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Sets of triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) lines derived from the cv. Presto with HMW glutenin allele Glu-D1d (subunits 5+10) translocated from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) chromosome 1D to chromosome 1R were evaluated for agronomic and grain quality characteristics in 2002–2005. Two different translocation types were used: (a) single translocation 1R.1D5+10-2 where the long arm of 1R carries the wheat segment from 1DL with the Glu-D1d replacing a secalin locus Sec-3, (b) double translocation Valdy where the long arm of 1R has the translocation 1R.1D5+10-2 and the short arm has a segment from 1DS carrying wheat loci Gli-D1 and Glu-D3. The presence of Glu-D1d was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE-ISTA) and DNA markers. The tested lines of triticale were compared with the check triticale cv. Presto and with wheat cultivars of different bread making quality (E-C quality classes). Single translocation 1R.1D5+10-2 reduced grain yield by 16% and Valdy translocation by 24% as compared with cv. Presto. The Valdy translocation had substantially shortened spike length and reduced specific weight in comparison with check cv. Presto. Wet gluten content (according to the Perten method) was 12% in both translocation types, 8% in check Presto and on average 24% in wheat. Translocations increased the Zeleny sedimentation value (Valdy — 27 ml, 1R.1D5+10-2 – 25 ml, cv. Presto — 23 ml). Triticale had a very low Hagberg falling number (FN) of 62–70 s without significant differences, while wheat had on average 301 s. The translocations did not significantly increase loaf volume; however, they improved loaf shape (height/width ratio): Valdy — 0.61, 1R.1D5+10-2 – 0.56, cv. Presto 0.44, wheat on average 0.70. The dough was non-sticky in Valdy, slightly sticky in 1R.1D5+10-2 and sticky in cv. Presto. Problems with a low FN for improving bread making quality of triticale are discussed. Higher bread making quality can be influenced by appropriate combination with donors of low α-amylase activity.  相似文献   

Low-molecular weight glutenin subunits (LWM-GS) are important components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) gluten, with important effects on end-use quality. The LMW-GS are encoded at Glu-3 loci (Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3, on the short arms of chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D), each of which exhibits extensive allelic variation. Each locus encodes numerous LMW-GS, some of which have similar electrophoretic mobilities, making it difficult to distinguish among Glu-3 loci. Alleles of the Glu-D3 locus of bread wheat are considered the most problematic to assign. To date, six Glu-D3 alleles, designated a, b, c, d, e and f, have been reported. We report five previously undescribed alleles (g, h, i, j and k), and describe a method for characterizing them using a combination of SDS-PAGE and multiplexed PCR-based DNA markers. This method could be used for accurate identification of Glu-D3 alleles, permitting the estimation of the effects of these alleles on end-use quality and the selection of desirable alleles and allelic combinations in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of Aegilops longissima on wheat bread making quality. Chromosome 1Sl disomic addition line of Ae. longissima (DAL1Sl) had significantly higher dough strength, grain hardness, mixographic peak height, band width, and unextractable polymeric protein content compared with wheat. DAL1Sl also had additional glutenin and gliadin proteins contributed by Ae. longissima. The larger size of 1Sl coded HMW-GSs sequenced from DAL1Sl and their phylogenetic similarity to the D-genome-coded subunits were suspected to be one of the major reasons for the increased dough strength of DAL1Sl. To transfer the chromosome 1Sl genes responsible for the good bread-making quality to wheat, we generated a chromosome-specific disomic substitution line [DSL1Sl(1A)] by crossing DAL1Sl with nulli 1A tetra 1B genetic stock and further selection. Grain quality analysis revealed significantly lower grain hardness and significantly higher dough strength, farinograph development time, stability time, gluten index, bread loaf volume, and bread quality score in DSL1Sl(1A), compared with wheat. However, the increased bread loaf volume and quality were not proportional to the relatively higher increases in dough strength and gluten index, indicating importance of other traits influencing bread making quality. The presence of a minor hardness locus on chromosome 1A is speculated.  相似文献   

The mixing properties of the dough are critical in the production of bread and other food products derived from wheat. The high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) are major determinants of wheat dough processing qualities. The different alleles of the HMW-GS genes in hexaploid wheat vary in their effect on dough quality. To determine the contribution of the individual HMW-GS alleles, lines deficient in HMW-GS proteins were generated by chemical mutagenesis in the elite bread wheat Triticum aestivum cv. Summit. In this report we describe the identification and characterization of Dy10 and Ax1 deficient lines. Examination of the effect of Dy10 and Ax1 deficiency on dough rheological properties by mixography showed shorter mixing time to reach peak resistance, and weaker and less extensible doughs relative to the wild type control. This is the first time that the role of Dy10 in vivo has been examined apart from the Dx5 + Dy10 allelic pair combination.  相似文献   

The low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) are wheat storage proteins participating to the formation of glutenin polymers that, along with the other gluten proteins, allow the accumulation of a large quantity of protein in the endosperm tissue. The size and composition of the glutenin polymers are directly related to gluten visco-elastic properties. In particular, LMW-GS composition is the factor most influencing durum wheat quality.  相似文献   

Ten transgenic lines were studied which expressed a transgene encoding HMW subunit 1Ax1 in three elite spring wheat cultivars: Imp, Canon and Cadenza. These lines contained one to five copies of the transgene and the 1Ax1 subunit was expressed as 1–20% of the total glutenin protein. These lines were grown in field trials in a continental, arid climate (Martonvásár, Hungary) over two years (2004, 2005). The expression of the transgenes and their effects on the grain properties were stably inherited over the two years. Significant differences in yield were observed between three of the transgenic lines and the original genotypes, but no differences were found in their adaptiveness. Clear differences were found in the technological and rheological properties of four lines, with all the parameters characterising dough strength and extensibility (GI, W, G, Re, Ext, A) changing significantly. These differences were associated with increases in the ratio of HMW/LMW subunits and decreases in the ratios of 1Dx/1Dy and 1Bx/1By subunits. Two transgenic lines of cv Imp had high over-expression of the 1Ax1 subunit which in one line resulted in an overstrong type of dough, similar to that described previously for lines over-expressing HMW subunit 1Dx5. Transformation of cvs. Canon and Cadenza resulted in two lines with increased dough stability due to the significantly improved gluten quality. It is concluded that significant changes in the structure of the glutenin polymers caused by the altered ratio of x-type to y-type HMW subunits led to the changes in flour functional properties.  相似文献   

Bread wheat quality constitutes a key trait for the demands of the baking industry as well as the broad consumer preferences. The role of the low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) with regard to bread quality is so far not well understood owing to their genetic complexity and to the use of different nomenclatures and standards for the LMW-GS assignment by different research groups, which has made difficult the undertaking of association studies between genotypes and bread quality. The development of molecular markers to carry out genetic characterization and allele determination is demanding. Nowadays, the most promising LMW gene marker system is based on PCR and high resolution capillary electrophoresis for the simultaneous analysis of the complete multigene family. The molecular analysis of the bread wheat Glu-B3 locus in F2 and F4:6 populations expressed the expected one-locus Mendelian segregation pattern, thus validating the suitability of this marker system for the characterization of LMW-GS genes in segregating populations, allowing for the successful undertaking of studies related to bread-making quality. Moreover, the Glu-B3 allele characterization of standard cultivars with the molecular marker system has revealed its potential as a complementary tool for the allelic determination of this complex multigene family.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of 1BL.1RS translocation on protein content, starch quality, dough rheology, RMT volumes and other quality traits, a doubled haploid population was created and sown in a two-year field experiment. Translocated genotypes accumulated more proteins in the endosperm than non-translocated genotypes. Decrease in the gelatinization of starch was associated with the 1BL.1RS translocation. As for rheological parameters, adapted to bread types not requiring high mixing energy, the 1BL.1RS translocation significantly reduced the elasticity, tenacity and strength of the dough compared to allele c of Glu-B3. Tolerance to over-mixing was also significantly lower in translocated DH lines. In contrast to previously published work, the presence of allele Glu-D3 c resulted in significantly higher tenacity, and thus strength, compared with the allele Glu-D3 b in the present DH population. The final baking test performed on the DH lines of the population, combining favourable alleles for dough rheology and high protein content, demonstrated that in some cases lower tenacity induced by the 1BL.1RS translocation or by Glu-B3 b increases the volume of the loaves.  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) play a key role in determining the processing quality of the end-use products of common wheat. The objectives of this study were to identify genes at Glu-A3 locus, develop the STS markers, and establish multiplex PCR with the STS markers for Glu-A3 alleles. Gene-specific PCR primers were designed to amplify six near-isogenic lines (NILs) and Glenlea with different Glu-A3 alleles (a, b, c, d, e, f and g) defined by the protein electrophoretic mobility. Three Glu-A3 genes with complete coding sequence were cloned, designated as GluA3-1, GluA3-2 and GluA3-3, respectively. Seven dominant allele-specific STS (sequence tagged sites) markers were designed based on the SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) among different allelic variants for the discrimination of the Glu-A3 protein alleles a, b, c, d, e, f and g. Four multiplex PCRs were established including Glu-A3b + Glu-A3f, Glu-A3d + Glu-A3f, Glu-A3d + Glu-A3g, and Glu-A3b + Glu-A3e. These markers and multiplex-PCR systems were validated on 141 CIMMYT wheat varieties and advanced lines with different Glu-A3 alleles, confirming that they can be efficiently used in marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

Grain protein concentration (GPC) affects wheat nutritional value and several critical parameters for bread and pasta quality. A gene designated Gpc-B1, which is not functional in common and durum wheat cultivars, was recently identified in Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides. The functional allele of Gpc-B1 improves nitrogen remobilization from the straw increasing GPC, but also shortens the grain filling period resulting in reduced grain weight in some genetic backgrounds. We developed isogenic lines for the Gpc-B1 introgression in six hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat genotypes to evaluate its effects on bread-making and pasta quality. In common wheat, the functional Gpc-B1 introgression was associated with significantly higher GPC, water absorption, mixing time and loaf volume, whereas in durum wheat, the introgression resulted in significant increases in GPC, wet gluten, mixing time, and spaghetti firmness, as well as a decrease in cooking loss. On the negative side, the functional Gpc-B1 introgression was associated in some varieties with a significant reduction in grain weight, test weight, and flour yield and significant increases in ash concentration. Significant gene × environment and gene × genotype interactions for most traits stress the need for evaluating the effect of this introgression in particular genotypes and environments.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic (urea SDS–PAGE) and chromatographic (RP–HPLC) analysis was performed on 8 allelic variants of HMW glutenin subunits derived fromTriticum tauschiiand from the D genome of a hexaploid wheat species (Triticum macha) and hexaploid landraces. These subunits had been previously identified using SDS–PAGE. The characterisation revealed that subunits Dy10tand Dy12tfromT. tauschiicould be differentiated from their bread wheat counterparts using both urea SDS–PAGE and RP–HPLC. In the latter case, theT. tauschiiy-type subunits were clearly more hydrophobic than the Dy type subunits of bread wheat. The characterisation also suggested that subunit Dx5t, derived from two separateT. tauschiiaccessions, did not contain the extra cysteine residue characteristic of Dx5 from bread wheat. RFLP analysis of the genes encoding the HMW glutenin subunits of interest suggested that the absence of Dx-type HMW glutenins in two hexaploid landraces was due to lack of expression of their encoding genes. The relationship betweenHindIII DNA fragment size and protein subunit size, as measured by electrophoretic mobility, is examined and discussed. Finally, the solubility properties of a HMW protein designated T1 (derived fromT. tauschiiaccession AUS 18913) suggested that it was not a HMW glutenin subunit as was previously thought. Further studies are needed to clarify the identity of this subunit.  相似文献   

The recently identified Puroindoline b-2 (Pinb-2) variants on the homoeologous group 7 chromosomes in bread wheat are Puroindoline-like genes that account for minor grain texture modulation and display activity against bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. In this study, the coding sequence of the Pinb-2 gene in the Chinese winter wheat cultivar Yunong 202 (Triticum aestivum L.) was amplified with the universal primer, and the obtained 452-bp fragment was cloned and 36 plasmids encompassing the targeted fragment were sequenced from two strands. Results indicated that Yunong 202 possessed Pinb-2v1, Pinb-2v2, Pinb-2v3b and Pinb-2v4 alleles. A new Puroindoline-2 variant was discovered in Yunong 202 as well and was designated as Pinb-2v6. Full alignment showed that Pinb-2v6 possessed 74.0%, 95.4%, 94.7%, 92.3%, 98.7% and 98.0% identity at the DNA level with Pinb-D1a, Pinb-2v1, Pinb-2v2, Pinb-2v3a, Pinb-2v4 and Pinb-2v5 alleles, respectively. This study may provide useful information for further understanding the molecular and genetics basis of grain texture and for illustrating gene duplication events in wheat.  相似文献   

Grain hardness, a major determinant influencing end-use quality of common wheat, is mainly controlled by Puroindoline a-D1 (Pina-D1) and Puroindoline b-D1 (Pinb-D1) genes. Recently, additional puroindoline genes, designated Puroindoline b-2 (Pinb-2), were described. This study examined frequencies of Pin-D1 alleles and Pinb-2 variants in 94 West European wheat genotypes and assessed their association with 13 quality traits considering population and family structure. The survey was completed by analyzing the Grain softness protein-1 gene. Results indicated sequence variation only for Pinb-D1 and Pinb-B2 genes. Pinb-D1b was the predominant hard allele. Pinb-B2v3-1 was the most common Pinb-2 variant, followed by a newly discovered variant Pinb-B2v3-5. Association mapping carried out in the whole sample population showed that Pinb-D1 alleles were associated with 11 quality traits, whereas Pinb-B2 variants were only associated with semolina extraction. Considering only the panel of hard wheat genotypes, variation for flour ash content, sedimentation value, gluten index and loaf volume was found to be associated with Pinb-D1 mutations suggesting that different Pinb-D1 mutations might have particular effects on quality traits. Our study indicated that Pinb-D1d was associated with inferior sedimentation value, gluten index and loaf volume, for which reason this mutation should be disregarded in breeding for quality wheat.  相似文献   

The bread wheat elasticity, which is very important for bread-making quality, is largely determined by the composition of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS). The HMW-GS encoded by Glu-B1 loci are highly polymorphic and the combinations 17+18 and 14+15 are good for bread making. Thus it is very important to identify the alleles at Glu-B1 loci for wheat quality improvement. In this study, the five common HMW-GS types encoded by Glu-B1x locus carried by 18 Chinese bread wheat cultivars (or lines) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Two pairs of PCR primers which could distinguish the Glu-Blx alleles of the five common HMW-GS types were designed based on the Glu-B1x gene sequences (Reddy and Appels, 1993; Genbank accession: X13927; Genbank accession:AY367771). 22 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from Jing711 (contains 17 subunit on Glu-B1x) and Pm97034 (contains 14 subunit on Glu-B1x) were used to validate the accuracy of the primers, which showed that the two specific markers could be used together to distinguish alleles at Glu-B1x locus and accelerate wheat quality breeding by marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

The Gsp-1 genes of wheat encode two components, the “grain softness protein” (whose role in determining texture has not been substantiated) and a 15 residue arabinogalactan peptide (AGP) sequence which is O-glycosylated and is also of unknown function. We have determined genomic Gsp-1 sequences from 29 species within the Triticeae tribe and an additional 12 species from the major subfamilies of the Poaceae (Anomochlooideae, Bambusoideae, Ehrhartoideae, Chloridoideae and Panicoideae). Twelve new AGP sequence types were identified with forms present in Agropyron mongolicum, Secale cereale, Oryza sativa subsp. japonica and Sorghum bicolor containing an extra ten amino acids within the AGP sequence. Phylogenetic analysis showed distinct groupings of AGP/GSP sequence types which had no apparent relationship to the species or even the genus. However, individual forms of AGP forms were associated with specific groups of GSP sequences, providing no evidence that the AGP and GSP-1 parts of the protein have diverged at different rates or in different ways.  相似文献   

A total of 169 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties (landraces and cultivars) were used to asses the relationship between Puroindoline D1 alleles and Puroindoline b-B2 variants and grain hardness, other grain traits, yield components, and flag leaf size. Results indicated that the average SKCS hardness of Pinb-B2v3 varieties was significantly greater than that of Pinb-B2v2 varieties within the soft Puroindoline D1 haplotype sub-group. Conversely, no statistically significant difference was obtained for SKCS hardness between varieties with the Pinb-B2v3 vs. Pinb-B2v2 alleles within the two hard Puroindoline D1 haplotypes (Pinb-D1b and Pinb-D1p sub-groups). Therefore, the Puroindoline b-B2 gene may have a bigger impact on soft wheat varieties than hard. Across all varieties, thousand-kernel weight, grain weight per spike, grain diameter, grain number per spike, flag leaf width and area of Pinb-B2v3 varieties were significantly greater than those possessing Pinb-B2v2. These results indicated that the Pinb-B2v3 allele was associated with preferable grain yield traits compared to the Pinb-B2v2 allele in bread wheat. This study provides evocative information for better understanding the molecular and genetic basis of wheat grain yield.  相似文献   

As currently practiced, genetic engineering of monocots requires the use of selective agents, such as herbicides and antibiotics, and marker genes for resistance to favor the multiplication of the initially transformed cells. In the present paper we have used “minimal gene cassettes” and positive selection to generate transgenic durum wheat lines free of herbicide and antibiotic resistance marker genes. Two biolistic transformation experiments were carried out using three “minimal gene cassettes” consisting of linear DNA fragments each excised from the source plasmids. The targeted trait genes were two bread wheat sequences encoding the Dx5 and Dy10 high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits, which have been associated with superior bread-making quality and which are absent from durum wheats. The positive selectable marker was the Escherichia coli phosphomannose isomerase (pmi) gene, whose product catalyzes the reversible interconversion of mannose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate, allowing plant cells to utilize mannose as a carbon source. PCR assays of genomic DNA from regenerated plants identified 15 T0 plants that contained the pmi marker gene for an overall transformation efficiency of 1.5%, which is similar to biolistic transformation efficiencies of durum wheat with intact circular plasmids. Line TC-52, which initially contained pmi, non-expressed 1Dx5, and expressed 1Dy10 HMW glutenin subunit transgenes, was further investigated. PCR was used to follow inheritance of the pmi marker gene and 1Dx5 from the T1 to T3 generations. Transgene expression was monitored by the chlorophenol-red assay for pmi and SDS-PAGE of seed proteins for 1Dy10. From these analyses, we observed that the 1Dy10, 1Dx5 and pmi transgenes were not linked, allowing us in the T3 generation to identify 1Dy10 transgenic segregants that contained no marker or silent 1Dx5 transgenes. Homozygotes containing and expressing only the 1Dy10 transgene were identified in the T4 generation. These experiments show that it is possible to combine biolistic transformation by minimal gene cassettes with genetic segregation to make marker-free transgenic wheat plants with new traits.  相似文献   

Genetic and kernel texture relationships between Puroindoline b-2 variants 2 and 3 have not been fully established in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Here, 480 F2 plants, derived from three hard spring wheat populations were used to test the segregation of Puroindoline b-2 (Pinb-2) variants 2 and 3. Chi-square analysis indicated that Pinb-2 variants 2 and 3 in all three F2 populations segregated as a single bi-allelic locus, with segregation ratios fitting a 1:2:1 ratio. Using 448 of the 480 plants derived from these three F2 populations, the average SKCS hardness index of plants homozygous for Pinb-2 variant 2 vs. those homozygous for variant 3 was not significantly different (67.5 vs. 67.9). Results indicated that plants with Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1a were on average 10.0 Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS) hardness index units harder than those carrying the Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b haplotype. In conclusion, Pinb-2 variants 2 and 3 are allelic and exert little effect on kernel texture in hard-kernel T. aestivum germplasm. Further, the designation of Pinb-2v2 and Pinb-2v3 should be changed to Pinb-B2a and Pinb-B2b, respectively. We propose that Pinb-2 variants 1 and 4 of Chinese Spring be designated Pinb-D2a and Pinb-A2a, respectively.  相似文献   

Gliadin proteins of 113 common or bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and advanced lines from China and other countries, were analyzed by high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). A major protein peak migrating at 3 min by HPCE and eluting at about 20 min by RP-HPLC was identified in the ω-gliadin region. It was present in cultivars with good pan bread-making quality, whereas most cultivars with poor bread-making quality lacked this protein peak. Quality testing and statistical analysis showed that this ω-gliadin peak was significantly related to dough strength, loaf volume and loaf score. It was separated into two apparent protein components by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). According to their relative mobilities on the gels, the proteins were designated ω-15 and ω-16, and their accurate molecular masses (42590.5 Da for ω-15 and 41684.1 Da for ω-16) were determined by MALDI-TOF-MS. The ω-15 and ω-16 gliadins possessed the N-terminal amino acid sequences of ARELNPSNKELQQQQ and KELQSPQQQF, and therefore they belonged to 1D-encoded ω-2 type and ω-1 type gliadins, respectively. Both gliadin subunits were always present together among the 86 cultivars analyzed, suggesting that they were encoded by two closely linked genes at Gli-D1 locus. The accumulative characteristics of gliadins during grain development indicated possible additive quantitative effects of ω-15+16 on dough strength. The ω-15 and ω-16 gliadins could be used as valuable genetic markers for wheat quality improvement.  相似文献   

The effects of drought and heat stress on quality parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars were studied under field conditions in a 2-year trial (2009–2010) in northwest Mexico. Under no stress conditions, rapid small-scale parameters [protein (GP; FP) content, SDS sedimentation (SDSS), mixograph peak time (MPT), swelling index of glutenin (SIG), and lactic acid retention capacity (LARC)] showed significant relationship with gluten strength (alveograph energy, W) and bread loaf volume (LV). SIG and LARC were better than SDSS and MPT for predicting W, while SDSS was better than W and SIG for predicting bread LV. Most quality traits were primarily controlled by genotype (G), although environment (E) and G × E also had significant effects. Heat and drought stress showed contrasting effects on LARC, MPT, alveograph parameters [tenacity (P), extensibility (L), P/L ratio, W] and LV. Increase in P and decrease in L resulted in higher tenacity (larger P/L), which may explain the smaller loaf volume under drought stress. In contrast, decrease in P and increase in L, may explain the improved bread volume observed under heat stress. It is advisable to select for wheat quality under both favorable and abiotic stress conditions to identify genotypes with quality stability across environments.  相似文献   

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