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Pulmonary intravascular macrophages (PIMs), large (20-80 microm diameter) monocytes are present in sheep, pigs, and horses, but not in dogs, rats, rabbits, or primates. The present study evaluated the phagocytic activity of various organs in cats and dogs and determined the influence of Dirofilaria immitis infections on PIM activity. Live or dead adult heartworm (HW) was transplanted via jugular venotomy into cats and dogs. Cats (four per group) were allocated to five groups: surgical controls--no HW, dead HW for 1 week, live HW for 1 week, dead HW for 3 weeks, or live HW for 3 weeks. Radioactive technetium (Tc-99m, 1.2mCi in 0.3ml) sulfa-colloid was injected intravenously. All cats with HW were clinically asymptomatic and developed radiographic pulmonary parenchymal changes. No gross changes were visible at necropsy for cats with HW; inflammatory changes were less severe in cats with live HW. In cats with dead HW for 3 weeks, worms were present but folded, flattened, and located in distal pulmonary arteries. Uninfected control dogs and those with dead HW did not demonstrate any PIM activity. In control cats, lungs were the primary phagocytic organ after systemic IV colloid injection (72.5% of the total recovered radioactive dose). The lung and liver together represented over 95% of the recovered Tc-99m colloid in all cats. In each group of cats with HW, phagocytic activity of the lung was significantly less (p < 0.001) than the PIM activity of controls. Cats with dead HW at 1 week (50.1%) had a significant (p < 0.019) decrease in PIM activity compared with cats with dead HW at 3 weeks (59.5%). The PIM activity in cats with live HW was significantly decreased (p < 0.001) from that in groups with dead HW, but there was no significant difference between the two groups infected with live worms. There were no significant differences in recovery between any groups in pairwise analysis of the spleen, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, bone marrow, or blood. Significant increases (p < 0.001) in liver activity for each group inversely reflected the decreased lung activity; consistent with increased hepatic uptake of Tc colloid "escaping" a relatively suppressed lung macrophage system. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed PIM glycocalyx changes and vacuolization, moderate Type 1 cell damage and Type II cell hypertrophy in cats with dead HW. There was no evidence of PIM death. The significant decrease in PIM activity in groups with dead HW and a greater decrease in groups with live HW are consistent with a down-regulation of PIM function in cats with live HW.  相似文献   

The antifilarial effects of tetracycline drugs were first demonstrated when they were found to be highly effective against L(3) and L(4) of Brugia pahangi and Litomosoides sigmodontis in rodent models. Tetracyclines are also now known to have activity against microfilariae and adult Dirofilaria immitis, but assessment of their activity against larval and juvenile heartworms has not been reported previously. This study assessed the effects of doxycycline administered orally at 10mg/kg twice daily for 30-day periods at selected times during the early part of the life cycle of D. immitis in dogs with dual infections of D. immitis and B. pahangi. Twenty beagles were randomly allocated by weight to four groups of five dogs each. On Day 0, each dog was given 50 D. immitis L(3) and 200 B. pahangi L(3) by SC injection. Dogs received doxycycline on Days 0-29 (Group 1); Days 40-69 (Group 2); or Days 65-94 (Group 3). Group 4 served as untreated controls. Blood samples were collected for microfilariae counting and antigen testing. Necropsy for collection of adult heartworms and selected tissues were performed Days 218-222. Heartworms recovered were examined by immunohistology, conventional microscopy/transmission electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques. No live heartworms were recovered from dogs in Group 1; dogs in Group 2 had 0 to 2 live worms (98.4% efficacy), and dogs in Group 3 had 0-36 live worms (69.6% efficacy). All control dogs had live adult heartworms (25-41). The live worms recovered from dogs in Groups 2 and 3 were less developed and smaller that worms from control dogs. Microfilariae were not detected in any dogs in Groups 1 and 2; one dog in Group 3 had 1 microfilariae/ml at necropsy. All control dogs had microfilariae at necropsy. One dog in Group 1 was antigen positive at one sampling (Day 166). One dog in Group 2 was antigen positive Days 196 and 218-222 and three dogs in Group 3 were antigen positive at one or more samplings All five control dogs were antigen positive at all three sampling times. These findings suggest that doxycycline at 10mg/kg orally twice daily for 30 days has efficacy against migrating tissue-phase larvae and juvenile worms and will delay or restrict microfilarial production.  相似文献   

Clinical manifestations of heartworm disease in cats are variable; most cats seem to tolerate the infection well for extended periods. Heartworm-infected cats may undergo spontaneous self-cure due to the natural death of parasites without any symptomatology, or they may suddenly show dramatic and acute symptoms. Sudden death in apparently healthy cats is not a rare event. Thoracic radiographs are important tool for the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary disease. However, thoracic abnormalities are often absent or transient and highly variable in heartworm-infected cats. Findings, such as enlargement of the peripheral branches of the pulmonary arteries, with a varying degree of pulmonary parenchymal disease and hyperinflation, are the most typical features consistent with infection. A field study was performed for cats referred to the Veterinary Hospital Città di Pavia from January 1998 to December 2001 for routine health examinations and procedures to evaluate the clinical evolution and radiographic findings of feline heartworm infection. Thirty-four asymptomatic cats diagnosed with feline heartworm infection by antibody and antigen tests together with an echocardiogram that allowed worm visualization were included in the follow-up study. Cats were routinely examined every 3 months from the time of heartworm diagnosis until the outcome (self-cure or death). Self-cure was defined as no positive serology for heartworm antigens and no visualization of worms by echocardiography. A final examination for antibodies was carried after 12 months as a final confirmation of self-cure. Twenty-eight cats (82.4%) self-cured; including 21 that showed no clinical signs of infection throughout the study. Six cats died. The most common clinical features observed were acute respiratory symptoms and sudden death. Infection lasted over 3 years in the majority of the cats enrolled in the study. Thoracic radiograph appearance was variable, and the most commonly observed findings were focal and diffuse pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA/CVM) has cited an increasing number of reports of failure of heartworm prophylaxis in dogs. Failures may be due to resistance of L(3)-L(4) stage Dirofilaria immitis to the macrocyclic lactone class of compounds used for prophylaxis, lack of compliance with and understanding of administration of prophylactics, individual differences in drug absorption or metabolism, or a combination of these factors. Using the latest scientific information, the American Heartworm Society (AHS) and Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) have developed guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of heartworm infection in dogs. This study summarizes the knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors relating to prevention of heartworm among members of a national hunting dog club, visitors to the club website, and attendees at club-sponsored events. These factors can have a direct effect on the success of heartworm prophylaxis. Results suggest that the dog owners lack confidence in the accuracy of the heartworm test to identify infection, the efficacy of products sold for prevention of heartworm, and the effectiveness of treatment to eliminate adult heartworms from infected dogs. Knowledge about when to begin heartworm preventive medication in a new puppy and the timing of heartworm tests was also lacking among a substantial number of respondents. In order to increase acceptance of prophylaxis and reduce the likelihood of a false conclusion of prophylactic failure, education of dog owners should focus on the need for an appropriately timed annual heartworm test and the importance of administering the last dose of monthly heartworm preventative after the last possible day of potential transmission.  相似文献   

The island of Gran Canaria is a hyperendemic area for canine dirofilariasis. The aim of the present study was to provide data on Dirofilaria immitis in dogs, cats, and humans on this island in 2010. The data confirms the prevalence in the overall canine population (19%), with a considerably higher prevalence (43%) in the autochthonous breed of Canarian Warren hound. The prevalence in the feline population (33%) is higher than that of the canine population, and the existence of specific D. immitis antibodies in the inhabitants of the island of Gran Canaria (12%) is confirmed. In both cats and humans, the prevalence, according to the different climate areas on the island, is related to the prevalence of D. immitis in dogs in the same area, which shows the key epidemiological role played by the canine host with regard to the transmission to other hosts of D. immitis.  相似文献   

Throughout the end of March to beginning of May 2006, 212 owned cats and 608 owned dogs from a heavy endemic area for canine heartworm (HW) disease in northern Italy have been examined to assess HW infection prevalence. Both cats and dogs were clinically examined and blood samples were taken from each animal to be examined for HW antibody (Ab). Ab-positive cats were further examined for circulating microfilariae, HW antigens (Ag) and by echocardiography (ECHO) to assess the presence of adult worms. Dogs were clinically examined and blood samples taken from each animal were examined for circulating microfilariae and for HW Ag. Ten cats (4.7%) were found Ab positive. Of these, 6 cats were Ag positive (2.6%) and in 4 (1.8%) the worms were visualized by ECHO. HW prevalence in dogs was 36% (221/608). One hundred and seventy-six (29%) were both microfilaraemic and Ag positive, 40 (7%) had occult infections (no circulating microfilariae) and 7 (1%) were microfilaraemic but Ag negative. Upon owners’ consent, 132 cats (including cats Ab and/or Ag and ECHO positive) were prophylactically treated against HW disease with an imidacloprid/moxidectin spot-on combination (10% imidacloprid/1% moxidectin) monthly administered for 6 months. Cats were re-examined for HW infection in November, 1 month after the last drug administration, and in May–June 2007, 7–8 months after the last treatment. All 122 cats found HW negative before treatment, were found negative at the two examinations at the end of study. The 4 cats Ab positive, 2 cats Ab and Ag positive and 1 Ab, Ag and ECHO positive at the beginning of treatment were found negative. Throughout the treatment, transitory hypersalivation and generic signs of annoyance were reported by owners in 6 cats (4.5%). All signs regressed spontaneously.  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis is the causative agent of heartworm disease. Reports of macrocyclic lactone inefficacy prompted an investigation of genetic polymorphism in D. immitis. Currently, there is a lack of genetic information for this parasite. Information on baseline levels of genetic heterogeneity in the dog heartworm would have important implications for the possible development of macrocyclic lactone resistance in D. immitis. Genetic variability was investigated to assess the extent of genetic polymorphism in D. immitis populations from the USA (field and laboratory samples) and Japan (field samples). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were investigated in a full-length β-tubulin gene and segments of genes encoding heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60), a P-glycoprotein (Pgp), sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)ATPase (Serca) and phosphofructokinase (PFK). Significant differences in SNP frequencies were found in all genes except PFK. A combined genotype built from two SNPs from β-tubulin, Hsp60, Pgp and Serca was analyzed in the US lab, US field and Japan field samples. Some combined genotypes were unique to each sample group while others were shared between groups. F coefficients calculated for 15 SNPs from β-tubulin, Hsp60, Pgp and Serca were not in equilibrium. Differences in F coefficients were observed between the groups. D. immitis was found to be genetically heterogeneous. This genetic heterogeneity has implication for the development of genetically selected strains of the parasite.  相似文献   

The high prevalence of heartworm infection in shelter dogs creates a dilemma for shelter managers, who frequently operate with insufficient funding, staffing, and expertise to comply with heartworm guidelines developed for owned pet dogs. The purpose of this study was to survey canine heartworm management protocols used by 504 animal sheltering agencies in the endemic states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Open-admission shelters, which tended to be larger and more likely to perform animal control functions, were less likely (41%) to test all adult dogs than were limited-admission shelters (80%), which tended to be smaller non-profit humane agencies, and foster programs (98%) based out of private residences. Open-admission shelters were more likely to euthanize infected dogs (27%) or to release them without treatment (39%), whereas limited-admission shelters and foster programs were more likely to provide adulticide therapy (82% and 89%, respectively). Of the 319 agencies that treated infections, 44% primarily used a standard two-dose melarsomine protocol, and 35% primarily used a three-dose split-treatment melarsomine protocol. Long-term low-dose ivermectin was the most common treatment used in 22% of agencies. Open-admission shelters were less likely (35%) to provide preventive medications for all dogs than were limited-admission shelters (82%) and foster programs (97%). More agencies used preventives labeled for monthly use in dogs (60%) than ivermectin products labeled for livestock (38%). The most common reason diagnostic testing and preventive medication was not provided was cost. These results indicate a lack of protocol uniformity among agencies and insufficient resources to identify, treat, and prevent infection. Sheltering agencies and companion animal health industries should develop guidelines that are feasible for use in sheltering agencies and provide improved access to preventive and treatment strategies for management of Dirofilaria immitis.  相似文献   

Cats are at risk for heartworm infection (Dirofilaria immitis) wherever the disease is endemic in dogs. Diagnosis is more difficult in cats, and little information is available regarding effective palliative and curative treatments for infected cats. In contrast to the challenges of diagnosis and treatment, chemoprophylaxis is highly effective, and current guidelines call for preventive medications to be administered to all cats in endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to survey feline heartworm management protocols used by 400 animal shelters and foster programs in the endemic states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Only 23% of shelters performed feline heartworm testing. The most common reasons for not testing were expense (36%), lack of treatment options for infected cats (18%), and because the agency considers heartworm infections in cats to be less important than in dogs (12%). Most agencies (69%) did not provide preventive medication to cats. Reasons included because testing was not performed (36%), expense (35%), and the perception that local heartworm risk was low (10%). When preventive was provided, feline-labeled broad-spectrum products were used more commonly (81%) than livestock products (14%). The survey also indicated that many policy decisions were based on inaccurate knowledge of feline heartworm prevalence and pathogenesis. Issues of cost, feasibility, and education prevent most Southeastern sheltering agencies from adequately protecting cats against heartworm disease. Practical guidelines tailored to the needs of these agencies should be developed. Subsidized testing and preventive products may facilitate implementation of feline heartworm management protocols in sheltering agencies.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection, and to examine the relationship between host factors (gender, age and breed) and D. immitis infection in dogs. The study was designed as a cross-sectional study. A total of 676 dogs were examined for D. immitis infection. Adult worms (necropsy) and blood samples were collected from all animals for diagnosis of D. immitis. Blood samples were examined using a modified Knott's and thick drop techniques. Fifty-six of 676 dogs were diagnosed infected with D. immitis. The odds of infection were 2.85 times higher in female dogs, compared to male dogs (OR = 2.85, 95% CI = 1.5-5.5, P = 0.01). In addition, the odds of infection were 2.11 times higher in > or =3 years old dogs, compared with younger dogs (OR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.1-4.2, P = 0.03). This information is important for a better understanding of the epidemiology of D. immitis in dogs in Yucatan, Mexico.  相似文献   

Since the definitive identification in 1995 of the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia that resides in different tissues of the filarial worm Dirofilaria immitis, there has been increasing interest to understand whether and what role it plays in the pathogenesis of and immune response to heartworm infection. The present study evaluated the effects of treatments on lung pathology in 20 beagle dogs experimentally infected with D. immitis. Dogs in Group 1 were treated with doxycycline (10 mg/kg/day) orally from weeks 0-6, 10-12, 16-18, 22-26, and 28-34. Dogs in Group 2 served as infected, non-treated controls. Dogs in Group 3 were given doxycycline as described for Group 1 combined with weekly oral doses of ivermectin (6 mcg/kg) for 34 weeks and intramuscular (IM) melarsomine (2.5 mg/kg) at week 24, followed by two additional melarsomine injections 24h apart 1 month later. Group 4 received only melarsomine as described for Group 3. Lung lesion criteria, scored by two independent blinded pathologists, included perivascular inflammation and endothelial proliferation. Doxycycline treatment alone had no effect on lesion scores, whereas the combination of doxycycline and ivermectin resulted in less severe perivascular inflammation. All lungs were evaluated for positive immunostaining for the Wolbachia surface protein (WSP). Control dogs showed numerous thrombi, intense perivascular and interstitial inflammation and, occasionally, positive staining for WSP. Interestingly, dogs receiving doxycycline/ivermectin/melarsomine showed significantly less severe arterial lesions and the virtual absence of thrombi.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary biomarkers are biological parameters that can be objectively measured and quantified as indicators of pathogenic processes (heartworm disease) or as indicators of response to therapeutic intervention. To determine levels of cardiopulmonary biomarkers in canine dirofilariasis, measurements of cardiac troponin T, cardiac troponin I, myoglobin, and D-dimer concentrations were performed for dogs with and without evidence of adult heartworm infection. The results showed that levels of cardiac troponin T were undetectable in all dogs studied while levels of cardiac troponin I were higher in dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis. In healthy dogs, levels of myoglobin and D-dimer were below detection limits of the instrument and were significantly higher in heartworm-infected dogs, notably in microfilaremic dogs. The results suggest the possibility of using troponin I and myoglobin as markers for cardiac damage and the D-dimer as a supportive tool for a diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs with cardiopulmonary dirofilariasis.  相似文献   

Antigens of both Dirofilaria immitis and Wolbachia symbiont bacteria are implicated in the inflammatory pathology of heartworm infection. The aim of the present study was to compare the stimulatory capacity of in vitro cultures of vascular endothelial cells by the adult somatic antigens of D. immitis (DiSA) and the recombinant form of the Wolbachia surface protein (rWSP), during the first 24h of stimulation. Our results indicate a different stimulatory activity of the two antigens. Both the DiSA and rWSP stimulate the production of the enzymes responsible of the arachidonic acid metabolism, cyclooxygenase-2, 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO), and leukotriene B4. Only DiSA stimulates the production of prostaglandin E2. Related to the adhesion molecules, the DiSA stimulates the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1), whereas rWSP stimulates ICAM-1, PECAM-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Expression of E-cadherin and vascular endothelial growth factor also were stimulated by rWSP. Neither of the two antigens altered the basic physiological mechanisms of endothelial cells, such as cell proliferation, cell cycle, or apoptosis. The biological and pathological significance of these finding are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of drug transporters on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics has been increasingly recognized in recent years. P-glycoprotein (P-gp), the product of the ABCB1 (formerly MDR1) gene, is among the most well-characterized drug transporters, particularly in veterinary medicine. P-gp is expressed by a variety of normal tissues, including the intestines, brain capillary endothelial cells, renal tubular cells, and biliary canalicular cells, where it functions to actively extrude substrate drugs. In this capacity, P-gp limits oral absorption and central nervous system entry of many substrate drugs and enhances their excretion from the body. Many drugs used in veterinary medicine are substrates for P-gp, including many chemotherapeutic agents and macrocyclic lactones (avermectins and milbemycin). A 4-base pair deletion mutation in the ABCB1 gene occurs in many herding breed dogs, including collies, Australian shepherds, and Shetland sheepdogs. The mutation (ABCB1-1Delta) renders affected animals extremely susceptible to toxicosis induced by substrate drugs, such as the macrocyclic lactones at doses well below those tolerated by dogs with the wild-type ABCB1 gene. However, at the manufacturer's recommended dose, all FDA-approved heartworm preventive products marketed in the United States are safe, even for dogs with the ABCB1 mutant/mutant genotype.  相似文献   

Geospatial tools (e.g., geographical information systems, remote sensing, global positioning systems, and virtual globes) are very useful for the simultaneous visualization of health data with environmental data, which holds promise to understand environmental-health linkages and to generate new hypotheses to be tested in future research. Current epidemiological studies clearly show that the distribution patterns of vector-borne infections are changing; for example, in Europe, heartworm infection and subcutaneous dirofilariosis are spreading throughout areas that previously had little to no incidence of heartworm. In view of the changes of the distribution patterns of Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens, geospatial tools are now more useful for mapping (including territorial sampling), monitoring, ecological analysis, risk assessment, forecasting (including the choose of the timing of treatment), early warning, and surveillance of both heartworm and subcutaneous dirofilariosis. All these issues have control of these infections as the ultimate goal.  相似文献   

Adult mosquito collections using New Jersey light traps and Black-hole light traps were conducted to determine the potential vectors and the relative mosquito infection rates of Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens in Gyeonggi and Gangwon Provinces, Republic of Korea, 2005. Dirofilaria spp. were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using species-specific primers for D. immitis and D. repens. Minimum field infection rates (MFIR) [MFIR = (number infected pools/total number of mosquitoes) x 1000] of 12 pools/2059 total number mosquitoes (5.8) and 21 pools (10.1) of the wild caught mosquitoes were positive by PCR for D. immitis and D. repens, respectively. Dual infections of both D. immitis and D. repens were detected by PCR in eight pools (3.9). Anopheles sinensis sensu lato (includes An. sinensis s.s., An. pullus, An. kleini, An. belenrae, and An. lesteri), An. sineroides, Aedes vexans nipponi, Culex pipiens and Armigeres subalbatus were found to be infected and are potential vectors of D. immitis and D. repens in Korea. Infections observed in mosquitoes represent potential health risks for domestic animal and human populations.  相似文献   

Canine heartworm infection has been associated with glomerular disease and proteinuria. We hypothesized that proteinuria, likely due to glomerular damage, would also be found in cats experimentally and naturally infected with Dirofilaria immitis. Two populations of cats were evaluated, including 80 that were each experimentally infected with 60 infective heartworm larvae as part of a drug safety study, and 31 that were naturally infected with D. immitis. Each had a control population with which to be compared. In the experimentally infected group, we evaluated urine from 64 cats. Ten of these cats were shown to have microalbuminuria 8 months post infection. No cat refractory to infection with larvae and no cats from the control group demonstrated microalbuminuria. All 10 microalbuminuric cats were shown to have significant proteinuria, as measured by the urine protein:creatinine ratio. There was a subtle, but significant, association between worm burden and proteinuria, and although the presence of adult heartworms was required for the development of proteinuria, both microfilaremic and amicrofilaremic cats were affected. Neither the presence of circulating heartworm antibodies and antigen nor the presence of antigenuria predicted the development of proteinuria. Both heavily infected cats (5-25 adult heartworms) and cats with worm burdens compatible with natural infections (1-4 adult heartworms) developed proteinuria, and the relative numbers of cats so affected were similar between heavily and more lightly infected cats. Naturally infected cats, for which only dipstick protein determinations were available, were shown to have a significantly greater incidence of proteinuria (90% vs 35%) than did those in an age- and gender-matched control population. Additionally, the proteinuria in heartworm-infected cats was 3- to 5-fold greater in severity. We conclude that cats infected with mature adult heartworms are at risk for developing proteinuria and that this is recognized relatively soon after infection. While heavier infections may predispose cats to developing proteinuria, this complication is seen in naturally infected cats and experimental cats with worm burdens similar to those seen in natural infections (i.e., "clinically appropriate" worm burdens). The clinical relevance of heartworm-associated proteinuria is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Drug treatments for heartworm disease have not changed significantly in the last decade. Due to concerns about possible drug resistance and their lower efficacy against adult worms, there is a need for the development of new antifilarial drug therapies. The recent availability of genomic sequences for the related filarial parasite Brugia malayi and its Wolbachia endosymbiont enables genome-wide searching for new drug targets. Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) enzymes catalyze the critical isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG) and 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PG) in glycolytic and gluconeogenic metabolic pathways. There are two unrelated PGM enzymes, which are structurally distinct and possess different mechanisms of action. The mammalian enzyme requires 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate as a cofactor (dependent PGM or dPGM), while the other type of PGM does not (independent PGM or iPGM). In the present study, we have determined that Dirofilaria immitis and its Wolbachia endosymbiont both possess active iPGM. We describe the molecular characterization and catalytic properties of each enzyme. Our results will facilitate the discovery of selective inhibitors of these iPGMs as potentially novel drug treatments for heartworm disease.  相似文献   

Data from the IDEXX Laboratories Reference Laboratory Network were retrospectively examined for feline heartworm testing trends in testing frequency, geographic bias, and prevalence for the years 2000--2006. Examination of the data supports the commonly held view that veterinarians do not embrace heartworm disease testing or prevention in cats to the same degree they do in dogs. Despite significant awareness and adoption of heartworm testing and prevention in dogs, we hypothesized that heartworm testing rates are lower for cats than for dogs despite a significant prevalence of feline infection. This is important because a perceived low rate of infection in cats is likely to manifest in a low adoption of testing and prevention. In reality, the overall feline heartworm antigen-positive rate is significant--on average 0.9% over the period studied--and in some regions was estimated to be as high as 4.6%. This compares with an average canine heartworm prevalence rate of 1.2%, a feline leukemia virus prevalence of 1.9%, and a feline immunodeficiency prevalence of 1.0%. Based on the low rate of testing and these prevalence rates, practitioners are routinely missing cases of adult feline heartworm infections and the recently defined heartworm-associated respiratory disease (H.A.R.D). Increased antigen testing would result in detection of a significant number of positive cases. In addition, this population of infected cats would represent the "tip of the iceberg" relative to the greater number of cats that have early infection or are at risk for infection.  相似文献   

Although the acute death syndrome in feline heartworm disease is widely recognized, its pathogenesis remains a mystery. The most widely held hypothesis is that an acute anaphylactic reaction, perhaps precipitated by the death of the parasite, is the underlying cause. This study investigated the role of the physical form of antigen (Ag) in the ensuing reaction when Dirofilaria immitis-sensitized cats are challenged by intravenous (IV) administration of heartworm Ag. Healthy D. immitis-naive cats (n = 23) were sensitized using subcutaneous injections of adjuvanted D. immitis Ag administered weekly for 6 weeks. After sensitization, cats (n = 20) were anaesthetized and challenged with IV D. immitis Ag in various forms or with IV sterile 0.9% saline (n = 3). Systolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, degree of dyspnea, blood oxygen saturation, and heart rate were measured immediately before and at 10-15 min intervals after challenge until terminal apnea occurred or until euthanasia at 140 min after challenge. Blood samples were collected for complete blood count and measurements of serum serotonin immediately before and at 10, 20, and 35 min after challenge. Clinical observations were recorded as they occurred, or at 10-15 minute intervals, whichever was the more frequent. The most severe post-challenge reactions occurred in cats challenged with Ag from dead worms, live worms, and 20 ng/mL Ag. Dyspnea increased significantly after challenge in all three groups (p < 0.001; p = 0.04, and p = 0.002, respectively), and blood oxygen saturation dropped post-challenge in the Dead Worm (p < 0.001) and the 20 ng/mL Ag (p = 0.002) groups. In the 20 ng/mL Ag group, systolic blood pressure decreased (p <0.05) and respiratory rate increased (p < 0.05) post-challenge. Clinical observations included dyspnea, gastrointestinal signs (retching, defecation, or flatulence), urination, and less commonly, hemorrhage from the nostrils or anus, or cutaneous swelling (general or specifically facial). The 20 ng/mL Ag group had the highest rate of clinical signs, followed by the Dead Worm group. The most common and reliable hematologic change associated with severe clinical effects of D. immitis Ag challenge was increased hematocrit, which was statistically higher after challenge than at baseline in the Dead Worm group (p = 0.012). The model demonstrated that the physical form of heartworm Ag used for IV challenge in D. immitis-sensitized cats is an important factor for determining the characteristics of the post-challenge reaction, and the amount of exposed internal filarial Ag presented to the feline immune system may influence the severity of the response to challenge.  相似文献   

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