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深圳城市绿地土壤孔隙状况与水分特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了了解深受人为活动强烈影响的城市绿地的土壤物理特性,为充分发挥其增进植物生长、涵养水源和保护城市生态环境等功能提供管理依据,以深圳城市绿地土壤为研究对象,调查分析了土壤容重、孔隙状况、土壤水分常数和水分入渗特征等物理特性。结果表明:深圳城市绿地土壤的容重较高,平均值为1.56 g/cm3。土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、通气孔隙度较小,平均值分别为41.06%、39.78%、1.27%。土壤水分入渗率变幅很大,土壤初始入渗率为0~8.47 mm/min,稳定入渗率为0~5.90 mm/min。城市公园绿地、道路绿地土壤的容重显著高于城郊菜地土壤,而土壤孔隙度、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于城郊菜地土壤;表层0~10 cm的土壤容重、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于10~20 cm土壤,土壤孔隙度显著高于10~20 cm土壤。城市绿地土壤容重与孔隙度、田间持水量、最大持水量、初始入渗率及稳定入渗率均呈显著的负相关。  相似文献   

为计算郑州市水资源承载力,分析水资源开发利用中存在的问题,为水资源可持续利用提出建议,选取水资源可利用量和水资源需求量作为评价指标,构建评价模型,确定评价等级体系;分析现状年(2011年)并预测目标年(2020、2030年)水资源可利用量和水资源需求量,计算郑州市各行政辖区水资源承载力。结果表明:2011年郑州市水资源均呈超载状态,水资源供需缺口达到11.33亿m3。随着水资源保护及节水措施的加强,2020—2030年郑州市水资源供需矛盾整体有所缓解。受经济社会快速发展及山地地形影响,巩义市、新密市、登封市水资源供不应求,供需矛盾近期内相对较大。  相似文献   

土壤水分特性是制定作物灌溉制度的基础。为了合理制定南雄旱坡地烤烟灌溉制度,解决季节性干旱对该地区烤烟种植的影响,以南雄旱坡地紫色土壤为研究对象,通过野外试验和室内试验,研究了不同轮作方式下不同土层深度的紫色土土壤水分特性曲线。研究结果表明,旱坡地紫色土的饱和含水量30.7%,平均田间持水量25.5%,凋萎系数10.0%;土壤保水性差,占田持30%的土壤水会随着重力的作用流失;有效含水量所占的比例低,接近50%以上的土壤水没有办法被作物利用;不同轮作方式对水分特性曲线稍有影响,土层深度对其影响较大。建议制定灌溉制度时烤烟的计划湿润层深度为40 cm,当地在生产时应注注意经常松土,或增稻杆等增加土壤的保水性。  相似文献   

A number of problems exist in water supply to Chinese small towns. Among them, the most significant problems are the scarcity of water source and irregularity of water supply system construction. Criteria for routine water sources are established based on the analysis of present characteristics and problems of water supplying in different areas in China, recommending that water source with onsite characteristics and non-traditional features act as water supply sources or backup sources. Karst water, rainwater catchment utilization, and municipal wastewater reuse are singled out as promising ways for water supply in the future. Then different water supply systems are classified for various types of towns to employ. Finally, framework for regional water supply is advised strongly for the three types of small towns with the consideration of respective economic level. Thus, feasible, stable, effective and cost-saving water supply systems are setting up for decision making.  相似文献   

为了计算张掖市水资源价格,对张掖市水资源数量、水价制度及经济状况进行了实地调查。通过建立张掖市水资源价值模糊评价模型,采用升(降)半梯形函数确定了模糊评价的一元线性隶属关系,选取了水质、人均水资源量、人口密度、人均国民生产总值作为评价指标,综合评价了张掖市的水资源价值。结果表明:张掖市的资源水价为1.97元/m~3,相应的居民自来水价应为2.347元/m~3,是现行居民用水价(0.85元/m~3)的2.76倍。且根据现行水价,每人每年需支出水费126.74元,占人均居民可支配收入(14395元)的0.88%,远低于模型中的控制指数0.015。因此,政府相关部门应加快水价制度改革,重新制定水费收取标准,从而实现水资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

As information base of city water supply pipeline net inspection system, this paper gives the data composition of the system, discusses the basic composition and its setup way, as well as the application of GIS in this information system. It gives the connection function and analyzes the data gathering and data interface. Then, the proposition of system application and some key technology for development of this system are presented.  相似文献   

为探讨停水时间对膜下滴灌棉花纤维品质的影响,对南疆地区主栽陆地棉品种‘中棉所49号’和‘新陆中28号’在不同停水时间调节下,棉花纤维品质指标的变化特征进行研究。结果表明:随停水时间向后推移‘中棉所49号’和‘新陆中28号’皮棉产量均显著提高,同时不同停水时间对棉花纤维品质也产生较大影响。停水时间偏早,‘中棉所49号’纤维长度、比强度、马克隆值均升高,为0.3 mm、0.5 cN/tex、0.3,‘新陆中28号’棉花纤维长度、比强度降低,降幅为0.3 mm、0.1 cN/tex,马克隆值升高0.2;停水时间偏晚,‘新陆中28号’棉花纤维长度、比强度、马克隆值均降低,降幅为0.5 mm、0.3 cN/tex、0.1;‘中棉所49号’同样纤维长度、比强度和马克隆值均呈下降趋势,但与正常停水棉花纤维品质相比差异未达到显著水平。因此,生产上适当延迟停水时间至8月15日-9月5日之间,有利于棉花经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, a Hopfield model for complex water quality evaluation is presented using the artificial neural network for water quality evaluation. The model is examined with the practical data of water quality from Fengzui River located at Nanchuan city in Chongqing. The results show that Hopfield network is fit for water quality evaluation.  相似文献   

为了解在化肥减量条件下不同水溶肥对青菜产量及品质的影响,选择5种水溶型肥料,以施用常规肥料为对照,在化肥总养分减少34.5%的条件下,以水溶肥品种为因素,针对青菜生育表现、缺棵情况、产量体现、生产效益和产品品质等,开展水溶肥应用效果试验研究。结果表明:在化肥减量条件下,在青菜上搭配施用(15-6-9)和(9-6-15)的“沃土”系列氨基酸水溶肥,上述指标综合表现较优,既能实现15.79%的增产,同时又能较大幅度地提高产品品质,适合在当地进行推广应用;施用“优多收益”大量元素水溶肥(20-20-20+Te),增产幅度最高,达17.64%,但产品品质大幅下降,特别是维生素C含量仅为CK的70.77%;施用“力亨”大量元素水溶肥(31-10-10+Te),增产12.97%,但营养品质表现差;施用“美农”(20-10-20+Te)水溶肥和“费尔诺”(25-5-10)和(10-7.5-20)海藻肥,增产和节本增效均不理想,分别增产5.01%和2.91%,营养品质表现为一般或差。通过试验研究表明:在青菜作物上,施用水溶型肥料,其氮磷钾养分投入比例以1:0.45~0.5:0.75为宜,既能保证在化肥减量条件下获得较大幅度的增产,同时又可取得较好的产品品质,实现生产效益的最佳化。  相似文献   

Abstract: In 2002, China surpassed the USA to become the world's largest foreign investment destination. Many Chinese cities, especially those along the coast, have become hot spots for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The urban development of these Chinese cities, as in most market societies, has increasingly depended upon their global connections. However, it is unclear to what degree the governments of these cities are able to influence the decisions of foreign investors. This paper uses Shenzhen city as a case study to examine how multi‐nationals’ spatial and sectoral patterns have been changed over time and to what degree the local government has been able to influence multinationals’ locational and sectoral selection. It is concluded that Shenzhen has managed to create a strategy to maximise its ability to benefit from global economic forces and to attract multinational manufacturers in the locality, and particularly in increasing its target sector of technology‐intensive industry. This case study demonstrates the importance of a strong city government in managing growth and reacting decisively to globalisation.  相似文献   

Through research and analysis on residential quarters in five large core zones in the city of Chongqing,P.R.China,it is found there are higher building volumes,smaller exploiting scale,and monotonous building forms in completed residential quarters.This leads to a series of problems influencing the living environment quality,including a low green cover rate,small open spaces,short distances between buildings,and insufficient natural daylight and aeration.By analyzing the influence of high building volumes on social consciousness,economic benefits,environmental hygiene and safety,this paper brings forward some improvement measures aimed at the problems in residential quarter construction in Chongqing.  相似文献   

为了满足福清现代农业示范园鱼类繁育基地鱼类养殖生产过程中水质多参数实时并行数据采集与监测的需求,开发了一套多参数、多通道并行的水质监测仪,实现了水质数据查询、自动监测、密码修改、报警记录、数据记录、组件检测、传感器校准、恢复出厂设置等功能。该仪器投入使用后,运行稳定,人机界面友好,操作便捷,能够满足鱼类养殖水质多参数实时并行数据采集的要求,具有实时性、可靠性以及较高的监测效率。  相似文献   

An experimental model was made on the improvement of sources water quality through the construction of a special riverine ecosystem using ecological embankments, which consisted of porous concrete, microorganism and hydrophytes. It was found that, with six day as retention time (RT), the removal rates were 20.9% for CODMn, 13.4% for UV254, 81.4% for NH+4-N, 96.8% for NO2-N and 67.7% for TN. In contrast, in the control pool with hard embankment, the removal rates only reached 9.6% for CODMn, 5.0% for UV254, 70.8% for NH+4-N, 42.4% for NO2-N and 34.6% for TN. Through coordination of all constituent elements of special aquatic ecosystem such as porous concrete, hydrophytes and substrate micro organisms, organic pollutants and nitrogen can be removed effectively.  相似文献   

Summarizing building damage in all previous large earthquakes is an important approach to promote the development of structural seismic design. We conducted a statistical analysis of the earthquake damage to various buildings in Mianyang city, Sichuan province, P. R. China. This analysis was based on the emergency assessment and investigation of building damage in Mianyang city caused by the large earthquake that occurred on May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan. We also summarize the damage characteristics of different buildings and the lessons learned. We present the following findings and suggestions for structural seismic design:(1)Buildings in Mianyang designed according to current seismic code withstood the rare earthquake.(2)Different structural systems have obviously varied seismic behaviors. (3)Old buildings always have been the weak links in earthquakes, and should be evaluated and strengthened selectively after an earthquake.(4)Studies of anti cracking measures for masonry walls should be conducted. (5)Effective measures should be taken to reduce earthquake damage to non structural components, for example, infill walls in frames.(6)Seismic design methods and construction measures for stairs should be studied.  相似文献   

Based on the application characteristics of Surface Water Source Heat Pump System(WSHPs),the condition for the high efficient application of the system was expounded.Meanwhile,the distribution of water source in China Climatic Region was analyzed,and combining with the condition under which the surface water heat pump system was applied,the application feasibility of the system was explored.On the basis of the present climate division,the water source in the climate zone was analyzed comprehensively in terms of water temperature and water quality.Based on practical data,HVAC style,characteristic and condition of WSHPs,the adaptability analysis of the surface water heat pump system used in the climate zones was also given.  相似文献   

Some reasonable and suitable methods for factor calculation of the equation were chosen based on the American Universal Soil Loss equation,the characteristics of the Jialing River basin in P.R.China,and related research results.The soil erosion and loss in each hydrological unit of the basin were estimated using GIS.Employing the non-point source adsorbed nutrition load model,the loads of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution were calculated and analyzed.The results show that the average sediment transportation module in the Jialing River Basin in recent years is 161.94 t/(km2a),and the loads of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution are 29 620.8 t/a and 1 391.96 t/a,respectively,at the watershed outlet(Beibei hydrologic station).Adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution are serious in the Bailong River and Xihanshui basins.The descending order of land type with adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus loss modulus is as follows: wild land,bush,turf,field,city and forest.  相似文献   

In the last decade, with the development of environmental science, the studies on water quality models have developed rapidly at home and abroad. The water quality models are mainly used for simulating, assessing and predicting water quality and expounding the transport and transformation of pollutants in aquatic environment, the common models in literature such as fugacity approach, transport model of pollutants in multimedia environment, pollutant exposure model, and water quality management model and so on are discussed. The current situation, history and future trend of the research on aquatic environmental model are summarized. The theories, methodology and application problems which are involved with in this field are analyzed. Several leading objects for study are advanced also in this paper.  相似文献   

The ecological environment of west region is an important part of the whole ecological environment system of China. The west region has plentiful water resource. But the ecology of water is anxious, it is urgent to protect the water. A consummation ecology benefit compensate of water has significances for west China. This paper summaries the positive role of the ecology benefit compensate system for west China , and analyze the present situation of ecology benefit compensate system in west China, giving some suggestion on its establishment and consummation.  相似文献   

City expansion is a major driving force altering local and regional hydrology and increasing non point source (NPS) pollution. To explore these environmental consequences of urbanization, long term runoff and NPS pollution were assessed in Beijing, P. R. China. The assessment was based on land use types, soil hydrology, and long term precipitation data. The environmental impact model L THIA was used. The outcomes indicate that the area likely would be subjected to impacts from urbanization on runoff and some types of NPS pollution. Urban sprawl will increase runoff volume considerably and significantly increase losses of COD and certain heavy metals such as Pb, Zn in runoff. The results of this study have significant implications for urban planning and decision making efforts to protect and remediate water and habitat quality in the Beijing area. The techniques described herein can be used in other areas.  相似文献   

周丛藻类在水质监测及净化中应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来水质污染问题逐渐引起人们的密切关注,应用生态环境工程进行水质的检测与修复得到广泛应用。周丛藻类在水环境中广泛存在,并对水质变化极其敏感,所以在检测水质的同时检测周丛藻类的群落变化,能更全面监测水质变化;同时,因为周丛藻类的耐污性或敏感性的不同,也会对一些特殊的化学成分变化特别敏感,体现出指示作用。另外,周丛藻类对水体中的一些污染物如氮、磷及一些重金属离子等具有较好的吸附与去除作用,提示周丛藻类在水质净化中同样具有很高的应用价值。本研究就对今年来周丛藻类在水质监测及净化中应用的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

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