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Scenic-based countryside planning model,one of the beautiful countryside construction models,has been just initiated without a sound rural planning theory system,thus it is not an effective instruction for the development of rural areas nearby the scenic areas.In view of this problem,this paper took Panxi Village in Wanli District of Nanchang City for example,analyzed its current situation comprehensively,figured out principal contradictions,set clear objectives,and proposed the corresponding planning strategies from 4 perspectives of rural functional orientation,industrial upgrading,exploration of characteristics,and village texture,to provide methods and ideas for the planning and development of such villages.  相似文献   

Basic conditions and new countryside construction of Ganlu Town, Zizhong County, Neijiang City were analyzed, SWOT adopted to analyze internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of its new countryside construction. On this basis, positive and practical strategies were put forward to promote the new countryside construction in the local area, and provide references for the new countryside construction in other regions.  相似文献   

Against the background of accelerating new socialist countryside construction, Nanchang City proposed the "five-in-one" comprehensive demonstration village planning, including village planning and construction, characteristic industry, ecological optimization, leisure agriculture, and civilized local customs. Taking the planning of Nanzhou Village for example, this paper introduced specific construction contents of "five-in-one" comprehensive demonstration village, in order to provide references for the new countryside construction in other regions.  相似文献   

Countryside development paths and phase characters of typical developed countries and regions were analyzed,such as the East Asian Model(Japan and South Korea),and Western European Model(Germany and the Netherlands).The former is based on the big gap between urban and rural development,and the latter is based on the balanced development of urban and rural areas,both of them achieved the world’s leading level of countryside construction.In Zhejiang Province,"China’s Beautiful Countryside"represented by Anji,and"Zhejiang Green Agricultural Product Base"represented by Xianju emerged in the county level.Motivation mechanisms for countryside development in China and abroad were analyzed,including industrial system,infrastructure,ecological environment,and local culture.  相似文献   

Village layout planning is a fundamental work in the construction of beautiful countryside, and also a global work involving vital interests of vast farmers. Taking Fengyang Town of Fenxi County, Jiangxi Province for example, this paper applied Arc GIS to analyze natural facors, social economy, and construction factors quantitatively by evaluating development and construction conditions of each village comprehensively from the perspective of urban-rural integration. Classifying the villages into 4 types, namely urban reform type, concentrated development type, controlled construction type and relocation type, this paper tried to guide the scattered rural settlements to the intensive development.  相似文献   

十九大报告和中央一号文件做出了实施乡村振兴战略的重大决策部署。生态宜居和美丽乡村建设是乡村振兴的重要核心内容,涉及到农村生态环境和人居环境治理、农业农村可持续发展、乡村文化的传承与保护等方面。在国家政策的大力支持下,我国新农村建设取得了明显成效。但与美丽中国的宏伟目标相比,农村环境问题仍较突出,主要体现在农村生活垃圾、生活污水和黑臭水体污染、农业生产造成的环境污染、农村乡风文明落后等。本文在综述近年来国家对乡村振兴、美丽乡村建设政策支持的基础上,重点对美丽乡村建设面临的问题和困难进行研究分析,通过总结浙江省湖州市美丽乡村建设的典型案例,提出了美丽乡村建设需要关注的几个关键问题,旨在为各地提供美丽乡村建设借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

以东部发达地区典型工业型乡镇——常熟市辛庄镇为例,通过发放问卷、随机采访等现场调查形式,调查了该地区农村居民对生态环境、生活水平、公共事业和公共设施的满意度、认知度和关注度,分析了该地区这四个方面的特点及存在的问题。本次调查可为我国在该类型乡镇农村管理、建设以及评价提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

As a large province committed to developing ecological civilization,Jiangxi province is among the top provinces that boast the largest amount of traditional villages.Although maintaining a relatively intact ecological environment,Jiangxi Province is relatively backward in economy,which makes it an urgent mission for the local authorities to vigorously develop traditional village tourism.But many traditional vil ages landscapes have been destroyed in the process of development since there is no specific guidelines or regulations.This paper analyzed the development of Youshan Village-a traditional village that has made remarkable achievements in developing its tourism resources while conserving its original landscape features,concluded the methods and principles of constructing traditional village landscapes of Jiangxi province and expected to further explore the development mode for prospering tourism in the traditional villages.  相似文献   

On the basis of field investigation in 13 typical villages in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, and questionnaire survey over 45 local residents, this paper analyzed rural production and living environment, greening conditions, and villagers' consciousness about greening in the local area, and proposed 5 major principles for village greening: government plays the leading role, rural households are subjects; adopt unifi ed planning and coordinated development; choose suitable species for suitable land according to actual conditions; put ecology on the top priority, balance economic and ecological development; facilitate operation and management. In addition, the paper highlighted 5 characters in village greening, namely, cultural, ecological, practical, concise, and lifeconcerned.  相似文献   

农村居民点布局的调整和格局的优化是新一轮土地利用总体规划的重要内容,对统筹城乡发展、增强区域经济等具有重要的作用,应用ARCGIS空间分析和统计功能技术以及景观指数的定量分析方法,以重庆市石柱县临溪镇前进村为研究区域,分析研究了在村域范围内农村居民点分布特征、居民点分布现状与该村自然、社会、经济等要素间的相互关系,并运用GIS多因素叠加模型,建立农村居民点空间格局优化。结果表明,前进村农村居民点的区位受坡度、河流、道路和耕作环境的综合影响,尤其道路指向更为紧密。前进村就居民点空间格局优化可分为优先发展区、重点发展、保留发展、搬迁区4种类型,该研究为科学指导农村居民点整理提供依据,具有一定的借鉴和扩展意义。  相似文献   

为了对干旱区村域种植业生产效益影响因素进行研究,以旱地区生态脆弱的奇台县西北湾乡三屯村为例,通过实地调查和入户问卷调研与访谈获取研究数据,利用回归分析方法,分析种植业成本构成及关键成本、成本与土地种植面积对种植业收益的影响、作物种植类型对种植业收益的影响。结果表明:打井成本和作物种植成本是影响农户种植业生产总成本的重要因素;种植业生产属于资本密集型,地租、作物种植成本和打井费用是影响种植业收益的主要因素;种植业属于粗放的土地资源依赖型,承包土地面积扩张是影响农民种植业收益的主要方式;小麦种植是农户的种植业的主要收益来源。  相似文献   

Beautiful country of Yuezhao Community,Zhongshan District is taken as the case.By digging cultural characteristics and connotation of historic buildings and integrating historical culture resources,protection region of historic site is formed.By analyzing construction condition and environment of status quo and combining surrounding natural environment,greening and activity places are arranged in the area unsuitable for construction,and landscape node rich in local culture characteristics is created.In the planning,it should sufficiently respect layout of the existing buildings,making planning region become a new rural residential community in the new era that local culture atmosphere is rich;the planned buildings have the same skin textures with original buildings and harmoniously coexist with natural environment.  相似文献   

Under the context of economy new normal and rapid urbanization, the shift of economic growth, structural adjustment pains as well as pre-stimulus digestion comes coincidentally. The boundary red line of urban growth, the red line of the number of basic farms and the ecology red line makes the local to conserve land. Land stock for village and town construction is a huge amount of potential resources. Redevelopment of land for village and town construction provides ensured land security for the smooth progress of urbanization. Combining village and town construction land use characteristics and making in-depth analysis of the difficulties in the redevelopment of village and town construction and its inner mechanism, policies and suggestions were proposed for the redevelopment of village and town construction land in terms of land property, land price, market allocation, planning, surveillance and so on, so as to provide valuable reference for the smooth redevelopment of village and town construction land, and the system design of villages and towns.  相似文献   

为了科学地管理和实施土地利用总体规划成果,实现土地资源管理信息化,笔者主要探索基于MapGIS平台下,如何利用土地利用现状数据库和土地利用总体规划成果,建立县乡土地利用总体规划数据库,运用系统分析与流程图法,系统阐述了数据库建立的总体思路、目标、技术路线,解决了在数据库建立过程中规划要素层添加,建立了数据库区文件、线文件以及点文件的属性结构,提出了属性数据的输入方法,并着重对图斑面积量算方法进行描述。结果表明,在MapGIS软件平台下,运用土地利用现状数据库和土地利用总体规划成果可以建立规划数据库。  相似文献   

Sunken yaodongs, or sunken yaodong houses, in Guanzhong are typical representatives of traditional Chinese dwellings. This paper analyzed the characteristics and existing problems of yaodongs, and put forward the idea of the organic renewal of sunken yaodongs with Dengjiapo Village in Yongshou County, Xianyang, Shaanxi as the research object.  相似文献   

研究目的:为科学编制土地利用规划提供理论依据,为同类研究提供参考.研究方法:运用文献研究、理论研究、实证研究的方法.研究结果:提出管理一体化土地利用规划思想的含义、三个特征及辩证关系.研究结论:管理一体化土地利用规划思想是指导村级土地利用规划编制行之有效的规划思想.  相似文献   

农村居民点的宜居性将会影响居民点聚集效益的形成及农村集体建设用地的集约利用水平。笔者在对研究区实际调研的基础上,运用农户入户调查法、GIS技术,依据农户意愿对现存农村居民点进行宜居性调查研究。结果表明,宜居农村居民点应具有的条件包括:农户可接受的耕作半径、生产方便;道路通达度较高;满足农民下一代受教育的需求;完善的基础设施建设。  相似文献   

“镇村同治”是当前新形势下,按照城乡一体化的要求,从区域性中心镇入手,实行镇村同步规划、环境同步治理、产业同步发展、文明同步创建、推动新型城镇化与新型农村建设协同发展的整体性建设。将SWOT分析方法与示范区建设发展框架联系起来,形成针对示范区建设发展研究的SWOT分析框架和示范区建设发展定位的SWOT分析方法体系。以湖南省常德市临澧县官亭乡镇村同治示范区为例,分析影响该示范区的S、W、O、T各因素,提出示范区镇村同治规划的对策。  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora is a major invasive plant in the coastal tideland of China that has serious negative impact on local economy and ecology.This paper took Hugang New Town in Xiangshan County,Zhejiang Province for example,concluded the method of controlling S.alterniflora by integrating mechanical mowing and hydraulic reclamation in view of the threatening expansion of this species and serious land shortage in the local area.Moreover,it explored the ecological planning method of reclamation area based on this method.In view of the ecological sensitivity of the reclamation area,urban ecological planning concept was introduced into both processes of the development:penetrative reclamation and urban planning.The reclamation project has to meet such requirements as site selection,scope,water surface ratio etc.,the planning ensures the ecological sustainability in functional orientation,spatial structure,green space system and development intensity.  相似文献   

Traditional ancient village is a miniature of history, embodies landscape cultures with rich connotations. On the basis of introducing basic conditions of ancient Liukeng Village, this paper explored landscape cultural elements in the village from such perspectives of natural landscape, architecture, clan system, and Fengshui, and proposed the pertinent approaches of landscape culture inheritance respectively, namely, "integrated protection", "hierarchical protection", "live inheritance" and "rationally accepting and rejecting", by adhering to such principles as keeping natural originality, integrality, humanistic ecology, and dynamic openness.  相似文献   

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