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Samples of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) alevins from 17 independent families (full‐sib‐groups) were raised from the start of feeding until the age of 18 weeks post‐hatching with three diets (C, G and S) differing in protein content (fish soluble protein concentrate: 84% in C, 54% in G and 44% in S) and carbohydrates (none in C, 30% glucose in G and 40% crude corn starch in S). Fish were fed to near satiation, and their body weight and growth were measured. Diet effect was highly significant (G< C < S), as well as the familial effect. The major part of the familial variance (80–90%) was common to the three diets. However, a minor part of the familial variance was observed to be diet dependent (family × diet interaction), and was found to result mainly from relative performances with carbohydrates (G and S diets) vs. pure protein (C diet). These results indicate that genetic improvement of growth should suffer little impairment from possible changes in future feed formulations.  相似文献   

AquaMats® are a type of artificial seaweed designed to provide structure in ponds used for fish culture and as a substrate for the growth of aquatic plants and invertebrates which in turn are a source of nutrition to cultured species. In two separate tests AquaMats® were placed into raceways used to rear rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) to evaluate their effect on fish growth and fin condition. In the first test, the AquaMats® were placed perpendicular to the raceway length similar to a baffle design. One treatment consisted of AquaMats® that were cleaned on a regular basis, and the other treatment consisted of AquaMats® that were not cleaned throughout the test. By the end of the test no differences were found between treatments with respect to final fish weight, specific growth rate, or feed conversion ratio. The use of AquaMats® did not improve fin condition, in fact several fins measured were significantly better among control fish. In the second test AquaMats® were placed on the raceway bottom parallel to their length and to the water flow. AquaMats® were also hung from the side of the raceway to provide cover. At the conclusion of this test no differences were found between treatments with respect to final fish weight, specific growth rate, or feed conversion ratio. The placement of AquaMats® did have a transitory impact on fin condition. Mid‐way through the test, treatment fish generally exhibited longer fins compared with the controls. However, by the end of the test, these differences were no longer detectable. The results from both tests indicate that fish were not provided with additional nutrition to the extent it improved growth. However, the use of AquaMats® did make a significant, albeit transitory, impact on fin condition.  相似文献   

Fish growth is manifested by a number of measurable physical changes. We have developed a sensitive method for monitoring the growth rate of fish fed at four different planes of nutrition. This technique consists in measuring expression levels of myosin RNA isolated from the muscle of experimental animals. Using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) primers, and a fluorescence-labelled single-stranded DNA probe that hybridizes specifically to a region within the myosin mRNA of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), we were able to detect differences in the relative level of myosin expression between groups of fish. This method also allows for the determination of absolute expression levels when reactions are performed with standards consisting of known levels of in vitro-transcribed myosin RNA. With the proper equipment, this novel procedure can be performed rapidly on large numbers of individuals, and with the procurement of non-invasive muscle biopsies the same experimental animal could theoretically be sampled multiple times throughout the course of the study. This new method could be used to measure differences in muscle synthesis in fish associated with various nutrient intake levels, environmental parameters, life-history stages and health status.  相似文献   

Effects of thermal and enzymatic treatments of soybean meal on apparent absorption of total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus, nitrogen (protein), ash, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, strontium and zinc were examined using rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), as the test species. Absorption of the test nutrients was estimated using yttrium as an inert non-absorbable indicator. Thermal treatments (microwaving, dry roasting, steam heating, cooking) had no measurable effect on the apparent absorption of phosphorus and other minerals. Phytase supplementation increased the apparent absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen (protein), ash, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, strontium and zinc in low-ash diets containing soybean meal, but had little effect in high-ash diets containing both soybean and fish meal. In low-ash diets, the apparent absorption of phosphorus increased in accord with the level of phytase added to the diet, from 27% (no phytase added) up to 90% (phytase added, 4000 units kg−1 diet) or 93% (predigested with phytase, 200 units kg−1 soybean meal). In high-ash diets, dietary acidification with citric acid decreased the effect of phytase, whereas in low-ash diets, acidification markedly increased the effect of the enzyme. Excretion of phosphorus in the faeces of fish fed a low-ash diet containing phytase-treated soybean meal was 0.32 g per kg diet consumed, a 95%−98% reduction compared with phosphorus excretion by fish consuming commercial trout feeds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary lactoferrin (Lf) on growth, haematology and non‐specific immune response of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fish were fed an experimental diet containing 0 (as control), 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet twice daily for 8 weeks and sampled at 2, 4, 6 (immune function and growth), and 8 weeks (immune function, haematology and growth). Statistical analyses revealed no significant effects of dietary Lf on growth performance (specific growth rate, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed intake and condition factor) or haematological parameters (red and white blood cell count, haemoglobin, haematocrit, serum iron and total iron binding capacity [TIBC]). Among the serum non‐specific immune parameters, lysozyme activity increased significantly in fish fed 100, 200, or 400 mg Lf kg?1 feed for 8 weeks, whereas haemolytic complement activity increased in fish fed 100 and 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet after 6 weeks. The antiprotease activity increased in groups fed 100, 200 or 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet after 8 weeks. However, no significant effect was observed on serum peroxidase level. It can be concluded that feeding of rainbow trout on the diet supplemented with 100 mg kg?1 or higher for 8 weeks enhances the non‐specific immune response.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of the number of feeding days on feed consumption and growth of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (initial mean weight 53.6 ± 11.3 g). Fish were held under natural winter–spring (40°57′N) photoperiod (L:8 D:16 – L:14 D: 10) and ambient water temperatures (4–12 °C) for 128 days, and fed on day 7 (F7), day 5 (F5.1: no feeding on weekends and F5.2: no feeding on Sundays and Wednesdays) or every other day (FEOD). Feeding treatments were replicated with 50 fish held in 200‐L tanks. Number of feeding days affected final live weight, with fish in group F7 achieving a mean weight of 285.6 g, followed by F5.1 (256.6 g), F5.2 (247.6 g) and FEOD (223.2 g). Final condition factors (CF) differed between the FEOD group and the others. Feed conversion ratios (FCR) exhibited significant differences among some of the groups. The results suggest that depriving rainbow trout of feed for more than 1 day a week has a negative effect on growth, but little influence on feed conversion.  相似文献   

Genetic variation fuels selective change in natural and captive populations. In establishing a broodstock for selective improvement, the level of genetic diversity is an important consideration because it provides an indication of the scope for selective progress. Three domesticated strains of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were examined at nine polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess detectable levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity within and differentiation among the strains. A total of 126 alleles were observed to segregate into unique multilocus genotypes for each of the 152 individuals assayed. There was an average heterozygosity of 71.5% at these nine loci, and an average of 14 alleles at a locus. Each locus was represented by alleles unique to at least two of the three strains. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations of genotype frequencies were detected in each strain. Subsequent analysis indicated sub‐structuring within strains leading to Wahlund effects that caused these deviations. Significant differences in genotype frequencies and pairwise FST values demonstrated that all strains were unique. The overall FST of 0.089 provides additional evidence of unique genetic diversity present in each strain, and agrees well with the degree of genetic variation found in rainbow trout across broad geographical ranges. The genetic diversity contributed by each population suggests that there is greater scope for selective improvement of numerous traits within a synthetic strain combining these three strains than within any individual strain.  相似文献   

At Doi Inthanon Fisheries Research Unit (DIFRU), Thailand (13°N), rainbow trout were exposed to natural (13°N) and artificial (51°N) photoperiods, and natural water (NW) temperatures and cooled water (CW) 8 months before first spawning. In group I (51°N, CW), water temperatures of 18°C were never reached. In group II (51°N, NW) and group III (13°N, NW), the mean water temperatures in May exceeded 20°C, and 19°C in June and July. Eggs from 94% of all females in group I were obtained before January. This percentage diminished to 84% and 68% in groups II and III. The weight of the spawners and the size of the eggs were significantly lower in group III than in the other groups. No significant differences were observed for egg number per kg body weight of spawners between the groups. The mean fertilization rate of eggs was the highest, with 71%, in group I, and the lowest, with 50%, in group II. For hatching rates, on average 27%, 24% and 30% in groups I, II and III, respectively, differences were not significant. In group III, 37% of all batches reached fertilization rates above 80% and 16% of egg batches showed hatching rates of more than 60%.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum and oxytetracycline have both been associated with spinal deformities in salmonids. Experiments were carried out to investigate whether infection with F. psychrophilum or medication with oxytetracycline (OTC) at the fry stage would result in an increased occurrence of vertebral column deformities in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fish were on‐grown for 9 months and examined by radiology at the end of the experiments. There was a relationship between infection by F. psychrophilum and deformities of the spinal column, if fish with more than 10 affected vertebrae were classified as deformed. The deformities found among infected fish were often visible externally and were more severe than those seen among control fish (most deformities foun among controls were only seen on X‐ray photographs). Deformities were evenly spread along the vertebral column of infected fish. OTC treatments of up to 200 mg of OTC (kg fish)?1 day?1 for 10 days and repeated three times did not result in increased spinal deformities relative to untreated control groups; therefore, medication of rainbow trout with oxytetracycline did not cause deformities of the spinal column under our treatment conditions.  相似文献   

The efficacy of adenoviral vectors for gene delivery into fish cells, both in vitro and in vivo, was evaluated. Vectors utilized were of human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad), which are commonly used in human clinical trials, but have not been assessed for gene delivery to fish. Because nothing is known about Ad receptors in fish, both an Ad (Ad5Luc1) with natural tropism for the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), as well as an infectivity enhanced Ad (Ad5LucRGD) were included within this study. Gene expression was detected in cell lines using either vector. The levels seen with Ad5LucRGD were much higher than for Ad5Luc1 in most lines except CHSE-214. Transduction of CHSE-214 cells with Ad5Luc1 could be blocked with an excess of a competitive inhibitor, suggesting that these cells possess a CAR homologue thatmediates attachment of Ad, similar to that seen in mammalian cells. In vivo gene delivery was attempted by several methods, with significant expression seen only via intramuscular injection, although infection efficiency was low. Thus it was observed that several teleost cell lines are capable of being infected and one cell line expressed a human serotype adenoviral receptor homologue that aids in Ad infection. Additionally, in vivo studies indicated that muscle tissue of rainbow trout could be infected with Ad vectors, suggesting an alternative gene delivery strategy for this animal.  相似文献   

A feed budget model, which enables farmers to adapt a general model to local conditions, was tested on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). The model has two major components; component 1 is used to calculate the energy required for one unit of biomass gain (g or kg) and component 2 estimates the daily growth increment (g or kg). Both components can be adjusted in relation to prevailing environmental conditions and, together, they express the daily energetic requirement of the specific species or strain. Fish fed using the model as a guide had a high rate of growth and good feed conversion. The model accurately predicted growth over the experiment, and is presented as a means of calculating the daily feed budget in fish farming. Growth of fish fed using self-feeders is presented for comparison with the results obtained using the model.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas is a multipurpose and drought‐resistant tree, widespread throughout tropics and subtropics. Its seeds are rich in oil and protein. It is being promoted as a biofuel plant. Jatropha kernel meal obtained after oil extraction is an excellent source of protein [580–660 g kg?1 crude protein (CP)]. However, the presence of toxic and antinutritional constituents restricts its use in fish feed. Jatropha kernel meal was detoxified. Using Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles, a 12‐week experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional quality of detoxified Jatropha kernel meal (DJKM). Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles (36, av. wt. 4.2 ± 0.4 g) were distributed into three groups with 12 replicates and fed isonitrogenous (CP 450 g kg?1) diets: control [fish meal (FM)–based protein], J50 and J62.5 (50% and 62.5% of fishmeal protein replaced by DJKM). Growth performance, apparent lipid conversion, hepatosomatic index, nutrients and energy digestibilities; efficiency of digestible nutrients and energy; and glucose and creatinine levels in blood were statistically similar (P > 0.05) for control and J50 but were higher (P < 0.05) than for J62.5. Opposite trend was observed for phosphorus, sodium, albumin and total protein in blood. Feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, protein productive value, energy retention, gastro somatic index, muscle lipid peroxide; and red and white blood cells, haematocrit, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration; alkaline phosphatase and alanine transaminases activity, globulin, total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, calcium and potassium in blood and lysozyme activity in serum did not differ significantly among the groups. Intestinal enzyme activities; and plasma and muscle cholesterol levels for control were higher (P < 0.05) than for DJKM groups, while opposite trend was observed for relative intestinal length (mm g?1). Conclusively, performance of J50 group was similar to control group and, thus, is recommended as the optimal diet for rainbow trout.  相似文献   

植酸酶对金鳟体成分及金鳟椎骨中钙、磷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用喷涂法和预处理两种方法,在豆粕型金鳟饲料中添加不同浓度的植酸酶,通过90 d的饲喂试验,研究植酸酶对金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)体成分及其椎骨中钙、磷含量的影响。结果显示:喷涂法和预处理法添加植酸酶的处理组与对照组相比,粗蛋白、粗脂肪的含量均有所下降;喷涂法添加植酸酶的处理组的鱼体粗灰分、磷和钙含量均高于对照组,其中,喷涂法添加1500 U/Kg植酸酶组鱼体磷含量、灰分含量和钙含量显著高于对照组(P(0.05),且此组鱼体磷高于其它试验组;喷涂法各组椎骨中粗灰分、磷含量较对照组提高显著(P(0.05),2500 U/kg植酸酶组椎骨磷含量最高,椎骨中钙含量除D1和D8组外,添加植酸酶的处理组均较对照组提高显著(P(0.05)。预处理法添加植酸酶的处理组与对照组相比,鱼体和椎骨中粗灰分、磷和钙含量均有显著提高(P(0.05),但植酸酶试验组间椎骨中粗灰分、磷含量和钙含量差异均不显著(P(0.05)。结果表明,金鳟饲料喷涂法添加植酸酶1500~2500 U/kg浓度最适,预处理法添加植酸酶500 U/kg浓度较为宜。  相似文献   

通过喷涂和预处理两种方法将不同浓度植酸酶添加到豆粕型金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykissW albaum)饲料中,研究了植酸酶对金鳟粪磷及养殖水环境中磷含量的影响。金鳟粪磷分析结果显示,喷涂法添加植酸酶,对照组中粪磷含量最高,其他各试验组较对照组差异显著(P<0.05),但500~2000 U/kg组中粪磷含量差异显著(P<0.05),2500~6000 U/kg组中粪磷含量无显著差异(P(0.05);预处理法添加植酸酶,对照组粪磷含量最高,其他各试验组粪磷含量较对照组降低显著(P<0.05),但添加植酸酶的各试验组之间差异不显著(P(0.05)。通过水中磷含量试分析结果显示,无论是喷涂法添加植酸酶还是预处理法添加植酸酶,各试验组水体总磷含量分别较其对照组差异不显著(P(0.05),各试验组的活性磷含量均未检出。实验结果表明,金鳟饲料中添加植酸酶可以降低粪磷含量,对养殖生产过程中控制磷的排放,减少磷污染具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption and tissue distribution of D(U14C)-glucose (14C-glc), 3-O-methyl-D(U14C)-glucose (14C-OMG) and L(U14C)-isoleucine (14C-ile) were studied in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, using a forced-feeding technique. The appearance of radioactivity in faeces, blood, liver, white muscle and brain was monitored over 48 h. The recoveries of radioactivity 48 h postfeeding in the fish tissues studied were 36, 57 and 48% for 14C-glc, 14C-ile and 14C-OMG, respectively. White muscle and liver contained most radioactivity on the whole tissue basis. Concentrations of 14C-glc and its derivatives in the liver and the brain exceeded those of 14C-ile and its derivatives, but the reverse was found in the white muscle. These differences may reflect differences in the metabolism of glucose and isoleucine. All tissues studied showed some differences in the accumulation of 14C originating from 14C-OMG and 14C-glc. As 14C-OMG is a nonmetabolizable glucose analogue, these differences may be the result of glucose metabolism at tissue level.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout from 23 families were evaluated for growth and resistance to the bacterial coldwater disease (BCWD) caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum and infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) caused by IHN virus. Average family weights were between 161 and 263 g with an average of 225 g at 213 days post‐fertilization with specific growth rates ranging from 2.37 to 2.88. Per cent survival of fish challenged with F. psychrophilum was between 18% and 100%, while for those challenged with IHNV, the range was between 12% and 93%. Significant positive correlations were found for end body weight and resistance to IHN (P < 0.05) and for early body weight and resistance to BCWD (P < 0.1). However, no significant correlations were detected between resistance to both pathogens or disease resistance and overall genetic diversity or diversity within the major histocompatibility locus.  相似文献   

The efficient use of feed for growth and meat production is important for all animal production industries including aquaculture. Residual feed intake (RFI) is an alternative measure of feed efficiency that has been widely used in livestock production. Residual feed intake was calculated as the difference between intake observed and intake predicted on the basis of a bioenergetics model; a low RFI indicates greater efficiency. Residual feed intake offers some advantages as a selection criterion for improving production efficiency over traditional feed efficiency statistics because it is not a ratio and it typically has a larger coefficient of variation. The RFI of individually reared rainbow trout progeny from six different genetic cross‐types was examined for genetic variation. Proximate analysis and nitrogen retention were also evaluated to determine if differences in RFI correlate to differences in body composition and nutrient retention and varied by cross‐type. Differences between cross‐types indicated a genetic component for RFI, with the most efficient fish of approximately 160 g consuming 0.99 g less and inefficient fish consuming 0.05 g more feed per day than expected. Lower RFI was associated with higher growth rates (r=?0.38, P<0.05) and greater nitrogen retention (r=?0.82 P<0.001).  相似文献   

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