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"可持续发展"虽然不再是一个新的概念,但在如何更好地保护和利用自然资源这个问题上,它依然是人们生活中所关注的一个热点.自从"可持续农业"概念的提出并成为社会的焦点以来,就存在着如何定义和衡量可持续农业的争论.目前广泛认同的一个观点就是农业的可持续发展包含着生态、经济、社会3方面的协调发展.根据大方县各生态区域的自然、社会和经济条件的不同,分别将小屯、竹园、六龙3个乡镇选为代表中低海拔、中海拔、中高海拔地区的生产状况,对大方县的农业生产的可持续性进行分析.根据所选的指标体系进行第一手资料和第二手资料搜集;农户调查通过面谈、田间观察和小组讨论进行.研究表明,从总体上来说,六龙镇的农业生产系统的可持续性在经济和社会方面稍好,3个乡镇的农业生产系统可持续性都属于中等水平.  相似文献   

生态的可持续发展是全面实现农业可持续发展的前提。生态可持续发展的一个重要目标就是通过整合农业生产各组成部分,寻求对当地资源的合理保护和利用。作物生产作为最重要的农事活动,其作物栽培制度、作物栽培技术措施等,对当地的生态可持续发展有着举足轻重的影响。本研究根据大方各生态区域的自然、社会和经济条件的不同,分别将小屯、竹园、六龙3个乡镇选为代表中低海拔、中海拔、中高海拔地区的作物生产区域,对大方县的主要粮食作物生产系统的可持续性进行分析。根据所选的指标体系进行第一手资料和第二手资料收集:农户调查通过面谈、田间观察和小组讨论进行;主要粮食作物生产情况通过选择有代表性的田块进行相关数据的收集。研究表明,从总体上来说,虽然小屯的总分值较其他两个乡镇略高,但3个乡镇的最后平均得分都处于中等偏低水平,其主要粮食作物生产系统的生态可持续性都属于中等偏低的水平。  相似文献   

为探究A地区农业资源可持续利用发展水平,本文从经济、生态环境和社会可持续3个方面构建该地区农业资源可持续利用评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对该地区农业资源可持续利用状况进行评价分析。结果表明,2017—2021年,该地区农业资源可持续利用总体指数处于一般可持续水平,并呈逐年增长趋势;经济可持续性和社会可持续性总体不断上升,生态环境可持续性先升后降再上升。根据评价结果,在研究分析的基础上提出改善农业资源可持续利用的具体策略,为农业资源可持续利用提供参考。  相似文献   

农业可持续性评价的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农业是国民经济的基础,农业生产活动直接依赖于自然资源并且影响生态环境。农业活动及其发展对资源、环境和生态的依赖性很强,农业的持续性直接反映了资源、环境和生态的可持续性程度。农业可持续性的概念也在不断地演化,其包括农业经济可持续性、农业社会可持续性、农业生态可持续性。目前,国内外关于农业可持续的研究侧重不同的方面:(1)国外关于农业可持续性的研究主要以农场(农田)尺度,我国的研究主要是以区域尺度;(2)国外农业可持续性评价指标的选取多注重农业环境,我国学者在评价指标的设计中,比较注重功能和特性指标,总体的缺陷是包含了太多的指标,同时对经济效益的指标过于侧重,对生态指标的重视不够;(3)农业可持续性综合评价指标的计算结果,根据所选取的权重和计算方法不同而差异较大。然而,我国近年来的农业可持续性的研究重点主要放在针对农业承载力、农业能值、农业生态安全、气候变化的影响和有机农业和农业碳排放等方面。  相似文献   

以农业生物技术治理及其可持续发展为目标,在系统阐述农业生物技术发展动态及农业生物技术治理主要特征和表现的基础上,借鉴国内外可持续评价的经验和方法,针对农业生物技术治理,对其生态可持续性潜在风险进行较深入的探讨,并从生态、经济、社会等方面,对其可持续性评价体系进行构建与分析,提出可持续性管理的措施和建议。  相似文献   

一、农业可持续发展内涵及内容间相互关系农业可持续发展一般是指采取某种使用和维护自然资源基础的方式,以及实行技术变革和机制性改革,以确保当代人及其后代对农产品需求得到满足的农业发展,它包括农业生态可持续性、经济可持续性、生产可持续性、社会可持续性等四个方面的内容。  相似文献   

陕北风沙区农业可持续发展现状的评价及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对陕北风沙区的农业生产现状,选取农业劳动力人数、人均GDP、单位面积农田水资源量、农田实际灌溉面积、水土流失率和植被覆盖率等指标.采用模糊综合评价法对其6个县域的农业可持续发展程度进行了评价.依据贴近度概念对其可持续程度进行排名并对结果进行分析。结果显示,在6个县(区)中.府谷县和榆阳区农业发展的可持续程度相对较高.其贴近进度分别达到1.679771和1.206079;神木县和横山县农业发展的可持续程度一般.其贴近度分别为0.200747和一0.437277;靖边县和定边县农业发展的可持续程度相对较低.其贴近度分别为-1.142601和-1.506720。针对区域农业可持续性不高的现状,从劳动力、经济、资源和环境方面提出了促进区域农业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

湖南省农业可持续发展现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了湖南省的农业资源优势,结合实际从经济、社会、生态环境可持续性3个方面分析了湖南省农业可持续性发展的现状.  相似文献   

通过调查森林资源情况以及地区的经济、社会状况,从生态效益、社会效益、经济效益3个方面提出伊春林区森林可持续经营评价指标体系;应用层次分析法和加权平均法对伊春林区森林可持续经营状况进行评价,分析影响其可持续经营的制约性因素。结果表明:伊春林区森林可持续经营综合评价指数为0.892,说明伊春林区森林资源可持续经营状况总体上处于可持续发展状态。从社会、生态、经济3个子系统的可持续发展状况分析发现,社会可持续性指数最高(0.981),生态可持续性指数为0.905,2个子系统均处于完全可持续发展状态;经济可持续性指数为0.808,略低于其他2个子系统,处于可持续发展状态。目前影响伊春林区森林可持续经营的主要问题包括:森林植被物种多样性较低;树种的组成比较单一,尤其是人工林中大部分是人工纯林;森林龄级结构不合理,大部分是幼中龄林,成过熟林面积蓄积都偏少;森林质量低;林地生产力退化;旅游收入偏低,与伊春林区丰富的旅游资源不对称;经济发展模式单一,经济发展缓慢;产业结构不合理。  相似文献   

土地资源可持续发展是可持续发展战略的基本内容,包括土地资源的生态可持续性、经济可持续性和社会可持续性.科学技术是土地资源可持续发展的重要支撑和有利手段.基于河北太行山区土地资源可持续发展面临的主要问题,从生态农业技术、3S技术、节水农业技术、设施农业、山区教育和科技投入等方面提出科技进步促进土地资源持续发展的对策.  相似文献   

A short time ago the idea of sustainable agriculture was accepted only at the extreme margins of the U. S. agricultural systems. Although sustainability has now become a major theme of many U. S. agricultural groups, there remains much under-explored terrain in the meaning of sustainable agriculture. A thorough examination of who and what we want to sustain and how we can sustain them is critical if sustainable agriculture is to be a practical improvement over conventional agriculture. In order to begin this effort, this article analyzes contemporary sustainable agriculture discourse and suggests alternatives for reconceptualizing sustainable agriculture. In particular we look at three arenas of sustainable discourse—family farm/rural community preservation, food safety, and agricultural science—and address issues of class, race/ethnicity, and gender found in current sustainability positions. We find that while advocates of sustainability have succeeded in pushing agricultural researchers and policy makers to address environmental issues, we need to go much farther both in theory and practice in order to deal with equally important issues of social equity.Patricia Allen is senior analyst with the Agroecology Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her work concentrates on the political economic aspects of sustainability issues in food and agricultural systems. Her edited book,Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability, will be published this spring by John Wiley & Sons.  相似文献   

基于高质量发展背景,围绕农业生产、经济发展、资源环境和社会人口4个维度构建农业可持续发展综合评价指标体系,并评价浙江省和省内不同地域的农业可持续发展水平。采用灰色关联分析法,结合宏观统计数据,从动态视角评价了2013—2017年浙江省农业可持续发展状况,并静态比较2017年浙江省山区、半山区、平原区和海岛区等不同地形县域的农业可持续发展状况。结果显示,2013—2017年,浙江省农业可持续发展水平持续提高,但不同地形县域之间存在差异:半山区和平原区县域的农业可持续发展水平最高,山区县域的农业可持续发展水平最低。基于此,认为高水平构建农业体系、高水平推进绿色生产、高水平打造产业平台和高水平培育农业品牌是推进浙江农业可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

Transgenic crops currently available foruse potentially provide environmental benefits, suchas reduction in insecticide use and substitution ofless toxic for more toxic herbicides. These benefitsare contingent on a host of factors, such as thepotential for development of resistant pests,out-crossing to weedy relatives, and transgenic cropmanagement regimes. Three scenarios are used toexamine the potential sustainability of transgeniccrop technologies. These scenarios demonstrate thatexisting transgenic varieties, while potentiallyimproving the sustainability of agriculture relativeto existing chemical based production systems, fail inenabling a fully sustainable agriculture. Genetictraits that have a higher potential for promoting asustainable agriculture have been precluded fromdevelopment for a number of reasons. These include thelack of EPA and USDA regulatory policies thatexplicitly promote sustainable traits; the structureof the agricultural biotechnology industry, which isdominated by agricultural chemical companies; andpatent law and industry policies that proscribe farmhouseholds from saving transgenic seed and tailoringtransgenic crops to their local environmentalconditions – ecological, social, and economic.  相似文献   

While questions about the environmental sustainability of contemporary farming practices and the socioeconomic viability of rural communities are attracting increasing attention throughout the US, these two issues are rarely considered together. This paper explores the current and potential connections between these two aspects of sustainability, using data on community members’ and farmers’ views of agricultural issues in California’s Central Valley. These views were collected from a series of individual and group interviews with biologically oriented and conventional farmers as well as community stakeholders. Local marketing, farmland preservation, and perceptions of sustainable agriculture comprised the primary topics of discussion. The mixed results indicate that, while many farmers and community members have a strong interest in these topics, sustainable community development and the use of sustainable farming practices are seldom explicitly linked. On the other hand, many separate efforts around the Valley to increase local marketing and agritourism, improve public education about agriculture, and organize grassroots farmland preservation initiatives were documented. We conclude that linking these efforts more explicitly to sustainable agriculture and promoting more engagement between ecologically oriented farmers and their communities could engender more economic and political support for these farmers, helping them and their communities to achieve greater sustainability in the long run. Sonja Brodt is a former program evaluation specialist with the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program. Her current research focuses on extension and adoption of integrated pest management strategies by California growers and the impacts of pesticide safety training programs on farmworkers. Gail Feenstra is a food systems analyst at the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP). She coordinates SAREP’s Community Development and Public Policy grants program and conducts outreach and education to academic and community-based groups to build their capacity and leadership skills for developing sustainable community food systems. Robin Kozloff is a social science researcher and consultant in agricultural and land use policy. Karen Klonsky is an extension specialist at the University of California at Davis in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Her research focuses on the economic viability of organic and sustainable farming systems as well as the evolution of the organic market. Laura Tourte is county director and farm advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension in Santa Cruz County. Her research and extension activities currently focus on farm management and marketing for small-scale growers.  相似文献   

21世纪中国农业可持续发展面临的严峻形势及对策取向   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
中国农业的可持续发展在21世纪面临着严峻的形势。本文从经济、生态和社会3个方面分析了对中国至关重要的“可持续的食物安全保障”问题。指出农民生产积极性的保持和不断有所提高至关重要;而通过提高资源利用率及实现可再生资源对农用资源的部分替代,以及打破农业的集约化与环境退化之间的连锁,则是可持续发展的关键。为此,须开展有中国特色的“多重绿色革命”。  相似文献   

There are two competing approaches to sustainability in agriculture. One stresses a strict economic approach in which market forces should guide the activities of agricultural producers. The other advocates the need to balance economic with environmental and social objectives, even to the point of reducing profitability. The writings of the eighteenth century moral philosopher Adam Smith could bridge the debate. Smith certainly promoted profit-seeking, private property, and free market exchange consistent with the strict economic perspective. However, his writings are also consistent with many aspects of sustainable agriculture. For example, Smith argued that people ought to exercise restraint in their pursuit of self-interest, and he believed in balancing economic with environmental and social considerations. If both sides of the debate more fully regard the work of Adam Smith, then proponents of the strict economic perspective might be more appreciative of the concerns raised within the sustainable agriculture community, while advocates of sustainability might be more effective in achieving the objective of a sustainable agriculture. Harvey S. James Jr., PhD is an Associate Professor in the Division of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His research interests are in the economic determinants of trust and ethical behavior. He recently completed studies on trust in biotechnology institutions and the ethical attitudes of farmers.  相似文献   

Recent developments in agriculture have stirred up interest in the concept of sustainable farming systems. Still it is difficult to determine the extent to which certain agricultural practices can be considered sustainable or not. Aiming at identifying the necessary attributes with respect to sustainability in Dutch dairy farming in the beginning of the third millennium, we first compiled a list of attributes referring to all farming activities with their related side effects with respect to economic, internal social, external social, and ecological sustainability. A wide range of people (i.e., experts and stakeholders) were consulted to contribute to our list of attributes. Our consultation showed that only one attribute was selected for economic and internal social sustainability: profitability and working conditions, respectively. The list for external social sustainability contained 19 attributes and the list for ecological sustainability contained 15 attributes. To assess their relative importance, the same experts and stakeholders ranked the attributes for external social and ecological sustainability by using a questionnaire. The most important attributes for external social sustainability were food safety, animal health, animal welfare, landscape quality, and cattle grazing. For ecological sustainability they were eutrophication, groundwater pollution, dehydration of the soil, acidification, and biodiversity. The present method for identifying and ranking attributes is universal and, therefore, can be used for other agricultural sectors, for other countries, and for other time periods.Klaas Jan van Calker is a Researcher at the Animal Sciences Group and is doing his PhD research on sustainability of different dairy farming systems in cooperation with Business Economics of Wageningen University.Paul Berentsen is a Lecturer and Researcher at Business Economics, Wageningen University.Gerard Giesen is a Lecturer and Researcher at Business Economics, Wageningen University.Ruud Huirneis the general director of the Animal Sciences Group, and Professor of Farm Management, Wageningen University.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture and ways to achieve it are important issues for agricultural policy. However, the concept of sustainability has yet to be made operational in many agricultural situations, and only a few studies so far have addressed the implementation process of sustainable agriculture. This paper provides an assessment of the Territorial Farming Contracts (TFC) – the French model for implementing sustainable agriculture – and aims to give some insights into the ways to facilitate the development of sustainable farming. Using a systems approach, the founding concept of the TFC model, an analysis has been made of the TFCs signed in the Midi-Pyrenees Region in south-western France. The results show that the first aspect of sustainability apparent in farmers’ projects referred to economic objectives. The environmental and social aspects were not foremost in the farming changes undertaken. In addition, the territorial dimension of the TFC was under-addressed. The majority of TFCs reveal a moderate or even low convergence with territorial priorities. These results are explained partly by the dominance of professional farming organizations in the implementation of TFC, and they imply that the organizational social dimensions of sustainability must not be neglected. Mohamed Gafsi is an assistant professor of farm management at the National School of Agronomic Training. He received his PhD in management science at the University of Bourgogne. His research interests include farm management and protection of natural resources, corporate environmental management, sustainable agriculture, and African family farms. Geneviève Nguyen is assistant professor in rural economics at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. Her research interests include the dynamics of agrarian institutions in uncertain economies, the supply and organization of services in remote rural areas. Her research has been carried out in Europe, Africa, and Asia. She received her MA in Economics and her PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Ohio State University. Bruno Legagneux is assistant professor of farm management at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. His research interests include farm management and the entry of young farmers into farming. Patrice Robin is an engineer agronomist. He received his diploma from the National Superior School of Agronomy, in Montpellier. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Toulouse. His research interests include agriculture and rural development, environmental issues, and food quality.  相似文献   

Michigan's approach to sustainability does not conflict with its efforts to reindustrialize state agriculture. As currently applied, agricultural sustainability remains a one-dimensional concept tightly focused on the condition of production resources and the larger physical environment. The social and political dimensions of sustainability, by contrast, are conspicuously absent. Using Michigan's livestock initiative as a case in point, it is argued that this conceptualization conforms to and reinforces the reindustrialization of agriculture and the existing structure of power within the industry.Laura B. DeLind is a Specialist in the Department of Anthropology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Her current research focuses on the economic and political structure of Michigan agriculture. She has written numerous articles critically evaluating the effects of state agricultural programs and policies at the local or community level.  相似文献   

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