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Through selecting the index of MSW compost quality and establishing the evaluation grades of index, an evaluation system with the method of fuzzy mathematics has been framed in this paper. Then, based on the assessment of single factor and comprehensive effects of different factors, in this paper, the experimental data are taken for example to evaluate the MSW compost quality. The result shows that this method is successfully applied and also can be used as a simple useful method to the evaluation of MSW compost quality.  相似文献   

马涛 《中国农学通报》2020,36(35):134-138
研究裂解温度对污泥生物质炭基础理化性质的影响,为安全、合理、高效处置污泥提供理论依据。将干燥污泥分别在200、300、500、700℃下进行热裂解处理(SBC200、SBC300、SBC500、SBC700),获得污泥生物质炭,测定其基础理化特性。结果表明:不同温度制备的污泥生物质炭表面颗粒结构完好,孔径范围均集中在10~50μm,其中低温生物质炭SBC200表面较光滑,最可几孔径和中值孔径最大,分别为20.1μm和14.8μm,高温生物质炭SBC700表面较粗糙,比表面积最大,为5.98 m2/g。随裂解温度的提高,污泥生物质炭的产率、含水量、电导率、挥发分、阳离子交换量显著下降,全碳、氧、全氮、氢含量、有效磷和铵态氮均逐渐降低,pH和灰分含量显著增加。将污泥制备成生物质炭,是安全处置污泥的有效途径,低温制得的污泥生物质炭具有更大的提高土壤肥力的潜力,而高温制得的生物质炭在改良土壤酸性的应用上具有更大的潜力。  相似文献   

纤维素热解及其产物转化乙醇的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究纤维素物质热解产物的乙醇转化,笔者综述了国内外近几年纤维素热解影响因素及其产物(主要为内醚糖)转化乙醇的研究现状,发现以往的研究并没有重视热解过程中各影响因素的综合作用、获得的产物,如内醚糖产率不够理想,同时对热解液主要采取水解后发酵的方式生产乙醇,也不经济可行。通过基因工程技术构建乙醇工程菌,从而实现纤维素热解液向乙醇的直接转化将成为未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the influence of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost application on soil properties, nitrogen availability to plants and its uptake efficiency. The paper deals with results of a three-year field experiment where two different MSW composts were non-recurrently applied to sandy soil at rates of 18, 36 and 72 t ha−1 (dry mass). Plots without fertilisation as well as plots fertilised each year with mineral forms of NPK were the controls, and spring triticale was cultivated in a monoculture on all plots as a test plant. Soil properties, plant yield and nitrogen content in grain and straw were determined at harvest, and on this basis the applied nitrogen uptake efficiency was calculated. During the first year, only the plots with the highest dose of the better-quality compost had yields similar to the plots fertilised with mineral NPK. Following the years of the experiment, all the plots treated with compost had distinctly lower yields than the plots fertilised with mineral NPK. That decrease was accompanied by a decrease in the nitrogen content in straw and grain, in spite of the fact that the soil material indicated a similar content of total nitrogen to those fertilised with NPK. This indicates that organic matter brought into the soil with MSW compost was intensively mineralised, releasing a considerable amount of nitrogen. However, the plant response indicated a shortage of the plant-available forms of this element. The efficiency of compost-originated nitrogen uptake by plants was very low, at less than 7% of the applied nitrogen. This indicates that plants can take up only a limited amount of nitrogen released from the compost, while considerable amounts are emitted into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

为揭示不同灌水量对不同年代春小麦光合特性及产量的影响,以5 个不同年代宁夏春小麦品种(系)为试验材料,在宁夏灌区4 种水分处理条件下,研究了灌水时期对不同年代宁夏春小麦品种光合生理指标及产量因子的影响。结果表明,不同时期灌水对春小麦叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用率(WUE)等生理指标均产生明显影响;T1、T2 处理,‘毛火麦’和‘宁春27 号’的叶绿素含量、Pn、WUE较高,在T1、T2 和T3 处理下其产量与其他品种(系)差异不显著。随着灌水量的增加,灌区品种(系)‘宁春4 号’、‘宁春50 号’和‘J63’的叶绿素含量、Pn、WUE高于‘毛火麦’和‘宁春27 号’且产量正常灌水条件下显著高于其他处理。因此,宁夏灌区在保证分蘖期和拔节期灌水,增加抽穗期灌水,各品种(系)既保持较高水分利用效率,又可以获得较高的产量。  相似文献   

青岛地区降雪时空特征及环流成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究青岛地区的降雪特点及形成原因,使用1961—2009年实况观测及NCEP全球再分析格点资料,统计分析了青岛地区降雪的时空特征,并采用合成分析和物理量诊断的方法对青岛大雪进行了环流分型和物理量特征分析。结果表明:青岛地区降雪最早月份11月,最晚月份4月。年平均降雪量10 mm左右,东北和西南多、东南少;年平均降雪日数10天左右,西北多、中部少。月平均降雪量、降雪日数均呈中间高、两头低的月际变化特征,12月、1月、2月多,11月和4月少。小波分析表明,年降雪量和降雪日数均存在19年左右的周期。大雪最早出现在11月下旬,最晚3月中旬。大雪的环流形势分为冷槽东移型、平直环流型和横槽转竖型3种,主要环流形势为冷槽东移型;高空明显的冷空气入侵,地面冷暖空气交汇,低层水汽供应充分,湿度大,低层辐合、高层辐散,引发青岛地区明显的降雪天气。物理量特征分析给出了青岛大雪预报的一个预报着眼点。  相似文献   

为了选出综合表现最好、最适合重庆地区栽培的葡萄品种,以重庆地区主栽的‘蜜莉’、‘巨峰’、‘夏黑’和‘巨玫瑰’等葡萄品种为材料,测定果实的物理指标以及糖、酸、维生素C、可溶性固形物等品质指标和原花青素含量,为品种选择提供依据。实验结果表明:‘巨峰’总糖含量最高,‘巨玫瑰’含量最低;总酸‘蜜莉’含量最高,‘巨玫瑰’含量最低;‘夏黑’维生素C含量最高,‘蜜莉’含量最低;可溶性固形物‘夏黑’含量最高,‘巨峰’含量最低。果皮和果汁原花青素含量是‘巨玫瑰’>‘夏黑’>‘巨峰’>‘蜜莉’,种子原花青素含量是‘巨玫瑰’>‘巨峰’>‘蜜莉’,‘夏黑’为无核品种。同一品种不同部位原花青素含量是种子>果皮>果汁。  相似文献   

可再生燃油是重要的环保型生物质基燃料,但其在制备方法及燃料性质上仍存在一定的缺陷。近年来,发展迅速的生物质微波裂解因其能获得低成本、高热值并且绿色环保的可再生燃油,在未来的能源大战中异军突起。本研究回顾了生物质微波裂解制备可再生燃油技术的发展历程,综述了生物质微波直接裂解及间接裂解(微波吸收剂辅助吸波)2 种热化学转换方式的现状及特点,并探讨了生物质微波裂解技术还存在的问题,指出了目前生物质微波裂解制备可再生燃油的研究方向。  相似文献   

The technology of incinerator fly ash as the main material and the core carbonaceous reducing agent, and the necessary absorption of chlorine and catalyst made of composite pellets, Into the garbage incineration furnace temperature reduction decomposition of dioxin, heavy metal forming glassy slag. The fly ash harmless treatment, fly ash in the incineration plant in their complete closed circulation waste disposal to achieve, Provides the optimum technical route for the treatment of MSW fly ash.  相似文献   

湛江湾红树林在防止海岸侵蚀和减轻台风危害中起到重要作用。为研究其土壤环境现状,选择东海大堤、礼部村、特呈岛3个代表性的红树林样地,采集各样地土层深为0~10、10~20、20~30、30~50 cm的土壤样品,采用常规土壤实验方法测定pH、有机碳含量、全氮量、碱解氮含量、全磷量、速效磷量、全钾量、速效钾量和水溶性盐量等9个理化指标,结果表明随着土层加深,土壤的上述各理化性质均有显著变化,土壤呈强酸性,向酸性硫酸盐土方向演化,土壤盐分含量高,具有显著盐渍化特征。建议优化红树林土壤环境。  相似文献   

21世纪是能源的世纪,随着科技的进步,现有的能源如石油和煤炭能源渐渐地消耗殆尽,可再生能源的开发与利用变得越来越重要。通过添加磷酸作为催化剂,研究催化剂对稻壳微波裂解制备生物油的影响。  相似文献   

The separating characteristic of element in cumulate MSW is a very important base to investigate the synthetically managing technology and estimate the water environment effects in Three Gorge Reservoir (TGR). The experiment to marinate the cumulate MSW under 135 meters for TGR in water is finished, and the same time, the Separating Distributing Coefficient (SDC) and the Separating Velocity Rate (SVR) of each heavy metal in water are presented, too. The experiment results show that the SDC of Cd is the smallest, the Ratio for Water and MSW (RWM) and marinating time play an important role in SDC and SVR, the SDC and SVR change smaller while the RWM get to 400, the separating content of heavy metal can reach 0.75 during three weeks, SVR decreases more with marinate time's increasing, and SVR gets an limit value with smaller RWM. The results can be a base for deeply studying the managing technology and the cumulate MSW under 135 meters for TGR.  相似文献   

With the development of economic and society,more and more waste landfill gradually threaten to the development of the city.Some special tests are done to study the relationship of the Municipal solid waste(MSW) strength and the stability of MSW landfill structure.A geo-technical test with the soil samples collected at the scene is done in the laboratory through direct sheared device and the thri-axial sheared device,the disciplinarian and factors are analyzed.The results are referenced to the design and construction of new-built MSW and finished rubbish field.It is shown that some parameters such as composition,particle magnitude,water content,compressing method,intensity and time,will greatly affect the strength character of MSW.  相似文献   

李翔  许彦  付勋  彭彩  张艳  刘丹  聂青玉 《保鲜与加工》2020,20(4):192-196
为明确重庆市菜用黄麻营养成分及其营养价值,为其产业发展和推广提供参考依据,根据食品和蔬菜主要营养成分测定方法,分别测定菜用黄麻嫩叶和老叶中的营养成分、矿物质元素以及氨基酸成分,并通过氨基酸评分(AAS)、化学评分(CS)及氨基酸比值系数分(SRCAA)对蛋白价值进行评价。结果表明:重庆市菜用黄麻蛋白质含量较高,且富含VC、VB2和VB6,含有丰富的矿物质元素,具有高钾、低钠、高钙的特征,且铁、锌、硒含量较高;氨基酸种类齐全,含有被检测的17种氨基酸;几种氨基酸评价结果均显示菜用黄麻蛋白为高营养价值蛋白质,其中,蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸为菜用黄麻蛋白的第1限制氨基酸,苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸含量很高。说明重庆市菜用黄麻的营养价值较高,可以作为高品质蔬菜品种加以推广和开发。  相似文献   

为了提高生物质资源利用率,开发低毒无害的新型果蔬保鲜剂,进行了3.3%生物质热解液以及热解液和不同浓度(0.50、0.75、1.00 g/L)的壳聚糖复合涂被液处理对圣女果保鲜效果的研究,主要观察了多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性及相关物质含量的变化。结果表明:生物质热解液与壳聚糖复合可较好地抑制圣女果PG和PPO活性的增长并减缓POD活性的下降速率,同时可减缓可溶性果胶和过氧化氢含量的增长并延缓酚类物质含量的下降,说明生物质热解液与壳聚糖复合涂被液处理有利于圣女果的贮藏与保鲜。  相似文献   

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