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Winter mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is not a common crop in the Southeastern United States. With increased interest in biodiesel production, there has been corresponding interest in mustard in this region. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha−1) on productivity, oil content, and oil composition of winter mustard ‘Pacific Gold’ grown at three locations in Mississippi (Stoneville, and two locations at Verona, namely Verona silt loam (Verona-SL) and Verona clay (Verona-C)). Nitrogen did not affect oil content (percent oil). Seed and oil yields (kg ha−1) increased with N application relative to the unfertilized control. At the Verona-C location, the concentration of oleic acid was higher in the 50 kg N ha−1 treatment. At Stoneville, linolenic acid concentration was higher in the 150 kg N ha−1 and lower in the 100 kg/N ha−1 treatment, while it was not different in the other treatments. Overall, the yield of the fatty acids (FA) palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosanoic, behenic, erucic, lignoceric, and nervonic acid increased with higher N rates (100 or 150 kg N/h). The highest yield of FA in the two Verona locations were achieved in the 100 kg N ha−1, while greatest yield of FA at Stoneville was achieved in the highest N rate (150 kg N ha−1). Means of mustard oil yields in our study in the higher fertility treatment ranged from 737 to 1094 kg ha−1. This study demonstrated winter mustard production in Mississippi and possibly other areas in the Southeastern United States can be successful and could provide seed and oil yields comparable to yields from other production areas.  相似文献   

Seeds of sixty four genotypes ofBrassica campestris L. (Toria) were analyzed for oil content and fatty acid composition. Oil content varied from 38.9% to 44.6%. Major fatty acids viz. oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosenoic and erucic acids exhibited ranges from 10.1% to 17.3%, 5.9% to 14.5%, 5.2% to 15.0%, 7.7% to 13.7% and 39.6% to 59.9%, respectively. Compared to the standard cultivar ITSA, four genotypes contained 5 to 8% lower content of erucic acid; and six genotypes contained significantly higher content of linoleic acid. Oil was positively correlated with erucic acid. The observed inverse relationship between linoleic and erucic acid contents might be utilized in breeding nutritionally better Toria cultivars with both high linoleic and low erucic acid contents.  相似文献   

Barley oil was extracted with hexane from the grain of a high oil waxy hull-les barley. Twelve male broiler chicks were fed corn-based diets with either 10% barley oil, 10% corn oil or 10% margarinead libitum for ten days. Total plasma cholesterol concentration of the chicks fed barley oil was 34% lower (p<0.05) than that of the chicks fed margarine. Plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration of chicks fed barley oil was 53% and 59% lower (p<0.05) than those of chicks fed corn oil and margarine, respectively. Plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentration of the barley oil group were similar to those of the margarine but higher (p<0.05) than those of the corn oil group. Chicks fed the barley oil gained more (p<0.05) body weight than those fed the corn oil and margarine. Barley oil had an effect in suppression of TC and LDLC in chicks compared to margarine. Barley oil supressed LDLC but not HDLC in chicks compared to corn oil. A greater weight gain of the chicks fed barley oil suggested that these chicks had normally functioning digestion and absorption. -Tocotrienol and -tocotrienol content of the barley oil were 24 and 17 times greater, respectively, than those observed in the corn oil, while the same fractions were not detectable in the margarine. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content of the barley oil was more than threefold that of margarine. These data suggest that -tocotrienol and polyunsaturated fatty acids are hypocholesterolemic components in barley oil.Contribution No. J-2617, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. This research was supported, in part, by grants from the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, Great Falls, MT and Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH.  相似文献   

A method using methanolic sulphuric acid as transmethylating reagent was developed for determining the fatty acid composition of lipids of oats. The method was optimised for reaction conditions and applied to the determination of the fatty acid composition of lipids of a number of varieties of Australian oats grown in several locations. Thirteen fatty acids were detected with oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids comprising more than 95% of the total fatty acids. Total lipid content of the oats was positively related to the proportion of stearic (r=0·32) and oleic (r=0·81) acids and negatively correlated with the proportion of palmitic (r=−0·64), linoleic (r=−0·39) and linolenic (r=−0·65) acids. Significant positive correlations were found between total lipid content and absolute content of the major fatty acids (r=0·670·98), except for linolenic acid (r=0·12). Environment had significant effects on fatty acid composition, but variety was the controlling factor. The broad sense heritability estimated from individual plot ranged from 69 to 73% and that from the average of three replications and eight locations ranged from 94 to 98% for the major fatty acids. It is possible to improve fatty acid composition of oats by breeding procedures.  相似文献   

Seeds of a Tunisian variety (Béjaoui) of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) were analysed for their main chemical composition and for their oil properties. Expressed on dry weight basis, seed moisture was 8.46%, whereas contents of proteins, fibre, ash, fat, and total sugars established at 33.92%, 3.97%, 21.97%, 31.57%, and 0.11% respectively. Gas chromatography revealed that the major fatty acids were oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acids (44.11%, 34.77%, and 15.97% respectively). Seed oil was also found to be rich in tocopherols with a predominance of δ-tocopherol (42.27%). The sterol marker β-sisosterol accounted for 39.6% of total sterols contained in seed oil of this variety. Six phenolic acids (protocatechuic, caffeic, syringic, vanillic, p-coumaric and ferulic) were detected, the syringic acid being predominant (7.96 mg/100 g). As a whole, based on its seed oil features, pumpkin may be considered as a valuable source for new multi-purpose products for industrial, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical utilisation.  相似文献   

The phytochemical composition of three aromatic plants (Cistus ladanifer L., Cupressus lusitanica Mill. and Eucalyptus gunnii Hook. f) was evaluated, in order to valorize them as sources of nutraceuticals. Samples were analysed for ascorbic acid by spectrophotometric assay, tocopherols by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a fluorescence detector, sugars by HPLC coupled to a refraction index detector (RID), and fatty acids by gas-chromatography (GC) coupled to a flame ionization detector (FID). The analysed plants contain very useful compounds such as vitamins (ascorbic acid and tocopherols), reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, α-linoleic and eicosadienoic acids). Their vitamins and sugars could be useful in diseases related to oxidative stress, in dermatological applications or in cosmetics. The polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6 families, detected in the plants constitute another important class of phytochemicals due to their generalized beneficial health effects.  相似文献   

Utilization of long‐chain fatty acids (LCFA) as diet composition markers, combined or not with alkanes, was evaluated in a study performed with sheep, goats and cattle fed on two different diets composed of herbaceous species and heather. Proportions of plant species were estimated from LCFA concentrations in plant species and faeces, using least‐square procedures, and were compared with those obtained using alkanes or LCFA + alkane. The impact of grouping plant species with similar LCFA + alkane profiles and the application of different levels of feeding selectivity within the dietary group on the accuracy of estimates were also assessed. Results showed that LCFA faecal recoveries were incomplete and tended to increase with carbon‐chain length in a curvilinear fashion in both diets and all animal species. Furthermore, differences between ruminant species and diets in the LCFA faecal recovery were observed. Combination of alkanes and LCFA provided the most accurate estimates of diet composition, while estimates based on LCFA alone were better than those using alkanes alone. Accuracy of these estimates differed among animal species but was not influenced by diet composition. Grouping plant species with similar LCFA + alkane profiles reduced the accuracy of estimates with a clear underestimation of the dietary group.  相似文献   

本研究测定了光照强度为16~58μmol/(m2·s)和15~30℃条件下球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis sphaerica)的生长曲线以及脂肪酸组成和含量.结果表明,在设置的光照强度范围内,光照强度越强,微藻的生长速度越快.光强对各种脂肪酸的含量影响有差异,过低和过高都不利于藻体内多不饱和脂肪酸(Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,PUFAs)的积累.当光强为24μmol/( m2.s)时二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic Acid,DHA,C22:6 n-3)的积累量最高,占总脂肪酸的11.77%.球等鞭金藻的最适生长温度在20—25℃之间,低温条件有利于不饱和脂肪酸的积累.光强20μmol/( m2.s)、温度20℃条件下总不饱和脂肪酸(Total Unsaturated Fatty Acids,TUFAs)含量最高,达64.99%;同样的光强,温度15℃条件下DHA占总脂肪酸的12.19%.可见适宜的光强和温度是利用球等鞭金藻收获PUFAs的关键.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) concentration of herbage and lipid metabolism in silage, mainly oxidation and lipolysis, of different species (perennial ryegrass, red clover and white clover) and three cultivars of white and red clover at three cutting dates in the growing season (April, July and October) were studied. FA concentration and composition was strongly affected by species and cutting date. Perennial ryegrass had lower concentrations of C16:1, C18:0, C18:1 and C18:2 than red and white clover. Within red and white clover, the effect of cultivar was small. Oxidation of C18:3 during wilting was different between species and cutting date despite similar wilting conditions. Lipolysis in silage was also influenced by cutting date, species and to some extent by cultivar. Furthermore, in some cuts silages of red and white clover displayed a lower lipolysis than silage of perennial ryegrass. On average, over the three cutting dates proportionately 0·903, 0·864 and 0·857 of the membrane lipids in perennial ryegrass, red clover and white clover were hydrolysed during ensiling. In red clover this could be due to the lipid-protecting properties of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity. This was not observed in perennial ryegrass or white clover. Nevertheless, differences in lipolysis in silage between cultivars of red clover were not correlated with PPO activity.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region suffers of drought which affects plant behaviour regarding biochemical responses. Accordingly, the effects of water deficit on growth, essential oil and fatty acid composition of caraway (Carum carvi L.) seeds were investigated. Plants were treated with different levels of water deficit: control, moderate water deficit and severe water deficit. Plant growth (height, fresh and dry matter weight) was significantly reduced by severe water deficit. This last caused also important reductions of the seed yield and yield components. Drought decreased significantly seed total fatty acid contents and particularly the petroselinic ones whose proportions decreased significantly by 12.17 and 18.47%, in comparison with the control, under moderate water deficit and severe water deficit, respectively. Besides, moderate water deficit increased the essential oil yield (expressed as g/100 g on the basis of dry matter weight). The main essential oil constituents were carvone and limonene which showed an increasing of their contents under water deficit levels. Thus, water deficit induced a significant reduction in growth parameters and fatty acid content, and an increase in the essential oil compounds. These bioactive compounds have been required in many industrial products.  相似文献   

The physicochemical composition ofSclerocarya birrea was assessed by standard methods and was found to contain 11.0% Crude oil, 17.2% Carbohydrate, 36.70% Crude protein 3.4% fibre and 0.9% crude saponins. The fatty acid distribution in the seed oil was obtained by fractionating the volatised fatty acid by GC-MS. The oil is made up of nine fatty acids of which palmitic, stearic and arachidonic acids are the most dominant.  相似文献   

植物油中的氧化脂肪酸主要是亚油酸(linoleic acid, LA)和亚麻酸(linolenic acid, ALA)等多不饱和脂肪酸在酶、光照、加热等条件下产生的过氧化羟基脂肪酸(hydroperoxyl fatty acid)、羟基脂肪酸(hydroxy fatty acids)和环氧基脂肪酸(epoxy fatty acid)等。这些氧化脂肪酸的变化在一定程度上反映了油脂本身的氧化稳定性和氧化初期的变化,可作为植物油氧化初级阶段标志物。本研究基于高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱(high performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry,HPLC-Qq Q-MS/MS)联用技术,对室温和180℃加热处理30min后的菜籽油、葵花油、紫苏油、亚麻籽油中氧化脂肪酸进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明,相比于室温,经180℃加热处理30min,4种植物油中的LA、ALA等多不饱和脂肪酸含量下降;大部分LA、ALA类氧化脂肪酸的含量明显提高。经主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA),不同种类和处理下的植物油样本聚类明显,差异显著;经偏最小二乘法判别分析(Partial least squares discriminant analysis,PLS-DA),发现了植物油加热氧化初期的13-HODE、13-oxo-ODE、12,13-Ep OME、9,10-Ep ODE、12,13-Ep ODE、15,16-Ep ODE六种潜在的标志物,本研究对植物油氧化初期的评价以及植物油氧化初级阶段机制的深入研究具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Peanut genotypes belonging to Virginia Runner, Virginia Bunch and Spanish Bunch groups exhibiting spreading, semi-spreading and erect growth habits, respectively, were compared for oil content and fatty acid composition. Mean values of oil content of the three peanut groups did not differ much, however, a marked difference was observed in fatty acid composition. Oleic acid concentrations were in the order of Virginia Runner > Virginia Bunch Spanish Bunch. This trend was reverse with respect to linoleic acid concentration. Virginia Runner genotypes having higher oleic—linoleic acid (O/L) ratio and corresponding lower iodine value of oil have greater oil stability and would incur lower cost of hydrogenation. Oil of Spanish Bunch and Virginia Bunch genotypes is nutritionally better due to a higher concentration of linoleic acid and may be used as refined oil. Oleic acid concentration was negatively correlated with that of linoleic acid, suggesting that selection of genotypes in each group, with improved industrial or nutritional qualities would be possible.  相似文献   

邓德力  王斌  曾长英  郭鑫  彭明 《热带作物学报》2015,36(11):1986-1993
在2个木薯品种中检测MeGSTU7基因在不同干旱胁迫阶段的表达量变化,并克隆测序了60个木薯品种的基因区DNA序列,分析基因核苷酸多态性及其自然变异,并将核苷酸多态性与干旱胁迫表型关联分析,挖掘优等位变异。结果表明,干旱胁迫条件下,2个品种的MeGSTU7的表达量均上调。MeGSTU7基因区核苷酸变异丰富,共有23个SNP位点,A/G突变为主;外显子区总计10个同义突变,12个非同义突变;外显子区在品种资源群体中有4种主要单倍型,所有的单倍型分为两大类,分子进化分析表明,MeGSTU7的外显子区的两端受到很强的正选择作用;Q+K+MLM混合线性模型关联分析结果表明,1个Indel和2个SNP与干旱胁迫下地上部鲜重耐旱系数显著关联,并筛选得到了优等位变异。  相似文献   

Two medicinally important seed oils viz. Mimusops elengi and Parkinsonia aculeata were analyzed for fatty acids distribution pattern in triacylglycerols using pancreatic lipase hydrolysis method. The seed oils contain high percentage of unsaturated acids (M. elengi 64.8% and P. aculeata 82.7%). The lipolytic data revealed that linoleic acid dominates at 2-position of triacylglycerols of all seed oils. M. elengi contain erucic acid in small amount (0.3%).  相似文献   

Vernonia galamensis is a new potential industrial oilseed crop with origin in East Africa. The seed oil has unique chemical and physical properties, that will permit its use in the formulation of reactive diluents, products to serve as solvents that become part of the dry paint surface and do not evaporate to pollute the air. A collection of 41 accessions was evaluated for seed and leaf fatty acid composition. In the seed, vernolic acid (C18:10) varied from 54 to 74%, and linoleic acid (C18:2) from 3 to 32%. In the leaf linolenic acid (C18:3) varied from 41 to 59%, palmitic (C16:0) from 12 to 22% and C18:4 from 8 to 17%. Correlation analysis between the seed fatty acids showed that vernolic acid is negatively correlated with C16:0, C18:0, C18:2, C18:3. In the leaf, negative correlations between C18:3 and the other leaf fatty acids were observed. C18:2 and C18:3 showed negative and positive correlations, respectively between the leaves and the seed. In general, there is a wide range of fatty acid composition specially vernolic and linolenic acids in the seed and in the leaf, respectively which might indicate the potential for oil quality improvement of V. galamensis.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried leaf protein concentrate (LPC) contained 18% lipids in which linolenic acid (61.5%) was the major component. Linolenic acid in LPC was almost stable when stored at ambient temperature (30 to 35°C) and exposed to air for 24 weeks. Heating of LPC (50 to 200°C) in presence of moisture (6 to 12%) progressively increased the rate of destruction of linolenic acid. Below 100°C the presence of lipids did not affect the protein quality but at higher temperatures due to the lipid oxidation protein quality as estimated by dye-binding capacity was considerably affected.  相似文献   

小麦β-酮脂酰CoA合成酶基因KCS的克隆与酵母表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超长链脂肪酸是生物体内众多重要物质的合成底物。KCS基因编码β-酮脂酰CoA合成酶,该酶具有底物特异性,参与超长链脂肪酸延伸的缩合反应,是超长链脂肪酸合成的限速步骤。为了探究小麦KCS基因在超长链脂肪酸合成中的功能,采用同源克隆的方法从小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中克隆出KCS基因后,利用生物信息学对其编码序列进行分析,并在酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)中对其进行真核表达。结果表明,小麦TaKCS6基因的开放阅读框为1 287bp,编码428个氨基酸残基。结构域预测结果显示,TaKCS6蛋白含有III型聚酮合酶脂肪酸延伸酶和C末端3-酰基ACP合酶III结构域,属于KCSs蛋白家族。序列比对分析结果显示,TaKCS6氨基酸序列与拟南芥及其他植物的KCS6氨基酸序列在两个功能结构域上和活性位点保守。酵母表达结果显示,TaKCS6基因编码的蛋白参与C24以上超长链脂肪酸的延伸。  相似文献   

It is well established that inulin-type fructans, such as oligofructose derived from chicory root, improve gastrointestinal health via fermentation and proliferation of desirable bacteria in the large bowel. However, differences in fructan structure may contribute significantly to different fermentation and subsequent metabolic effects. Here we ascertain the chain length of two novel cereal fructans (graminan) isolated from wheat stem and barley grain, and investigate their fermentation capacity in vitro, in comparison to inulin and oligofructose. Fractions, representing three predominant fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) size ranges from each source, were fermented and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) production was measured after 24 h of batch culture. Graminan FOS when fermented produced similar levels of total SCFA as oligofructose and inulin. The fermentation of high DP FOS fractions of barley grain and wheat stem (DP 5–15) produced more propionate than oligofructose. Graminan fructans may provide a useful alternative source of oligofructose with potential additional health benefits.  相似文献   

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