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渭河流域全新世土壤剖面木炭屑记录及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外采样及其磁化率、总有机碳(TOC)、木炭屑的分析,探讨全新世野火活动与生态环境演变的关系。研究结果表明:TOC并不能完全指示野火活动,木炭屑是指示野火活动的理想指标,木炭屑对生态环境演变特征具有环境指示意义。末次冰期11500aB.P.之前,渭河流域气候干旱,植被为半荒漠草原,自然野火频繁发生;全新世早期(11500~8500aB.P.)野火发生频率大大降低;全新世气候适宜期(8500~3100aB.P.),气候比较湿润,生物风化成壤作用强烈,自然野火发生几率明显下降,但不同地点人类活动引发的野火活动存在区域差异;全新世晚期近3100年以来,气候向干旱化发展,加之人类利用土地活动加剧,生物量燃烧的规模大幅度增加;1500aB.P.以后,木炭屑浓度大幅度减少,野火发生频率大大降低。可能由于渭河流域土地利用方式发生重大改变,人工自然复合生态景观基本形成,因而不再大规模放火烧荒。此外,木炭屑对人类活动的遗迹具有指示作用。  相似文献   

参照OSL测年和考古与历史学断代,利用黄土—土壤剖面沉积物中炭屑和黑碳(焦炭和烟炱)记录,结合磁化率、有机碳等古环境指标,揭示过去12000年火灾历史演变过程。炭屑和黑碳浓度研究结果表明:全新世早期区域野火活动频繁发生,中期火灾很少,晚期本地火灾频率呈现增长态势。黑碳(烟炱和焦炭)和炭屑分析呈现不平行变化趋势,可能是生物质燃烧的物质排放方式和传输过程的区域差异引起。距今3500~2800年间,黑碳和炭屑颗粒浓度峰值与全新世短尺度恶化气候事件具有明显同步性;同期,先周人部落大规模土地开垦发展旱作农业活动加剧。黄土高原千年尺度火灾变化与季风气候变化之间的关系表明:全新世以来,野火频率变化取决于区域气候有效湿度和人类土地利用及其对气候变化的响应。  相似文献   

通过对老官台全新世黄土剖面12种微量元素的测定分析,结合本剖面已测定的粒度、磁化率、光释光(OSL)年龄,研究和揭示了它们在表生环境下的地球化学特征和古气候意义。微量元素在风化成壤过程中,其活动性由强至弱顺序为BaSrCdPbLiZnCuCrMnCoRbNi。其中Rb、Li、Cr、Co、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni八种元素在土壤形成过程中相对富集,含量较高;Sr、Ba、Cd三种元素在土壤中相对淋失,含量较低;但Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb五种元素对黄土层和土壤层的区别不是很明显。因此,Rb、Li、Cr、Co的高含量反映了较温湿的成壤环境,低含量反映了较冷干的粉尘加积环境;而Sr、Ba、Cd低含量反映了较温湿的成壤环境,高含量反映了较冷干的粉尘加积环境。Pb、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ni、Cd元素含量在表土层中的富集主要与现代耕作活动或工业污染有关,反映了人类活动强度的不断增强。LGT剖面主要微量元素的变化清楚地记录了关中盆地自末次冰消期以来气候环境经历的显著波动变化。  相似文献   

关中东部地区全新世土壤发育及记录的水文事件   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过对华县老官台全新世黄土-古土壤高分辨率的研究,揭示关中盆地在全新世曾有两个重要的湿润多雨、地表径流活跃的时期。其中第一个时期发生在全新世初期的90 0 0~85 0 0aBP ,它表现为末次冰期结束后气候在向全新世大暖期发展过程中,湿度的增加滞后于温度的增加。第二个时期发生在4 0 0 0~36 0 0aBP ,此时正是夏代文化发展的时期,在研究地点周围,人类活动对环境的影响加强了面流侵蚀和堆积作用的过程  相似文献   

关中东部TSG全新世剖面粒度分形特征及古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分形理论计算可知,关中东部TSG全新世剖面的土壤粒度分布具有分形特征,剖面分形维数值在2.5443~2.7123之间,其中古土壤S0的分形维数均值最大。粒度分形维数的高值指示暖湿的气候,低值指示干冷的气候。分形特征所揭示的关中东部地区的环境演变过程为:全新世早期,粒度分形维数值相对偏低,风尘堆积占优势,为干旱寒冷的环境,成壤作用较弱;全新世中期,粒度分形维数值偏大,其平均值为2.6713,指示温暖湿润的气候,成壤作用较强;全新世晚期以来,粒度分形维数值降低,土壤颗粒粒径增大,气候变得相对干旱,成壤作用也减弱,但是全新世晚期的分形维数值高于末次冰期。  相似文献   

豫中黄土地区全新世土壤剖面成壤环境变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对河南新郑黄土-土壤剖面的野外考察及室内的磁化率、烧失量、碳酸钙及粒度分析研究,认为:豫西山地山前丘陵台地的完整黄土-土壤剖面,是在气候波动变化的条件下形成的。全新世气候的变化,导致了以风尘堆积为主的成黄土期与以风化成壤作用为主的成壤期互相更迭。在全新世早期,风尘堆积旺盛,形成了过渡性黄土层(Lt),在8500aB.P.~3100aB.P.的全新世大暖期,发育了浊红棕色古土壤(S0)。这一时期降水丰沛,土壤水分充足,导致了古土壤层(S0)及其以下的过渡层(Lt)、马兰黄土层(L1)顶部都受到了明显的淋溶作用影响,而完全脱钙。3100a B.P.之后,气候恶化,沙尘暴活动显著增强,加之黄河下游人类活动影响不断加剧,黄泛平原风沙活动十分强烈,风尘堆积形成了沙质黄土(L0)。1500aB.P.以来,近代黄土持续堆积,由于气候的转暖与人类农业耕作影响在持续堆积的近代黄土L0表层形成了现代土壤(TS)。  相似文献   

吴起全新世土壤剖面常量元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤的化学成分不但与化学风化作用有关,还与其物源的化学组成紧密相关。对来自于陕西省吴起县城南偏东17 km的土壤剖面(0~1.6 m)进行年代学和化学元素分析,探讨吴起土壤剖面的时代、成因、物源及化学风化程度。14C年代学结果表明吴起土壤剖面为全新世时期形成的黑垆土;化学元素组成的高度一致性、UCC标准化曲线及元素比值与典型风成沉积物趋势总体接近佐证了吴起土壤剖面的风成成因;化学风化程度研究显示吴起土壤剖面处于初等弱风化阶段和去Na、Ca阶段;示踪元素比值分布指示吴起土壤剖面与洛川古土壤、灵台古土壤、灵台红粘土、镇江下蜀土存在相似的源区。  相似文献   

西安地区全新世气候变化与土壤侵蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示西安地区全新世环境变化和黄土地层的侵蚀期,利用野外调查和化学分析等方法,研究了西安地区全新世黄土与古土壤发育时的气候变化和不同气候阶段的土壤侵蚀。通过野外调查,在西安白鹿塬区发现了在黄土塬区很少见到全新世中期古土壤分为3个层次,整个全新世黄土剖面可分为5层,表明黄土塬区全新世气候变化与沙尘暴活动与河谷地区一样可分为5个阶段。土层氧化物、微量元素、CaCO3含量和磁化率测定结果显示,西安白鹿塬区全新世8 500~6 000年和5 000~3 100年古土壤发育时较10 000~8 500年、6 000~5 000年和3 100年以来的黄土发育时夏季风活动强,降水量多,气候湿润,沙尘暴活动弱。中全新世8 500~6 000年间发育的S02古土壤中Fe2O3和Al2O3有一定富集,该层土壤类型相当于黄棕壤,指示当时年平均降水量较现今多150 mm左右。虽然沙尘暴活动很弱的间冰期是黄土地层理论上的侵蚀期,但是实际上这一时期的土壤侵蚀很弱。全新世黄土的侵蚀主要发生在气候冷干时期,不是发生在温湿时期。全新世中期6 000~5 000年间的黄土侵蚀率一般大于堆积率,使得广大地区全新世中期的薄层黄土在绝大多数地区受到侵蚀而消失。全新世中期薄层黄土发育时气候变冷干引起的植被退化是当时土壤侵蚀加强和出现侵蚀期的原因。  相似文献   

贡嘎山区全新世冰川变化与泥石流发育的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑本兴  马秋华 《山地研究》1994,12(1):1-8,T001
贡嘎山区在全新世初期(10000-7500aBP),气候渐暖,冰川后退,泥石流发生频次剧增;中期(7500-4000aBP),出现高温气候,冰川强烈后退,沉积物则以冰水河流相为主;晚期(<400aBP),气候转冷,出现新冰期。嗣后,气候转暖,但有三次明显的冰进过程;400aBP前,气候再度转冷,出现小冰期,大量的泥石流点是出现在气候转暖,冰川退缩的初始阶段。  相似文献   

周原全新世复合古土壤和成壤环境的微形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对陕西周原黄土剖面的微形态研究 ,结合微量元素、粒度及磁化率分析 ,探讨了黄土风化成壤的特征 ;揭示出该剖面的全新世古土壤S0 是温暖湿润的环境下形成的具有强烈粘化特征的复合土壤 ,是 60 0 0~ 5 0 0 0aB .P .出现的区域性干旱气候事件造成风尘加速堆积的结果。关中盆地在 85 0 0~60 0 0aB .P .风化成壤最为强烈 ,气候最为暖湿。在 5 0 0 0~ 3 1 0 0aB .P .又出现了一个比较强烈的成壤时期。而最近 3 1 0 0年以来是一个风尘堆积较强的相对干旱期。  相似文献   

X-荧光光谱仪、磁化率仪和激光粒度仪对尧禾村(YHC)全新世黄土-古土壤序列的微量元素、磁化率、粘粒(<5μm)含量进行了测量。将磁化率曲线、粘粒曲线、Rb/Sr变化曲线和Ba/Sr变化曲线进行了对比分析发现:YHC剖面的磁化率曲线、粘粒曲线、Rb/Sr曲线和Ba/Sr曲线具有高度的同步同向变化趋势,可很好的指示研究区域内全新世的气候变化。而元素的含量变化是该区域气候变化的结果,其中Pb元素在黄土中的含量明显高于古土壤层,属于淋失性元素。Mn、Cr、Cu、Zn、Co、Ti元素在古土壤含量高于黄土层,属于富集性元素。  相似文献   

山东中部全新世环境演变与人类文化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全新世环境演变及其气候事件对古文化发展的影响是目前环境考古研究的热点。根据山东中部龙山镇山城村全新世黄土-古土壤及埋藏文化层的关系,利用色度、磁化率、粒度、碳酸钙含量等气候替代指标,揭示了全新世气候演变,早期(11500 a B.P.~8500 a B.P.)变暖,中期暖湿(8500 a B.P.~3100 a B.P.)和后期(3100 a B.P.以来)逐渐转凉,其中大暖期记录了3次气候寒冷事件。通过分析全新世气候阶段性、气候事件与古文化时空的耦合关系发现:在全新世最为暖湿的阶段(8500 aB.P.~4000 a B.P.),依次发展了后李文化、北辛文化、大汶口文化和龙山文化。其中,8200 a B.P.、5500 a B.P.气候事件没有对文化发展产生明显负面影响,反而对文化发展起了一定催化剂的作用。4000 a B.P.气候事件在剖面中表现明显,来自北部、东北部的大量风沙使淄博、潍坊等地龙山人的生存环境急剧恶化,进而使喜暖湿的稻作农业受到极大摧毁,人地资源矛盾突出,导致优秀的龙山文化被古朴的岳石文化所取代。  相似文献   

W.D. Nettleton  M.D. Mays 《CATENA》2007,69(3):220-229
There is much interest in predicting future carbon-soil degradation and that occurring today. We have National Soil Survey Laboratory data to assess some of the soil carbon degradation in the Great Basin and western Utah. For this we included data on 32 Nevada and Utah soils on Pleistocene geomorphic surfaces at elevations of 973 to 3172 m. Their mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranges from 20 to 55 cm and mean annual soil temperatures (MAST) from 5 to 12 °C. The MAP and MAST closely correlate with elevation (E) (r = 0.96 and − 0.97 respectively). Mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle) dominates vegetation at the higher, colder elevations. Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle and Young) and juniper (Juniperus L.) dominate at intermediate elevations. Little sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula Nutt.) and related desert species dominate at the lower, warmer elevations. We used acid dichromate digestion and FeSO4 titration to analyze for soil organic carbon (SOC) and bulk density and coarse fragments in the soils to put the data on a volume basis. The soils are well drained and uncultivated. Accumulation of organic carbon in each pedon (OCp) is correlated to MAP and MAST (r = 0.81, and − 0.78 respectively). We predicted OCp from the relationship,
r2 = 0.64, S.E. = 1.30, n = 32. The soil OC degradation that may have occurred through the Holocene ranges from 35% at sites of the present Aridisols and Vertisols to 22% for the sites of the Mollisols and Alfisols. Eq. (1) shows that today, MAST rises of 1 to 3 °C would produce further OCp degradation from today's levels of 1% to 13% in Aridisols and Vertisols and 12% to 25% in the Mollisols and Alfisols respectively. It also shows that if the MAST drop of 6 °C predicted for the Pleistocene occurred, many of the Aridisols and Vertisols likely would have been Mollisols or Alfisols during the Pleistocene. A temperature rise of 1 °C in a century would likely move the Mollisol–Aridisol boundary from its present 2300 m elevation to an elevation of about 2900 m. A temperature rise of 3 °C in a century would likely move the Mollisol–Aridisol boundary from its present 2300 m elevation to elevations of the highest elevations in Nevada and to the middle of Idaho. Increasing the temperature by 3 °C will likely also increase the area affected by severe desertification in the southern Great Basin north by about 20%.  相似文献   

土壤质地判定是一个受多种因素影响并具有模糊性的评判问题,宜采用模糊综合评判方法.以卡钦斯基土壤分类标准为基础,采用岭型隶属函数,运用加权平均的模糊综合评判方法,对关中地区4个剖面30层的全新世黄土粒度实测数据进行土壤质地的综合评判.结果表明,在所测的4个剖面中,马兰黄土(L_1)、淀积层(C_k)和全新世黄土(L_0)这3个土层判定的土壤质地类型是相同的,因而不具有指示意义.存在土壤质地差异的是全新世古土壤(S_0)、风化淋滤黄土(C_1)和现代表土(T_s)这3个层位,其中S_0和C_1层位还表现出自东向西,土壤质地类型由重壤变为中壤和由中壤变为轻壤的方向性,而Ts层位由于受人类活动影响明显,变化方向不确定.  相似文献   

A Holocene alluvial morphostratigraphy, based on geomorphological mapping, sedimentological analysis, soil development and radiocarbon chronology is presented for the semiarid Blanca basin in the Bardenas Reales Natural Park (NE, Spain). Four morphopedosedimentary alluvial units (MU1, MU2, MU3 and MU4) were differentiated, which may correspond to two palaeogeographical stages. The first one includes the morphopedosedimentary unit MU1 and is the most extensive in the area. It is made up of a complex aggradation (fill up) sequence comprising a braided channel system, a sand–mud flat (9200–7900 cal BP) and a playa-lake environment related to a nearly closed depression. An intensive fluvial entrenchment period is recognized, leading the opening of the Blanca basin, before the second stage that includes the units MU2, MU3 and MU4. This set of units forms a sequence of cut-and-fill and nested fill terraces recording the alluvial activity in the Blanca basin during the last 6 ka. The MU2 unit, 5900–3300 cal BP in age, represents a period of high geomorphic instability with rapid alluvial sedimentation/channel incision oscillating changes. On the other hand, the MU3 unit has an age of 1050–500 cal BP and appears as a thin extensive alluvial cover overlying previous units. Finally, the MU4 unit comprises superposition of numerous flood depositional sequences, centimetric in scale, dated from 450–10 cal BP. The established soil chronosequence supports the numerical chronology of the four units. These accumulation periods (MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4) are associated with dry phases and/or high hydrological variability (floods and droughts) at a regional scale. Changes on the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation mode over Southern Europe may provide the key to explain the nature of alluvial activity during Holocene in Bardenas Reales.  相似文献   

Forests naturally maintained by stand-replacing wildfires are often managed with clearcut harvesting, yet we know little about how replacing wildfire with clearcutting affects soil processes and properties. We compared the initial recovery of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and dynamics following disturbance in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in northern Lower Michigan, USA, by sampling soils (Oa+A horizons) from three “treatments”: 3-6-year-old harvest-regenerated stands, 3-6-year-old wildfire-regenerated stands and 40-55-year-old intact, mature stands (n=4 stands per treatment). We measured total C and N; microbial biomass and potentially mineralizable C and N; net nitrification; and gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification. Burned stands exhibited reduced soil N but not C, whereas clearcut and mature stands had similar quantities of soil organic matter. Both disturbance types reduced microbial biomass C compared to mature stands; however, microbial biomass N was reduced in burned stands but not in clearcut stands. The experimental C and N mineralization values were fit to a first-order rate equation to estimate potentially mineralizable pool size (C0 and N0) and rate parameters. Values for C0 in burned and clearcut stands were approximately half that of the mature treatment, with no difference between disturbance types. In contrast, N0 was lowest in the wildfire stands (170.2 μg N g−1), intermediate in the clearcuts (215.4 μg N g−1) and highest in the mature stands (244.6 μg N g−1). The most pronounced difference between disturbance types was for net nitrification. These data were fit to a sigmoidal growth equation to estimate potential NO3 accumulation (Nitmax) and kinetic parameters. Values of Nitmax in clearcut soils exceeded that of wildfire and mature soils (149.2 vs. 83.5 vs. 96.5 μg NO3-N g−1, respectively). Moreover, the clearcut treatment exhibited no lag period for net NO3 production, whereas the burned and mature treatments exhibited an approximate 8-week lag period before producing appreciable quantities of NO3. There were no differences between disturbances in gross rates of mineralization or nitrification; rather, lower NO3 immobilization rates in the clearcut soils, 0.20 μg NO3 g−1 d−1 compared to 0.65 in the burned soils, explained the difference in net nitrification. Because the mobility of NO3 and NH4+ differs markedly in soil, our results suggest that differences in nitrification between wildfire and clearcutting could have important consequences for plant nutrition and leaching losses following disturbance.  相似文献   

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