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国外松引种及生长表现初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松属(Pinus)树种,在全世界多集中分布于北半球的温带地区或亚热带的边缘。种数很多,目前已掌握的种有70余种。中国产的松树有20余种,东北共有16种,原产的主要有五种:红松(Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et Zucc.)、油松(Pinus tabula—epormis Carr.、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolioa Litvin.)、偃松(Pinus pumila Pall.Regel.)和赤松(Pinus densiflora Sieb.etZucc.)等。我所树木标本园现有松属树种共计23种(包括变种),其中国外引进的有七种(见表2)。  相似文献   

一、前言目前我国每年从苏联进口相当数量的针叶材原木,这些针叶材原木中主要有松(Pinus)、落叶松(Larix)、云杉(picea)、冷杉(Abies)等属的树种,其中有些树种的性质如欧洲松(Pinus silvestris L)很近似我国东北的樟子松(P.sylvestris var.mongolica Lit.);  相似文献   

普隆斯基(Plonski 1956,1960)为加拿大安大略省的一些主要用材树种:黑云杉(Piceamariana[Mill]B.S.P.)、短叶松(Pinus banksiana.Lamb.)、白杨(Populus tremuloides.Michx.)、白桦(Betula papyrifera.Marsh.)、美国白松(Pinus strobus.L.)、美加红松(Pinus resinosa.Ait.)以及耐荫阔叶树等编绘  相似文献   

思茅松(Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis)是云南省思茅地区典型的乡土树种.思茅松生长快、抗逆性强、造纸性能良好、制浆率高,是一个理想的短轮伐期工业用材树种.  相似文献   

浙江省湿地松、火炬松引种推广的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
湿地松(Pinus elliottii E.)、火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)原产美国东南部,是美国主要造林树种之一。木材可作建筑、纸浆和纤维工业的原料;湿地松也是一个良好的产脂树种。 浙江省引种湿地松、火炬松已有四十多年的历史。经过早期小面积的试验示范和生产性推广造林两阶段,造林面积已达7000ha.。为了总结这两个树种在本省引种后的适生表现和  相似文献   

帕里松(Pinus quadrifolia)和灰松(Pinus sabiniana)分别原产于美国加利福尼亚和下加利福尼亚北部以及内华达山脉的半干旱地区,常常形成松栎混交林,林分垂直结构层次明显,植物种类较为丰富;具有水土保持、水源涵养、环境保护、野生动物保护等功能,而且可以提供良好的木材及林产品.积极引进优良外来树种,驯化利用丰富的乡土树种是加速林业生产和国土绿化的重要途径之一.良种壮苗的丰产栽培技术是造林成败的关键环节,本文详细阐述了从美国引进的优良帕里松、灰松种源栽植造林地选择、整地方法、造林密度、栽植方法、混交造林、抚育管理以及病虫鼠兔害防治等系列造林技术.而且选择当地乡土树种油松、侧柏、白皮松和叉枝圆柏等作对比试验.  相似文献   

赤松(Pinus densiflora)、黑松(P.thumbergii)和侧柏是我省山地三大主要造林树种。由于种种原因,从六十年  相似文献   

黄土高原沟壑区干旱山地油松育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)是黄土高原沟壑区主要造林树种之一.油松根系发达,枝叶繁茂,适应性强,是良好的水土保持树种;树姿挺拔,四季常青,又是优良的风景树种;材质坚实,富含油脂,耐腐朽,亦是良好的用材树种.  相似文献   

黑松和赤松是山东省护滩固沙和荒山绿化的重要造林树种,由于日本松于蚧和赤松毛虫的严重为害,给林业生产带来了很大威胁。1980年以来,作者在日本松干蚧综合防治研究中,发现山东省烟台地区广为分布的黑松与赤松天然杂交种黑赤松(Pinus thunbergii Parl.×P·densiflora Sieb et Zncc)和日本报道的杂交种——赤黑松(Pinus densi-  相似文献   

马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是我国重要的用材林树种,同时也是我国主要的松脂生产树种,占我国松脂产量的90%以上,具有巨大的经济、社会和生态价值。通过总结和分析我国马尾松高产脂性状改良,提出今后中长期发展育种策略。  相似文献   

Paper bags equipped with a polyethylene window were placed on branchlets 6 and 9 weeks before the time of pollen dispersal of Japanese larch and Jack pine, respectively. This technique produced a localized greenhouse effect around the branchlets, accelerating male cone development. For Jack pine trees, buds in bags with the window oriented upward had the shortest maturation time. In fact, it was possible to collect these pollen cones about 11 days before the unbagged control without decreasing the production of pollen. The mean germination rate of the pollen from the bags with the window pointed upward, however, was significantly lower than the control, by about 15%. Buds in bags with the window oriented downward had an accelerated development of about 9 days (compared to the control) but did not experience a decrease in pollen production or quality. This same technique caused the abortion of male cones of the Japanese larch trees. Thermal probes in the bags enabled us to follow the progression of temperature inside and outside the bags during the development of the male cone in each species. They revealed that the bags increased mean temperature, daily temperature range, and degree-day accumulation, and that this effect was most pronounced for Jack pine, when the polyethylene window was oriented upward.  相似文献   

Populus bolleana is a variety of P. alba, commonly used in poplar breeding programs in China. Developmental biology that involves staminate flowers, microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis ofP. bolleana is essential for Populus improvement in cross breeding for better characteristics in sexual reproduction. Flower morphology and pollen development were described and illustrated using anatomical, sectioning and stain-clearing techniques. The results show that microsporocytes undergo a regular meiotic process, but some multi-nucleate microspores occur at the microspore stage. It takes five days for microsporocytes to develop to mature pollen by forcing flower branches under greenhouse conditions. Additionally, an important relationship was found between stages of meiosis and anther colors. Microspore tetrads formed when the anther color turned yellow, whereas, when the pollen matured, the anther was red and the tapetum degenerated completely. When mature pollen grains are formed, flower buds develop into male catkins. In the end, filament elongated and pollen grains were released from dehisced anthers.  相似文献   

银杏雄性优良单株选择的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对11个与银杏良种桂G86-1花期接近或相遇的雄株2年生长枝上的短枝间距、花芽率、每短枝上雄花数及雄花穗长、粗,出粉率等各项性状的分析,发现B号雄性单株的散粉期与桂G86-1花期基本相遇,且散粉期长,花芽率高,出粉量大,每单位长枝上雄花数多,是桂G86-1的最适宜授粉树。  相似文献   

广西人心果开花习性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对广西人心果开花习性、花粉萌发和传粉方式进行研究,结果表明;人心果1年可开多次花,不同的年份开花期有所变动,花期长。由结果母枝的顶芽形成混合花芽抽生结果枝,两性花,腋生,雌雄同熬,雌蕊和雄蕊在花瓣未展开前已成熟。花在白天开放,结果枝下部的花先开放,再由下到上逐渐开放。花粉在人工培养条件下,其萌发率低,柱头未分泌粘液前和花开放后期花粉萌发率为0.0%,成熟期的花粉萌发率可达5.2%,花刚开放时花粉萌发率最高达10.1%。人心果的传粉方式有2种,一是昆虫传粉,发现花蓟马是主要的传粉媒介;二是靠风的机械作用振落花粉而授粉。花量大,每结果枝平均着花为8朵,但平均落花率高达82.7%。  相似文献   

马尾松实生种子园花量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观测了福建省上杭县白沙林场马尾松实生种子园的21个家系花量,分析了家系内与家系间雌雄球花量、各家系雌雄球花量在不同冠层和方位的分布.结果表明:家系间与家系内球花量差异显著.马尾松球花花量在不同冠层的分布呈现显著差异.雌球花主要集中在上、中层,下层极少;雄球花则主要集中在中、下层.同时球花花量的分布在方位上差异不显著.可见,构建马尾松实生种子园过程中,在注重建园材料的生长、材性等重要经济性状的同时,还要注意雌雄球花量选择.此外,选择建园立地环境和加强人工管理也是提高马尾松开花量和保证雌雄球花比例,保证种子园稳产、高产的重要措施.  相似文献   

Zhang B  Su X  Zhou X 《Tree physiology》2008,28(6):929-934
A MADS-box gene (PdPI) was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from male flower buds of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. According to an analysis of genomic DNA structure and putative protein structure, and a phylogenetic study, PdPI is an ortholog of the Arabidopsis PI gene. Relative-quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that PdPI has a broader expression pattern than PI in Arabidopsis. PdPI was strongly expressed in floral buds and roots and weakly expressed in immature xylem, leaves and apical buds of the male P. deltoides tree. In male inflorescences, PdPI expression was abundant in the perianth and anther, and weak in the peduncle and mature pollen. The large differences in PdPI expression at various phases of male floral bud development were closely related to the development of flower organs (perianth and stamen) and pollen. PdPI was also expressed in female inflorescences. Our results suggest that PdPI has multiple functions in the development of P. deltoides.  相似文献   

四川穗状核桃雌花芽生长发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索穗状核桃雌花产生多花多果的现象,发掘四川核桃的特异种质资源,通过形态比较、石蜡切片和电镜扫描等方法,比较了穗状核桃优良资源的雌花芽生长发育特点。结果表明:(1)雌花芽着生方式分为呈聚生或散生,HSLH为串状结果,HSZML、CTYM和SQLG为穗状结果。(2)HSZML雌花芽、顶芽均为最大;SQLG雌花芽、顶芽均为最小。(3)3月上旬,雌花芽开始萌动,生长点顶端凸起,HSZML、CTYM和SQLG分化出不同方向的雌蕊原基;5月上旬,生长点向上生长,分化出多个叶原基,CTYM和SQLG顶端生长点逐渐伸长,形成雌花原基;7月下旬,CTYM和SQLG继续伸长生长;10月上旬,HSLH和SQLG已分化出4个雌花原基,HSZML和CTYM已分化出3个雌花原基。  相似文献   

Some walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) originating from central Asia display an early flowering phenotype. These "Early Mature" (EM) trees may produce flowers within months of germination. Secondary flowering waves are also observed within a growing season. Inflorescences may carry male, female and hermaphrodite flowers. Progeny obtained from selected EM trees were cultured in vitro to initiate clonal propagation of these genotypes. Embryogenic lines were established through the culture of immature zygotic embryos. Microshoot lines were obtained from germinated somatic or zygotic embryos. Plants showing EM phenotypes were recovered through direct conversion of somatic embryos or adventitious rooting of microcuttings. During the in vitro propagation phase, flower buds were observed on microshoots after three to six subcultures. Histological analysis showed that most of these flowers were hermaphrodite. In vitro apical buds were used to clone the walnut orthologous cDNAs of the AGAMOUS and APETALA 3 MADS-box genes. Northern blots revealed a preferential expression of both of these homeotic genes in flowers. The results highlight the usefulness of EM lines to study the genetic cues controlling flowering and sexual maturity in woody perennials.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen of Cryptomeria japonica causes severe pollinosis, and the number of people suffering from pollinosis has increased rapidly during recent decades. Male flower production in C. japonica shows annual variability; thus, predicting male flower production for the following spring could be a countermeasure against pollinosis. We analyzed factors that explain fluctuations in male flower production of C. japonica according to parameters reflecting internal resource dynamics based on field observations. In addition, we carried out experiments to regulate available resource levels using artificial shading to test the effect of internal resource levels on the number of male flowers produced. We found that temperature and precipitation in the previous summer and a relative increase in male flower production in the previous year were negatively related, whereas sunshine duration in the previous summer and diameter at breast height were positively related to the current year increase in male flower production. The number of male flowers was significantly reduced by the shading treatment and was positively correlated with the amount of total non-structural carbohydrates in the root. These results suggest that understanding the parameters controlling internal resource levels could lead to more accurate predictions of male flower production.  相似文献   

木瓜榕的性表达和繁殖特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
木瓜榕雌雄异株,种群内一年四季均挂有果实,果量雌多雄少,其中雌树有2次显著的挂果高峰,占了全年挂果量的80%;雄树挂果多集中在10月至下一年的3月份。木瓜榕隐头花果发育进程中,在间花期雌雄果明显分异,雄果发育期长,74%的隐头果能正常成熟;雌果完成生活周期所需时间短,发育中落果率较高,仅22%的隐头果能成功生产种子。木瓜榕隐头果还受5种非传粉小蜂的作用,它们寄生于传粉小蜂或者与之竞争资源,进而影响到寄主木瓜榕的传粉授精和种子生产。  相似文献   

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