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Traditional ancient village is a miniature of history, embodies landscape cultures with rich connotations. On the basis of introducing basic conditions of ancient Liukeng Village, this paper explored landscape cultural elements in the village from such perspectives of natural landscape, architecture, clan system, and Fengshui, and proposed the pertinent approaches of landscape culture inheritance respectively, namely, "integrated protection", "hierarchical protection", "live inheritance" and "rationally accepting and rejecting", by adhering to such principles as keeping natural originality, integrality, humanistic ecology, and dynamic openness.  相似文献   

Through analyzing historical value of patriarchal society, village layout, and characteristic folk dwel ings in Ancient Sangyuan Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province, this paper proposed the protective planning based on the gist of protecting villagers' benefits, applied classified protection of buildings, enhanced water protection and landscape design, and tried to carry out its intangible cultures via folk custom activities, in order to further develop the value of its historical and cultural resources.  相似文献   

Water environment has its unique charm as a part of traditional settlement space. This paper took water environment in Zhangguying Village, Yueyang City, Hunan Province for example, analyzed dot, linear and planar elements of village water environment, and water environment in courtyards[1], and tried to put forward valuable suggestions for the waterscape design of modern residential areas.  相似文献   

Firstly,the composition and value of heritage in Nihegou Village having the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) were analyzed,and then dilemmas,challenges and opportunities for the protection and development of the village were studied.Finally,ways of sustainable development of the vil age were discussed.  相似文献   

Improving rural living environment is an important support for farmers to live and work in peace and contentment,which is of great significance to the shaping of happy and livable homes in rural areas under the background of beautiful countryside.Through the comprehensive renovation of the beautiful countryside,great progress has been made in improving the rural living environment in Beijing,but there are still problems in rural settlement landscape such as poor quality of landscape environment,low utilization rate of public space,and insufficient protection of traditional features.This study took the design strategy of rural settlement landscape as the research entry point,took the rural high-quality landscape environment demand and the beautiful rural construction goal as the double guidance,explored the design strategy of improving the quality of rural settlement landscape through the methods of field survey and questionnaire survey,and put forward the following design points:①From the perspective of overall consideration and advantage integration,the overall framework of rural settlement landscape should comprehensively consider rural architectural landscape and living environment landscape;②efforts should be made to create public spaces such as the village landscape image Avenue,landscape sharing garden,and open courtyard in front of the house,so as to improve the environmental quality and spatial vitality of the village;③strengthen the protection of the traditional features of the village,such as the famous ancient trees,the texture of the courtyard,the quality of residential buildings,etc.with a view to promoting the improvement and overall improvement of the rural environment.  相似文献   

乡村人居环境改善是城乡统筹发展的重要内容,也是美丽乡村建设的关键所在。笔者着眼于“以人为本”的视角,以重庆市铜梁区南城街道鱼溅村为例,通过村民参与式与数学模型定量的研究方法,研究乡村人居环境村民的满意度和优化方向。研究结果显示:鱼溅村人居环境的整体满意度水平一般,人居软环境系统的社会环境与经济环境满意度为一般和不满意,硬环境系统的设施环境和生态环境对整体满意度贡献率较高,结论表明鱼溅村亟需加强对人居软环境系统的优化;同时,研究还显示鱼溅村人居环境满意度的空间分布差异较大,这说明人居环境的优化需要合理布局、整体筹划。笔者最后提出了优化的对策,对山地丘陵地区的乡村人居环境建设具有普遍借鉴意义。  相似文献   

优化乡村人居环境,改善农户生活质量,统筹城乡发展是社会主义新农村建设的一项重要内容。以实地调研为基础资料,以湖南省新农村示范点——工联村为例,探索制度约束下乡村人居环境建设的特征、困境与优化路径。在集体合作经营体制下,工联村人居环境建设在筹集资金、约束农户人居行为、改善基础设施、推进社会事业等方面具有一定的制度优势,但也存在诸多困境。从4个方面提出了优化路径,即鼓励制度创新,完善人居环境建设模式;优化村庄布局,规范农户居住行为;加快村庄整治,引导农户生活行为;整体营销村庄,扩大人居环境示范效应。  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization and new rural construction have being exerted serious impact on the renovation and protection of traditional water villages in Jiangnan area(the southern regions of the Yangtze River). More and more distinctive villages are losing their historical background and regional architectural culture in modern society. Taking the renovation planning of Wenchang village as a case study, its function structure and land use are determined by the theory of three layers of HSR(high-speed rail) station after deep mining its history and culture. Then, the design method of rebuilding characteristic space in traditional villagesaiming at finding a proper way to handle the relationship between development and protection of traditional villagesis investigated from the perspective of natural landscape, spatial form and architectural features.  相似文献   

古村落绿化美化建设探讨——以青田为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古村落是宝贵的历史文化遗产,其绿化美化建设成为崭新的课题。笔者回顾了对近年来对古村落保护和建设的一些研究;以青田阜山乡陈宅村和方山乡龙现村2个古村落为例,分析了其绿化美化建设现状、特点及存在的问题;总结了古村落绿化美化建设的总体思路;提出了以下古村落绿化美化方法:(1)形成“外围、内部和内外通道”的布局结构;(2)按照“点、线、面”相结合的形式进行建设;(3)坚持“保护为主,新建为辅”的原则,走“继承-发展-创新”的道路。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是乡村产业振兴的重要途径,这在资源依托型特色村表现更为突出。以祁杨村为例,在乡村产业振兴视角下研究了乡村旅游发展的策略。基于该村的现状,分析了其产业发展存在的问题与差距。在深入发掘该村乡村旅游资源、市场优势的基础上,提出了祁杨村乡村旅游的发展策略,可通过整合提升旅游产品、丰富完善乡村旅游吸引物、优化空间布局、完善旅游设施与服务等措施促进乡村旅游发展,助力乡村产业振兴。  相似文献   

Traditional ancestral halls play an important role in the inheritance of the clan system.They carry strong clan ritual culture and are the hall of the clan spirit.In China's traditional society, the clan concept was very deep, and a village was often formed by a single clan.An ancestral hall is a place where people sacrifice their ancestors and thus is given the most important significance, which is related to the rise and fall of the clan.Based on the instinct of biological benefit and avoidance, the site selection of ancestral halls must be the most favorable.In this paper, the site selection of Yu Ancestral Hall in Wangkou Vil age, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province was surveyed and analyzed, and the layout modes and artistic characteristics of site selection of traditional ancestral halls in Jiangxi were studied to provide reference for the protection and sustainable development of traditional ancestral halls.  相似文献   

Village layout planning is a fundamental work in the construction of beautiful countryside, and also a global work involving vital interests of vast farmers. Taking Fengyang Town of Fenxi County, Jiangxi Province for example, this paper applied Arc GIS to analyze natural facors, social economy, and construction factors quantitatively by evaluating development and construction conditions of each village comprehensively from the perspective of urban-rural integration. Classifying the villages into 4 types, namely urban reform type, concentrated development type, controlled construction type and relocation type, this paper tried to guide the scattered rural settlements to the intensive development.  相似文献   

The well-preserved small historic cities and towns in China that have went through thousands of years of vicissitudes play a signifi cant role in studying the town history and architectural spaces,and inheriting behavioral cultures of the locals.However,driven by economic profi ts,the current protection and development of ancient towns focus on ancient images,but neglect behavioral cultures and spiritual connotations,lose their evolution sequence and the relationship between tangible and intangible characters.Protection of ancient towns,as the author asserts,means not simple restoration and simulation of ancient buildings,or blind pursuit of new approaches,but equal importance to repairing architectural forms,protecting the environmental spaces,and intangible behavioral cultures and spiritual connotations of the locals that have been or will be lost in the history.It is the signifi cance of protecting ancient town environment and its history and culture.  相似文献   

为了对中国古代农民职业教育有比较全面的认识,在文献资料的基础上,对中国古代农业职业教育的特点和途径进行探讨。中国古代农民职业教育有起源久远、受众面广、内容丰富、方法灵活多样等显著特点,主要是通过家庭教育、农业专家指导、朝廷设置农业机构督导以及编著农书传播农业经验等途径完成的。通过对农民职业教育的研究,对今天农业科技转化和社会发展进步有着重要的促进和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Dafen Oil Painting Village, the largest oil painting village in current China, takes cultural industries like creation and wholesale of oil paintings as the pillar. As one of the urban villages in Shenzhen, Dafen Village not only has the common characteristics of urban morphology as ordinary urban villages, but also has something unique. In this paper, study of the urban morphology of Dafen Oil Painting Village is mainly from 3 aspects: firstly, the formation of street space in Dafen Village; secondly, analysis of the status of urban morphology of Dafen Village; thirdly, the plane layout and public space of Dafen Village. In the end, this paper put forward some suggestions about the future development of urban morphology and space layout in Dafen Village.  相似文献   

As a large province committed to developing ecological civilization,Jiangxi province is among the top provinces that boast the largest amount of traditional villages.Although maintaining a relatively intact ecological environment,Jiangxi Province is relatively backward in economy,which makes it an urgent mission for the local authorities to vigorously develop traditional village tourism.But many traditional vil ages landscapes have been destroyed in the process of development since there is no specific guidelines or regulations.This paper analyzed the development of Youshan Village-a traditional village that has made remarkable achievements in developing its tourism resources while conserving its original landscape features,concluded the methods and principles of constructing traditional village landscapes of Jiangxi province and expected to further explore the development mode for prospering tourism in the traditional villages.  相似文献   

This paper took Yanyi Wei for example to explore the architectural culture of Hakka walled vil ages in Gannan, including clan culture, defense culture, sacrificial culture, and feng shui culture. It pointed out that there exist problems in Yanyi Wei, such as the disharmony between newly established houses and original buildings, the lack of proper maintenance, and the lack of heirs of walled village culture, and proposed reasonable suggestions about architectural conservation and cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Red revolutionary site is a significant carrier for inheriting and spreading red culture,a witness of revolutionary history and stones,and also the best place to show connotations and value of red culture.Taking the regiment headquarter and the division headquarter of the First Division of the First Army in Xiushui County,Jiangxi Province for example,this paper explored cultural value of red site,analyzed the existing problems,tried to figure out scientific approaches of realizing cultural value of red site,so as to promote the sharing and inheritance of cultural value of red revolutionary site.  相似文献   

The ancient village in Mei Zhou is the special integrity system,which appears the aspects of the humanism,scene and feeling.The environment of society affects the system inevitably because of the open feature of the ancient village system.The speed of the system change is limited by the contradiction caused in the protection of the ancient village.The modern village system will finally replace the ancient one,which is decided by the integrity effect of relationship and reciprocity of the elements in the system.  相似文献   

By introducing cultural landscape theories and attaching importance to practical application of theories, this paper analyzed protection and development of ancient Pingyao City under the guidance of relevant theories. Taking Pingyao for example, application of theories in practices will be better understood, and the role of human geography in urban planning reflected. Referring to the protection and development cases of famous historic and cultural cities, this paper analyzed historical and cultural context, and spatial environment of Ancient Pingyao City from the perspectives of culture and geography, and proposed suggestions for the protection and development of ancient city under the guidance of human geography theories.  相似文献   

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