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The effects of atmospheric deposition upon elementcycling and turnover in three rain forest ecosystems ofthe Serra do Mar, a mountain range along the atlanticcoast of Brazil, have been investigated as part of aninterdisciplinary German-Brazilian research project ondispersion, transformation and deposition of airpollutants in the vicinity the industrial complex ofCubatão, State of São Paulo. The projectincluded on-site measurements from 1991 to 1995, fieldexperiments and mathematical modelling with the goalof providing damage evaluation and risk assessment,and elucidating damage mechanisms with respect tosoils and vegetation. The role of the `Soil Module'sub-project reported here was to assess atmosphericdeposition and fluxes with precipitation and soilwater, and to investigate possible soil changesinduced by atmospheric deposition as well asbiological effects of pollutants via the soil path.Part I of this paper deals with concentrations ofchemicals in precipitation, soil water, surface waterand in litter. Part II will cover fluxes of chemicalsand element budgets.Three sites were chosen which differed significantlywith respect to pollution impact. Annual averages ofionic concentrations in precipitation found in openfield and below the tree canopy amounted to 5 and10 mg L-1, respectively, for sulfate-S, 0.4 and0.7 mg L-1 for nitrate, 0.65 and 1.1 mg L-1 for fluoride,1.8 and 2.6 mg L-1 for ammonium-N, 0.76 and 2.3 mg L-1for Mg, and 3.5 and 7.5 mg L-1 for Ca at the mostpolluted site. The relatively `clean' reference siteattained 1/3 to 1/9 of these averages, thus clearlyreflecting the difference in air pollution load.Chemical composition in the liquid phase is completelychanged when precipitation infiltrates the soilprofile. Nitrate concentration increases by the factor5 to 20. A clear increase is also found for sulfateand chloride. Concentration changes during ecosystempassage of seepage are interpreted in relation tochemical reactions taking place in differentcompartments. They are characterized by an almostcomplete retention of ammonium and some retention ofsulfate in the upper soil layers, and at the mostpolluted site by mobilization of Al from soil mineralsand very high leaching of nitrate as a consequence ofnitirification of organic matter.  相似文献   

Total gaseous mercury (TGM) fluxes from the forest floor and a boreal wetland were measured by a flux chamber technique coupled with an automatic mercury vapour analyser. The fluxes were measured at three sampling sites in southern Finland, 61°14′ N, 25°04′ E in summer 2007, with additionally in situ TGM concentrations in the air at one of the sites and mercury bulk deposition at another. Most of the flux data were collected during the daytime. At one of the sites, diurnal flux behaviour was studied, and a clear cycle with an afternoon maximum and a night minimum was observed. The highest emissions (up to 3.5 ng m−2 h−1) were observed at the forest floor site having a moss and grass cover. At the wetland and litter-rich forest floor sites, the emissions were below 1 ng m−2 h−1 and sometimes negative (down to −1.0 ng m−2 h−1), indicating mercury uptake. The measured average fluxes in August were 0.9 ± 1.1 and 0.2 ± 0.3 ng m−2 h−1 for the forest floor sites and wetland sites, respectively. The flux data were compared with the mercury bulk deposition, which proved to be of the same magnitude, but opposite in sign. At the mossy forest floor site, the extrapolated TGM emissions were 130% of the Hg deposition in August 2007. Comparison with other studies showed that the fluxes in background areas are relatively uniform, regardless of measurement site location and method used. Airborne TGM remained at the background level during the study, with an average value of 1.3 ± 0.2 ng m−3; it frequently showed a diurnal cycle pattern.  相似文献   

Nitrogen compounds generated by anthropogenic combustion deposits in forest watersheds and induce nitrogen saturation of the area. Because excess nitrogen is derived from atmospheric deposition, this action is expected to uniformly affect a wide area of forest soils. Geographically, heterogeneous nitrate concentration of stream water within a small area has been attributed to the tree type, geological setting and tree cut. In this article, we hypothesized that the effect of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the forest watershed may vary within a small area, and that such variation is induced by the degree of air mass containing a high concentration of nitrogen deposition of combustion origin. We measured major ion concentrations, including nitrate, nitrite oxygen and nitrogen stable isotope of nitrate sampled at 24 water streams in the Chichibu region, which is 50?C100 km from the Tokyo metropolitan area. The nitrate concentration showed a wide range (25.6?C237 ??mol L?1) within 300 km2, which was explained sufficiently by the air mass advection path and its contact with the mountain??s surface. The nitrate concentration showed a significant positive correlation with chloride (r?=?0.73; p?<?0.001). As chloride originates outside of the Chichibu region, the positive correlation between two ions showed that the nitrate concentration of the stream water was affected by the nitrogen compound from the Tokyo Metropolitan area as a form of atmospheric deposition. Between the nitrate concentration and the stable isotope ratio of oxygen of nitrate, there was a positive correlation until nitrate concentration of 100 ??mol L?1. When the nitrate is over 100 ??mol L?1, ??18O shows a stable value of ca. 5.7??. This indicates that the nitrification proceeds when the nitrate concentration was low to middle, but the reaction slowed when the nitrate concentration became high. Oxygen stable isotope of nitrate along with a set of nitrate concentrations can be used as a good indicator of nitrogen saturation.  相似文献   

It is mainly SO2 that bring about acid rain in China. Changchun City, which is located in Northeast China, is a typical city that is polluted by SO2 from coal combustion in winter. In winter, the daily mean concentration of atmospheric SO2 is about 0.10mg/m3 and about 5 times as high as in summer, and the daily highest concentration usually appears in daybreak and nightfall. The monitored lowest pH value of rainwater was 4.8 in spring and the range of pH value of rain/snow was 5.2–6.0 in winter, 4.8–5.8 in spring, 5.4–6.4 in summer, 5.6–6.4 in autumn, and the annual mean pH value of rainfalls was 5.8 (1999–2000). Because the alkaline aerosol from soil, meteorological conditions etc., is unfavorable to acid rain formation, even though high SO2 emission intensity existed in winter, the acid rain did not appear obviously. The aerosol character, climate conditions in Northeast China are important factors for the acid rain formation, although SO2 emission is the original cause.  相似文献   

This study focuses on fluxes of elements from, and changes in the soil properties of shallow organic material rich soil as a result of changes in precipitation acidity. Intact soil columns including natural vegetation from two areas (one exposed to acidic precipitation and one unpolluted) were used in a lysimeter experiment. The lysimeters were watered with simulated normal rain (pH 5.3) or simulated acidic rain (pH 4.3) for four years. Sulphuric acid and ammonium nitrate were used to regulate the quality of the simulated rain. Significantly more SO4 2? was leached from lysimeters receiving acid rain. Rain acidity had no significant effect on NO3 ? leaching. Significantly more Mg2+ was leached from lysimeters receiving acid rain, but this only applied for the soils from the unpolluted area. Four years of treatment did not cause any significant effect on the soil acidity and the amounts of base cations in the soil. The more acidic rain did, however, cause a significant lower cation exchange capacity. For the soils from the polluted area the acid precipitation did cause a lowering of the exchangeable K+ in the upper 5 cm of the soil. Different quality of the soil organic material indicated by different vegetation types appeared to cause significant differences in the amount of components leached from the soil, but did not cause any difference in response to the different rain qualities.  相似文献   

The application of a new, spatial nitrogen leaching/retention model N_EXRET to the Oulujoki river basin (22800 km2) in Finland is discussed. The model utilizes remote sensing-based land use and forest classification and evaluated export coefficients obtained from detailed small catchment studies. The present and future N depositions were estimated with the regional deposition model DAIQUIRI. Based on source apportionment, N deposition, forestry and agriculture each contribute 16–17% of the total export, with pronounced variation between the different sub-basins. The effect of changing forestry and deposition on N fluxes is assessed by using N deposition scenarios based on recent international emission reduction agreements.  相似文献   

Fogwater, fog drip and rainwater chemistry were examined at a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China between November 2001 and October 2002. During the period of observation, 204 days with the occurrence of radiation fog were observed and the total duration of fog was 1949 h, of which 1618 h occurred in the dry season (November to April), accounting for 37.0% of the time during the season. The mean pH of fogwater, fog drip and rainwater were 6.78, 7.30, and 6.13, respectively. The ion with the highest concentration for fog- and rainwater was HCO3 ?, which amounted to 85.2 and 37.3 μeq l?1, followed by Ca2+, Mg2+ and NH4 +. Concentrations of NO3 ?, HCO3 ?, NH4 +, Ca2+, and K+ in fogwater samples collected in the dry season were significantly greater when compared to those collected in the rainy season. It was found that the ionic concentrations in fog drip were higher than those in fogwater, except for NH4 + and H+, which was attributed to the washout of the soil- and ash-oriented ions deposited on the leaves and the alkaline ionic emissions by the leaves, since biomass burns are very common in the region and nearby road was widening.  相似文献   

We evaluated the element budgets in a forested watershed in Jiulianshan, southern China. The element input in bulk precipitation was characterized by high depositions of H+, NH4 +, Ca2+, and SO4 2?, i.e., 400, 351, 299, and 876 eq/ha/yr, respectively. The outputs of H+, NH4 +, and SO4 2? from the watershed were very low, while those of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were high, 712 and 960 eq/ha/yr, respectively. The element budgets suggested that i) the net retentions of H+, NH4 +, and SO4 2? in this watershed were high, and ii) the net release of Mg2+ from this watershed was high mainly due to weathering. The net release of Ca2+ was not so high because of the high atmospheric deposition, while atmospheric deposition of Mg2+ was not so high (130 eq/ha/yr). Decrease of acid neutralizing capacity in the soil, i.e., net soil acidification, was caused mainly by the net release of Mg2+. Moreover, the net retention of SO4 2? also contributed to soil acidification.  相似文献   

In spite of numerous experimental studies, it has, sofar, not been possible to link historic changes inforest growth to acid deposition at regional scales,partly due to difficulties in modeling the ecologicalcomplexity of forests. We analyzed radial incrementdata from increment cores from >31 000 spruce forestplots in southern Norway from 1954–1996. Using acombination of a bio-stratification model to controlconfounding factors, and a catchment model foracidification, we demonstrate for the first time aspatial and temporal co-variation between forestgrowth and both nitrogen deposition and acidification,as indicated by acidity critical loads exceedances.Increases in growth during the 1960–1970s, followed bya subsequent decline in the 1980–1990s, were bestexplained by combined actions of acidification,nitrogen deposition and climatic stress on forestgrowth. While forest conditions varyprimarily with natural growing conditions, the resultssuggest that boreal forests are sensitive to moderatelevels of nitrogen and sulphur deposition whereacidity critical loads are low, and that effects maybe observed over relatively short time scales.  相似文献   

The effects of precipitation amount and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen species on precipitationconcentrations and wet fluxes of oxidized and reduced nitrogen inConnecticut were studied for a period of 152 weeks (7 February,1997 through 31 December, 1999). The annual volume weighted mean(VWM) concentration in precipitation of oxidized and reducednitrogen varied with precipitation amount between sites andyears. To investigate the effect of varying precipitation amountand mean monthly temperatures on concentrations of inorganicnitrogen species in precipitation, the precipitation events wereclassified into seven groups and each year was divided into twowarm and cold sampling periods. Increasing precipitation amounthad a substantial decreasing effect on the VWM concentration ofnitrate and ammonium ions in precipitation. The highest VWMconcentrations of oxidized and reduced nitrogen in precipitationwere found in the lower weekly precipitation range of 0 to 0.5 cm. The results of this study indicated that precipitationamount was one of the main factors affecting volume weighted meanconcentrations and fluxes of oxidized and reduced nitrogen. Chemical composition of inorganic nitrogen species in theatmosphere showed that during warm and cold sampling periodsreduced nitrogen was the predominant atmospheric specie, andoxidized nitrogen was the predominant wet specie in precipitationat all sampling sites.  相似文献   

The majority of Scottish upland soils are particularly sensitive to acid deposition because of their low weathering rates. The compositions of the exchangeable base cations of such soils in the United Kingdom are dominated by sea salt inputs rather than by mineral weathering inputs of base cations. Catchments with low mineral weathering rates are also those particularly susceptible to freshwater acidification. Therefore, catchments exhibiting a high sea salt effect should also exhibit the most acid waters under base flow and storm flow conditions. A field evaluation study based on 61 catchments in NE Scotland has shown that this is indeed the case. River water pH under both base flow and high flow conditions is correlated stronhly with the relative contribution of Na+ to the sum of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+. From these results, an attempt is being made to produce a quantitative signature of weathering for the soils within the catchment upstream of the sampling point. Representative soil samples from the LFH, AE, B and C horizons and on 4 different parent materials have been obtained from the surrounding catchments to validate the above results for associated soil solutions. Sampling took place on upland moorland podzols under Calluna vulgaris. Tension lysimeters were used to sample the soil solutions so that their chemistry could be compared with that of the relevant river water.  相似文献   

本文概述了淡水资源及其产业在加拿大经济中的重要性、酸沉降对加拿大渔业资源造成的损失。通过现场调查、生物测定和试验研究探索了酸沉降对湖泊等水域酸化的影响。〔H~+〕是危害鱼类的主要毒物。提出利用模型评价酸沉降对生物损害是今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - The contents of 36 elements were determined in Pleurozium schreberimoss collected along 12 linear transects at 56 sampling points running radially up to a...  相似文献   

Ionic fluxes in a semi-mature stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), on a spodosol in eastern Ireland, were monitored over an eight-year period, 1991–1998. The paper focuses on the long-term viability of forests in this region. Input-output balances, proton budgets and critical loads suggest that the long-term sustainability of forests in the region is threatened unless atmospheric emissions of anthropogenic substances can be controlled.  相似文献   

In the light of global change, the necessity to monitor atmospheric depositions that have relevant effects on ecosystems is ever increasing particularly for tropical sites. For this study, atmospheric ionic depositions were measured on tropical Central Sulawesi at remote sites with both a conventional bulk water collector system (BWS collector) and with a passive ion exchange resin collector system (IER collector). The principle of IER collector to fix all ionic depositions, i.e. anions and cations, has certain advantages referring to (1) post-deposition transformation processes, (2) low ionic concentrations and (3) low rainfall and associated particulate inputs, e.g. dust or sand. The ionic concentrations to be measured for BWS collectors may easily fall below detection limits under low deposition conditions which are common for tropical sites of low land use intensity. Additionally, BWS collections are not as independent from the amount of rain fallen as are IER collections. For this study, the significant differences between both collectors found for nearly all measured elements were partly correlated to the rainfall pattern, i.e. for calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. However, the significant differences were, in most cases, not highly relevant. More relevant differences between the systems were found for aluminium and nitrate (434-484?%). Almost five times higher values for nitrate clarified the advantage of the IER system particularly for low deposition rate which is one particularity of atmospheric ionic deposition in tropical sites of extensive land use. The monthly resolution of the IER data offers new insights into the temporal distribution of annual ionic depositions. Here, it did not follow the tropical rain pattern of a drier season within generally wet conditions.  相似文献   

In addition to strong natural stresses forest ecosystems in the Kola Subarctic, Russia, receive high loads of sulphur and heavy metals from the nickel smelter. To estimate soil response to acid deposition we compared the soil field data along a pollution gradient and simulated time effects. Multivariate technique was applied to investigate spatial distribution of soil field data. Time response of soils to acid deposition was evaluated with the SMART model. According to field observations there is no evidence for strong soil acidification effects close to the smelter. Concentrations of exchangeable Ca and base saturation increase, while acidity decrease in lower soil mineral horizons towards the pollution source. However, some features seem to reflect the early stages of the started acidification. Most soil profiles have low pH values. Despite increasing of exchangeable Ca and Mg towards the smelter in lower mineral horizons due to geological inheritance, they do not reveal the same trends in the upper ones. Concentration of exchangeable K in organic horizons decreases towards the smelter, thus confirming the starting acidification. As result, exchangeable base cations are depleted in the considerable part of shallow soil profiles. According to model simulation the present acid load does not effect considerably on forest soils in background areas, however, dramatic shift in soil chemistry near the smelter is expected within several decades. Due to low pool of exchangeable base cations and low weathering rate continued acid deposition can lead to increased soil acidification and nutrient imbalance.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ozone and nitrogen oxides, together with air temperature and solar radiation intensity, were measured at several heights on a tower standing through the canopy of a red pine forest in summer and in autumn. In the summer observation, the diurnal variation patterns of ozone concentration both above and below the canopy were all similar and parallel to the solar radiation intensity. Using the data collected immediately above the canopy, deviation from the Leighton relationship and variations of concentration sums [O3] + [NO] and [NO2] + [NO] were examined, and as a result, it was supposedthat ozone was photochemically formed there in the daytime, probably because hydrocarbons emitted from pine trees broke the photostationary state among ozone and nitrogen oxides. The vertical temperature profile exhibited an inversion at the leaf-layer, which must have hindered vertical mixing of the air and made the trunk space more or less isolated from the upper atmosphere. These observations led to an idea that the similarity of the ozone variation pattern at every height was caused by the photochemical formation that proceeded simultaneously above and below the canopy rather than by vertical transport. Such situations of ozone formation were supported by observation of two maximums in the ozone vertical profile, one immediately above the canopy and another in the trunk space. Another feature of the ozone profile was a deep minimum in the leaf layer, which indicated ozone deposition onto leaf surfaces. This study thus revealed concurrence of ozone formation and deposition, and left two potentially important implications worthy of further investigation: (1) a forest is not always a sink but can be a source of ozone in sunlit conditions, and (2) deposition of ozone to trees can take place not only from outside but also from inside of a forest. In the autumn observation, however, the ozone formation was barely recognizable above the canopy and no longer found in the trunk space; in addition, the ozone concentration minimum in the leaf layer disappeared, suggesting that the deposition or removal was dependent on temperature.  相似文献   

In a laboratory incubation experiment, nitrification potential, methane oxidation, N2O and CO2 release were studied in the organic soil layer (0–10 cm) of field lysimeters containing re-established soil profiles from a 100-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest of Norway. The experiment was designed as a full factorial (3 factors; N fertilisation rates, soil acidification, and plants), with three replicates. The more acidic irrigation (pH 3) significantly reduced nitrification potential and N2O fluxes, methane oxidation and CO2 release. We concluded that the reduction in soil N2O release by severe acid deposition is partly due to reduction in nitrification potential. The highest N2O fluxes were observed in the combination of fertilised planted and less acidic pH treatment. N fertilisation (90 kg N ha?1 y?1 with NH4NO3) increased soil N2O release by a factor of 8 and decreased CH4 oxidation by 60–80%. Plant effects on soil nitrification potential and methane oxidation rates are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixteen open-top chambers, each equipped with two non-weighablegravity-drained lysimeter compartments, were used to investigate the impacts of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and nitrogen (N) deposition on the water relations and growth of young model forest ecosystems on two different types of soils. The same vegetation of a mixed spruce and beech overstorey and various herbs in the understorey was planted in all treatments on both soils. The soils were repacked on top of a drainage layer. Four combinations of treatments were applied in four replicates each: ambient (370 cm3 m-3) CO2 + low (7 kg N ha-1 a-1) N deposition, ambient CO2 + high(70 kg N ha-1 a-1) N deposition, elevated (590 cm3 m-3) CO2 + low N deposition, and elevated CO2 + high N deposition. After canopy closure, treatment effects on evapotranspiration and growth during the third year of study were very different for the two soils.On the acidic sandy loam, elevated CO2 enhanced growth(leaf biomass +21%, roots +27%) at reduced evapotranspiration (–9%). High N deposition increased aboveground growth even more strongly (+50%), but also increased evapotranspiration (+16%). Together, elevated CO2 and high N had a more than additive fertilizer effect on growth, while their effects on evapotranspirationcompensated. On the calcareous loamy sand, elevated CO2not only tended to enhance growth (leaf biomass +17%, roots +20%), but also increased evapotranspiration (+5%).On this soil, aboveground growth was stimulated by N only incombination with elevated CO2, but less than on the acidic soil, while evapotranspiration (–6.5%) and root growth into the subsoil (–54%) were decreased by increased N deposition at both CO2 concentrations, in contrast to the N treatments on the acidic sandy loam. The influence of the soil on the observed ecosystem responses canbe interpreted in terms of the concept of optimal resource allocation.  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降对森林土壤酚类物质和可溶性糖含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用野外原位试验模拟氮沉降,研究其对福建建瓯万木林自然保护区杉木林(CUL)、浙江桂(CIC)和罗浮栲林(CAF)3种林分土壤多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量的影响。每个林分设置对照(CK,0 kg/(hm2·a))、低氮(LN,30 kg/(hm2·a))和高氮(HN,100 kg/(hm2·a))3个处理。结果表明:针叶杉木林土壤多酚含量最高,单宁和可溶性糖含量最低,且均与另两个阔叶树种林分差异显著。杉木和罗浮栲林土壤多酚含量随着氮添加量的增加而显著降低,浙江桂多酚受HN处理影响不大,仅LN处理显著降低49.4%。氮沉降主要表现为降低土壤单宁含量,LN处理分别显著降低杉木林、浙江桂和罗浮栲林单宁含量43.5%、70.0%和79.5%;而HN处理仅降低阔叶林土壤单宁含量。然而,氮沉降增加土壤可溶性糖含量,与对照处理相比,LN处理分别显著增加杉木、浙江桂和罗浮栲林土壤可溶性糖48.8%、19.2%和19.8%。各林分凋落物中多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量受氮沉降的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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