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禽流感(avian influenza,AI)是由A型流感病毒引起的家禽或野禽的疾病综合征。根据禽流感病毒(AIV)的致病力通常分为高致病性禽流感(HPAI)和低致病性禽流感(MPAI),HPAI传播快,具有高度致死性;MPAI多呈隐性感染或症状较轻,不导致严重病变或死亡。AI历来被认为是人类流感的最大基因库,是人流感病毒发生变异的新基因来源。1997年,中国香港H5N1 AIV及1999年中国大陆和香港H9N2AIV首次突破种间障碍直接感染人甚至致死。不但打破了自然条件下仅有H1、H2和H3亚型流感病毒可以感染人和其他哺乳动物的常规,而且为人流感增添了新的毒株亚型(H5和H9)。由此赋予了AIV(禽流感病毒)全新的公共卫生意义。  相似文献   

禽类流感病毒(Avian influenza viruses)与人类流感病毒都属于正黏病毒科,二者关系密切。一方面,禽流感病毒为20世纪暴发的3次人类流感大流行提供丁所必需的基因。另一方面,禽流感病毒也可以直接感染人。例如:1997年香港和2004年初的泰国、越南H5N1亚型禽流感导致多人死亡。H9亚型流感病毒1966年首次从北美的火鸡分离。H9亚型禽流感虽然尚未有导致人类死亡的报道,但是该亚型病毒对动物和人的威胁正在增加。  相似文献   

人禽流感的预防及治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人禽流行性感冒(以下称人禽流感)是由禽甲型流感病毒某些亚型的毒株引起的急性呼吸道传染病。1997年5月,我国香港特别行政区1例3岁儿童死于不明原因的多脏器功能衰竭,同年8月经美国疾病预防和控制中心以及世界卫生组织(WHO)荷兰鹿特丹国家流感中心鉴定为禽甲型流感病毒H5N1引起的人类流感,这是世界上首次证实禽甲型流感病毒H5N1感染人类。之后相继有H9N2、H7N7亚型感染人类和H5N1再次感染人类的报道。  相似文献   

自2013年以来,H7N9亚型流感对我国养禽业和人类公共卫生造成了极大影响。疫苗作为重要防疫工具,在H7N9亚型流感防控中起到了至关重要的作用。目前我国批准使用的H7N9禽流感全病毒灭活疫苗安全性高、免疫效果好,已在国内广泛应用。随着对H7N9亚型流感病毒研究的不断深入,研究人员对核酸疫苗、亚单位疫苗、病毒样颗粒疫苗及通用流感疫苗等新型疫苗进行了探索和尝试,并取得了一定的进展,为我国禽流感疫苗的开发与应用夯实了技术基础。本文对各类型H7N9亚型禽流感疫苗的研发情况以及优点和应用情况进行了综述,以期为更好地防控禽H7N9亚型流感提供帮助。  相似文献   

低致病性禽流感主要是由H9N2亚型禽流感病毒所引起,近几年在世界上许多国家都暴发了H9N2亚型禽流感疫情.研究表明,H9N2亚型禽流感病毒在陆禽中至少可分为北美和欧亚两个种系,该病毒在自然环境中很容易发生变异,通过混合基因组分而形成不同的病毒亚型.H9N2亚型禽流感病毒已经能传播至哺乳动物,包括猪和人类,从而引发对其是...  相似文献   

中国猪源HSN1和H9N2亚型流感病毒的分离鉴定   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
猪是禽流感病毒"禽-猪-人"传播链中重要的中间宿主,了解猪流感的疫情动态将为动物流感及人流感的疾病预测及防制提供重要依据.1999~2001年间进行的血清学和病毒学监测发现我国猪群存在大范围的H1和H3亚型猪流感感染(李海燕等,2002).2002~2003年,我们进一步对来自全国14个省市的1936份血清进行了H9亚型猪流感的检测,同时在广东、福建等省进行了H5亚型猪流感的检测.2002年辽宁、广东、山东及重庆猪血清中出现H9亚型流感抗体,阳性率分别为7.3%、6.8%、5.1%和1.6%.2003年采集的猪血清H9亚型流感抗体均为阴性,同时发现广东、福建两省2003年出现H5亚型流感阳性猪群,阳性率分别为4.7%和8.2%.从2001~2003年收集和送检的样品中分离鉴定了6株H9N2亚型和2株H5N1亚型猪流感病毒,部分序列分析发现H9和H5亚型猪流感病毒均与我国分离的禽流感病毒高度同源.本研究进一步确证了我国猪群中存在H9N2亚型流感病毒,并且首次发现我国猪群已出现H5N1亚型流感病毒,为人类流感及动物流感的防制敲响了警钟.对这两个亚型流感病毒所具有的公共卫生和兽医公共卫生危害性应予以高度重视.  相似文献   

对2013—2014年15株不同来源的H7亚型禽流感病毒国内分离株进行了基因组测序与遗传进化分析。结果显示,15株H7亚型禽流感病毒具有遗传多样性,可分为2种亚型:13株为H7N9亚型,2株为H7N3亚型。HA蛋白裂解位点附近氨基酸分析显示所有H7亚型流感分离株均为低致病性毒株。基因组遗传进化分析显示,13株H7N9亚型禽流感病毒均与2013年人源分离株同源性较高,但具有2种遗传学特性,13株病毒的PB2、PA、HA、NP、NA、M和NS基因高度同源,而PB1基因来源于2个不同分支。2株H7N3亚型流感病毒与国内鸭源分离株同源性较高。15株H7亚型禽流感病毒PB2蛋白均未出现627K、701N等与哺乳动物适应性相关的氨基酸变异。13株H7N9亚型禽流感病毒HA裂解位点附近氨基酸(EIPKGR/GL)与人源H7N9病毒一致,且HA蛋白和M2蛋白分别具有与哺乳动物适应性和金刚烷胺耐药性相关的标志性变异,而2株H7N3亚型禽流感病毒未出现上述氨基酸变异。  相似文献   

2013年3月31日,国家卫生与计划生育委员会通报了上海和安徽确诊3例人感染H7N9亚型禽流感病例,顿时世界为之轰动,世界卫生组织(WHO)对此也高度关注。截止2013年4月25日,全国共确诊H7N9禽流感病例113人,分布在浙江、上海、江苏、河南等多个省份。历史上,美国、蒙古、韩国等多个国家都曾从野鸟和水禽中检出过H7N9亚型禽流感病毒,但从未有过人感染发病的报道。这次发生首次展现了H7N9具有夸宿主传播的能力。病毒基因组遗传进化分析表明这次流行的H7N9亚型禽流感病毒不同于以往的任何一株H7N9病毒,其HA 基因与我国南方水禽近年来分离到的H7亚型禽流感病毒密切相关,NA 基因则与2011年韩国野鸟分离到的H7N9亚型禽流感病毒遗传关系较近,其余6个基因则与国内地方流行的H9N2亚型禽流感病毒高度同源。因此,该病毒可能是不同亚型禽流感病毒在同一宿主体内经二元或三元重排而形成的新病毒。本文就H7N9亚型禽流感病毒的历史分布和国内新出现的H7N9亚型禽流感病毒的分子特性和遗传进化进行了分析。  相似文献   

从山东地区疑似流感发病猪分离到 10株流感病毒 ,经国家流感中心鉴定均为 A型流感病毒 H9N2亚型。将其中 1株 Sw/ SD/ 1/ 2 0 0 3(H9N2 )的血凝素基因 (HA)、核蛋白基因 (NP)和非结构蛋白基因 (NS)进行克隆与测序 ,与Gen Bank收录的其他猪流感和禽流感 H9N2亚型的相关基因进行比较 ,推测 Sw/ SD/ 1/ 2 0 0 3(H9N2 )可能源于禽流感病毒 H9N2亚型和 H5 N1亚型的重组病毒 ;Sw/ SD/ 1/ 2 0 0 3的 HA氨基酸裂解位点与其他 H9N2亚型不同 ,Sw/ SD/1/ 2 0 0 3的 HA氨基酸裂解位点是 R- S- L- R- G,而其他猪流感和禽流感 H9N2亚型都是 R- S- S- R- G。  相似文献   

H9N2亚型禽流感病毒目前已经是世界范围内传播最为广泛的人兽共患病毒之一,其感染谱和传染源都在逐渐扩大,引起大众重视H9N2对公共卫生安全存在的潜在威胁。鸭H9N2病毒普遍认为是以水禽类—陆地禽类—人类的路径实现人的感染,H9N2可作为重组病毒的基因供体和其他类型的流感病毒基因进行重排重组具备感染人的能力。加强禽类饲养管理、做好养禽场的防病管理、加大对禽场工作人员宣传教育的力度可以有效的防控H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的传播,疫苗接种、建立准确又灵敏的检测方法是禽流感病毒防控工作的重要手段。  相似文献   

Outbreaks of H7N9 avian influenza in humans in 5 provinces and 2 municipalities of China have reawakened concern that avian influenza viruses may again cross species barriers to infect the human population and thereby initiate a new influenza pandemic. Evolutionary analysis shows that human H7N9 influenza viruses originated from the H9N2, H7N3 and H11N9 avian viruses, and that it is as a novel reassortment influenza virus. This article reviews current knowledge on 11 subtypes of influenza A virus from human which can cause human infections.  相似文献   

Avian influenza viruses do not typically replicate efficiently in humans, indicating direct transmission of avian influenza virus to humans is unlikely. However, since 1997, several cases of human infections with different subtypes (H5N1, H7N7, and H9N2) of avian influenza viruses have been identified and raised the pandemic potential of avian influenza virus in humans. Although circumstantial evidence of human to human transmission exists, the novel avian-origin influenza viruses isolated from humans lack the ability to transmit efficiently from person-to-person. However, the on-going human infection with avian-origin H5N1 viruses increases the likelihood of the generation of human-adapted avian influenza virus with pandemic potential. Thus, a better understanding of the biological and genetic basis of host restriction of influenza viruses is a critical factor in determining whether the introduction of a novel influenza virus into the human population will result in a pandemic. In this article, we review current knowledge of type A influenza virus in which all avian influenza viruses are categorized.  相似文献   

A型流感病毒在温血动物中广泛存在,也是目前导致人类和各种动物流感疾病的主型。在自然情况下流感病毒感染的宿主范围有一定的特异性,分离自人的流感病毒一般不能在鸡、鸭等禽类体内复制,同样禽流感病毒在灵长类动物体内的复制能力也极差。但近年来不断发生禽流感病毒(包括H5N1,H9N2,H7N7亚型病毒)直接传染给人的事件,而2009年爆发的人类的H1N1流感的病原则是猪源流感病毒重组而来。研究证实,流感病毒的致病性及跨种间传播的深层原因是病毒分子结构差异及其与宿主细胞相互作用。病毒多种结构蛋白和非结构蛋白某些功能位点上氨基酸的差异是病毒致病性及其跨中传播的分子生物学基础。  相似文献   

Zoonotic agents challenging the world every year afresh are influenza A viruses. In the past, human pandemics caused by influenza A viruses had been occurring periodically. Wild aquatic birds are carriers of the full variety of influenza virus A subtypes, and thus, most probably constitute the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses. Whereas avian influenza viruses in their natural avian reservoir are generally of low pathogenicity (LPAIV), some have gained virulence by mutation after transmission and adaptation to susceptible gallinaceous poultry. Those so-called highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) then cause mass die-offs in susceptible birds and lead to tremendous economical losses when poultry is affected. Besides a number of avian influenza virus subtypes that have sporadically infected mammals, the HPAIV H5N1 Asia shows strong zoonotic characteristics and it was transmitted from birds to different mammalian species including humans. Theoretically, pandemic viruses might derive directly from avian influenza viruses or arise after genetic reassortment between viruses of avian and mammalian origin. So far, HPAIV H5N1 already meets two conditions for a pandemic virus: as a new subtype it has been hitherto unseen in the human population and it has infected at least 438 people, and caused severe illness and high lethality in 262 humans to date (August 2009). The acquisition of efficient human-to-human transmission would complete the emergence of a new pandemic virus. Therefore, fighting H5N1 at its source is the prerequisite to reduce pandemic risks posed by this virus. Other influenza viruses regarded as pandemic candidates derive from subtypes H2, H7, and H9 all of which have infected humans in the past. Here, we will give a comprehensive overview on avian influenza viruses in concern to their zoonotic potential.  相似文献   

Continuously emergence of human infection with avian influenza A virus poses persistent threat to human health, as illustrated in H5N1, H7N9 and recent surge of H9N2 infections. Long‐term prevalence of H9N2 avian influenza A virus in China and adjacent regions favours the interspecies transmissions from avian to human. Establishment of multiple genotypes of H9N2 variants in this region contributes to the emergence of novel H7N9 and H10N8 viruses which caused human fatalities. Recent increasing human infection with H9N2 virus in China highlights the necessity to closely monitor the interspecies transmission events. Available human H9N2 sequences revealed that Y280/G9 lineage was responsible for the most of human cases. Presence of adaptive mutations beyond the human‐like receptor binding was indicative of the capacity of readily infecting new hosts without prior adaptation. Moreover, enlarged host range of H9N2 virus in this region substantially increased the transmission among mammals. Meanwhile, serological surveys implied human was more susceptible to H9N2 infection, compared with panzootic H5 and H7 subtype avian influenza virus. Thus, control at the source will be the ultimate and effective option for H9N2 pandemic preparedness. This review comprehensively summarized recent updates on H9N2 human infections, aiming to shed light on the prevention strategies against this strain with pandemic potential.  相似文献   

2013年2月以来,华东地区被一场突如其来的"疫情"笼罩,后确诊为人感染H7N9禽流感病毒。由于被冠以“H7N9禽流感”,致使全国养禽业损失惨重。截至2013年上半年,受H7N9流感疫情影响,在短短3个月的时间内,养殖场户直接经济损失超过600亿元。最近,世界卫生组织(WHO)、世界动物卫生组织(OIE)和联合国粮农组织(FAO)等三家国际组织专家就“H7N9禽流感”名称会商,建议媒体使用“H7N9流感”或“H7N9病毒”的名称,这样更客观、准确。文章提出,对待类似情况,一定要本着科学、严谨的态度,不要因为人为的原因,造成不必要的损失,增加疾病控制的难度。  相似文献   

Due to concerns that wild birds could possibly spread H5N1 viruses, surveillance was conducted to monitor the types of avian influenza viruses circulating among the wild birds migrating to or inhabiting in northern Vietnam from 2006 to 2009. An H5N2 virus isolated from a Eurasian woodcock had a close phylogenetic relationship to H5 viruses recently isolated in South Korea and Japan, suggesting that H5N2 has been shared between Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. An H9N2 virus isolated from a Chinese Hwamei was closely related to two H9N2 viruses that were isolated from humans in Hong Kong in 2009, suggesting that an H9N2 strain relevant to the human isolates had been transmitted to and maintained among the wild bird population in Vietnam and South China. The results support the idea that wild bird species play a significant role in the spread and maintenance of avian influenza and that this also occurs in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Yu H  Zhou YJ  Li GX  Ma JH  Yan LP  Wang B  Yang FR  Huang M  Tong GZ 《Veterinary microbiology》2011,149(1-2):254-261
Pandemic strains of influenza A virus might arise by genetic reassortment between viruses from different hosts. Pigs are susceptible to both human and avian influenza viruses and have been proposed to be intermediate hosts or mixing vessels, for the generation of pandemic influenza viruses through reassortment or adaptation to the mammalian host. In this study, we summarize and report for the first time the coexistence of 10 (A-J) genotypes in pigs in China by analyzing the eight genes of 28 swine H9N2 viruses isolated in China from 1998 to 2007. Swine H9N2 viruses in genotype A and B were completely derived from Y280-like and Shanghai/F/98-like viruses, respectively, which indicated avian-to-pig interspecies transmission of H9N2 viruses did exist in China. The other eight genotype (C-J) viruses might be double-reassortant viruses, in which six genotype (E-J) viruses possessed 1-4 H5-like gene segments indicating they were reassortants of H9 and H5 viruses. In conclusion, genetic diversity of H9N2 influenza viruses from pigs in China provides further evidence that avian to pig interspecies transmission of H9N2 viruses did occur and might result in the generation of new reassortant viruses by genetic reassortment with swine H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 influenza viruses, therefore, these swine H9N2 influenza viruses might be a potential threat to human health and continuing to carry out swine influenza virus surveillance in China is of great significance.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒(avian influenza virus,AIV)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原,严重制约养禽业的健康发展,并对公共卫生安全构成极大威胁。其中,H5(H5N1、H5N2、H5N6、H5N8等)和H7N9亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(highly pathogenic avian influenza virus,HPAIV)引起的高致病性禽流感(highly pathogenic avian influenza,HPAI)对我国养禽业危害巨大。通过实施强制免疫,疫情得到了控制,但在禽群中仍散状暴发,并出现多种新型病毒,防控形势依然严峻。本文总结了截至2021年9月我国禽类暴发H5和H7N9亚型HPAI的所有官方公布的疫情暴发事件以及监测数据,分析了其流行特点,以期为禽流感的预警和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

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