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Two trials were conducted to study the effect of zeranol implants on growth and sexual development of bull calves. Trial 1 compared the effects of implanting with 72 mg of zeranol at 48 d of age (branding), at 215 d of age, or at both times with nonimplanted control bulls. Implanting at branding resulted in decreased scrotal circumference, testicle weight and proportion of bulls that could produce an ejaculate at 14 mo of age (P less than .01). Implanting at 215 d of age had no effect on any of these traits. Growth rate was not increased by implanting at either time but was decreased (P less than .02) in animals implanted at both times when compared with control bulls. In trial 2, both bulls and steers were implanted with zeranol and compared with nonimplanted control bulls and steers. Thirty-six-milligram implants were given at 21, 103, 260 and 343 d of age. Scrotal circumference, testicle weight and serum testosterone concentrations decreased (P less than .01) and the occurrence of penis abnormalities increased (P less than .01) in implanted bulls compared with control bulls. By the time of slaughter, however, testosterone concentrations were equal in control and implanted bulls; and the difference in scrotal circumference was diminishing. This is interpreted as evidence that as the bulls get older, they can overcome the effect of the implants. Carcass weights were heavier in implanted steers than in control steers but were lighter in implanted bulls than in control bulls (P less than .02). Carcasses of implanted bulls had higher quality scores and more marbling than control bulls, but carcasses of implanted steers had lower quality scores and less marbling than control steers (both interactions, P less than .01). Implanting bulls with zeranol at an early age resulted in restricted sexual development but not in total sterility. Repeated zeranol implants throughout the growing and finishing phase enhanced carcass quality in bulls slaughtered at 14 to 16 mo of age.  相似文献   

The effect was investigated of the Ralgro preparation with the active substance zeranol on histological and histochemical properties of bull muscles. The anabolic effect was displayed by a trend toward greater thickness of muscle fibres in m. longissimus thoracis, m. semitendinosus and m. triceps brachii, whilst differences between the muscles of experimental and control animals were not statistically significant. The bulls administered zeranol had the higher proportions as well as the higher relative volumes of white (aW) muscle fibres, but neither were these differences statistically significant in comparison with the control. The growth and development of testicles are inhibited by zeranol. The inhibition is significant and persists during 30 days after the last administration. Later on, the rate of development and growth are increased with the testicles reaching the weight of the sexual glands of control animals in 90 days after the last administration; the coiled seminiferous tubules grow and spermiogenesis occurs.  相似文献   

Nine experiments on the effect upon bodyweight change of subcutaneous ear implantation of 36 mg zeranol in 605 Bos indicus crossbred cattle were conducted. Bullocks aged 3 to 4 years, steers aged 18 months and entire heifers aged 18 to 30 months were used over the period January to August, 1980. They were grazed on 6 commercial farms in tropical northern Australia. Seven of the experiments examined the results of single implantation after the initial 60 to 97 days. Growth rates of untreated cattle in the January to May period ranged from 0.43 kg/day over 97 days in heifers to 1.07 kg/day in bullocks. Bodyweight gains attributed to zeranol ranged from 1.8 kg (4.3% increase) over 97 days in heifers (NS) to 22.3 kg (28.9% increase) over 90 days in 18 month-old steers (P < 0.01). The significant bodyweight responses to zeranol treatment in all 5 experiments involving older 3-to 4-year-old bullocks have not been previously reported. Hot dressed weights of the zeranol-treated bullocks were significantly heavier than the untreated controls and dressing percentages were similar. Increases in bodyweight attributable to implantation with zeranol yielded 50 to 54% saleable carcase weight. Single-, repeat-, and non-implanted treatments were compared over 186 days from January to August. Both zeranol treatments significantly out-performed the controls (P < 0.05), and the repeat-implanted bullocks gained 9.2 kg more than the single-implanted bullocks (P<0.10) in spite of bodyweight tosses recorded in the 3 treatments over the final 105 days. In 2 experiments bullocks implanted once in January/February were weighed in August to monitor compensatory bodyweight changes after April/May. The cattle retained 72.4% and 92.6% of the original bodyweight advantage attributed to zeranol treatment, depending upon whether they lost or gained in bodyweight respectively during the April/May to August period. The commercial relevance of these results is discussed and suggestions are made for further work.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of the growth stimulators Ralgro zeranol and Rumensin on changes in concentrations of certain hormones in the blood of beef bulls. In the first experiment 21 bulls were investigated which were divided into three groups. The first group was control, the second was administered the Ralgro stimulator (3X) and the third the Ralgro and Rumensin stimulators. In the second experiment there were 12 bulls. The animals in the test group were implanted Ralgro five times during the fattening period. Alternate changes, mostly insignificant, were recorded between the groups in the concentration of triiodothyronine and cyclic adenosine phosphate. Thyroxine concentrations were reduced during all investigations of the first and second experiments in the animals stimulated by the Ralgro preparation. A significant increase was recorded in the bulls at the age of 14.3 months in the second experiment (62.8 nmol.l-1, in comparison with 56.9 nmol.l-1). In both experiments an identical trend of insulin content was observed--in seven out of the total number of eight observations the animals treated with the Ralgro preparation had statistically insignificantly higher values. The largest differences were recorded at the age of 11.1 and 14.3 months in the second experiment (3.9 microIU.ml-1 and 3.6 microIU.ml-1). Significant differences were observed in testosterone concentrations in the second bulls of the test group were lower by 1.9+ nmol.l-1 and 3.4++ nmol.l-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry of testicular and sperm cells was used to evaluate effects of pre-weaning zeranol implants on spermatogenesis. Forty five Angus-Simmental bulls were randomly assigned to three treatment groups of 15 bulls each: no implant, one implant at 30 d of age and two implants, one at 30 and the second at 120 d of age. Prior to slaughter at approximately 15 mo, semen was collected from 30 bulls, 10 of each group. Following slaughter, testes were weighed, and testicular biopsies and vas deferens sperm obtained from the same 30 bulls. Testicular and sperm cells were stained with acridine orange and measured by flow cytometry. Proportions of testicular haploid, diploid and tetraploid cells were determined by relative amounts of green (DNA) and red (RNA) fluorescence. Treatment of sperm at low pH prior to acridine orange staining potentially induces partial denaturation of DNA, detectable by the metachromatic shift from green (native DNA) to red (single-stranded DNA) fluorescence. The effect of this shift was quantified by alpha-t [alpha t = red/red + green) fluorescence]. Nonimplanted bulls had heavier (P less than .01) testicular weights than treated bulls. The proportion of haploid cells was greater (P less than .02) and diploid cells less (P less than .03) in testes of nonimplanted bulls. Sperm from implanted bulls had altered chromatin structure, indicated by higher (P less than .05) alpha t values. Flow cytometry is an effective means for detecting changes in testicular cell subpopulations and chromatin structure of sperm.  相似文献   

Simmental and Hereford bulls were individually fed varying levels of the same diet to determine the effects of energy intake after weaning, degree of fatness, and short-term weight change on reproductive characteristics of yearling beef bulls. For 200 d (ending in May), 29 Simmentals were fed an average of 14.6, 19.2 or 23.8 Mcal and 27 Herefords were fed 13.4, 17.5 or 22.2 Mcal metabolizable energy per bull daily. Bulls then were adjusted to a roughage diet for 10 d before grazing brome pasture for 38 d (ending in June). Energy level did not affect motility or sperm morphology of semen collected with an artificial vagina in May and June. High energy levels were not detrimental to bull performance during a 30-min serving-capacity test in May or June. Backfat thickness was not related to semen characteristics or serving capacity. Amount of weight lost from May to June did not affect the semen quality or serving capacity of Herefords. Those Simmental bulls that had a more positive weight change from May to June had a more favorable change in semen quality from May to June (P less than .05) due to lower semen quality in May (P less than .05). The high level of energy was not detrimental to semen characteristics or serving capacity. Some of the Simmental bulls may have been underfed for maximum semen quality at the beginning of the pasture period. Within the normal range of energy fed to beef bulls from weaning to the beginning of the breeding season as yearlings, it may be more likely to underfeed breeds of large mature size than to overfeed British breeds.  相似文献   

Twenty-four half-sib Brahman bulls (171 to 276 d of age; 140.9 to 243.2 kg) were paired by age and weight and randomly allotted to one of two treatment groups (12 bulls/treatment) with two replicates (six bulls/replicate). Control treatment (C) was a 4:1 corn (IFN 4-02-931):cotton-seed meal (IFN 3-01-621) diet fed at 1% of the average body weight plus Coastal bermudagrass hay (IFN 1-00-716) ad libitum. Lasalocid treatment (L) was the control diet with the addition of 200 mg lasalocid X head-1 X d-1. Lasalocid resulted in lower acetate and butyrate with higher propionate and no change in total ruminal volatile fatty acids. Lasalocid-fed bulls tended to gain more weight (L = 153.6 +/- 8.5 kg, C = 138.4 +/- 7.9 kg; P less than .08), tended to have a greater average daily gain (ADG; L = .78 +/- .05 kg/d, C = .71 +/- .04 kg/d; P less than .09) and had greater feed conversion (11.5% less feed/kg gain) than did the control bulls. Lasalocid did not affect bull height (HT), weight:height ratio, length (LE) or heart girth (HG) at any time tested during puberal development. Lasalocid bulls exhibited a greater increase in HG through 175 d on treatment (L = 27.6 +/- 1.0 cm, C = 24.3 +/- 1.8 cm; P less than .05) and through first detected sperm (FS) in an ejaculate (L = 30.1 +/- 2.2 cm, C = 26.1 +/- 1.4 cm; P less than .05), but the increase in HG from the start of the trial through puberty was not different between treatments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of including concomitant body weight and(or) a random dam effect in genetic evaluation models on variance component estimates and standard error of prediction for scrotal circumference (SC) at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo. Variance components and average standard errors of prediction were compared under models differing in either the number of related traits (M11 [SC], M12 [SC and BW]) or an uncorrelated random dam effect (M21 [SC], M22 [SC and BW]) using records on 1,547 bull calves. In a single-trait model (M11), estimates of direct heritabilities (h2a) for SC were .45, .49, .57, and .66 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. In a two-trait model (M12), h2a were similar to those in M11 model. In M21, h2a for SC were .37, .42, .54, and .65, whereas the proportions of phenotypic variance due to dams (d2) were .12, .11, .04, and .02 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. Similarly, in M22, h2a for SC were .36, .44, .56, and .65 and d2 were .13, .10, .02, and .02. Standard errors of prediction for SC EBV from M22 were reduced by 2.86, 1.21, 3.02, and 1.99% relative to M21 and by 6.45, 2.70, 2.72, and 1.21% relative to M11 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. Standard errors of prediction for SC EBV from M12 were reduced by .06, .73, 1.56, and .87% relative to M11 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. The importance of the dam effect decreased with age for both SC and BW. These results demonstrate that a two-trait (SC and BW) animal model would result in more accurate evaluations of yearling SC EBV in beef cattle than a single-trait model.  相似文献   

A total of 144 male crossbred calves were allocated to four management treatments (bulls; steers; bulls implanted with zeranol at 100 d of age and re-implanted at 69, 93 and 56 d thereafter; bulls implanted with zeranol at 168 d of age and re-implanted at 93 and 56 d thereafter), and two pre-slaughter shipping treatments (minimum pre-slaughter stress with cattle shipped and slaughtered within 4 h of leaving the feedlot pen; moderate pre-slaughter stress with cattle mixed, trucked 160 km and slaughtered up to 24 h of leaving the feedlot pen) in a 4 X 2 factorial arrangement. Management treatment had no significant effect on carcass pH (45 min), carcass muscle temperature (45 min), or peak shear-force of cooked longissimus muscle. Steers had significantly lower dressing percentage, warm-carcass weight, hide weight and carcass-lean content, but higher marbling score, fat thickness and intramuscular-fat content than all treatments with bulls. Minimum pre-slaughter stress resulted in significantly lower dressing percentage, warm-carcass weight, and carcass pH (45 min), but generally had no effect on carcass tissue-yield measurements compared with the moderate stress treatment. Implanted bulls produced carcasses with significantly darker meat, higher 24-h pH and lower meat expressible juice than bulls and castrates for the moderate pre-slaughter stress treatment. These results provide evidence that zeranol implantation in bulls had a minor influence on carcass characteristics, and did not reduce the incidence of dark-cutting carcasses in young bulls subjected to moderate pre-slaughter shipping stress.  相似文献   

The ability of zeranol and trenbolone acetate (trenbolone) to alter testis function, weight gain and carcass traits of young bulls was studied. In Exp. 1, the effects of age at initial zeranol implantation was determined. After a 235-d experimental period, sequential implantation (56-d intervals) beginning at 100 or 150 d of age had reduced testis growth (P less than .01), sperm production (P less than .01) and serum testosterone concentration in response to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH; P less than .01). The 200-d age group was partially suppressed, while the 250-d age group was not affected. Body weights were similar to controls in all groups. In Exp. 2, bulls previously implanted with zeranol at 175 and 231 d of age received single implants of zeranol, trenbolone or trenbolone plus zeranol at approximately 300 d of age. At slaughter (135 d later), body weight and carcass characteristics in all treatments were similar to controls. However, trenbolone reduced sperm production (P less than .05), zeranol reduced sperm production and testes weight (P less than .05), but trenbolone plus zeranol was similar to controls. Mean testosterone response to GnRH was suppressed in all implant groups on d 65 (P less than .01), but only in trenbolone or trenbolone plus zeranol groups on d 112 (P less than .05). Results indicate that zeranol suppresses spermatogenesis and testosterone production if implanted before approximately 200 d of age. Reduction of endogenous testosterone without alteration of weight gain or carcass characteristics may be of benefit if behavioral or masculinity traits of bulls are altered. Also, it appears that no benefit is derived from implanting bulls with both trenbolone and zeranol.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to characterize the effects of nutrition on circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones, gonadotropins, and testosterone during sexual development in bulls. Nutrition regulated the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis through effects on the GnRH pulse generator in the hypothalamus and through direct effects on the testes. Pituitary function (gonadotropin secretion after GnRH challenge) was not affected by nutrition. However, nutrition affected LH pulse frequency and basal LH concentration during the early gonadotropin rise (10-26 weeks of age). There were close temporal associations between changes in insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations and changes in LH pulse frequency, suggesting a role for IGF-I in regulating the early gonadotropin rise in bulls. The peripubertal increase in testosterone concentration was delayed in bulls with lesser serum IGF-I concentrations (low nutrition), suggesting a role for IGF-I in regulating Leydig cell function. Serum IGF-I concentrations accounted for 72 and 67% of the variation in scrotal circumference and paired-testes volume, respectively (at any given age), indicating that IGF-I may regulate testicular growth. Bulls with a more sustained elevated LH pulse frequency during the early gonadotropin rise (high nutrition) had greater testicular mass at 70 weeks of age relative to the control group (medium nutrition), despite no differences in metabolic hormone concentrations after 26 weeks of age. Therefore, gonadotropin-independent mechanism regulating testicular growth might be dependent on previous gonadotropin milieu.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of total lipid extracts of muscle and adipose samples from crossbred bulls (N = 34) and steers (N = 35) was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Samples of semitendinosus, triceps brachii and longissimus muscle and of subcutaneous and perinephric adipose tissue were excised from the right side of each carcass. In addition, thin-layer chromatography was utilized to obtain phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions from total lipid extracts of semitendinosus and longissimus muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue from 10 bull and steer cohorts (N = 20). The most prominent sex condition effect was in percentage of total poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Bull tissues contained higher (P less than .01) percentages of PUFA than those of steers at all sampling sites. This reflected higher percentages of linoleate (C18:2), linolenate (C18:3) and arachidonate (C20:4) in bull tissues. Most of the PUFA were present as phospholipids in muscle samples. The fatty acid composition of muscle phospholipids was similar regardless of sex condition or muscle sampled. Total lipid extracts of semitendinosus and triceps brachii muscles of both bulls and steers contained from 6 to 10% more unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) compared with M. longissimus. Muscle triacylglycerols contained relatively high percentages of saturated fatty acids (SFA). Semitendinosus and longissimus samples from steers contained higher (P less than .05 and P less than .01, respectively) percentages of total SFA than those from bulls. Steer samples contained slightly higher percentages of palmitic acid (C16:0) compared with bulls at all sampling sites, and this difference was significant for M. longissimus. The fat:lean ratio of muscle tissue is the major factor that determines fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

A 2(3) factorial arrangement of treatments was utilized to determine effects of postweaning zeranol implantation, breed (Angus vs Limousin) and castration (bull vs steer) on growth, behavior and carcass traits. An initial slaughter group was used to account for breed differences in composition and to determine fat and lean growth in the 9-10-11th rib section (NTE). The remaining cattle were fed a finishing diet to a fat end point of .76 cm, as determined by a backfat probe. Control bulls outgained (P less than .01) control steers both to the first kill date and over the entire test and did not require significantly more time to reach the fat end point. The implant did not influence gain in bulls but did increase gain in steers. Angus and Limousins were similar in growth rate for the first 126 d before the first slaughter date. Limousins required more (P less than .01) time to reach the fat end point. Bulls and Limousins produced heavier (P less than .01) carcasses and larger rib eyes (P less than .05; bulls; P less than .01; Limousins). Steers and Angus had higher (P less than .01) marbling scores and lower bone maturity. Implanting decreased (P less than .05) marbling and increased carcass maturity. Small but significant shifts in carcass wholesale cut weight distribution were found between breed and sex condition groups. Bulls and Limousins had greater lean growth in the NTE. Bulls and steers were similar in fat growth, but Angus exceeded Limousin in this trait. Zeranol reduced scrotal circumference (P less than .01) and testicle weight at slaughter (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was aimed to assess the effect of pre-freeze addition of cysteine hydrochloride and glutathione (GSH) on post-thaw sperm functional parameters and field fertility. The experimental bulls (n = 6) aged 4-6 years were used for this study. A total of 36 ejaculates (six ejaculates per bull) were collected and divided into three groups, group I (control), group II (5 mm cysteine hydrochloride) and group III (5 mm GSH). The extended semen samples with and without additives were filled in mini straw using automatic filling and sealing machine and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. Post-freeze seminal traits were recorded after thawing at 37°C for 30 s. The curvilinear velocity (VCL) and amplitude of lateral head displacement values were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in GSH than the cysteine and control groups. Post-thaw plasmalemma integrity was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in GSH group when compared to cysteine and control groups. The loss of acrosomal integrity was significantly (p < 0.01) lower in GSH than in cysteine and control groups. Addition of GSH non-significantly (p = 0.1) improved mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) (per cent) than control group. This study indicates that the addition of cysteine and GSH suggestive (p = 0.08) of reducing lipid peroxide levels. The conception rate (%) in glutathione group was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that in cysteine (68 vs 58) and control (49) groups. The post-thaw sperm progressive forward motility (r = 0.4) had moderate, but no significant correlation with conception rate. However, post-thaw straight-line velocity (r = 0.7), loss of acrosomal integrity (r = -0.8) and MMP (r = 0.9) had significant (p < 0.05) correlation with field fertility. This study indicates that the use of glutathione as semen additive may be used for improving post-thaw semen quality and overall augmentation of pregnancy in cows.  相似文献   

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