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Design of plant landscape form is a critical part of plant landscaping, and it is an important direction of modern researches on urban plant landscaping to promote the development of plant landscape via the interaction between landscape form design and other means. By elaborating five major influence factors of landscape plants, namely flexibility, art, subject, mode, and artistic conception, this paper explored the application of construction thinking in the construction of urban plant landscape form, in order to provide theoretical basis for the development of urban plant landscape form.  相似文献   

城市景观建设中某些弊端的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了完善城市景观规划,减少资源浪费和生态环境的破坏,达到景观规划的观赏性与生态环境的持久性相协调的目的,就树木进城对原树木生存地植物被的破坏、城市景观规划不当造成的树木成活率的降低、树木移植后期管理不当造成树木资源的浪费、景观设计模式千篇一律导致某些地区园林施工造价的增加和城市景观建设中带来的水土流失问题,开展了一系列的探讨。针对存在的问题,建议苗圃企业增加大型苗木的栽植,减少大树进城对原树木原生态地植被的破坏;加强城市监管部门的执行力度,减少树木资源的浪费;加强城市建设规划部门长远规划理念,保持景观建设的持续性。  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

Waterfront area is always a central district in a city, and favorable designs improve taste of the city. With the further urbanization and improvement of living standards, design of waterfront area has to meet not only needs of water conservancy and flood control, but also psychological needs of users. Using flexible design principles and methods, urban waterfront areas will be more flexible and capable of adapting to changes of neighboring environment.  相似文献   

Recently, the increasing concern about the environmental quality of human settlements makes people realize that the attractive environment given by natural ecology also deficiently needs the feedback and protection of nature in some forms so that the natural ecology can be endlessly cycled on its own. Taking the project of German Enterprise Center in Qingdao Sino-German Ecopark as an example, this paper discussed construction of outdoor environment water circulation system using the landscape building method.  相似文献   

Through the examples of urban wetland parks construction at home and abroad, the importance of urban wetland parks is expounded in this paper, and the special landscape characteristics of the urban wetland parks accepted by the public and the urban constructor are analyzed, including the natural, ecological and economical characteristics. The natural characteristics include rich and multiple landscapes, biological diversity, remarkable ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. The social characteristics include clear recreational character, rich historical culture connotations and prominent education functions. Then, aiming at the facts existed in the landscape construction of the urban wetland parks in our country, including neglect of the characters and conditions of the region, formalized landscape design, urbanized recreational activities, neglect of other living things, species invasion and neglect of the educational functions in landscape construction and so on. It proposes that the landscape construction of urban wetland parks should follow the important principles as to protect strictly and restore the biology diversity, control the human disturbance, the construction should be based on ecology theories as the instruction, the recreational activities should have their themes and the architecture construction should be natural and ecological and so on. Finally, the thesis discusses the landscape construction concept design and the landscape district construction in the urban wetland parks. It hopes that it can give some promotions to the landscape construction of urban wetland parks through this research.  相似文献   

根据景观生态学原理,运用CAD软件,统计各景观斑块的数量、面积、周长等信息,对广府古城滨水区的景观生态格局进行分析;并依据景观生态学的评价方法,选取分维数、伸长指数、多样性指数、优势度、分离度、破碎度6项指标对该古城滨水区进行景观生态评价。结果表明:研究区域整体多样性低、优势度高,景观分布不均匀,受人为干扰显著;自然景观锐减,景观破碎程度较高,缺乏统一有机的整体格局,导致研究区生态系统不稳定。  相似文献   

According to the investigations of urban barrier free facilities, there have been lots of progresses in constructions of barrier free in cities recently. But there are no systematic barrier free facilities in these cities, which would restrict the function and effect of urban barrier free facilities for the handicapped and the elder. This paper puts forward that there should be a development from the urban barrier free facilities to the urban barrier free environment. There are two parts in the barrier free environment,that is the hardy environment and soft environment. Finally,an in-series connection two-core model of barrier free environment has been designed and discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the narrow sense and broad sense of landscape architecture,classical gardens and modern landscape architecture,the authors proposed functions of landscape architecture,and that highquality landscape architecture designs should demonstrate ecological,social and aesthetic functions.By combining theoretical analysis and practical experience,it was verified that urban landscape architecture has to integrate ecological,social and aesthetic functions to manifest its social value to the most.  相似文献   

Urban waterfront space as an essential part of urban landscape belt refl ects unique city images and cultures, and it is an important region for urban leisure activities. With the promotion of new urbanization, population explosion has had new requirements on existing waterfront landscape spaces. Accurate assessment of the quality of waterfront landscaping scheme is the premise and basis of building high-quality landscapes. This paper, on the basis of landscape trialism, landscape assessment standards from the perspectives of landscape environment, landscape aesthetics, and landscape function, elaborated the relationship among the three aspects, proposed the basic framework for the quality assessment of urban waterfront landscapes, and refi ned the control factors, summarized the specific assessment factors, in order to establish an index system fit for the quality asssessment of urban waterfront landscapes, and provide references for urban waterfront landscaping in China.  相似文献   

Based on personal experience in the planning of new countryside, characteristics of rural environment landscape planning were summarized. Landscape planning of rural environment should apply such concepts as respecting the locals, and inheriting cultural context on the basis of f ield investigation, and successful development mode of rural environment should be learnt. This study is to provide references for landscape planning of rural environment, and try to achieve the integration of urban and rural landscapes.  相似文献   

"Digital City" has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

Digital City has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

建筑外环境园林植物种植设计研究——以延安市区为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
罗萌  王宏 《中国农学通报》2012,28(31):311-316
建筑外环境园林植物种植是改善城市建设和生态环境的重要举措。从提升城市生态品味的角度,探索建筑外环境园林植物的种植,对同类型城市建设有一定的借鉴意义。文章以延安市建筑外环境园林植物种植为例,在对延安市建筑外环境园林植物种植的现状和存在的问题调研的基础上,提出适合延安市建筑外环境园林植物种植的思路和对策。  相似文献   

Through analysis on landscape planning and design,construction process management and control of the Ta iyuan Wanda Vista Hotel,landscape planning and design ideas,plant species selection and construction experience of the urban luxury hotel are summed up,which provides a reference for the related profession designing and constructing landscape aspect of urban luxury hotel.  相似文献   

柳州市主城区滨水绿地植物景观效益数量化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
园林植物景观效益的数量化是今后园林绿化的一个发展趋势。在抽样调查的基础上,借鉴唐东芹等人的AHP模型与方法,采用定量与定性指标相结合的方法对柳州市主城区滨水绿地植物景观效益进行数量化分析。结果表明,绿化树种丰富,以乡土树种为主,植物群落多样化,观花和其他观赏特征并存,季相变化明显,植物配置将美观与实用结合起来,真正实践了“以人为本”的植物景观设计理念。但地方文化树种、特色树种有待进一步的挖掘和应用,滨水绿地的养护管理与生态建设有待进一步的加强。  相似文献   

Wa terfront park is an important composition of current urban ecological tourism in China,which sufficiently reveals the economic development situation of the city and the leisure culture life of the masses,and embodies rich regional cultural characteristics.Taking Xianghu Lake Park of Nanchang City as the example,design features of its water landscape and building are analyzed and explored.The design fol ows the principle of utilization function combining with artistry,pa ys attention to plane layout and spatial organization,and retains classical architectural style of the building.  相似文献   

Focused on the absence or disorder presented in the color landscape of modern city environment,it is argued that the color landscape of cities must be,and can be planned.Then,in order to setup the characteristics of a city,it is emphasized to make plan strategy based on city dimensions,handle controlling modes flexibly,extract the regional color and intensify controlling and guiding the color in architectures.  相似文献   

Revitalization of waterfront-a precious resource of city has gradually become popular worldwide. Cities around the Three Gorges Reservoir grow and proper for the Yangtze River,thus waterfront in these cities has been long ignored or faced with constructive destruction with the city development. This paper divided urban waterfront public spaces around the Three Gorges into 3 kinds of spaces,namely point,line and surface,from the perspective of typology,and put forward strategies such as functional renovation,and improvement of spatial scale from the perspectives of land use and traffic,to enhance the vitality of waterfront public space.  相似文献   

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