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Starting with cultural context of historic block, this paper investigated current situation of Shengjinta Historic Block in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, proposed dynamic protection planning and sustainable industrial upgrading strategies, specifically, by repairing, clearing, preserving and restoring historic streets and lanes, courtyards and folk dwel ings from six perspectives of planar layout, traffic pattern, spatial texture, facade decoration, landscape planning, and characteristic culture. In view of the specifi c geographical location, food shops and leisure green spaces are constructed to build a modern urban living system for residents in the ancient block.  相似文献   

On the basis of concept, properties and characteristics of creative agriculture, the paper proposed that creative agriculture is a new form of metropolitan agricultural development in China and abroad in the twenty-first century, planning of creative agricultural park has become an important type of future metropolitan agricultural park planning. Taking the creative agricultural park in Tashang Village, Bazhou City, Hebei Province for example, planning techniques of creative agricultural park were explored from the perspectives of planning objective, strategy, orientation and characteristics.  相似文献   

摘要:根据调查记录到深圳市观澜森林公园有野生哺乳动物30种,隶属于6目15科,占广东省兽类总数(124种)的21.19%,占全国兽类总数645种的4.65 %。其中东洋界物种有26种,占绝对优势。森林公园内因无原生性植被,故兽类物种多样性较低,且缺乏国家重点保护物种。但有广东省重点保护动物1种,以及国家三有保护动物11种。有2种濒危动物被列入中国濒危动物红皮书。  相似文献   

Wetland as one of the natural landscapes with the richest biodiversity and most closely related to our life is widely distributed all around the world, and capable of storing fl ood, preventing drought, purifying environment, adjusting climate, controlling pollution, maintaining regional ecological balance. Nanchang is famous for City in the Lake and Lake in the City, and this paper begins with wetland resources in Nanchang City, analyzes problems of local wetlands. Taking the design of the Aixi Lake Wetland Park for example, this paper proposes suggestions for the renovation and improvement by analyzing the problems of its current landscape pattern, and specifi c problems in the landscape design of wetland park, and summarizes the ecological model fi t for the landscape design of urban wetland park in Nanchang City. The research contributes to the ecological restoration and conservation of wetland resources in Nanchang.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of scenic and recreational forest based on the integration of forest landscape beauty and recreational functions is the foundation of forest tourism. Adhering to the principles of structural optimization, healthy and vital, beautiful landscape, sound function, and comprehensive benefi t, the hotspot and core task in the current construction of scenic and recreational forest is to conserve, transform and improve forest landscape. The ThousandIsland Lake National Forest Park is endowed with peculiar island scenery, it is necessary to construct a stable threedimensional comprehensive protection system covering mountain, land and lake, enhance the ecological environment conservation of the lake as well as the lakefront wetland, promote the ecological restoration and coloring construction of forest, protect integrality and diversity of the biosystem, and construct ecological urban-rural system using regional scenic spot concept, so as to build the lake into a model of the sustainable operation of scenic and recreational forest.  相似文献   

县域农业产业化可持续发展探索——以江西省余干县为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  



南昌市绿色廊道景观格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据南昌市廊道特点,将廊道划分为:灰色廊道、绿色廊道和蓝色廊道,利用GIS和CAD的图形分析和处理功能,获取了南昌市各类廊道现状图,并绘制出相应拓扑图。对南昌市绿色廊道景观构成和网络结构进行分析评价,指出南昌市绿色廊道存在的问题和不足,并提出建设建议。  相似文献   

Questionnaire survey and CVM were adopted to evaluate economic value of Huangshui Forest Park in Xining,Qinghai.Value of its forest landscapes was assessed,multiple linear regression was established to analyze correlation between factors related to willingness-to-pay(WTP).  相似文献   

Wa terfront park is an important composition of current urban ecological tourism in China,which sufficiently reveals the economic development situation of the city and the leisure culture life of the masses,and embodies rich regional cultural characteristics.Taking Xianghu Lake Park of Nanchang City as the example,design features of its water landscape and building are analyzed and explored.The design fol ows the principle of utilization function combining with artistry,pa ys attention to plane layout and spatial organization,and retains classical architectural style of the building.  相似文献   

为了筛选适宜昌南地区生态环境的马铃薯品种,江西现代农业科研协同创新专项“薯类作物新品种新技术研究集成与示范”专项课题组引进了马铃薯品种11个在江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所开展试验。2018年春进行了马铃薯品种对比试验,并开展了物候期、植株性状、块茎性状、抗病性、产量等调查。结果表明:早熟品种以‘中薯5号’为优(2403kg/667 m2),中晚熟品种以 ‘兴佳2号’为优(2365.29 kg/667 m2),彩色品种以‘华彩1号’和‘NFJ5’较好。为后续进行品种示范做了基础。2018年春进行了马铃薯品种对比试验,并开展了物候期、植株性状、块茎性状、抗病性、产量等调查。结果表明:早熟品种以中薯5号为优,中晚熟品种以兴佳2号为优,彩色品种以华彩1号和NFJ5较好。  相似文献   

City park, as an everlasting cultural carrier, is an important place for the expression of regional culture. The concept and characteristics of regional culture are summarized, and regional culture inheritance carrier mainly includes land, garden style, garden building, etc. There are generally six methods: reservation, restoration, inheritance and development, extraction, reappearance, and creation. Taking Fule mountain Park in Mianyang City for example, combination of regional culture and landscape is analyzed.  相似文献   

江西省生态农业区划研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据江西省农业自然资源状况及省级生态农业建设与发展的需求,按照生态学和系统工程的原理与方法,定性与定量分析相结合的原则,建立了区划指标体系,并应用系统聚类法和判别分析法,对江西省生态农业环境进行了区域划分研究,并将其划分为5个生态农业区。这一区划结果大大增加了区划的科学性、准确性与实用性,并且取得了较好的区划效果,为宏观指导江西省生态农业的建设与发展提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

Through summarizing and analyzing planning objectives, landscape division and natural ecological experience planning of Zhengzhou Forest Park, the authors discussed the application of human-nature harmony in the planning, stressed citizens' needs for experiencing natural ecological environment, and tried to build Zhengzhou Forest Park with picturesque scenery, complete facilities, and harmonious human-nature coexistence.  相似文献   

Village layout planning is a fundamental work in the construction of beautiful countryside, and also a global work involving vital interests of vast farmers. Taking Fengyang Town of Fenxi County, Jiangxi Province for example, this paper applied Arc GIS to analyze natural facors, social economy, and construction factors quantitatively by evaluating development and construction conditions of each village comprehensively from the perspective of urban-rural integration. Classifying the villages into 4 types, namely urban reform type, concentrated development type, controlled construction type and relocation type, this paper tried to guide the scattered rural settlements to the intensive development.  相似文献   

骆强  叶国莲 《种子》2011,30(6):67-71
对贵州赫章国家森林公园蕨类植物区系组成和地理成分进行调查,并与相邻地区进行比较,初步分析了赫章国家森林公园蕨类植物区系的种类组成及地理特征.结果表明:赫章国家森林公园共有蕨类植物23科46属99种(含变种),其中优势科为鳞毛蕨科( Dryopteridaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)、水龙骨科(Poly...  相似文献   

On the basis of field investigation in 13 typical villages in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, and questionnaire survey over 45 local residents, this paper analyzed rural production and living environment, greening conditions, and villagers' consciousness about greening in the local area, and proposed 5 major principles for village greening: government plays the leading role, rural households are subjects; adopt unifi ed planning and coordinated development; choose suitable species for suitable land according to actual conditions; put ecology on the top priority, balance economic and ecological development; facilitate operation and management. In addition, the paper highlighted 5 characters in village greening, namely, cultural, ecological, practical, concise, and lifeconcerned.  相似文献   

Compared to the situation of population aging and the elderly aging, the development of oldage undertaking in Nanchang is still undeveloped in that the old-age care industry lags behind the urban renewal speed and the objective needs of aging. Apart from discussions on the composition of elderly population and the status quo of aging, this paper took the institutional old-age care in the downtown area of Nanchang for example, explored problems in the current institutional old-age care facilities through field investigation, and proposed suggestions for the layout planning of old-age care facilities in the study area.  相似文献   

在当前市场需求不足的情况下 ,开拓消费市场的重点应放在农村。总结了江西农村居民消费的现状与作用 ,提出了提高江西农村居民消费的基本对策。  相似文献   

为了明确低碳城市南昌道路植物景观的现状和影响道路植物景观的重要因子,为南昌及中国其他低碳城市道路植物景观规划与设计提供依据。采用描述因子法,选择若干对道路植物景观效果贡献较大的指标,建立了整体指标评价体系。采用景观综合评价指数法模型,通过评价因子的权值确定和指标的量化,对南昌城市主干道路植物景观进行了分析评价。结果表明,南昌市道路植物景观整体建设水平较好,57.14%的道路植物景观评价结果在Ⅱ级以上,III级占35.71%,但也有7.14%的道路在Ⅳ级以下。在所评价的8个因子中,得分最高的是植物景观与硬质景观的和谐性,其次是植物景观与整体环境的协调性,植物生活型结构得分排第3位,这说明南昌城市在整体建设过程中,比较重视植物与道路和周边硬质景观环境的协调与统一,多数路段“乔-灌-草”搭配较为合理;物种多样性和植物观赏特性得分低。南昌城市道路植物景观仍然存在单位空间绿量较低、植物种类应用欠丰富,以及地域特色不太突出等问题。针对评价结果,提出了南昌城市道路低碳植物景观和地域特色植物景观营建的建议与措施。  相似文献   

基于特色营造的新城社区公园规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以新城社区公园为研究对象,总结了新城社区公园的概念、特点,并以新城社区公园的特色营造为切入点,分别从景观要素和人文特色2个方面进行分析。在景观要素方面,通过对地形、道路、水体、植物景观的设计创造一个接近自然的社区环境;在人性关怀方面,通过对弱势群体的关怀和地域文化的挖掘体现新城的魅力。最后通过对新城社区公园建设的思考,总结出“以人为本”、“文化传承”、“公众参与”的建设原则,以期能对以后新城社区公园的规划提出一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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