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为探讨世界高水平涉农大学的科研现状,以农业科学为例,利用文献计量学方法深入剖析了U.S.News世界大学排名中农业科学领域前4位高校即瓦赫宁根大学、加州大学戴维斯分校、康奈尔大学、中国农业大学的科研优势。研究发现:从高被引论文的作者角度来看,4所学校均形成了一定规模的高水平科研创新团队,汇集了一定数量的学科领军人物;从论文署名人数维度来分析,4所学校总体上的科研合作团队规模在逐年扩大,单独发表论文的学者比例逐年下降;从国际合作的机构分布情况来观察,4所学校都将国际合作作为促进本校科研发展的重要举措;4所学校都获得了不同渠道的基金项目资助,其中政府资助成为主体,同时科研项目资助也呈现出社会化和多元化的趋势。本研究旨在为我国高校科研管理部门的重点学科发展决策提供情报线索,对其创建世界一流大学和一流学科的路径规划提供参考。  相似文献   

我国农业正经历新的变革,向着现代化迈进,其核心就是以经济效益为中心、资源开发为基础、市场开拓为导向,实行农业产业化经营,发展农业和农村经济。 因此,为产供销、种养加、贸工农、农科教一体化经营服务的农业产前、产中、产后各个环节,应以发展农业和农村经济的主导产业和主导产品为目标。 当前,以计算机为核心的人工智能技术、网络技术、机器人技术、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、3S应用技术、农业情报信息系统、农业远程教育、数字农业、农产品拍卖市场等,正影响和改变着农业和农村的面貌,并在农业生产、加工、包装、贮运、销…  相似文献   

The Human Genome Project is the attempt to sequence the complement of human DNA. Its ultimate purpose is to understand and control human genetics. The social and ethical concerns raised by this attempt have been much debated, especially fears concerning human genetic engineering and eugenics. An almost completely neglected aspect of the genome project's potential effects is its impact on world agriculture. The Human Genome Project will provide source information to transform commercially and therapeutically valuable segments of the human genetic code into agricultural products using the newly extant technologies of gene farming. This application of developing genomic technologies has at least two foreseeable effects: 1) Transforming global agricultural markets and ecologies, raising possibilities of novel forms of neocolonialism and the further destruction of genetic diversity; and 2) transforming world health and society through new modes of pharmaceutical production and the unregulated expansion of medical access to novel and traditional therapeutics.Mark Lesney received his Ph. D. in plant pathology and has worked as an assistant professor of biotechnology research at the University of Florida. He is currently affiliated with the program in History of Science at the University of Florida, where he is studying the emergence of biotechnology research.  相似文献   

对天津市设施农业的现状分析及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设施农业又被称为工厂化农业,具有强大的生命力和广阔的发展前景,是农业可持续发展的重要内容之一.同时也是加速我国农业工程化进程,成为促进我国传统农业向现代化农业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Technology transfer is a multi-level process of communication involving a variety of senders and receivers of ideas and materials. As a response to market failure, or as an effort to accelerate market-driven social change, technology transfer may combine public and private aparatus or rely solely on public institutional mechanisms to identify, develop, and deliver innovations and information. Technology transfer institutions include universities, government ministries, research institutes, and what may be termed the ‘project sector’. Four farm- and village-level change models are considered: traditional community development, adoption-diffusion, training and Visit Extension, and Farming Systems Research. The challenges to technology transfer efforts center on developing indigenous capacity to generate and adapt agricultural technology to local conditions. This is the primary objective of technology transfer in agriculture and the basis for advancing rural development.  相似文献   

世纪之交,中国农业和农村经济发展进入了新阶段,全国同步建设小康社会对云南农业和农村经济发展提出了新要求.  相似文献   

Sustainable feeding of the growing population in China without ecological destabilization is a grand challenge. In this populous country where agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, developing innovative technology and translating scientific knowledge into action for smallholder farmers is a crucial step in addressing this challenge. Here, we present a novel approach for technology innovation and dissemination to achieve sustainable intensification in the fields of smallholder farmers. The Science and Technology Backyard(STB) is a hub in a rural area that links knowledge with practices to promote technology innovation and exchange. In this study, the framework and functions of STB are introduced, and the key implications for sustainable intensification across millions of smallholder farmers are explicitly stated:(i) develop innovative technology based on stated demands of farmers;(ii) disseminate technology by innovative social service models though combined top-down approaches with bottom-up measures to enable smallholders in rural areas. This paper provides a perspective on transformation of small-scale agriculture toward sustainable intensification in China and useful knowledge applicable to other developing countries.  相似文献   

我国农业保险现状分析及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着“三农”问题逐步受到重视,农业保险问题再次备受瞩目,但我国农业保险的现状却不容乐观。通过对我国农业保险现状、存在问题及成因的分析,提出了我国农业保险发展的对策:第一,要实行政策性农业保险;第二,政府必须在立法、资金等诸方面给予一定的支持,我国的农业保险才可能获得较大的发展。  相似文献   

农业信息化形势下农林院校信息类专业建设的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了农业信息化发展的作用和现状,根据农业信息化进程中出现的农业信息基础设施建设不足、信息资源缺乏有效的整合开发、农业信息人才短缺、专业软件缺乏等问题,提出了农林院校信息类专业在教学、研究、人才培养等方面的策略。  相似文献   

扬州大学在服务江苏省农业综合开发泰兴银杏科技示范园区建设中,校地紧密结合,通过增加地方特色产业科技含量,探索科教兴农的新途径;采用"参与式"的方法开展科技服务,培训农业科技人才,增强了园区的示范辐射功能,实现了校地双方科技合作的"双赢"。  相似文献   

Researchers from Colorado State University, in collaboration with scientists from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), initiated a long-term multi-disciplinary study in precision agriculture in 1997. Site-specific management zones (SSMZ) were investigated as a means of improving nitrogen management in irrigated maize cropping systems. The objective was to develop precise nutrient management strategies for semi-arid irrigated cropping systems. This study was conducted in five fields in northeastern Colorado, USA. Two techniques for delineating management zones were developed and compared: SSMZ and yield-based management zones (YBMZ). Nitrogen uptake and grain yield differences among SSMZs were compared as were soil properties. Both management zone techniques were used to divide fields into smaller units that were different with regard to productivity potential (e.g., high zones had high productivity potential while low zones had low productivity potential). Economic analysis was also performed. Based on grain yield productivity, the SSMZs performed better than the YBMZ technique in most cases. Grain yield and N uptake between the low and high productivity management zones were statistically different for most site-years and N fertilizer rates (p < 0.05). Soil properties helped to explain the productivity potential of the management zones. The low SSMZ was markedly different from the high SSMZ based on bulk density, organic carbon, sand, silt, porosity and soil moisture. Net returns ranged from 188 to 679 USD ha?1. In two out of three site-years the variable yield goal strategy resulted in the largest net returns. In this study, the SSMZ approach delineates areas of different productivity accurately across the agricultural fields. The SSMZs are different with regard to soil properties as well as grain yield and N uptake. Site-specific management zones are an inexpensive and pragmatic approach to precise N management in irrigated maize.  相似文献   

结合GIS和矢量图形编辑软件在相关研究应用中的优势及技术特点,针对两类软件在现代农业规划图制作中的结合应用进行研究,分析并实践了其设计思路及制作技术,论述了GIS和矢量图形编辑软件相结合的模式在现代农业规划制图中的现实意义.  相似文献   

This paper offers a conceptualmodel for participatory research projects thataim to improve the sustainability ofagriculture and natural resource management.The purpose of the model is to provide asystematic framework that can guide the designof participatory research projects, theiranalysis, and the documentation of results. Inthe model, conceptual boundaries are drawnbetween research and development, developmentand extension and between extension andimplementation. Objectives, activities, andactors associated with each of these realmsneed to be carefully selected, monitored, andevaluated throughout the course of a projectusing well-designed indicators. The depth ofdisciplinary and methodological integration,and quality of participation needed to reachthe desired impact effectively and efficiently,however, needs to be determined on acase-by-case basis depending on the context andissues surrounding each particular project.  相似文献   

Water quality in China is becoming a severe challenge for agriculture and food safety,and it might also impact health of population via agriculture and food. Thus,it is causing widespread concern. Based on extensive literatures review and data mining,current situation of water pollution in China and its effects on food safety were analyzed. The 2nd National Water Resource Survey in China show that the surface water all over the country was under slight pollution and about 60% of groundwater is polluted. Drinking water quality is basically guaranteed in urban area but it is worrisome in rural areas. In addition,China is the largest consumer of fertilizer and pestici de in the world and the amounts of application still show increasing trends. Fertilizers and pesticides are the most important sources of pollution,which affect human health as persistent organic pollutants and environmental endocrine disruptors. Eutrophication of surface water and nitrate pollution of groundwater are serious threats to drinking water safety. Sewage irrigation is becoming a pollution source to China's water and land because of lacking of effective regulations. Although,with the advance in technology and management level,control of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and reducing water pollution is still a major challenge for China.  相似文献   

三大粮食作物基础研究:中国开始引领世界   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解我国水稻、玉米和小麦三大粮食作物基础研究现状及我国在世界所处的位置变化,基于文献计量视角,对过去15年间(2002—2016)在生物学和农业科学高质量学术期刊上,刊载的水稻、玉米和小麦论文进行计量分析。结果显示:从所使用文献计量指标来看,通过国家对科技创新的持续投入和科学家们的不懈努力,我国水稻和小麦基础研究,已经走在世界前列,开始领跑全球。玉米基础研究,中国科学家表现出强劲发展势头,部分优秀科学家已经走在了国际竞争最前沿。相信随着国家对科技创新的持续投入,我国三大粮食作物基础研究很快将能全面引领全球,为保障我国和世界粮食安全提供重要保障。  相似文献   

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