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Oestrosis is a nasal myiasis of sheep and goats caused by larvae of the fly Oestrus ovis and can lead to severe clinical signs, which together with the disturbance caused by the adult fly may result into serious economic losses. Infection rates and larval burdens are always higher in sheep than in goats after either natural or artificial infestation. The aim of this study was to compare the host preference of the adult fly O. ovis between sheep and goats in mixed flocks, where they are kept together under the same husbandry conditions and hence, are very similarly exposed to the fly preference. Blood sera samples were collected from a total of 397 sheep and 335 goats, from 43 mixed flocks located at different regions of Greece. Antibodies specific to O. ovis IgG were measured by ELISA. A flock was considered positive when at least one individual was positive, i.e. showed a seropositivity of >or=20% in relation to positive control sera. A total of 193 (48.6%) sheep and 58 (17.9%) goats were found to be seropositive against O. ovis. Thirty-eight (88.4%) out of 43 flocks had at least one seropositive animal. The mean seroconversion against O. ovis in animals from the different flocks was 38.6% and 13.6% for sheep and goats, respectively, whereas the variance of infection within each flock was 0-100%. The mean seropositivity between sheep that were found to be positive or negative was 60.6% and 5.4%, respectively, whereas the corresponding values between goats were 35.2% and 5.2%, respectively. No significant difference in the seroconversion values was noted between flocks from the different areas (P=0.817), whereas a very significant difference was observed between animal species (P=0.001). However, there was no significant difference when seroconversion comparisons were made within samples of the same animals species, sheep or goats from different flocks of all the regions included in the study (P=0.695). The results of this study clearly demonstrate that O. ovis has a widespread distribution in Greece, and the seroprevalence is significantly higher in sheep than goats (P=0.001).  相似文献   

Summary The heads of 1,489 sheep and 320 goats were examined for larvae ofOestrus ovis at 17 abattoirs in northern Libya in July to November 1988. The prevalence ofO. ovis in sheep was 22·6% and in goats it was 18·4 per cent. Up to 14 and 11 larvae were collected from individual sheep and goats respectively. All larvae were recovered from the nasal passages and frontal sinuses, but only second and third instars were seen.
Miasis Causada PorOestrus Ovis En Ovejas Y Cabras Libias
Resumen Durante los meses de julio a noviembre de 1988, se examinaron las cabezas de 1489 ovejas y 320 cabras para detectar larvas deOestrus ovis, en 17 mataderos en el norte de Libia. La prevalencia deO. ovis en ovejas fue de 22·6% y en cabras de 18·4%. Se localizó hasta un máximo de 14 y 11 larvas en cabezas ovinas y caprinas respectivamente. Todas las larvas fueron recuperadas de las fosas nasales y los senos frontales; sólo se encontraron los estadíos larvarios segundo y tercero.

Myiase A Oestrus Ovis Chez Des Ovins Et Caprins En Libye
Résumé Les têtes de 1 489 moutons et de 320 chèvres ont été examinées dans 17 abattoirs de la Libye du nord, de juillet à novembre 1988, pour rechercher des larves d'Oestrus ovis.La prévalence d'Oestrus ovis chez les moutons était de 22,6 p. 100 et chez les chèvres de 18,4 p. 100. Le nombre maximal de larves trouvées par animal a été de 14 chez les moutons et 11 chez les chèvres. Toutes les larves ont été récoltées des conduits nasaux et des sinus frontaux, mais seuls les deuxièmes et troisièmes stades ont été observés.

A genetic analysis using RAPD markers was performed on 12 natural populations of Oestrus ovis (Linné, 1761). Three-hundred and six O. ovis larvae (first, second and third instars) were randomly recovered in nasal cavities of sheep and goats naturally infected in Algeria, Ethiopia, France, Mauritania, Rumania and Tunisia and were analysed by 56 RAPD fragments. The results showed a high diversity within all samples. A significant genetic divergence was showed by discriminant analyses among the 12 populations sampled (p<0.0001). Moreover, discriminant analyses showed significant differentiation (p<0.0001) between O. ovis larva populations of sheep and goats and also among samples collected in the same region.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A syndrome of acute neurological dysfunction with increased mortality was observed in lambs of 10 dairy sheep flocks and adult animals in one flock in Central and Northern Greece. Each farmer completed a questionnaire regarding the management and feeding of their flocks. In seven of the 11 flocks the affected animals were grazing pasture, while in the remaining four flocks (5, 8, 9, 10) the animals were fed alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa) and concentrates indoors. A follow-up study of the affected flocks was conducted during the next 12 months.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Of 42 sheep with acute coenurosis that were examined, the most prominent neurological abnormalities were ataxia, depression, blindness, scoliosis, coma and dysmetria. Except for the four sheep that were comatose, all other animals had normal body temperatures and their appetites remained normal or were slightly decreased. Haematological findings of 15 examined sheep were within normal limits. The affected sheep were subject to euthanasia. A histopathological examination was performed in 13 cases. Faecal samples from dogs associated with these flocks were negative for taeniid infections. During the following 12 months cases of chronic coenurosis in these flocks were observed.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: In the 42 animals that were necropsied, the main gross findings were cystic formations between 0.5–1 cm in diameter with translucent walls that were seen lying free on the leptomeninges or partly penetrating the brain tissue, sterile microabscecess and brain necrosis. Histopathological evaluation of tissue sections of 13 brains showed multifocal purulent or pyogranulomatous meningoencephalitis, accompanied by eosinophilic infiltrations. No bacteria were isolated following bacterial culture of brain tissue Parasitological examination of the cysts from five cases revealed whitish specks on the transparent cyst wall and germination membrane representing the scolices.

DIAGNOSIS: Acute coenurosis was diagnosed in all cases studied.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Acute coenurosis can be one of the causes of acute encephalopathy mainly in lambs, but also in adult sheep. This condition is incurable, but can be controlled by changing the feeding regime. Cases of chronic coenurosis may be seen a few months later in the same flock.  相似文献   

Summary An account is given of the syndrome in sheep and goats leading to death, associated with ingestion of seleniferous weeds in Iran.
Sumario Se describe el sindrome en ovinos y caprinos que conduce a la muerte, asociado con la ingestión de yerbas seleníferas en Irán.

Résumé Compte-rendu du syndrome provoquant la mort de moutons et chèvres, lié à l’ingestion de plantes sélénifères en Iran.

A serological survey on dermatophilosis was carried out amongst sheep and goats in Kaduna State of Nigeria. Sera were obtained from slaughter animals and from sheep kept on an isolated ranch. The percentage of seropositive animals was 28.0 in slaughter sheep, 0.0 in sheep kept on the ranch, and 23.2 in slaughter goats. The high prevalence of D. congolensis antibodies among small ruminants compares well with the level of prevalence reported of cattle of cattle and calls for a concerted government effort for the control of the disease.  相似文献   


A serological survey on dermatophilosis was carried out amongst sheep and goats in Kaduna State of Nigeria. Sera were‐obtained from slaughter animals and from sheep kept on an isolated ranch. The percentage of seropositive animals was 28.0 in slaughter sheep, 0.0 in sheep kept on the ranch, and 23.2 in slaughter goats. The high prevalence of D. congolensis antibodies among small ruminants compares well with the level of prevalence reported of cattle and calls for a concerted government effort for the control of the disease.  相似文献   

A chronobiological study of oestrosis was conducted for larval instars of Oestrus ovis from November 2000 to September 2002 with the examination of 477 adult sheep of the southwest region of Spain. Skulls from slaughtered sheep were examined and the different O. ovis larval stages (L1, L2, L3) were recovered from the nasal-sinus cavities. O. ovis larvae were detected in 339 sheep, reaching a prevalence of 71.1%. Only one farm was free of infested sheep indicating a prevalence of the 97.91% among studied flocks. The mean larval burden was 18.54 larvae per infested head during the coldest months in the southwest of Spain when the larval burden reached its highest levels, especially of the first larval stage (L1). However, the maximum percentage of L1 coincided with the minimum percentage of the second larval stage (L2). The third larval stage (L3) was observed in relatively low levels during the entered study period, but two peaks occurred in April-May and in September-October. During the 2 years of sampling, all the different larval stages were simultaneously recovered throughout the year, indicating the existence of a long favourable period for the evolution and development of the larval instars, which would start between February and March and finishing in November.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of ulcerative vulvitis and balanitis occurred in three commercial sheep flocks in England and Wales. Between 29 and 44 per cent of the ewes were affected; most of the lesions resolved in three weeks. Pathogens such as mycoplasmas, which have previously been associated with these conditions, were not detected despite using improved laboratory techniques. In one of the flocks, ovine herpesvirus type 2 was detected by pcr in the blood of two acutely affected ewes, from the vulval ulcers of one of them, and from the penis of an affected ram.  相似文献   

A set of 11 polymorphic microsatellites has been used to assess the distribution of genetic variability in 17 flocks of the Sarda sheep breed in the Viterbo province, located in central Italy. The suitability of samples size and number of loci analysed were tested using a bootstrap procedure. The data obtained were used to estimate the genetic diversity within and among flocks, and to test the presence of inbreeding within flocks. To study the genetic relationship among flocks, a principal component analysis based on Nei standard distances was performed. The results of genetic analysis show a significant excess of homozygotes in some of the flocks. The use of genetic data for maximum likelihood tests of assignment is investigated in order to establish suitable breeding policies. This research represents a case study for the development of mating strategies suitable for incrementing genetic variability within flocks that can be applied in other domestic species showing similar breeding problems (goat, buffalo and small populations of cattle).  相似文献   

From December 1998 to December 1999, heads of 520 local goats slaughtered at the Irbid, Ramtha and Howarra Abattoirs (northern Jordan) were examined for the three larval instars (L(1)-L(3)) of Oestrus ovis. Of 520 heads, 126 (24%) were infested with O. ovis larvae. All three larval instars were observed in both sexes; all age groups were infested in each month of the year. The mean age of the goats sampled was 1.5 years. The numbers of parasites infesting hosts showed a significant (P<0.05) correlation with sheep age (r(sp)=0.31-0.42) for all three larval instars. The numbers of larvae in each host followed an overdispersed distribution, which fit a negative-binomial model (but not a Poisson distribution). There were more parasites recorded in the presence of purulent discharge or laryngitis, fewer in the presence of catarrhal discharge and no association with pharyngitis sinusitis, or rhinitis.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 313 sheep and 95 goats were collected during November 1993 in 26 localities in Alto Adige-South Tyrol and tested by microscopic agglutination test for antibodies to 28 serovars of the genus Leptospira. At the time of blood collection all the animals appeared healthy with no clinical sign suggestive of leptospirosis. The observed seroprevalence in sheep was 6.1%, whereas the seropositivity rate for goat serum samples was 2.1%. The highest serological prevalence in sheep was recorded for serovar castellonis, followed by poi, sejroe, hardjo subtype hardjobovis, copenhageni, and cynopteri. Titres to poi were the only ones found in goats. These findings, which are proof of Leptospira infection in Alto Adige-South Tyrol, indicate that foci of several serovars exist in this region.  相似文献   

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