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A systems approach has been taken to a review of agricultural education programmes and as the essential theme of resultant curricula at Hawkesbury Agricultural College in Australia. The systems thinking and practices which have guided, and been shaped by, the innovations are outlined, and the rationale and framework of the major programme are described. The subsequent emphasis has been placed on effective learning for agricultural managers and their technologist advisors. It is argued that problem solving and learning are essentially the same psychological processes and that taking a systems approach to investigating problem situations provides a more useful paradigm for learning about agriculture than reductionist, discipline-based approaches. Experiential learning and autonomy in learning are seen as consistent with this and are basic features of the programmes. A conceptual framework for problem solving that incorporates soft and hard systems and scientific reductionist methodologies has been developed. A contingency approach to situation improving is emerging as a less restrictive and more realistic alternative to a normative approach to problem solving.  相似文献   

张平  曾聪  邹杰 《农机化研究》2007,(10):228-231
从农业技术推广角度,寻求解决贫困地区农业技术落后的途径;从理论研究角度,结合贫困地区农业技术推广现状,对农技推广中存在的问题进行深入分析;创造性地提出了以农业技术推广委员会为指导、以信息中心和推广站为平台,以高校、科研机构和企业等中介组织为支撑的农业技术推广模式;并建设性地提出了适应市场经济体制的促进农业技术推广的策略.  相似文献   

In the 1970s and 1980s much progress has been made in studying agricultural production systems by using simulation modelling of agronomic processes. The International Benchwork Sites Network for Agrotechnology Transfer (IBSNAT) group in the USA and the group around Professor Kees De Wit in Wageningen were active in this new area of research which created an important ‘niche’ within the agricultural sciences because of its integrative, interdisciplinary character and its focus on quantitative, process-based approaches. A first joint scientific meeting of the two groups was held in Bangkok in 1991 (SAAD1 conference: Systems Analysis for Agricultural Development). At the SAAD2 conference at IRRI in 1995, in which also other groups took part, notably the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit (APSRU) group from Australia, the International Consortium for Agricultural Systems Applications (ICASA) was established as a forum for researchers engaged in the study of agricultural systems at different spatial scales ranging from fields, farms to regions and beyond. The ICASA is an informal network with a focus on three major activities: (1) sharing experiences and joint development of compatible software allowing more widespread use of models having been developed by various member groups; (2) organization of joint courses on different aspects of dynamic modelling of agricultural production systems. There is an increasing interest in such courses, also in developing countries, and local researchers increasingly take an active part in them; and (3) joint research on projects dealing with dynamic characterization of agronomic production systems at different spatial scales. ICASA researchers take part in eco-regional methodology development, through projects that are funded by the Dutch and Swiss governments, with ISNAR acting as the administrative agency. ICASA intends to be an effective platform on which researchers, stakeholders and policy makers can interact.  相似文献   

农业建筑环境与能源工程是我国典型的农业工程类交叉学科特色专业,在推进双一流建设和新工科建设过程中,为探索卓越农林人才和卓越工程师培养新模式,在教育部高等学校农业工程类专业教学指导委员会的支持下,中国农业大学会同中国农业工程学会,牵头组织了全国大学生农业建筑环境与能源工程相关专业创新创业竞赛。在组织方式、竞赛主题、竞赛环节和文化建设等方面创新了交叉学科领域大学生创新创业竞赛组织机制,为农业工程学科建设、实践教育教学和创新人才培养提供了优质平台。   相似文献   

王铁山  黎丽莎 《农业工程》2022,12(10):17-21
近年来,贵州省遵义市播州区在农业机械化方面取得了一定的成就,但仍然存在丘陵山区地形限制农业机械化作业、资金投入不足、农机专业合作社发展缓慢及推广体系不够完善等困境,提出了加快丘陵山区宜机化改造、完善农业机械化资金投入、强化农机社会化服务体系和功能,以及加快农业机械化推广等对策建议,以此助力播州区农业产业兴旺、农业经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

智慧农业是充分运用人的智慧发展农业的新形态,它是农业发展的新阶段、新模式和新业态。农业信息技术的发展是智慧农业发展的必然要求,以农业大数据、云计算、物联网、人工智能、农业等离子体等新一代技术可以赋能智慧农业,为智慧农业的健康发展提供了新技术、新手段和新方案。农业信息化标准化是引导农业科技进步与创新的前提,是智慧农业发展的迫切需要;农业物联网与农业专用芯片是智慧农业发展的核心技术及装备;农业大数据与云计算是海量复杂农业信息处理的有力技术支撑;农业信息安全与区块链是保障农业信息安全、农产品质量认证与农业安全的关键;农业人工智能是提高农业劳动生产力、降低资源消耗、智能高效生产的必然选择;农业等离子体技术是发展健康农业、提升农产品品质切实有效的新手段。智慧农业核心关键技术原始创新自主可控,必将引领智慧农业健康发展。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设需要农业机械化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新农村建设需要农业机械化,农业机械化在新农村建设中大有作为.农业的发展必须依靠农业机械化的发展,社会主义新农村建设为农业机械化提供了良好的发展空间,农业机械化是社会主义新农村建设的物质基础保障.农业机械化是一个系统工程,研究加快农业机械化发展进程问题必须明晰其发展现状,本文通过对农业机械化在新农村建设中的地位、农村现状和农业机械化新的历史使命的探讨,提出农业机械化在社会主义新农村建设中应起到的重要作用.  相似文献   

Food security is an issue of global concern, which is tightly linked with water supply issues as regional demands for water are dominated by agricultural water use. This special issue of Agricultural Water Management focuses on crop-water use in China, especially in the North China Plain (NCP) and Loess Plateau and surrounding areas, where intensive agriculture (e.g., wheat-maize double cropping) with limited water is practiced to meet the large demand for grains. Such intensive agriculture raises concerns for agricultural sustainability due to limited water supply and effects on water quality, which may be aggravated by projected climate change and its variability across the region and over time. Addressing these issues requires basic understanding of crop-water relationships in water-limited agricultural systems, methods to quantify water demand and actual crop-water use over multiple scales, and strategies to improve water use efficiency (WUE, or water productivity). Advances in crop breeding (selection) and agronomic management, such as irrigation and nutrient management, and tools to assess and improve WUE at multiple scales are addressed for a range of cropping systems in China. Water supplies within a basin (regional scale) must be managed in view of the patterns of water demand in space and time determined by soil and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

基于PX4构建高可靠农用微小型无人机数据链的实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农用微小型无人机在精准农业中的作用日益重要,正在成为农机行业新的亮点和热点。农用微小型无人机数据链的可靠性是影响其稳定运行的关键因素,本文针对农用微小型无人机数据链,选用PX4开源飞控,以3 DR电台和QGround Control地面站搭建的数据链设备为平台,设计了数传电台冗余切换系统及相应的电台联机质量测试系统,分别来提高和检测数据链的可靠性。同时,主要介绍了冗余切换系统的结构和原理及电台联机质量测试系统的结构和原理,并进行了相应的测试。测试结果表明:该方法能有效地提高农用微小型无人机数据链的可靠性。  相似文献   

Ethiopia is basically an agricultural and pastoral country. Agriculture dominates the Ethiopian life to the extent that little progress can be made unless agriculture is attacked directly. Ethiopia is a country of peasants with primitive agriculture. The physical potential for sharply increased agriculture is high but the obstacles for development are immense still, despite recent government attempts.The two dominant agricultural systems in Ethiopia are the mixed agriculture of the highlands, where both crops and livestock production are integrated, and pastoralism in the lowlands. The mixed agriculture exhibits several subsystems. Commercial agriculture using the river basins, such as the Awash Basin, is a recent phenomenon.Agricultural research as a formal activity and national programme is less than twenty-five years old and has undergone three formative stages reflecting the level of government commitment to agricultural development. The agricultural research system has now entered a new period where policy and infrastructures are being well laid down with emphasis on rural development. But these developments must be matched by greatly improved human and financial resource allocations.  相似文献   

陈卫峰 《农业工程》2021,11(9):138-142
陕西自贸区杨凌片区是中国目前唯一以农业发展为主要特色的自贸区,位于中国最早建立的国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区。在国际国内双循环的新发展格局下,杨凌农业自贸区经济高质量发展面临着疫情和国内外市场波动的双重风险。首先,剖析了“双循环”与杨凌自贸片区农业经济高质量发展逻辑联系;其次,构建了杨凌自贸片区农业经济高质量发展评价指标体系;再次,提出了政策支持、体制机制创新、农业科技人才培养等经济高质量发展的影响因素;最后,探讨了“双循环”格局下杨凌农业自贸区经济高质量发展路径,即推动农业科技创新与产业布局深度融合、大力发展特色现代农业、积极开拓国际市场。   相似文献   

农业是国民经济用水的大户,农业节水对水生态系统的保护与修复十分重要,在国际粮食供求趋紧的背景下.提高农业水分生产力是农业节水的关键.应用农业标准产量概念,建立农业水分生产率评价方法,以行政分区为分析单元,研究山西省农业水分生产率与灌溉强度、灌溉广度以及复种指教之间的关系,评价区域农业水分生产率状态,分析了不同区域水分生产率及单位标准产量高低的原因,为山西省水生态修复工作的开展提供基础资料.  相似文献   

农业模型、农业人工智能及数据分析等技术贯穿于智慧农业的信息感知、信息传输、信息处理与控制全过程,是智慧农业的核心技术。为进一步明晰农业模型的内涵和作用,促进农业模型进一步研究及应用,推动智慧农业健康、稳定和可持续发展,本研究采用系统分析、比较及关系框图等方法,分析了农业模型的内涵,阐述了农业模型和智慧农业要素与过程的关系,明确了农业模型的作用并附以应用案例,比较了农业模型的国内外重要发展动态与趋势。国内外农业模型研究与应用重要进展比较表明,农业模型研究应用需要考虑农业生物要素的4个水平、农业环境要素的6个尺度、农业技术与农业经济要素的6个层次并采用相应方法进行,农业模型环境要素空间多尺度研究应用有较大发展潜力;农业模型与分子遗传学、感知技术及人工智能技术结合,农业模型研究应用的公私有组织协作,粮食安全挑战将成为农业模型进一步发展的重要推动力,且需更注重将各种农业系统模拟、数据库、和谐性与开放数据及决策支持系统相连接。中国农业模型研究与应用已形成具有中国特色的作物模型系列,也融入农业模型的互比较与改进、智慧农业等世界潮流,需要抢抓机遇,加快发展。农业模型是农业系统要素内及要素间关系的定量化表达,是农业科学定量与综合的重要方法,具有认识论价值,它与感知技术的结合可以在智慧农业数据获取与处理中发挥不可或缺的作用,成为信息农业技术落地应用的重要桥梁和纽带。  相似文献   

关于我国节水农业技术研究的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结了我国近期节水农业技术研究在农用水资源的合理开发技术、输配水节水工程技术、田间节水灌溉工程技术、提高作物从农田土壤中获取水分形成产量的技术等方面的最新进展。指出了我国节水农业技术研究中存在的主要问题。提出了我国节水农业技术应研究的重点为 :适合我国国情的节水灌溉工程技术 ,研究新工艺、新配方加速节水农业新设备及新材料的产业化 ,节水高效灌溉制度与控制灌溉技术 ,研究开发多种可用于灌溉的水资源 ,研究提高灌溉用水管理水平。  相似文献   

在互联网经济、人工智能等技术的冲击下,我国农林高校长期以来形成的以生产分工来设置专业的做法已严重不适应农业、农村现代化发展的要求,亟待进行专业优化及课程更新,面向新农业、新经济的“新农科”教育改革势在必行。在此形势下,河南科技大学农业装备工程学院面向“农业机械化及其自动化”专业本科学生开设“农用航空装备”专业选修课程,培养学生掌握农业航空装备基础理论与现代农业植保作业技术规范,填补“新农科”建设中农业航空技术短板,满足新农业、新农村、新农民对农用航空装备的现实需求。   相似文献   

Agricultural intensification in the Sahel can be described as climbing a ladder. The capital, labour, management and institutional requirements increase when farmers climb the ladder, but the potential gains are also higher. The first step on this ladder are agricultural practices without any financial outlay but with increasing labour demand, such as organic fertilizer use, seed priming, water harvesting and harvesting grains at physiological maturity to improve fodder quality. The next step on the ladder is the use of micro-fertilising, popularly known as microdose, at the rate of 0.3 g NPK fertilizer per pocket in sorghum and millet. The following step is the development of improved crop/livestock systems characterized by use of higher rates of mineral fertilisers and manure, increasing cowpea density and improved animal fattening. The last step presented on the ladder is the development of more commercially orientated agriculture characterized by development of cash crops, milk production and/or agroforestry systems. Evidences from the field support the observation that farmers intensify their production in a sequential manner similar to the way described in this paper. The technologies presented can facilitate agricultural intensification by reducing the risks and minimising the cost in agricultural production.  相似文献   

《现代农业机械新技术》是各高等农业院校农业机械化专业陆续开设的一门新课,以适应本学科专业的发展,拓宽学生的知识面。为此,介绍了设置安排该课程的主要教学内容和教学方法,以便进一步完善该课程。  相似文献   

本文对新工科背景下农业电气化专业新模式的建设进行了探讨与研究,结合山西农业大学农业电气化专业教学改革的研究工作,从培养方案修订、课程建设、融入课程思政、教学模式、实验实践教学以及师资队伍建设等几个方面进行了论述,取得了一些效果,对兄弟院校农业电气化专业的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

农机产业是双峰县的传统优势产业.双峰县素有“全国米机之乡”美称,也是市内培育的十大产业集群、全市高新技术产业基地,是全省唯一的“省农机产业基地”。随着社会主义新农村建设的一系列政策的到位,购机补贴项目增多、额度加大,极大地增强了农民的购买力,同时也给双峰农机产业带来了前所未有的机遇。尽管双峰农机产业具有基础优势、产品优势和市场优势,还是存在一些不可忽视的问题与困难。指出,应尽快出台促进农机产业发展的有关政策.加快培育龙头企业与知名品牌.优化农机产业发展环境,加大财政支持力度,进一步解决项目投入及融资等问题。  相似文献   

农业现代化和全球化的发展对我国农业机械化专业学生的培养质量提出了更高的要求.《农业设施学》是一门多学科交叉且实践性较强的综合性课程,也是农业机械化及其自动化专业的新增专业核心课程,在设施农业技术飞速发展的背景下,传统的授课模式已经无法达成该门课程的教学目标.但边疆民族地区经济和教育水平落后,学生综合素养有待提升,也制约...  相似文献   

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