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Clay-with-flints rests on remnants of the exhumed sub-Eocene surface, which is shown to be an important geomorphological feature of the West Sussex Downs. Mineralogical and other soil profile studies indicate that the deposit has developed by the action of cryoturbation and soil-forming processes on a thin cover of Reading Beds clay left on the sub-Eocene surface during the southward recession of a small Eocene escarpment. Two horizons corresponding to Clay-with-flints sensu stricto of Loveday (1962) are recognized. The basal horizon is composed partly of insoluble Chalk residue, but mainly of clay moved down from overlying horizons into the spaces left on dissolution of the Chalk at the junction of the Chalk with the base of the Clay-with-flints. The upper horizon is composed of material from weathered remnants of Reading Beds clay, thoroughly mixed by cryoturbation with flints, other insoluble Chalk residue and clay from former basal horizons. The surface horizons of the soils often include additions of loess.  相似文献   

A contrasting occurrence of clay minerals was found within a soil profile which was derived from volcanic materials in the suburbs of Fukuoka-city, Northern Kyushu. The soil profile is located on an isolated terrace, and the morphological characteristics of the soil correspond exactly to Andosols, so-called Kuroboku soils or Humic Allophane soils.

The clay fraction of upper horizons of the soil consists largely of alumina-rich gel-like materials, gibbsite, and layer silicates such as chlorite and chloritevermiculite intergrades, while that of lower horizons is composed of allophane and gibbsite or halloysite. There was no positive indication of allophane in the upper horizons. Corresponding with the clay mineralogical composition, quartz is abundant in the fine sand fraction of the upper horizons, while the mineral is very scarce or none in the lower horizons, suggesting a close relation between the petrological nature of parent volcanic materials and the mineralogical composition of weathering products. The dominant clay mineral in the volcanic 1.10il might be dependent on the petrological nature of parent materials, and allophane is mostly formed from andesitic materials, and alumina-rich gel-like materials and layer silicates have come from quartz andesitic materials. Allophane would transform to gibbsite or halloysite according to weathering conditions, and aluminarich gel-like materials change to gibbsite under a well-drained condition.

The soil materials have been so greatly weathered that some horizons contain gibbsite of even more than 40 per cent or halloysite over 70 per cent. The morphology and mineralogy are quite similar to so-cailed “non-volcanic Kuroboku soils.”  相似文献   

Field estimates of silt and clay contents were compared statistically with the silt (2-60 μm) and clay (<2 μm) contents determined by the pipette method of 184 soil horizons from a large range of west Midland soils (clay contents 1–81 per cent and silt contents 3–71 per cent). Regression equations were calculated (a) for each of four surveyors using combined topsoil and subsoil data and (b) for surface and subsoils separately using combined data for the four surveyors. There is slight evidence of ‘operator bias’ and a tendency for all four surveyors to underestimate clay in surface horizons though these conclusions have limited significance because of the small number and the distribution of some of the sample populations. Single equations for the combined data from all operators and all horizons explained 75.5 per cent of the variation in field estimates of silt content and 85.4 per cent of the variation of clay estimates. For silt, the regression line almost passes through the origin with a slope not significantly different from unity, whilst for clay, the line intercepts the y-axis close to zero and has a slope of 0.904. The results show that, with experience and adequate reference samples, surveyors can confidently estimate the particle-size distribution of a wide range of soils. These studies were done during soil mapping in Staffordshire, Hereford and Worcester, and Salop using the newly introduced soil classification (Avery, 1973) and revised Handbook (Hodgson, 1974) of the Soil Survey of England and Wales.  相似文献   

The amounts of clay visible in four thin sections from paleosol horizons (clay contents 9–32%) were measured by point counting. These sections were used as references for visual estimates, without point counting, of the amounts of clay in 14 further sections. The measurements and estimates were recorded on pore-free and gravel-free bases so they could be related to gravimetric analyses. Amounts of clay measured and estimated by area in these thin sections were between 1.6 and 3.1 times those determined gravimetrically. The reasons for these differences are discussed. Firstly, clay in soil thin sections contains much pore space beyond the resolution of the optical microscope and has an apparent density dependent on the amount of submicroscopic pore space. An edge effect also causes over-estimation of clay in soil thin sections and under-estimation of visible pore space. Components (clay, mineral grains, pores) are usually sloped at their borders with each other within the standard 25–30 μm (three-dimensional) thin sections. Clay, for instance, may overcap a pore at its border, hiding some pore space. The need for true two-dimensional images of soil pore patterns in image analysis is indicated. A nomogram has been constructed, using apparent density, to allow estimation of clay in thin sections of soils with any clay content. Coarse/fine ratios can be determined more accurately and estimates of clay can also be recalculated to provide illuvial to total clay ratios that are more meaningful. It is recommended that the micromorphological identification criterion for the argillic horizon be reassessed and that 4% illuvial to total clay in a soil thin section be adopted as the diagnostic cut-off.  相似文献   

A Xeralf on feldspathic sandstone was sampled from a hillslope in the Mount Lofty Ranges in order to study its genesis and, in particular, the origin of the strong texture contrast. Micromorphological study demonstrated that the clay present in void argillans and papules in the B2 horizon accounted for only a small amount of the clay present. Elemental analysis of the whole soil (< 2 mm) and sand, silt and clay fractions showed that there had been considerable weathering of both quartz and microcline, which were the dominant minerals present. Kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral weathering product. Illite appears to be forming from vermiculite in the A horizon. Using zircon as an internal standard, it was shown that elemental losses of SiO2 and reductions in weight and volume were similar in A and B horizons. Losses of aluminium and potassium were greatest in the A horizon, least in the B3. There has been an absolute increase in the amount of iron. A possible source is iron from heavy mineral bands upslope. It was concluded from the similarity of the quartz particle-size distributions of the A2, B2 and B3 horizons that the intensity of weathering of quartz was the same in A and B horizons. In the case of feldspar (mostly microcline), there is a greater proportion of feldspar in the fine sand and silt fractions of the A2 horizon than in the B horizon. Weathering of feldspar is greatest in the A horizon. The texture profile is principally a function of greater lateral loss of clay from the A horizons compared to the B horizons.  相似文献   

Fragipan is a widely distributed subsoil horizon that induces severe limitations to plant growth and land use, mainly because of its high bulk density. In this work, we evaluated the pore‐size distribution through the analysis of the cumulative curve of intruded mercury volume in some soils with fragipan horizons. This approach provides information also about the arrangement of particles, thus we compared the results obtained for fragipan and nonfragipan horizons to relate porosity and particle arrangement with the specific physical properties of fragipans. The total volume of intruded mercury did not allow to discriminate between fragipan and nonfragipan horizons. However, from the variation of the pore volume as a function of the radius, two modal classes of pores were found, coarse and fine, respectively. The fine‐pore class arose from the arrangement of clay particles, and its volume was correlated to clay contents (r = 0.787) and to clay packing density (r = –0.621). The clay fractions in fragipans were less densely packed than in the other B horizons, even if they had similar clay contents. The coarser‐pore modal class is known to arise from the interactions between clay, silt, and sand particles, and its volume was different among horizons. Fragipan had a low volume of this modal pore class. In addition, a packing density for the coarser phase of 0.74, corresponding to a rhombohedral packing, was found only in fragipans. Thus, the low permeability and high bulk density of fragipans are linked to specific arrangements of the particles: an open packing of the clay phase is associated to an extremely dense packing of silt and sand. This combination is not present in any other soil horizon.  相似文献   

Five soil pedons–two aquic and two udic Haplustalfs and one petrocalcic Natrustalf–from the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain of Western Uttar Pradesh were investigated to evaluate the pedogenetic processes. Sand/silt ratios indicate that parent material discontinuities are insignificant. Higher K content and lower SiO2/R2O3 ratios of the non-clay fractions in Bt, rather than in the A, horizons suggest maximum weathering at or near the surface.
An almost linear relationship between decrease in molar SiO2/R2O3 and % increase in clay to about 100cm depth in all the pedons, presence of clay argillans in Bt horizons (where % clay, fine/coarse clay ratio and bulk density values are greatest), all indicate that the development of argillic horizons in these soils was due, at least partly, to lessivage of clay. Fe in clay fractions decreases with depth whilst Al increases, but in the fine earth both increase steadily with depth. This, together with crystalline iron concretions in the lower Bt horizons, suggests that in Haplustalfs these horizons are gaining clay by neoformation/ reorganization of illuviated constituents, especially A12O3.  相似文献   

C.W. Childs  R.L. Parfitt  R. Lee 《Geoderma》1983,29(2):139-155
Chemical and mineralogical data are presented for three Spodosols (podzols) and a related Inceptisol (yellow-brown loam). Allophane with an Al/Si atomic ratio close to two is identified in the B horizons of all four soils, and minor amounts of imogolite are present in association with allophane in all but one soil where small-particle gibbsite occurs. Parent materials for these soils are essentially non-vitric. Allophane (Al/Si = 2) has been estimated quantitatively in all soils using oxalate-extractable Si (Si0) and is selected clay fractions using both Si0 and infrared spectroscopy. Maximum concentrations of allophane (Al/Si = 2) range from 5% to 18% of fine earth (< 2 mm) fractions and all occur in B horizons. Fe0 values are low relative to Al0 values except for the upper horizons of the Inceptisol. Al0 values peak in B horizons and the ratio pyrophosphate-extractable Al to Al0 decreases from about 1 in A and upper B horizons to 0.1–0.4 in lower B horizons.An interpretation of the data is consistent with recent proposals that the movement of Al in podzolisation is due primarily to the formation of inorganic complexes with Si. Chemical criteria for spodic horizons should be consistent with the total illuviation of Al and Fe (and perhaps Si), rather than just the organic-bound fraction of Al and Fe in these horizons as indicated by amounts in extractants such as pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

In the previous study (1), it was shown that the size-fractions finer than 2 μ of the soil samples were abundant in siliceous amorphous materials. These materials are more siliceous in the specimens of the A horizons than in the C and tend to become more siliceous with increase of particle-size. Discrete amorphous silica is present in all the size-fractions finer than 2 μ and its amount is considerably greater in coarser clay fractions. Since the proportions of coarser clay fractions are greater in the whole clay fractions, it is considered that the amorphous silica of the coarser clay fractions play a significant role in determining the properties of all of the amorphous clay minerals contained. Amorphous silica exists not only in the fractions finer than 2 μ, but also in the fractions coarser than 2 μ, even in the fine sand fractions of the A horizons.  相似文献   

Examination by infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy of the fine clays (<0.5 μm) dispersed at pH 3.5 from H2O2-treated soil indicates that imogolite and proto-imogolite allophanes are concentrated in podzolic B2 and B3 horizons, and make up at least 6 percent of one B2 horizon soil, which contains virtually no layer silicate clays. It is argued here that imogolite-type components are the principal source of extractable aluminium and silicon in such horizons, that they may act as cementing agents in indurated horizons, and that proto-imogolite, a soluble aluminium-silicate complex, is the predominant mobile form in which aluminium is transported to B2 and lower horizons of podzols. Comparison of the amounts of aluminium extracted by acetic acid with those extracted by EDTA indicates that extractable aluminium in Bhg, Bh, and organic-rich A2 horizons is present principally in organic complexes. It is proposed that the aluminium fulvates concentrated in these horizons are formed in situ.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical analyses of five geographically associated Solonetzic and Chernozemic Black soil profiles from the glacial Lake Edmonton basin were conducted to investigate the mechanisms operative in their genesis. Soils, classified as Black Solonetz and Black Solodized Solonetz, satisfied both morphological and chemical criteria as set forth by the National Soil Survey Committee of Canada for soils of the Solonetzic Order. The lack of pronounced solodization in the Bnt horizons of these soils was attributable to the proximity of bedrock to the surface which prevented the removal of Na salts from the profile. A high content of exchangeable Na in the Bnt horizons appeared to have assisted the comminution of coarse clay particles to fine clay particles. The soil, classified as Saline Black, had the chemical properties but lacked the morphology of Solonetzic soils. Two Eluviated Black profiles were genetically different from each other. While the Eluviated Black profile in one case was completely solodized and appeared to be regrading towards the normal soil type, the soil at the other site had features that reflected the influence of weak solonetzic processes.  相似文献   

Migration of different mineral particles within columns of soil‐sand mixtures containing 10 or 20 mass % of soil was investigated by establishing differences in the mineral suite between the ”︁bulk clay” and the ”︁mobile fine material” fractions. The ”︁bulk clay” fractions of all soils contained smectite, palygorskite, kaolinite, quartz, feldspar, and calcite. The soils were saturated with sodium by leaching with NaCl solution, and then leached with distilled water. Clay dispersion and particle migration occurred in the columns. Values of SAR (sodium adsorption ratio) of the effluent decreased with time due to carbonate dissolution. At a certain SAR value, the clays apparently formed aggregates, and as a consequence particle migration stopped in the column. In addition to clay‐sized particles (< 2 μm), very‐fine‐silt‐sized particles (2— 5 μm) were able to migrate in the soil‐sand mixtures, too, and to some extent fine‐silt‐sized particles (5—10 μm) as well. Average size of mobile particles decreases with increase of soil content in the soil‐sand mixtures. The mineralogical composition of the ”︁mobile fine material” changed during the experiment. At the beginning of the experiment, the ”︁mobile fine material” was enriched in the non‐phyllosilicates (especially in calcite, and in some cases in quartz, feldspar and dolomite) and contained low concentrations of phyllosilicates (smectite, palygorskite and kaolinite). At the end of the experiment, the proportion of non‐phyllosilicates decreased, and as a consequence, the proportion of phyllosilicates increased. Among the non‐phyllosilicates, calcite was the most mobile mineral. Among the phyllosilicates, palygorskite was preferentially mobilized in topsoil horizons. In subsoil horizons, on the other hand, kaolinite was preferentially mobilized. This difference was explained by the different nature of carbonates in the topsoil and subsoil horizons. Palygorskite is preferentially occluded within the soil carbonates of lacustrine origin over smectite and kaolinite. These carbonates are present mainly in the subsoil horizons. As a consequence, the presence of these carbonates in the subsoil horizons decreases the migration of mainly palygorskite.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射法估算了福建省221个土壤样品中粘粒云母含量并讨论了与粘粒云母含量变化有关的因素。结果表明母质是影响粘粒云母含量的主要因素。海积物、河积物及页岩上发育的土壤粘粒云母含量一般较高;基性岩上发育的土壤粘粒云母含量一般较低。风化度较高的赤红壤、红壤、黄红壤和黄壤等土类的粘粒云母含量一般较低。风化度较低的C层的粘粒云母含量一般较B层和A层高,但异源母质的堆积可以使A层粘粒云母含量高于B层和C层。  相似文献   

The pedogenic horizons of nine profile pits dug across three toposequences were studied to determine the soil mineralogical characteristics and its implications on sustainable management of the fertility of some tropical Alfisols in Nigeria. Results showed that the epipedon which were predominantly ochric had textures that ranged from sand to sandy loam, while the subsurface (B/Bt) horizons had sandy clay loam to sandy clay texture and were gravelly (31.79–83.04%). The soil reaction ranged from strongly acid to neutral (pH 5.10 to 7.05). Calcium and magnesium dominated the exchange sites and accounted for about 75% of the exchangeable bases. Illite/mica and kaolinite were the dominant minerals in the clay fractions, while quartz, mica, and feldspars dominated the fine sand and silt fractions of the soils. While the presence of illite and mica could be important for potassium nutrition in these soils, kaolinite and oxides of iron could also cause phosphorus fixation.  相似文献   

张蕾  张凤荣  靳东升  李超 《土壤学报》2021,58(4):876-886
以黄土高原山西省14个淋溶土剖面的31个偏红的黏化层(Bt)为研究对象,分析了其全铁、游离氧化铁、无定形态氧化铁的含量与土壤颜色参数、黏粒含量之间的相关性,并建立了定量关系模型。结果表明:Bt的黏粒含量与氧化铁含量之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);颜色的红度与全铁、游离氧化铁和无定形氧化铁含量之间均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),其中游离氧化铁是最直接的土壤红色"染色剂";其他色调、明度与彩度等颜色参数与土壤全铁、游离氧化铁含量之间亦呈现出显著的相关性,这也间接说明了黏粒含量与土壤颜色具有一定相关性。野外观测发现,某些黏化层结构体表面颜色较结构体内基质颜色更红,证实了在土壤结构体表面氧化铁随着黏粒在土壤空隙中的迁移淀积。黄土高原淋溶土偏红的黏化层多是来自由于土壤侵蚀而出露地表或接近地表的第三纪保德红土和第四纪红黏土,其黏粒含量、土壤颜色等指标均表明第三纪的古气候条件较第四纪更为湿热。  相似文献   

The A horizons of Scottish podzols often contain unusually high amounts of EDTA-extractable Ti and V. Five such soils developed on different parent materials were studied, total and EDTA-extractable Ti, V and Fe being determined in the samples and their particle size fractions. The fine sand accounts for 50–80% of the total and extractable amounts of all three elements in the total soil although, in general, both the total and extractable Ti and V concentrations increase with decreasing particle size. Thus the clays contain up to 420 ppm Ti and 27 ppm V extractable with EDTA. The main Ti minerals in the samples are anatase, rutile and ilmenite. Observations by scanning electron microscopy of the surfaces of the minerals show clear evidence of chemical, and possibly physical weathering, processes that may lead to the accumulation of Ti in fine fractions, but not to downward translocation. Vanadium is probably associated with iron oxides and ferromagnesian minerals, from which it is released by weathering and subsequently adsorbed by the clay fraction. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra confirm that most of the V extracted from the samples and their clay fractions is in the vanadyl, (VO)2+, form.  相似文献   

A fresh approach is presented to address the increasingly urgent need for alternative land management strategies in savannas. We illustrate how fine‐scale information of soil characteristics can be used to enable a more precise delimitation of sites suitable for different forms of land stewardship, including agro‐pastoral activities, forestry, biodiversity and tourism. By collating data from previous soil surveys, and augmenting this with targeted new surveys, we produce the first national data set of soil properties for the lowland savannas of Belize. Most of these soils are typical of savanna soils worldwide, that is acidic (mean surface pH = 5.7), nutrient‐poor (mean surface total exchangeable bases [TEB] = 3.4 cmol kg?1) and coarse‐textured (mean surface clay = 13.0%). Nevertheless, there is a marked spatial variability across the country in these soil properties. Some soils exhibit unusually high subsurface clay fractions (max = 73%), whilst other sites have exceptionally high pH in lower horizons (max = 8.4). Cluster analysis is used to group sites with similar soil properties. Across 79 sites, there is a clear division between soils with high clay percentages and those with coarser textures. These are sub‐divided into five groups based on further differences in parent material, chemical properties and site characteristics. Mapping the locations of these groups enables more specific land use recommendations to be made. This ability to make targeted land use recommendations from fine‐scale soil information represents an advance over the previous national land use policy, where all savanna lands were considered unsuitable for any form of agriculture. This approach could be applied to marginal savannas worldwide.  相似文献   

Clay movement and its effect on the differences in texture between the A and B horizons are expressed by mathematical equations. The factors which are considered are the actual amount of clay which has moved (l), the ratio of the thick nesses of the horizons (N), and the original clay content (C). Parent materials are assumed to be homogeneous. Knowing the clay contents of the A and B horizons, it is possible to calculate for given N ratios the theoretical amount of clay which has moved in order to achieve the observed textural difference. The theoretical clay content C'of the parent material can also be computed. All computations assume homogeneous parent materials and closed profiles, i.e. materials that do not collapse, shrink, or swell, and consider all other clay transformations non-operative. An eluviations index k, which indicates the proportion of the original clay that has been translocated, is proposed for evaluating the intensity of clay migration. Examples of practical applications are given: i.e. the required difference in clay content between A and B in the definition of the argillic horizon should not be kept constant in soils which have variable initial clay contents; graphs illustrate the effects of clay migration for constant C and k values (isoparentic and isoluvic lines). All computations can be made by desk calculators provided with an extended memory for storage of data and programmes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Regression equations successfully allowed the calculation of water retained at—0.3 × 105 Pa and–15 × 105 Pa matric potentials from single soil characteristics, such as bulk volume or clay content, in clayey horizons derived in similar ways from a single parent material. It is possible to use these regression equations on other soils with similar clay fabrics. The fabric is expressed numerically using the pore volume associated with clay particles.  相似文献   

Soils developed from the red-brown Neogene clay and the Quaternary loesslike loams have been studied in the south of the forest-steppe zone on the Central Russian Upland. A polygenetic nature of the soil profile on the loesslike loams is shown. The modern pedogenetic processes in this soil ensure its eluvial-illuvial differentiation with the development of multilayered coatings in the illuvial horizon. The soil developed from the Neogene clay has a lower degree of differentiation despite the more acid reaction. The micromorphological study of the coatings and the mineralogical analysis of the clay fraction separated from the coatings and from the intraped mass disclose differences in the geneses of B horizons of the two soils. In the soil developed from the loesslike loam, hydromica predominates among clay minerals of the coatings; in the soil developed from the red-brown clay, smectitic minerals predominate in the clay fraction. Differences in the properties of these two parent materials predetermined differences in the major directions of soil formation: the metamorphic pedogenesis predominates on the red-brown clay, whereas the textural differentiation develops in the soil on the loesslike loam. The middle horizons in the studied soil profiles are referred to as the structural-metamorphic and textural (clay-illuvial) horizons, respectively.  相似文献   

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