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According to China's urban forest construction concept of networking forest and water, i.e. networklike distribution of urban forest and urban water system, the built-up area and neighboring natural environment of Taiyuan City were investigated to explore the urban forest construction layout of the city and proposed the overall layout as one ring, one river, two nets, three mountains, eleven watersheds and multiple cores.  相似文献   

以延安市为例对黄土丘陵沟壑区城市森林生态体系建设进行了分析,提出从处于不同空间格局的市区中心、城郊结合部、郊区农村的社会功能、人为活动影响、生态条件等方面的差异出发,城市森林建设从市区中心到郊区应建立3个绿化生态圈,第一圈是城市防污调气美化生态圈,第二圈是近郊美化、防护、农林果生产带生态圈,第三圈是远郊水源涵养、水土保持、风沙防护、林果生产林生态圈。  相似文献   

城市森林斑块对温湿度的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了量化城市森林斑块对周边环境温湿度的影响,为城市森林建设布局提供理论依据,对南昌市的2处森林斑块的温湿度影响进行测定。结果表明,森林斑块对周边温度的影响差异显著,在斑块中心与斑块外围1 km距离的差异在4℃左右,有着明显的降温效果;而对于湿度的影响则不明显。因此,城市森林建设应充分考虑其实际影响范围,合理布局。  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

To guarantee water quality of waterscapes in Metal Park of Zhenhai District of Ningbo City, and keep it above the Grade-IV specified in Quality Standard of National Surface Water Environment (GB3838-2002), maintain low maintenance cost and long-term sustainable development of water, basic principles of ecological engineering and aquatic ecosystem balance theory were applied to instruct water treatment in the park. Micro-nano bubble gas-liquid dispersion and plugflow aeration were used to improve water quality.  相似文献   

台州市现代农业园区建设的现状与发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
台州市地处中国东部沿海,经济和社会发展较快。台州要提前基本实现现代化,必然要实现农业的现代化。由于现代农业园区的建设对于台州市农业增长方式的根本转变,增强农业科技创新能力,建立21世纪台州市农业可持续发展的技术支持体系,适应经济全球化进程,发展现代农业,都具有重要的促进作用和深远的实际意义。因此,如何认识和把握现代农业园区建设和发展过程中存在的问题,采取切合实际的农业科技进步的对策,加快现代农业园区的机制创新和技术创新,促进台州市农业园区稳步健康发展,是摆在我们面前一个新的而又紧迫的课题。针对台州市现代农业园区建设存在的主要问题,结合台州实际提出了台州市现代农业园区发展的主要对策:重新组织制订台州市现代农业园区发展整体规划;建立合理的土地流转机制,促进土地规模经营;围绕机制创新,建立完善的现代企业管理制度;建立政府引导多元化投资体系;建立技术创新和成果产业化机制;以园区建设为契机,加快农业产业化进程;依托农业标准化,加快现代农业园区建设;加强农业合作组织,创新园区运作机制。  相似文献   

长沙市城市森林树种深山含笑光合特性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
运用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定系统对自然条件下城市森林典型树种深山含笑的光响应特性、CO2响应特性及光合作用日变化进行了研究.结果表明(1)深山含笑的光补偿点为85μmol·m-2·S-1,光饱和点为1333μmol·m-2·S-1,表观量子效率为0.023;(2)深山含笑的CO2补偿点为121μmol·mol-1,CO2饱和点为1728μmol·mol-1,羧化速率为0.028;(3)深山含笑的光合作用的日变化为双峰曲线,有明显的光合"午休"现象,其峰值出现在1000和1600.主要的生理生态影响因子为气孔导度、光合有效辐射和大气温度等.  相似文献   

With the city development and construction, ecological corridor has become one of the most attractive areas in urban districts. Ecological corridor has produced not only ecological benefits, but also economic benefits and social benefits, especially banded ecological park. By analyzing the impact of Fen River Park on leisure space, living space, communication space, commercial space of Taiyuan, and expounding shortcomings of constructing Fen River Ecological Corridor, countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.  相似文献   

Guan Zhong was an outstanding statesman and thinker in the early ages of the Spring and Autumn Period.His masterpiece,Guan Zi,gave a detailed illustration on his thoughts.By enganing in the study of Guan Zi,I would like to introduce my views on Guan Zhong's thoughts of city construction, which include city function, classification. density, selection of site, form,arrangement, flood prevention etc.In the article, it is clearly shown that Guan Zhong was the first person who expounded the theory of city construction scientifically and systematically in the history, and made a big contribution to the city construction of ancient China.Guan Zhong was the master of ancient Chinese city planning and construction.  相似文献   

长沙市土地利用生态风险及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:城市生态环境问题已成为制约城市可持续发展的重要问题,土地利用变化是城市生态环境改变的重要因素。长沙市作为中部经济发达、人口众多的大城市,其工业化和城市化的发展速度很快。强烈的土地需求对土地利用的强度、方式、规模、布局等造成了深远的影响,同时也对城市生态环境造成强烈的冲击,生态安全受到严重威胁。本文引入城市土地利用生态风险评价的概念,分析长沙市土地利用现状,阐述城市土地利用生态风险产生的原因,识别与土地利用相关的生态环境问题,综合运用主成分分析,K均值聚类等方法,建立了土地利用生态风险评价模型,分析和评价长沙市土地利用生态风险。结果发现该区所研究时段土地利用生态风险总体上变大,土地利用生态风险值从1996年的-0.85286(Ⅴ),变为2006年的1.321039(Ⅰ),期间变化波动明显,风险值在1996-1999年和2003-2006年趋于上升,2000-2002年趋于下降。根据此评价结论提出一系列规避和应对生态风险,协调城市土地利用与生态环境的对策。  相似文献   

大庆市城市扩展与地表热环境变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究从城市热岛的空间分布与土地利用类型着手,选取1990、2001、2006年3年的Landsat TM/ETM遥感数据,采用单窗算法对大庆市地表温度进行反演,通过从热岛强度、不同类型下垫面转换对温度的影响,以及温度重心转移等方面分析了大庆市地表温度随城市扩展的变化规律。结果表明:大庆市的城镇面积、城镇用地比重与城市的扩展程度均呈现相同的变化趋势,即持续增长趋势;同时,大庆市高温区的面积在1990与2006年期间呈现出持续增长的趋势,而低温区与常温区面积则表现为不同程度的减少趋势;在对下垫面热效应贡献研究中,城市用地较其他类型地块对其贡献最大,而在其他类型下垫面地块向城市用地的转换过程中,均表现出正温度效应;大庆市城市扩展方向与下垫面温度场变化方向相同,因此城市地表热环境发生改变的主要原因是城市用地的扩张。  相似文献   

深圳城市绿地土壤孔隙状况与水分特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了了解深受人为活动强烈影响的城市绿地的土壤物理特性,为充分发挥其增进植物生长、涵养水源和保护城市生态环境等功能提供管理依据,以深圳城市绿地土壤为研究对象,调查分析了土壤容重、孔隙状况、土壤水分常数和水分入渗特征等物理特性。结果表明:深圳城市绿地土壤的容重较高,平均值为1.56 g/cm3。土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、通气孔隙度较小,平均值分别为41.06%、39.78%、1.27%。土壤水分入渗率变幅很大,土壤初始入渗率为0~8.47 mm/min,稳定入渗率为0~5.90 mm/min。城市公园绿地、道路绿地土壤的容重显著高于城郊菜地土壤,而土壤孔隙度、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于城郊菜地土壤;表层0~10 cm的土壤容重、最大持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量显著低于10~20 cm土壤,土壤孔隙度显著高于10~20 cm土壤。城市绿地土壤容重与孔隙度、田间持水量、最大持水量、初始入渗率及稳定入渗率均呈显著的负相关。  相似文献   

From the perspective of urban greenhouse gas inventory, this paper analyzed the composition and tendency of urban greenhouse gas inventory of Guangzhou, and compared greenhouse gas inventory of representative international cities. Taking Guangzhou Haizhu Eco-city for example, this paper from the perspective of urban-rural planning put forward the low-carbon development paths and strategies such as increasing carbon sink, industrial transformation, spatial restructuring, traffic organization, green civil engineering and resource utilization, and green building for the main carbon-emitting fields such as industry, energy supply, transport, building and waste disposal.  相似文献   

为了解公众对城市森林的认知与态度,籍此探讨政府推行的生态型园林城市建设计划是否为公众所接受,该研究以保定市民问卷调查为例,合理设计调查问卷,并在所得数据的基础上分析了城市居民对城市森林的认知程度、现状满意度、需求及参与意识等各项指标。调查结果表明,大多数受访者对保定市城市森林现状不太满意,但对于城市森林建设的态度与参与意识较为积极。通过对662份有效调查问卷的结果分析,初步认识了公众对城市森林建设的各方面态度,为城市森林建设的相关决策者和研究者提供了参考。  相似文献   

Through the examples of urban wetland parks construction at home and abroad, the importance of urban wetland parks is expounded in this paper, and the special landscape characteristics of the urban wetland parks accepted by the public and the urban constructor are analyzed, including the natural, ecological and economical characteristics. The natural characteristics include rich and multiple landscapes, biological diversity, remarkable ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. The social characteristics include clear recreational character, rich historical culture connotations and prominent education functions. Then, aiming at the facts existed in the landscape construction of the urban wetland parks in our country, including neglect of the characters and conditions of the region, formalized landscape design, urbanized recreational activities, neglect of other living things, species invasion and neglect of the educational functions in landscape construction and so on. It proposes that the landscape construction of urban wetland parks should follow the important principles as to protect strictly and restore the biology diversity, control the human disturbance, the construction should be based on ecology theories as the instruction, the recreational activities should have their themes and the architecture construction should be natural and ecological and so on. Finally, the thesis discusses the landscape construction concept design and the landscape district construction in the urban wetland parks. It hopes that it can give some promotions to the landscape construction of urban wetland parks through this research.  相似文献   

Taking Meiling Forest Park in Nanchang City for example, this paper on the basis of analyzing current development of forest park combined the characteristics of natural and humanistic resources in Meiling Forest Park, explored its planning concepts, and proposed the sustainable planning strategies for the park.  相似文献   

酒泉市把建设种子生产基地作为调整农业产业结构和做大做强现代种业的重要战略措施,取得了显著成绩。酒泉市建设农作物种子生产基地具有明显优势,但也存在一些问题。因此,要采取得力措施,提升种子生产基地建设的档次和水平,实现种业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Zhongshan Road in Nanjing City was formerly known as "Meridian of the Republic of China", signif icant buildings of the Republic of China were mostly distributed along this modern avenue. The diversifi ed styles and types of these buildings refl ect the historical changes of modern Chinese buildings, and also record history of that age. The buildings are intangible cultural heritages of not only Nanjing, but also China. Study on and protection of these buildings is a process of reviewing modern architectural history of China, and also rethinking the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese cultures. In addition, the research promotes the coordinated development of modern urban construction and social cultures.  相似文献   

The greening situation of 242 road greenbelts in 7 administrative regions in the main urban city of Chongqing City was investigated by field survey, and the plant composition, application frequency, species richness and diversity of plants used for road greening in the main urban area were analyzed. The results show that there were 105 species of plants used for road greening(not including seasonal flowers displayed temporarily) in the main urban area of Chongqing City, belonging to 80 genera, 47 families. Among them, there were 95 species of woody plants and 10 species of perennial herbs, accounting for 90.47% and 9.53% of the total number respectively. Some suggestions were put forward according to the current situation and problems of road greening in the main urban area of Chongqing City.  相似文献   

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