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A model of "construction quality assessment space" is designed in this paper,which illustrates construction quality assessment in three aspects as construction types,phases and characteristics.Based on this model,the construction quality assessment system(CQAS) is structured.As a part,the construction quality index(CQI) can be used for evaluating the Chinese construction quality status;and some technical methods such as spot checks and analytic hierarchy process can be used for getting macro and micro construction quality assessment results.  相似文献   

Urban waterfront landscape is the most vital landscape form in a city, the most quality urban green line, and also an ideal habitat corridor. Urban waterfront landscape belt has inborn lasting attractiveness for urban citizens. Considering needs of urban development, development and redevelopment of waterfront areas have been initiated in many cities to meet relaxation and leisure needs of citizens. This paper analyzed landscapes of urban riverfront environment, embankment landscape engineering, and waterfront plant cultivation, so as to further explore landscape construction of urban waterfront environment.  相似文献   

Compared with landform design in common urban green spaces, landform landscape design of garbage landfi ll sites require higher technical regulations, and there are more restrictions for the design. This paper explored landform design of three types of landfi ll sites: domestic garbage landfi ll site, building waste landfi ll site and polluted soil landf ill site. Two aspects were included: exploring landform peculiarity of landfi ll sites by sorting out technologies and regulations; exploring landscape design methods of landf ill landscapes.  相似文献   

Waterfront area is always a central district in a city, and favorable designs improve taste of the city. With the further urbanization and improvement of living standards, design of waterfront area has to meet not only needs of water conservancy and flood control, but also psychological needs of users. Using flexible design principles and methods, urban waterfront areas will be more flexible and capable of adapting to changes of neighboring environment.  相似文献   

This paper introduced concept and modern thought of urban brownfield site and flexible landscape design, analyzed factors influencing the modernity, and pointed out significance and necessity of flexible landscape design. By analyzing realistic problems of urban brownfield site, this paper combined flexible design and renovation of brownfield landscape renovation, and proposed suggestions for the flexible landscape renovation of urban brownfield sites, so that renovation of urban brownfield landscape is not confined in renovation, but is more flexible and adaptive, and flexible design is positive for the renovation of urban brownfield landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper establishes the index system of aged life quality and confirms index system weighea from AHP according to connotation of aged life quality through comparison between the population aged of quality and the aged. life of quality. The authors offer operation basis so as to judgement and improvement of the aged life of quality.  相似文献   

Based on the further analysis of trail's concept,trail tourist attractions was proposed as a new concept,and the 5-dimension(trail resource,trail operation,trail technology,trail management and trail economic index) theoretical assessment framework for trail tourist attractions was established. Trail route selection,trail pavement and trail management grade were taken for example to explain the specifications for these secondary indexes. The future research should expand the index system to cover all secondary indexes of the 5 dimensions,put the concept of trail tourist attractions into tourism planning practices,and provide examples for the construction of trail tourist attractions across the country. Proposal of the concept of trail tourist attractions and its assessment standards is an attempt and innovation in the development of scenic areas,and will possibly result in the new development rules of scenic areas.  相似文献   

A Proposed Index for Assessment of Row-replacement Intercropping System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new index has been proposed for assessing an intercropping system where the component crops are in row replacement senes. It determines the Actual Yield Loss or gain (AYL) in respect to a component crop in an intercropping situation Here the sown proportion of the component crops with regard to its sole one is to be considered. This index appears to be more appropriate than other established indices like land equivalent ratio, relative yield loss, etc., particularly when per plant yield is considered. Partial AYLs (which are the two components of this index) can be considered as indicators regarding the competition existing between the component intercrops.  相似文献   

The concept of urban green space system planning was proposed after analyzing the background of compiling Guangzhou green space system planning and current situation of local green spaces,i.e. design landscape pattern of Guangzhou City during urban agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta,and highlight Lingnan cultures(Lingnan refers to south of the Five Ridges) and features of Flower City(another name of Guangzhou). Key points of planning are protecting ecological barriers in the north,improving urban garden structure in the center,using wetland reasonably in the south,to maintain integrality and continuity of the landscape pattern.  相似文献   

为真实反映城镇空间差异与城镇基准地价变化的特征,笔者运用比较法、特尔斐法、加权求和法等,以分等指数控制城镇等级,将同一水平城镇归于同一等级区间,确定不同等级城镇的基准地价变动幅度,实现以指数控城镇,以等级调价格。结果表明:在新乡市域内,一等城镇包括辉县市、卫辉市、新乡县、延津县;二等城镇包括获嘉县、原阳县、封丘县;其中一等城镇商服用地和住宅用地的一级地价格在890~1215 元/m2和650~880/m2;末级地300~410 元/m2和260~350 元/m2,二等城镇一级地在750~840 元/m2和520~575/m2;末级地在300~330 元/m2和220~250 元/m2,即城镇等级越高,其同用途同级别的地价也越高。  相似文献   

Due to the effect of hot island of the city, the temperature is much higher and the urban hot environment is much worse in the city than those in the countryside. In this paper, the total heat difference based on the temperature has been suggested as an evaluation factor and the total heat change quality index as evaluation method to describe the quality of urban hot environment.  相似文献   

环渤海现代农业指标评价体系的构建与发展水平评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为明确环渤海区域农业发展水平,以加快区域现代农业发展进程,以现代农业综合发展水平为评价总体目标,以农业投入、农业产出、农村社会发展水平及农业可持续发展水平为分级指标,构建了环渤海现代农业区域发展水平评价指标体系,并对以市为基本评价单元对环渤海区域现代农业进行了评价。结果表明:环渤海区域的综合发展水平为0.585,刚进入现代农业发展阶段。分地区看北京最高,达到0.798,其次为天津0.694、山东0.644、辽宁0.606,河北最低,为0.595;分城市看,环渤海区域现代农业目前还没有任何一个城市达到发达阶段的水平,处于初步实现阶段有10个城市,主要集中在山东(占5个),其他大部分城市还处于起步阶段和发展阶段。  相似文献   

耕地资源安全评价指标体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
耕地是土地资源的精华,耕地资源安全居于国家资源安全的核心地位。从耕地资源的主要功能出发,分析耕地资源安全的内涵,探讨建立区域耕地资源安全评价指标体系的原则和思路,提出区域耕地资源安全评价指标体系,为开展区域耕地资源安全状态评价奠定技术基础,并提出了应用该指标体系时需注意的一些问题  相似文献   

Revitalization of waterfront-a precious resource of city has gradually become popular worldwide. Cities around the Three Gorges Reservoir grow and proper for the Yangtze River,thus waterfront in these cities has been long ignored or faced with constructive destruction with the city development. This paper divided urban waterfront public spaces around the Three Gorges into 3 kinds of spaces,namely point,line and surface,from the perspective of typology,and put forward strategies such as functional renovation,and improvement of spatial scale from the perspectives of land use and traffic,to enhance the vitality of waterfront public space.  相似文献   

SU Su 《保鲜与加工》2002,(3):146-149154
This paper analyzes the influences of multi_consumer_types on the product differentiation under the condition of separated or connected consumer market. It forms the demand functions of differentiated_products of the enterprises facing multi_consumer_types,reviews the affection of differentiated products combination on the cost function with the conept of scopeeconomy. All after these,the paper points out the critical condition to Shoose the production mode of one product or multi_products_combination,and forms a theoretic equilibrium model to determine the product quality index,quantity and price of the differentiated_products of the enterprises under the condition of consumer differentiation.  相似文献   

生物入侵已经对中国的生物多样性、生态环境和国民经济产生严重的威胁。生态安全指标体系的构建:生物入侵危害研究的深入;以及众多其他领域指标体系研究框架的成果为生物入侵危害指标体系的构建提供了依据。在总结了近年来关于生物入侵造成危害相关研究的基础上,根据频度分析法。将众多文献中的危害指标进行筛选、整理,并根据客观形势的发展和需要提出一些新的指标。结合指标体系研究中一些比较成熟的框架,尝试构建了生物入侵指标体系。旨在为政府部门及科研机构更科学的评价生物入侵危害提供一个可行的框架。  相似文献   

黑龙江省黑土地质量评价指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黑土地是肥力较高、适合进行农业耕作的土地,作为全国第一的黑土地大省,由于土壤侵蚀和长期高强度重用轻养等原因,黑龙江省出现了黑土流失、地力下降等问题。研究旨在建立黑土地质量评价指标体系,为评价黑土地质量等级,继而采取不同的保护措施提升黑土地质量提供依据。为突出黑土地特征,考虑代表性、易获取等原因选取了4个一级指标及23个二级指标构建黑土地质量评价体系,并提出黑土地质量综合评价指数,识别各种土地利用类型下的土壤质量等级。研究结果表明:选取土壤厚度、土壤养分、土壤酸碱度和土壤侵蚀作为一级评价指标,黑土层厚度、有机质含量、全氮含量、全磷含量、pH等作为二级指标,利用黑土地质量综合评价指数,可以较好评价黑土地质量的改善或恶化情况,从而确定黑土地质量等级;运用该指标体系和评价方法跟踪黑龙江省黑土地质量变化趋势,可为评价各种保护措施的实施效果和落实情况提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

为了探究县域经济社会发展评价的方法,填补相关研究的空白,选取3个一级指标,12个二级指标,构建了烟台市县域经济发展客观评估指标体系。采用综合指数测算法,分析评估了2010—2013年烟台市的海阳、蓬莱、栖霞、长岛、招远和莱州县域经济发展的基本情况。结果表明,烟台市县域经济的总体情况为栖霞的得分最高为0.1084,依次是海阳、莱州、蓬莱、招远,长岛最低为0.03293;各年度之间2012年的得分最高,其次是2013年、2010年,2011年最低;一级指标中人民生活的得分最高,其次是经济增长,经济结构得分最低;二级指标得分为X2到X9基本没有变化,X10到X12表现为上升的趋势。烟台市县域经济发展水平一定的差异,各县域之间和各级指标的发展不平衡,经济结构有待于进一步调整,并提出了加快县域经济发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

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