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特种经济动物养殖与传统养殖除产品利用价值、饲养管理方式等不同外,其根本区别在于传统养殖是经常性的,而特种养殖具有机遇性。市场分析表明,近5年是特种养殖大力发展的急剧上升最佳期。 1 发展现状 近年来,传统养殖业遭受重创,陷入艰难境地,如养猪业跌破血本,养牛、养羊业持续低迷,而与此形成鲜明对比的是以茸鹿、林蛙、山鸡等为首的特种动物养殖业却一支独秀,成为养殖业中一朵绚丽的奇葩。特种动物高效益的诱惑一直吸引着各商家相继投入,入世后中国特种养殖业又将迎来一次更大的发展机遇,因此,一些地方领导极为重视,以至中… 相似文献
详细论述了在林下进行特种禽类经济动物放养时的林地选择、林网围栏、林分管理 ;特种禽类经济动物放养技术。文内具体介绍了适宜林下饲养的山鸡、美国七彩山鸡、火鸡、珍珠鸡、贵妇鸡、红腹锦鸡等特种珍稀禽类的选择及饲养特性、应用价值和市场前景 相似文献
一、母猪的选优在购买家母猪品种时,要选择毛黑、耳竖、肚子小、腿长、嘴短、体质健康无病的做种母猪品种为宜。二、野猪的杂交繁殖技术1、利用自然资源作为种猪的发展源头。这种方法是山沟沟里的农民朋友利用最为实惠方便,方法是:早晨将家养的母猪赶放在野猪经常活动的地方,叫 相似文献
摘要:对长阳县林业特种养殖的现状进行了调查,分析了当前野生动物驯养繁殖产业发展中存在的一些主要问题,并结合该县实际,提出了加快发展野生动物驯养繁殖产业的对策和建议,以期为林业产业强县建设提供参考。 相似文献
黄鳝:用5%~10%食盐水擦洗病鳝患部,或把病鳝放人3%~4%的食盐水中浸洗15至20分钟,可防治赤皮病;每50千克黄鳝用食盐250克、大蒜250克捣烂后拌饵投喂,连喂3至5天,可防治细菌性肠炎. 相似文献
特种经济树种—银杏王家,杨正华(江西省南昌林校330032)(江西省林业科学研究所)银杏(GinkgobilobaL.)俗称白果、公孙树、鸭掌树、佛指甲等,为我国特有的经济树种,是现存种子植物中晨古老的遗树种,被誉为“活化石”而闻名于世。我国是银杏起... 相似文献
特畜养殖品种如梅花鹿、马鹿、小尾寒羊、肉狗、肉兔、小型猪、香猪、麝鼠、海狸鼠、果子狸、竹鼠、蛇、蛤蚧等在我国已经形成一定规模。梅花鹿、马鹿受国外市场冲击,使我国自产的鹿茸及其制品销售受阻。因此,不宜盲目发展。小型猪、香猪、麝鼠、海狸鼠、竹鼠等养殖品种由于前几年被炒种者炒作,挫伤了养殖者的养殖积极性,消费市场和加工相对滞后,全国存量逐渐减少,预计年养殖前景相对看好。果子狸属于国家保护动物,目前多为暂养,不宜大量发展。过去几年肉鸽一直看好,市场平稳,肉鸽养殖趋向稳中有升, 相似文献
<正>1、合理建场。特种野猪场舍最好选在高燥平坦,背风向阳,水源充足,交通方便,远离交通主干线和村屯、厂矿、学校等地方。圈舍要求宽敞明亮,保证其有充足的活动量和对维生素D的需要。圈舍门窗要牢固,建筑高度一般为1.7米~1.8米,保证周边人畜安全。 相似文献
野鸦椿主要经济性状遗传参数估算及优良家系选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
野鸦椿(Euscaphis japonica)12个表型优良单株的半同胞子代测定结果表明:野鸦椿表型优良单株的半同胞子代家系间在单位面积果实产量、果穗长度、穗重、单穗果数等方面存在着显著或极显著差异;果穗长度、穗重、单穗果数、单位面积果实产量4个性状家系遗传力和单株遗传力都较高,性状间有明显的线性相关。通过方差分析、相关分析和聚类分析等方法,对各初选植株半同胞子代家系间的单位面积果实产量、果穗长度、穗重以及单穗果数分析比较,从初选的12个家系中进一步选择出经济性状表现优良的N1、N2、N5、N6、S1、S2、S3等7个优良家系。 相似文献
福建柏优树家系苗期生长性状遗传变异和选择研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从遗传力和相关性等方面分析了福建、湖南61个优树家系苗期14个生长性状的遗传变异,结果表明,除侧枝数和干鲜重2个性状遗传力较低外,其余12个性状均达较高遗传水平,家系苗期生长性状间的极显著差异主要受遗传因素制约,苗木生物量在地上和地下的空间遗传结构上具有高度的相关性。综合苗高、地径、侧根数、总鲜重、总干重5个苗期最重要的生物量指标和遗传力参数,以遗传增益超过家系平均值15%以上为标准,选出3个最优家系和5个优良家系,其苗高和地径遗传增益前者平均为30.82%和19.0l%,后者平均为26.37%和15.48%。 相似文献
This study has developed the first formal breeding objective for the Australian tea tree plantation industry. Significant
gains in profitability of Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) could be made through selection for biomass and oil yield, while maintaining oil quality at acceptable levels. Economic
values or weights (EWs), for breeding-objective traits were estimated based on a bio-economic model of a typical production
system in Australia. Sensitivity of EWs to the production-system parameters was analysed by what-if scenarios. Selection indices
and genetic responses were derived and sensitivity of selection index coefficients to variation in EWs and genetic parameters
were analysed by Monte Carlo simulation. The EW for average leaf biomass (LB) and oil content (OC) had the net present value
of AU29.53/kg and AU29.53/kg and AU2059 per mg/g, respectively. Among the production system parameters studied, discount rate and oil price
had large impact on the two EWs, while operating costs changed the EW of LB but did not affect the that of OC. Using optimal
selection index, positive expected responses in objective traits LB (36.2 kg/ha/year), OC (4.64 mg/g), and in all selection
traits (i.e. juvenile OC, height, leafiness, and 1,8-cineole) were obtained except for terpinen-4-ol, at a 10% selection intensity
(i = 1.76). Use of restricted selection index resulted in zero change in either 1,8-cineole or terpinen-4-ol content, but also
in an opportunity cost especially in OC. The most important factor affecting the sensitivity of the selection index was the
EW for OC. 相似文献
The development of multiple trait selection indices for solid (structure) wood production in the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) breeding program requires genetic variances and covariances estimated among wood quality traits including stiffness.Aims
Genetic control and relationships among Scots pine growth, fiber, and wood quality traits were assessed by estimating heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlation using a Scots pine full-sib family trial.Method
Wood quality traits including clearwood and dynamic acoustic stiffness were measured using SilviScan and Hitman in a 40-year-old progeny trial and by sampling increment cores of 778 trees of 120 families. Genetic parameters were estimated using the mixed model by the ASReml software.Results
Heritability ranged from 0.147 to 0.306 for growth, earlywood, transition wood and latewood proportion traits and from 0.260 to 0.524 for fiber dimension, wood density, MFA and stiffness traits. The highly unfavorable genetic correlation between diameter and whole core density (?0.479) and clearwood stiffness (?0.506) and dynamic acoustic stiffness (?0.382) was observed in this study.Conclusion
The unfavorable genetic correlations between growth traits and stiffness indicate that multiple traits selection using optimal economic weights and optimal breeding strategies are recommended for the advanced Scots pine breeding program. 相似文献15.
A cost-benefit analysis (CBA), focusing on the Net Present Value(NPV) of a current genetic improvement programme for broadleavedtrees was performed using Monte Carlo simulation, with an add-onsoftware package (@RISK) specifically designedto take account of the uncertainty associated with long-termprojects. The CBA was undertaken by evaluating the total costof achieving a given estimated genetic gain via each of thebreeding strategies considered. The estimated values of geneticgain were then expressed in terms of the increased value oftimber output. Cash flows were based on current estimated treeestablishment costs and anticipated productivity of the fourtree species included in the programme (ash, Fraxinus excelsior;sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus; wild cherry, Prunus avium; andsweet chestnut, Castanea sativa), when grown primarily for atimber crop. The results of the NPV analysis indicated thattree improvement could be cost-effective for small genetic gains,but that current breeding strategies differed markedly in theircost-effectiveness. Improvement scenarios based on conventionalselection and testing techniques, such as simple mass selectionand recurrent selection (seed orchards), were found to be themost cost-effective at a discount rate of 6 per cent. In contrast,tree improvement scenarios based on clonal techniques consistentlyranked lowest, despite the much higher genetic gains achieved.The use of clonal techniques was found to be particularly hardto justify with broadleaved tree species of relatively low timbervalue. Overall, with the current state of broadleaved timbermarkets in the UK, and the current areas being planted, investmentin basic genetic improvement of high-value timber species appearsfinancially worth while. The estimated direct additional financialbenefit to growers, if new planting is undertaken with improvedstock as opposed to unimproved stock, is estimated to rangefrom £38 ha1 with Simple Mass Selection to £100ha1 with Simple Recurrent Selection. 相似文献
山东鸡爪绵核桃果实经济性状鉴定与选优 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为给鸡爪绵核桃实生选择与利用提供理论依据,采用国家标准方法对36株样品果实的经济性状进行测定,并对其进行主成分分析和综合指数评价。结果表明:鸡爪绵核桃坚果质量变幅为9.30~21.05 g,每100 g仁中蛋白质含量变幅为13.31~20.60 g,脂肪含量变幅为56.70~67.33 g,可溶性糖含量变幅为3.04~6.14 g;鸡爪绵核桃果实经济性状发生不同程度的变异,其中坚果核仁质量变异系数最大(20.85%),脂肪含量变异系数最小(4.57%)。通过主成分分析确定函数式计算主成分值,并依据市场消费趋势提出坚果利用类型的主成分组合,构建综合评价指数,按不同利用类型进行排序,其结果与实际表现型相近似。 相似文献