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城市防灾避险绿地系统的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市防灾避险绿地系统构建是城市绿地系统规划的重要内容。宏观上要在城乡总体规划的框架内,在城市抗震防灾等规划的指导下,构建与城市绿地系统规划空间层次相互衔接、逐级控制的防灾避险绿地规划体系;中观上要根据避险时序及空间关系等要素,对避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带等各级防灾避险绿地进行定量定位的合理布局;微观上要对每一块避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带进行深入与细化设计,共同构筑结构合理、层次清晰、分布均衡的城市防灾避险绿地体系。  相似文献   

The concept of urban green space system planning was proposed after analyzing the background of compiling Guangzhou green space system planning and current situation of local green spaces,i.e. design landscape pattern of Guangzhou City during urban agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta,and highlight Lingnan cultures(Lingnan refers to south of the Five Ridges) and features of Flower City(another name of Guangzhou). Key points of planning are protecting ecological barriers in the north,improving urban garden structure in the center,using wetland reasonably in the south,to maintain integrality and continuity of the landscape pattern.  相似文献   

Since P. R. China has experienced extensive land resource use, environmental degradation, lagging rural development and other difficulties in 20th century, urban countryside integration and ecological planning has become an important subject to build a harmonious society in the 21st century. The country attempted to use complexity science and ecological thinking based on recognizing the relationship between the city and countryside and raising the city countryside space ecology coupling concept to construct a city countryside space planning methods system consisting of the identification of urban and rural land uses, urban and rural non construction land planning, city countryside coupled environmental conditions assessment, coordinated city countryside space development and city countryside space system fractal optimization, and more.  相似文献   

Based on the generalized landscape perspective, regional connotation of urban river landscape is expanded. The area connotation of urban river landscape is expanded based on the generalized landscape perspective. In addition to natural and functional attributes, river landscape should be regarded as a regional space element based on heterogeneous space scale. First, as for research method system, the space research models(including ecological footprint, space planning, and landscape pattern index, etc.) coupled with different angle scales and interdisciplinary theory, are utilized to study different correlations and results formed by urban river landscape elements and other regional space elements from the perspective of the regional ecological space, and the overall development goal of the urban river landscape pattern based on the goals of the regional ecological space planning is obtained. Second, the oriented urban river landscape planning and the M type close-tonature design strategy are evaluated through the city function zoning orientation and micro-scale urban river landscape pattern index. The research realizes the compatibility of overall goals in terms of the regional ecology, the development of urban functional areas, and the river landscape planning, without losing micro difference and maneuverability based on the urban river landscape planning and design oriented strategy, which innovates the new approach of urban river landscape planning and design with sustainable and balanced development of regional resources, multi-scale, and multiple objectives.  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

In addition to purifying water, constructed wetland has become an important ecological landscape in city. The characteristics and key design points of constructed wetland under the ecological principles were explored, taking the Jingyue Lake in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province for example, treatment processes were designed for different infl ow waters on the basis of site analysis to facilitate the water environment control and ecological landscape construction, ecological theories were applied to explore functional layouts and landscape designs of wetland, to build a favorable ecological environment of urban wetland and design outstanding wetland ecological landscapes.  相似文献   

The energy-conserving environmental protection and the culture characteristic protection are two themes to the sustainable development of modern city,and the green lighting project is an important condition to ensure sustainable development of the city.But now,in some lighting projects the energy consumption and economy power capability were ignored;some design tactics are identical and in the green lighting projects the whole lighting of the city was not considered,which cause the crisis of losing the city characteristic.This paper proposes the green view of city lighting planning,and points out that the energy conservation,environmental protection,economic feasibility and culture characteristic must be considered synthetically in the city green lighting planning and design to guarantee sustainable development of the city.  相似文献   

绿量是定量化研究城市绿地生态效益的重要指标,它更加准确的反映了植物的冠层结构,并且大大增强了城市绿地建设的科学性和可靠性,为合理配置园林植物、改善绿量结构以及城市绿地规划提供重要依据。因此,三维绿量的研究意义重大。通过对近年来绿量及城市生态效益的研究进展做了阐述,并针对中国今后量化生态效益产生的问题及研究趋势进行了讨论。最后指出完善三维绿量的测算方法、构建城市绿地生态效益评价模型是未来量化生态效益的研究重点。  相似文献   

Currently, urban Green Space Systems in China show fragile ecological conditions, the overseas Green Infrastructure is a new idea to construct urban green ecological spaces. Typical Green Infrastructure construction cases in the U. K., such as London greenbelt, park system, green corridor, green chain and Green Grid were studied to analyze problems of China urban Green Space System planning, construction, and management, so as to propose suggestions for improving ecological functions of the urban Green Space System.  相似文献   

城市绿地为城市生物多样性保护提供了重要的空间保障,构建和优化城市绿地生境网络对保护城市生物多样性意义重大。根据生境网络的相关理论,阐述了生境网络在绿地系统中的定位和建设的必要性。以余姚市绿地系统规划为例,针对城市空间扩张中导致的景观破碎化、生物栖息地减少等问题,在城市绿地现状评价的基础上,从市域绿地系统规划、中心城区绿地系统规划等不同层次阐述了城市绿地生境网络系统构建的方法和策略,研究结果可为城市规划者进行城市绿地系统规划提供科学的依据与参考。  相似文献   

城市绿地系统的生态功能探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市绿地系统是城市生态系统的子系统之一,它通过其生理活动的物质循环与能量流动可以改善城市的环境质量;结合当地历史、文物、古建筑,通过景观设计所构成的城市景观可美化市容市貌,丰富城市文化内涵;植物叶面的蒸腾作用能调节温度、湿度,吸收太阳辐射热,调节城市小气候;城市绿地系统在城市生态系统中具有其他子系统不可替代的特殊生态功能。该文就此作了较为详尽的探讨。  相似文献   

This paper introduced the suitability analysis method of landscape planning,and its application to the planning of open space system for Beihai City,Guangxi.Finally some problems for its application in practice and faculty for their solution were given.  相似文献   

上海市城市绿化绿量方程及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱进 《中国农学通报》2008,24(8):360-363
该文应用绿量、容量、景观质量(视环境)、使用频率(耐踏率)等绿化评价指标,研究植物群落(种群)空间分布、结构特征与生态效应的关系,探讨了区域范围内生态效应优先,人性空间优先的理论与实践问题,希望通过绿量的探索,寻找植物优化设计,发挥绿化最大综合效益的途径。  相似文献   

In architectural design course of the SWJU Rim Wisdom City Hotel, the authors explored the innovation and business model of the maker space, analyzed the junctions between future needs of innovation and business activities and hotel functions, took the SWJU Rim Wisdom City as the design background, made the hotel design scheme based on research fruits and conceptual logic, and finished the coursework from research to design.  相似文献   

Through investigating colors of Xuzhou City, combining with color planning practices in domestic and foreign cities, current colors and characteristics of main urban districts of Xuzhou City were analyzed, overall orientation and design concept of city color were explored, the overall framework of regional building colors and the zoning planning were proposed, to give new concepts for the future city color planning and design.  相似文献   

深圳城市绿地土壤孔隙状况与水分特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了了解深受人为活动强烈影响的城市绿地的土壤物理特性,为充分发挥其增进植物生长、涵养水源和保护城市生态环境等功能提供管理依据,以深圳城市绿地土壤为研究对象,调查分析了土壤容重、孔隙状况、土壤水分常数和水分入渗特征等物理特性。结果表明:深圳城市绿地土壤的容重较高,平均值为1.56 g/cm3。土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、通气孔隙度较小,平均值分别为41.06%、39.78%、1.27%。土壤水分入渗率变幅很大,土壤初始入渗率为0~8.47 mm/min,稳定入渗率为0~5.90 mm/min。城市公园绿地、道路绿地土壤的容重显著高于城郊菜地土壤,而土壤孔隙度、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于城郊菜地土壤;表层0~10 cm的土壤容重、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于10~20 cm土壤,土壤孔隙度显著高于10~20 cm土壤。城市绿地土壤容重与孔隙度、田间持水量、最大持水量、初始入渗率及稳定入渗率均呈显著的负相关。  相似文献   

以济南城市绿地系统现状为研究对象,采用层次分析法建立城市绿地系统综合评价体系,利用该体系进行实际评判验证。结果表明:济南城市绿地系统环境效益较好,评价结果为0.5033分。济南市绿化建设取得一定成绩的同时仍存在一些问题与不足,如人均绿地指标偏低、绿地斑块分布不均、城市氧源绿地分布欠佳等。  相似文献   

Recent rapid urbanization has broad impact on the contemporary urban environment. Preserving the natural environment has become the central issues in the world. The main concern of this paper is to address the importance of social function of green space. Some results of a survey conducted among visitors of urban parks in Mianyang city in Sichuan Province are presented and discussed. The results confirm that open space experiences have a positives influence on psychological and mental health. Urban green space verifies beliefs about stress-reduction benefits and mental health, and advances social intercommunication. Finally, the monetary evaluation methods of urban green space, such as contingent valuation method, hedonic pricing method, travel cost method, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, three fundamental principles of city planning under the present system are brought forward: the integration of urban design and city planning, the double attributes and position of the urban design and the correspondence between the urban design and the city planning in levels. Therefore, according to the different circumstances, three functioning ways for the urban design in the practice of plan making are put forward: to put the urban design into the system of city planning, to work out the urban design as a research work and then make use of its achievement in the work of plan making, and to regard the urban design as a specialized work of city planning.  相似文献   

城市绿地系统社会服务功能所具有的重要价值已在世界范围内引起了人们的普遍关注,有关城市绿地系统社会服务功能及其评价的研究也取得了较大的进展。但通过文献综述发现,这些研究对城市绿地系统社会服务功能与城市绿地的规划、建设、保护和管理之间的相互关系探究极少且深度不够,使得这些研究的实践意义不大。而在有关城市绿地系统社会服务功能评价的研究上,也存在着诸如评价指标少且未形成体系、研究范围较窄、研究的深度和广度不够等不足,以致不能真实、综合地反映出城市绿地系统多元的社会服务功能。为此,为了全面、客观地反映出城市绿地系统社会服务功能所具有的价值,应坚持综合性、层次性、独立性,可操作性、易获得性等原则,并构建定性与定量相结合的指标体系。  相似文献   

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