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为了促进《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》的实施,为了把环境保护的意识渗透到生态城市规划的各项社会经济发展战略中,在生态城市规划的早期阶段充分考虑环境的影响,实现城市的可持续发展,鉴于生态城市规划在国内外都很盛行,笔者以哈尔滨市为例,针对生态城市规划环境影响评价的特点,参照宋永昌等人提出的生态城市的评价指标体系,构建了适合生态城市规划环境影响评价的方法系统,即采用适合生态城市规划环境影响评价的数学模型,对城市复合生态系统进行定量分析,该方法以层次分析法为基础,将生态综合指标分为生态系统结构、城市功能和城市协调度3个目标子系统,并在此基础上细化评价因子,通过矩阵运算确定其权重和指标数值,再根据适当的评价标准,得出评价结论。本研究运用此方法系统,对黑龙江省哈尔滨市生态城市规划进行了实证研究。通过计算分析得出,哈尔滨市生态化程度一般,并指出其在生态城市规划过程中存在的问题以及环境影响减缓对策。  相似文献   

Urbanization in P. R. China inevitably boosts the development of urban subways. By summarizing the present situation of subway in China's major cities, we analyzed the formation and development of subway economics from the standpoint of urban subway development and forecast the arrival of a subway age. As a sunrise industry, the subway industry is the most promising with large market in the Chinese transportation infrastructure. Finally, a strategy of sustainable development for urban subways was put forward.  相似文献   

Luzhou is a famous wine country and a historical city in P. R. China. Insuring the continuity of urban context is an effective method for creating a distinctive image of a city. Considering the authenticity, sustainable development, enforceability and regional differences of urban contexts, it is an appropriate way to extract the original urban context and adopt a proper design method that combines humanized nature, material culture, and intangible culture to form an area with cultural atmosphere on both banks of the Tuojiang River.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna, which is well known for its ethnic diversity, is located in the upper reaches of the Mekong River. Dai lowlanders make up one third of the total population, 13 other indigenous highland groups make up another third and the balance are Han Chinese. The research on which this paper is based was conducted in three villages, Dai, Hani and Jinuo communities and designed to explore the changing relationships between lowlanders and highlanders. It was found that over the past five decades two critical events triggered profound changes. One was liberation by the Chinese Communist Party in 1950, and the other the land and economic reform policies introduced at the beginning of the 1980s.  相似文献   

华北地区有机及常规草莓生产对环境影响的生命周期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机农业与农产品质量安全和生态环境安全密切相关,其环境影响效应也越来越受到人们的广泛关注,系统全面评价有机农产品生产过程对环境的影响,对促进有机农业健康发展具有重要应用价值。本研究采用生命周期评价方法(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA),分析和比较了山东省淄博市博山区有机草莓和北京市昌平区常规草莓生产过程及其对环境的影响。研究结果表明,在各项环境影响指标中,常规草莓生产带来的全球变暖、环境酸化、富营养化和土壤毒性的潜在环境影响分别是全球人均基准值的 3.45%、 2.11%、 27.09%和 280.16%,而有机草莓生产带来的全球变暖、环境酸化、富营养化和土壤毒性的潜在环境影响分别是全球人均基准值的 1.22%、 0.44%、 15.17%和 202.76%,均低于常规草莓。常规草莓生产中生命周期环境影响较大的是富营养化、水体毒性和土壤毒性,造成常规草莓水体毒性危害严重的原因是种植阶段农药残留迁移至水体所致,而土壤毒性是由于化肥和有机肥所携带的重金属残留所致。有机草莓生产中生命周期环境影响较大的是富营养化和土壤毒性,主要是由于有机草莓农作阶段施肥过程中的磷流失和重金属残留所引起的。总体上看,有机草莓生命周期环境影响综合指数为 0.22,而常规草莓为 0.43,说明常规草莓对环境的负面影响明显高于有机草莓。因此,施用生物源农药与优质有机肥是控制草莓生命周期负面环境影响的关键措施。  相似文献   

过度施用化肥带来的负外部性使棉区土壤面临着棉花增产和保护生态环境的双重挑战。本文在棉花生产的决策主体农户尺度上,利用对新疆重点植棉地区实地问卷调查所得数据,定量化研究了新疆棉农过度施用化肥程度,并通过经济计量模型分析了导致农户过量施用化肥的主要因素。研究结果表明,新疆棉花种植农户的化肥施用量(折纯量)平均达到610.20 kg·hm~(-2),过量施用率占到实际施用量的59.6%。导致农户过量施用化肥的主要因素是缺乏科学施肥培训和避免收入损失的盲目性。研究结果在农户行为学方面做了有益的科学探讨,并为科学引导农户合理施肥提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Om P. Rajora 《Euphytica》1989,43(3):207-213
Summary Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was done to assay 10 enzyme systems in root tips of 14 Populus deltoides x P. nigra clones developed by controlled hybridization and selected in North America, and some clones sharing one or both parents. The genotypes of the clones were determined for 31 loci coding for 10 enzyme systems. The interclonal allozyme variability was controlled by 12 loci. Each of the 14 clones had unique 12-locus genotypes, thus could be distinguished from each other. The clones differed from each other on an average of 4.2 loci. The first two Principal Components from Principal Component Analysis of the clonal allozyme genotype data accounted for 48% of the total variation in the 12 variant loci. 6-Pgd-3, Per-2, 6-Pgd-1, Aco-1 and Per-1 were found to be the most discriminating loci for the clones. The ordination of the clones on Principal Component axes 1 and 2 was in general agreement with the origin of the clones.  相似文献   

Research on carrying capacity as an important indicator describing the state of regional urban rural systems is quite important. Based on an analysis of urban rural system elements characteristics and mechanism, mathematical models were established to evaluate regional comprehensive carrying capacity and development expenditure level. These models were applied to a case study of Hainan Province, P. R. China, using statistical data from 1995 to 2005. The conclusions are as follows: (1) During this period, the carrying capacity of the regional urban rural system in Hainan fluctuated, and the capacity was overloaded from 1995 to 1998, under loaded from 1999 to 2001, and overloaded again from 2002 to 2005. (2) The degree of coordination between the regional natural and socioeconomic carrying systems is 0.60, three times the regional multiple carrying capacity. Both the socio economic and natural carrying capacities rose unsteadily, averaging 0.30 and 0.11, respectively. (3) The contribution of various carrying factors to regional multiple carrying capacity is quite different. Carrying capacity factors include socio economic development, human resources, imports, environmental and resource possession. Their average rates of contribution were 31.40%, 22.71%, 18.79%, 13.64% and 13.45%, respectively. (4) From 1995 to 2004, economic development expenditures were the principal part of all regional expenditures, the contributing 61.88%. In 2005, export expenditures exceeded economic development expenditures, becoming an important part of the all regional expenditures.  相似文献   

Through research and analysis on residential quarters in five large core zones in the city of Chongqing,P.R.China,it is found there are higher building volumes,smaller exploiting scale,and monotonous building forms in completed residential quarters.This leads to a series of problems influencing the living environment quality,including a low green cover rate,small open spaces,short distances between buildings,and insufficient natural daylight and aeration.By analyzing the influence of high building volumes on social consciousness,economic benefits,environmental hygiene and safety,this paper brings forward some improvement measures aimed at the problems in residential quarter construction in Chongqing.  相似文献   

To insure the safe performance of rockfill dam faces in cold seasons, frost tests were carried out at a consistent empirical freezing speed of 20mm/day to study the frost susceptibility of the bedding materials. The influence of gradation, fine particle content, water content, and surcharge of the bedding material on frost heaving were obtained. When fine particle content was below 12%, there was no or only weak frost heaving. Frost increased linearly as fine particle content rose. When the fine particle content was fixed, the linear relationship between the water content and the frost heaving changed with the gradations. Typical water content of 7.5%, fine particle content of 12%, and concrete face density of 59g/cm3 are suggested for the bedding material to avoid frost damage.  相似文献   

四个陆地棉核雄性不育系的数量遗传学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4个陆地棉核雄性不育系与6个常规品种杂种一代的遗传分析表明,产量性状主要存在着加性基因效应,F1代表现为部分显性;对于纤维品质性状,则显性效应大于加性效应,部分性状甚至表现为超显性。除衣分和子棉产量外,其它性状与皮棉产量的相关均不显著;产量及产量构成因素与纤维品质性状间多为不显著正相关。  相似文献   

西洋梨品种间糖酸及风味物质含量差异性比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以4个西洋梨品种为材料,通过测定果实糖酸含量和芳香成分,并计算其风味指数,研究、比较了西洋梨品种间糖酸含量、风味指数及香味成分差异。结果表明:各个西洋梨品种间糖、酸组分及含量差异较大;在其他因素一致的条件下,风味指数考虑了各个糖组分对果实风味的贡献,更能体现各个品种间果实风味的差异。4个品种中均检测到乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯、乙酸己酯、乙酸辛酯、丙酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯及(2E,4Z)-癸二烯酸乙酯等7种特征香味成分,但各个品种间芳香成分含量存在较大差异,而酯类芳香成分相对含量较其他特性芳香成分的相对含量较高。本研究中,从风味指数(味感物质)角度考虑,‘早红考密斯’风味最佳,‘巴梨’和‘康佛伦斯’次之,‘三季梨’风味较淡。从香味成分(嗅感物质)角度考虑,‘康佛伦斯’香味最浓,而‘早红考密斯’香味较淡。  相似文献   

陈安茹 《保鲜与加工》2017,17(4):143-146
以四川康定地区大渡河流域仙桃为考察对象,针对该流域仙桃在流通过程中出现的失水、腐烂或碰撞挤压等问题进行了大量的实地研究,介绍了康定仙桃采后商品化处理技术,包括果实的采收、清洗、分级、包装、冷链技术等重要环节,同时提出完善仙桃商品化处理的策略,为四川康定仙桃采后商品化处理相关措施的出台提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Some reasonable and suitable methods for factor calculation of the equation were chosen based on the American Universal Soil Loss equation,the characteristics of the Jialing River basin in P.R.China,and related research results.The soil erosion and loss in each hydrological unit of the basin were estimated using GIS.Employing the non-point source adsorbed nutrition load model,the loads of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution were calculated and analyzed.The results show that the average sediment transportation module in the Jialing River Basin in recent years is 161.94 t/(km2a),and the loads of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution are 29 620.8 t/a and 1 391.96 t/a,respectively,at the watershed outlet(Beibei hydrologic station).Adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution are serious in the Bailong River and Xihanshui basins.The descending order of land type with adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus loss modulus is as follows: wild land,bush,turf,field,city and forest.  相似文献   

Chongqing was the temporary Chinese capital during the War of Resistance against Japan. The historic sites related to this war are regionally valuable. They not only continue Chongqings historical arrangement with their historical, cultural and tourism values, but also enrich the urban humanities landscape. However, with the rapid urbanization of Chongqing, the current preservation and use of these sites is quite worrisome. It is important to harmonize the relationship between the preservation and use of these sites. Based on an analysis of the value and preservation status of these sites, some measures and strategies are offered to preserve and reuse these valuable historic sites.  相似文献   

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