based practice in rice production.  相似文献   

Available water is typically the biggest constraint to spring wheat production in the northern Great Plains of the USA. The most common rotation for spring wheat is with summer fallow, which is used to accrue additional soil moisture. Tillage during fallow periods controls weeds, which otherwise would use substantial amounts of water, decreasing the efficiency of fallow. Chemical fallow and zero tillage systems improve soil water conservation, allowing for increased cropping intensity. We conducted a field trial from 1998 through 2003 comparing productivity and water use of crops in nine rotations under two tillage systems, conventional and no-till. All rotations included spring wheat, two rotations included field pea, while lentil, chickpea, yellow mustard, sunflower, and safflower were present in single rotations with wheat. Growing season precipitation was below average most years, resulting in substantial drought stress to crops not following fallow. Preplant soil water, water use, and spring wheat yields were generally greater following summer fallow than wheat recropped after wheat or alternate crops. Water use and yield of wheat following summer fallow was greater than for chickpea or yellow mustard, the only other crops in the trial that followed summer fallow. Field pea performed best of all alternate crops, providing yields comparable to those of recropped spring wheat. Chickpea, lentil, yellow mustard, safflower, and sunflower did not perform well and were not adapted to this region, at least during periods of below average precipitation. Following summer fallow, and despite drought conditions, zero tillage often provided greater amounts of soil water at planting compared to conventional tillage.  相似文献   

西北绿洲氮磷配施对冬小麦产量及养分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解氮磷配施对西北地区冬小麦产量和养分利用效率的影响.在甘肃凉州区黄羊镇甘肃农业大学试验农场开展了4个施肥处理(N165 P105:165 kg N·hm-2 +105 kg P2O5·hm-2;N165 P165:165 kg N·hm-2 +165kg P2O5·hm-2;N225 P105:225 kg N·hm-2+105 kg P2O5·hm-2;N225 P165:225 kg N·hm-2 +165 kg P2O5·hm-2)的大田试验.结果表明,4个施肥处理中,N165 P105、N225 P165和N165 P165三个处理间产量差异不显著,但均显著高于N225 P105;N165 P105是河西绿洲冬小麦高产节肥的最佳施肥处理.少施N肥有利于WUE的提高(7.89%),而氮磷合理配施才能获得较高的WUE.多施N、P肥可增加N(36.72%)和P(58.94%)的消耗量,但明显降低N(44.48%)、P(53.50%)利用效率,不同处理间N、P利用效率差异显著或极显著,但N、P肥在养分利用上彼此影响不大.因此,肥料的合理配施是提高养分利用效率、实现西北地区高产的主要途径.  相似文献   

在旱棚盆栽条件下研究了干旱对不同花生品种叶片碳同位素辨别力(Δ)和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响,分析了Δ与WUE及其与比叶重(SLW)在不同水分条件下关系的稳定性。结果表明:WUE和Δ在不同基因型间存在显著差异,但两指标在不同水分胁迫条件下基因型间的排序基本一致,说明两指标主要受遗传控制,基因型×环境互作影响较小。WUE与Δ在不同水分状况下均呈显著负相关(rck=-0.86,P<0.05;rst=-0.84,P<0.05)。二者关系的稳定性分析说明:无论浇水还是干旱条件下,测定叶片Δ值均可以作为WUE的有效选择指标。Δ与SLW也存在显著负相关(rck=-0.84,P<0.05;rst=-0.83,P<0.05),说明厚叶品种碳同位素辨别力(Δ)低,水分利用效率(WUE)高。SLW可以作为Δ更快速更经济的替代指标。  相似文献   

Water and nutrient availability are two major constraints in most rice-based rainfed shallow lowland systems of Asia. Both stresses interact and contribute to the low productivity and widespread poverty in this environment. The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of interaction between the two factors and to identify varietal characteristics beneficial for productivity in a water- and nutrient-limited rice environment. For this purpose, we screened 19 rice genotypes adapted to different rice environments under two water and two nutrient treatments during the wet season of 2004 and 2005 in southern Luzon, Philippines. Across all genotypes tested and in comparison with the irrigated control, rainfed conditions reduced grain yield of the treatment without N application by 69% in 2004 and by 59% in 2005. The mean nitrogen fertilizer response was highest in the dryer season of 2004 and the rainfed treatment, indicating that water stress had no effect on fertilizer response. Nitrogen application reduced the relative yield loss to 49% of the irrigated treatment in 2004 and to 52% of the irrigated treatment in 2005. Internal efficiency of N (IEN) and recovery efficiency of applied N (REN) were significantly different between genotypes, but were not affected by water availability (REN) or by water and nutrient availability (IEN). In contrast, grain yield and total N uptake were affected by cultivar, N and water availability. Therefore, germplasm for rainfed environments should be screened under conditions of limited and good nitrogen and water supplies. The four best cultivars, CT6510-24-1-2, IR55423-01, IR72, and IR57514-PMI5-B-1-2, performed well across all treatments and both years. Except for IR72, they were all characterized by medium height, medium duration, high early vigor, and a moderate level of drought tolerance. This combination of characteristics seems to enable the optimal use of limited water and nutrient resources occurring in many shallow rainfed lowlands. We also concluded that moderate drought stress does not necessarily affect the response to moderate N rates, provided that drought does not induce high spikelet sterility and that fertilizer N is properly managed.  相似文献   

The understanding of the interactive effect of water and N availability, associated with the ability of crops to efficiently use these resources, is a crucial issue for stabilizing cereal production in Mediterranean areas. A 3-year side by side experiment on durum wheat and barley, under different water regimes and nitrogen levels, was carried out in a typical Mediterranean environment of Southern Italy, to identify the outstanding features of these species that contribute to enhanced grain yield and improved water and nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

Soil acidity and Al toxicity are highly extended in agricultural lands of Chile, especially where wheat is widely sown. To evaluate quantitatively the response of wheat biomass and its physiological determinants (intercepted radiation and radiation use efficiency) to Al toxicity, two field experiments were conducted in an Andisol in Valdivia (39°47′S, 73°14′W), Chile, during the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 growing seasons. Treatments consisted of a factorial arrangement of: (i) two spring wheat cultivars with different sensitivity to Al toxicity (the sensitive cultivar: Domo.INIA and the tolerant cultivar: Dalcahue.INIA) and (ii) five exchangeable Al levels (from 0 to 2.7 cmol(+) kg−1) with three replicates. Crop phenology and intercepted radiation (IR) were registered during the entire crop cycle, while 10 samples of above-ground biomass were taken at different stages between double ridge and maturity. Both biomass and leaf area index (LAI) were recorded in these 10 stages. Radiation use efficiency (RUE) was calculated as the slope of the relationship between accumulated above-ground biomass and accumulated photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the canopy (IPARa). Crop phenology was little affected by soil Al treatments, showing only up to 17 days delay in the Al-sensitive cultivar under extreme Al treatments. Above-ground biomass at harvest was closely associated (R2 = 0.92) with the crop growth rate but no relationship (R2 = 0.14) was found between the crop cycle length. IPARa explained almost completely (R2 = 0.93) the above-ground biomass reached by the crop at harvest under the wide range of soil Al concentrations explored in both experiments. On the other hand, a weaker relationship was found between above-ground biomass and RUE. The effect of soil Al concentration on IPARa was mainly explained by LAI as a single relationship (R2 = 0.93) between IR (%) and LAI at maximum radiation interception showing a common light attenuation coefficient (k = 0.33).  相似文献   

为了解碳同位素分辨率(Δ)与小麦光合生理指标的关系,以洛旱6号和西农389的154个F4代株系中的24个高Δ株系和24个低Δ株系及亲本为供试材料,分析了陕西杨凌和永寿两种不同雨养环境条件下小麦籽粒Δ与灌浆期叶片光合生理指标的相关性,并对高、低Δ材料间光合生理指标和产量进行了比较分析。结果表明,在降雨较多的杨凌地区,高Δ株系表现出高的籽粒产量;在降雨较少、相对干旱的永寿地区,高、低Δ株系间籽粒产量差异不显著,但低Δ株系表现出低的气孔导度。在杨凌生态条件下,灌浆中期籽粒Δ与叶片蒸腾速率、光合速率、气孔导度和Ci/Ca生理指标的相关性在小麦整个灌浆期最为显著;在永寿生态条件下,灌浆中期籽粒Δ与蒸腾速率和Ci/Ca均相关显著。说环境条件影响小麦籽粒Δ与光合生理指标的关系。  相似文献   

N-fixing legume crops may be a good component of a general plan to improve cropping system efficiency. For this purpose, crop suitability to specific environments must be established. To estimate the yield potential we examined the growth and yield response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crops to different thermal and photoperiod regimes. Irrigated field experiments were conducted in northwest Spain for 3 years (2004–2007) with cv. ‘Alameda’ sown on five different dates in each year from mid-autumn to mid-spring. Environmental conditions experienced by plants across sowing dates were largely different. Sowing date had a great influence on biomass, grain yield and its components. This effect was associated with changes in PAR captured, PAR use efficiency (PUE) and biomass allocation to the different organs. Critical leaf area index (LAIcr) tended to increase and the extinction coefficient, k, to decrease as the sowing date was delayed. Earlier sowing dates intercepted more radiation over the whole season than the spring sowing dates. Greatest crop growth treatments (2nd and 3rd sowing dates) had the highest values of PAR use efficiency probably due to more adequate temperatures for photosynthesis and a large number of reproductive sinks. The highest grain yield (7733 kg ha−1) was obtained with the mid-February sowing date, which produced the most pods and seeds per m2, the largest harvest index (62.0%), and large maximum leaf area index (5.41). Low yields of mid-autumn (1st) and mid-spring (5th) sowing dates were associated with reduced pods and seeds per m2. Temperature and photoperiod had a large impact on faba bean growth, development, and yield. Best yields were obtained when abundant assimilate supply and moderate temperatures were available during pod set.  相似文献   

2006~2007年在河南洛阳进行了冬小麦不同播种方式的对比试验,结果表明,沟播较平播极显著增产,其成穗率较平播高3.5%,水分利用效率高2.85%。在拔节期前沟播的小麦群体分蘖数较平播少,在挑旗期至成熟期沟播群体高于平播,干物质积累量返青期较平播低,返青拔节后干物质积累量迅速上升,且较平播高。冬季0~20cm土层平均温度的影响表现为:在一天的时间里,沟播5cm地温低于平播,且变化幅度较大,在下午16:00地温达到最高值,与平播地温相差较大;10~20cm土层温度在各测定时段里均呈上升趋势;20cm土层温度变幅较小,且沟播处理均低于平播。春季0~20cm土层平均温度沟播低于平播,且各土层最高温度出现在14:00,5~10cm土层温度变幅较大,20cm土层温度变幅较小。  相似文献   

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