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As part of the Solling roof project, drought experiments were conducted in a 60 year old Norway spruce (Picea abies L. KARST.) plantation by means of a roof construction, installed below the canopy. It was tested, if the rewetting of a dried out soil leeds to a surplus production of nitrate and to an acidification pulse in the soil solution. Fine root growth and other physiological reactions were observed during the initiated drought phases. Results indicate no marked nitrification pulse during one of the 4 conducted experiments. However, drought reduced fine root growth strongly, but no root dieback could be found. The magnesium content of the needles were lower in trees subjected to water stress and increment parameters were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Surveys conducted from 1987 to 1990 of Norway spruce [Picea abies(L.) Karst.] within 12 plantations across 4 northeastern states revealed symptoms of crown discoloration and defoliation on a site-specific basis. Foliar N. K. and Ca concentrations of most of the sampled trees were above deficiency ranges, while foliar Mg concentrations of most of the symptomatic trees were below the deficiency range within the plantations. Soil pH, exchangeable Mg, K, Ca, and their corresponding percent saturations in soils were lower, while soil Al concentrations were higher for most of the symptomatic trees in comparison to the healthy trees. Foliar concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, P, Al, Mn, Pb, and Zn were positively correlated with concentrations of corresponding soil elements. Knowledge of nutrient deficiency ranges may help diagnose foliar symptoms, but their exclusive use may overly simplify relationships between foliar symptoms and foliar elements. Principal component regression analysis of the data provided assessment of interactions and balances among foliar elements, and among soil elements and their possible influences on crown symptoms. Crown symptoms were not only associated with concentrations of individual elements of foliage and soils, but also associated with interactions and balances between these elements. The influences of individual soil elements on discoloration and defoliation may depend upon other elements in soils. Soil Al may induce crown discoloration and defoliation by interfering with Mg, Ca, and K uptake in acidic soils.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of liming and short-term effects of an experimentally induced drought on microbial biomass and activity were investigated in samples from the O-layer (Of/Oh) and uppermost mineral soil (0—10 cm) in a spruce forest near Schluchsee (Black Forest, South-West Germany). Seven years after lime application a marked increase of pH values was restricted to the O-layer. The contents of C and N in the O-layer of the limed plot appeared to be lower, whereas in the A-horizon from the limed plot the contents of C and N appeared to be higher than on the control. However, these differences were statistically not significant due to a distinct spatial variability of topsoil conditions. On the limed plots Cmic, Nmic, and Pmic in the O-layer were lower in comparison to the control whereas differences in the A-horizon were negligible. In both sampling depths of the limed plot protease activity was higher while N-mineralization was lower. The other microbial activities studied (basal respiration, catalase activity) followed no consistent pattern after liming. Drought and drought in combination with liming, respectively, had no clear effects on microbial biomass and activity. Only in the A-horizon of the control, there is some evidence for drought stress for microorganisms. The high variability of results from the drought experiment (roof installation) is likely due to the marked spatial variability of top soil properties as well as imperfect and uneven achievement of experimental drought. Nevertheless, our study indicates that long-term effects of liming on microorganisms highly depend on site conditions. Thus, liming operations which currently affect vast areas of forest land should be accompanied by monitoring of soil organisms and their activities to reduce the possibility of a loss in functional diversity of soil organisms.  相似文献   

Soil‐frost events may influence the dynamics of fine roots and therefore affect root‐derived C fluxes to the soil. We studied the impact of soil frost on the fine‐root dynamics of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) by a replicated snow‐removal experiment in a mature forest in SE Germany. Snow removal in the three treatment plots reduced soil temperature significantly with minima <–5.5°C in the O layer while the snow‐covered control plots never reached temperatures below the freezing point. Sequential soil coring in the O layer at the beginning and at the end of the soil‐frost period as well as after thawing revealed that the soil frost treatment increased fine‐root mortality by 29%. However, enhanced fine‐root production in the snow‐removal plots nearly compensated for the fine‐root losses caused by low temperatures. These findings were confirmed by minirhizotron observations in the O layer and the upper 25 cm of the mineral soil showing that relative fine‐root loss was by far higher in the snow‐removal plots than in the control plots. Compensatory fine‐root production in the snow‐removal plots exceeded fine‐root production in the control plots during a period of 8 weeks after the soil frost application by 39% in the O layer while it was similar in both plot types in the mineral soil. Sequential coring and minirhizotron observations led to substantially different fine root–longevity estimates for the soil frost period. However, in both cases, the snow‐removal treatment was characterized by a significant reduction in root longevity indicating a faster fine‐root turnover. As a consequence, experimental soil frost enhanced the C input to the soil via root death at our study site by approx. 42 g m–2 and stimulated the C investment towards the root system of the spruce trees due to a higher sink activity.  相似文献   

Aphids are frequently found on conifers, but mass outbreaks are seldom reported. On trees stressed by air pollutants the natural resistance can be broken and insect attack combined with pollution stress may promote plant damages. To evaluate effects of air pollution on conifer aphids Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings have been exposed to gaseous pollutants (O3, SO2 and NO2) in growth chambers. The studied aphid species were Cinara pilicornis Hartig on Norway spruce, C. pinea (Mordv.) and Schizolachnus pineti Fabr. on Scots pine in SO2 fumigations and S. pineti in O3 and NO2 fumigations. C. pilicornis nymphs had peaked dose response to SO2 concentration. Both the first and third instar larvae of C. pilicornis showed highest mean relative growth rate (MRGR) at 100 ppb SO2 concentration. MRGR of C. pinea peaked at 50 and 150 ppb SO2 The response of S. pineti was more inconsistent During fumigation the peak MRGR of S. pineti was at 100 ppb and after exposure at 50 ppb SO2. MRGR of S. pineti nymphs was not significantly affected during fumigation or after the end of fumigation experiment by 100 ppb O3 or 100 ppb NO2 or the mixtures. The results suggest that SO2 affects more distinctively on aphid performance on conifers than O3 or NO2. Especially stem-feeding aphids on spruce can exploit physiological disturbance of host plant under pollution stress.  相似文献   

The vigor of Norway spruce stands in the Bohemian Forest of Austria was correlated with site factors, informations on historic land use, and chemical properties of the soils and spruce needles. The study confirmed that trees on west exposed slopes and plateaus in higher elevation have lower crown densities. The soils in the area are generally low in base saturation. Historical land use, such as litter raking, grazing and burning of biomass for potash led to nutrient depletion. Increasing deposition of atmospheric N during the last decades alleviated N stress, but increased Ca and Mg stress. N∶Mg ratios in needles of declining stands are wide, indicating N induced nutritional imbalances. PH values in the mineral topsoil are very low on W-slopes and plateaus. Measurements of pollutant deposition at three different sites indicate a strong influence of aspect and elevation on input rates. In a southwest exposed stand and a stand on a hilltop, facing the prevailing winds, substantially more S and N was recovered in the throughfall than in northeast exposed stand. Deposition rates in the open did not differ significantly. High NO3 ? concentrations in the soil solution of the southwest exposed site indicate N saturation of the system. In order to test the hypothesis that mineral deficiency and nutritional disorders contribute to the poor vigor of these stands, fertilizer experiments were established. Fertilization with a combination of an organic fertilizer (BACTOSOL**)) and a magnesite fertilizer (BIOMAG*)) significantly improved crown density, growth, seed viability, and mineral nutrition as inferred from foliar analysis. NO3 ? leaching in the combined BACTOSOL+BIOMAG treatment increased during the first and second growing season after fertilization but leveled off to values typical for the control plots after three years. Mg content of the soil solution increased both in the BIOMAG and the combined BACTOSOL+BIOMAG treatment. These experiments show that the nutritional status and the resilience of declining forests in the Bohemian Forests of Austria can be easily improved by proper fertilizer treatment.  相似文献   

A study on the effects of silicon supply on the resistance to drought in cucumber plants was conducted in pot experiments. The results suggested that in the absence of stress, silicon slightly enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, but significantly decreased the transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in cucumber plants. Silicon enhanced the net photosynthetic rate of cucumber plants under drought stress. Since silicon decreased the stomatal conductance, enhanced the capacity of holding water, and kept the transpiration rate at a relatively steady rate during drought stress, the photosynthesis of the cucumber plants was sustained. And under drought stress, silicon increased the biomass and water content of leaves in cucumber plants. Silicon decreased the decomposition of chlorophyll in cucumber plants under drought stress, limited the increase of the plasma membrane permeability and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves, alleviated the physiological response of peroxidase (POD) to drought stress, maintained the superoxide dismutase (SOD) normal adaptation, and increased the activity of catalase (CAT). Under severe stress, these physiological biochemical reactions showed positive correlations with the amount of silicon supply. These findings demonstrated that silicon enhanced the resistance of the cucumber plants to drought. Statistical analysis indicated that under drought stress the cumulative value of biomass showed a highly significant correlation with the cumulative value of diurnal photosynthesis (r = 0.9812, p < 0.01), and was significantly correlated with the water content of leaves (r = 0.8650, p < 0.05). These results demonstrated that under drought stress the first factor responsible for the effects of silicon application on the cumulative value of biomass was the increase of photosynthesis, and the second factor was the enhancement of the water holding capacity. Based on these facts, it was concluded that silicon enhanced the resistance to drought mainly by taking part in the metabolism of plants.  相似文献   

Young trees of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were grown in 120 litre pots under two different ozone levels in open-top chambers for three seasons, 1992–1994. The ozone treatments were charcoal filtered air (CF, average 24 h seasonal mean 6.5 ppb) and non-filtered air with extra ozone aiming to track 1.5 times ambient (NF+, average seasonal mean 34 ppb). In addition, half of the spruce trees in Aug – Sep each season recieved a drought period of between five and seven weeks. The remaining half were kept well-watered. The soil water content, the needle water potentials, and the gas exchange as well as the chamber micro climate were measured before, during and after the drought period. Furthermore, the growth of the trees was measured as biomass increase. During the 1993 drought period, where the trees experienced a moderate drought stress, the trees grown in NF+ consumed soil water faster and showed a higher needle conductance compared to CF. However, no negative effects were found on needle water potential or growth. During the more severe 1994 drought stress period we did not find any differences between the two ozone treatments in soil water consumption, needle conductance or needle water potential. There was a significant negative effect of the high ozone treatment on tree biomass of the well-watered trees. Total plant biomass was reduced 18 % and stem biomass was reduced as much as 28 %. The negative effect of ozone on tree biomass was much smaller for the droughted trees.  相似文献   

A trial testing of the effect of several types of Mg fertilizer was established in a 9 yr old plantation of Norway spruce at the Col du Donon in the Vosgian mountains (France). The plantation, which had exhibited symptoms of Mg deficiency (yellowing), had been fertilized 5 yr prior to this study with 40 kg ha–1 of Mg applied as Epsom-salts. This alleviated the deficiency symptoms, but the yellowing reappeared 3 yr after the fertilization and increased until the year in which the second fertilization trial (described in this paper) was established. Five Mg fertilizers (2 forms of slag, 2 forms of limestone, and Epsom-salts) at two rates of Mg (40 and 80 kg ha–1) were compared to a control. Just after this second fertilization, the trees became green again and small positive effects on circumference and basal area increments has been observed. However, 12 yr after the treatment, there were no differences between the treatments regarding needle coloration, circumference, basal area or volume.  相似文献   

A trial testing of the effect of several types of Mg fertilizer was established in a 9 yr old plantation of Norway spruce at the Col du Donon in the Vosgian mountains (France). The plantation, which had exhibited symptoms of Mg deficiency (yellowing), had been fertilized 5 yr prior to this study with 40 kg ha−1 of Mg applied as Epsom-salts. This alleviated the deficiency symptoms, but the yellowing reappeared 3 yr after the fertilization and increased until the year in which the second fertilization trial (described in this paper) was established. Five Mg fertilizers (2 forms of slag, 2 forms of limestone, and Epsom-salts) at two rates of Mg (40 and 80 kg ha−1) were compared to a control. Just after this second fertilization, the trees became green again and small positive effects on circumference and basal area increments has been observed. However, 12 yr after the treatment, there were no differences between the treatments regarding needle coloration, circumference, basal area or volume.  相似文献   

Assessments of terrestrial carbon fluxes require a thorough understanding of links between primary production, soil respiration and carbon loss through drainage. In this study, stem girdling was used to terminate autotrophic soil respiration including rhizosphere respiration and root exudation in a temperate Norway spruce stand. Rates of soil respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) formation were measured in the second year after girdling, comparing an intact plant-rhizosphere continuum with an exclusive decomposer system. The molecular and isotopic composition of DOC in the soil solution was analysed with a coupled Py-GC/MS-C-IRMS system to distinguish between the carbon sources of dissolved carbon. Pyrolysis products were grouped according to their precursor origins: polysaccharides, proteins or of mixed origin (mainly derivates of lignins and proteins). When dead roots became available for decomposition, rates of heterotrophic soil respiration in girdling plots peaked at 6.5 μmol m−2 s−1, comparable to peak rates of total soil respiration (autotrophic and heterotrophic) in control plots, 6.1 μmol m−2 s−1. A significant response of soil respiration to temperature was found in control plots only, showing that an unlimiting supply of organic substrates for microbial respiration may mask any temperature effects. The enhanced decomposition in girdled plots was further supported by the isotopic composition of DOC in soil solution; all three precursor groups became isotopically enriched as the growing season progressed (polysaccharides by 2.3‰, proteins by 1.9‰, mixed origin group by 2.2‰). This indicates a trophic level shift due to incorporation of organic substrate into the microbial food chain. In the control plots’ mixed origin fraction, the isotopic composition changed over time from a signature resembling that of lignin (−28.9‰) to one similar of the protein fraction (−25.7‰). Significant temporal changes of structural DOC composition occurred in the girdling plots only. These results suggest that changes in the microbial community and in decomposition rates occurred in both girdled and control plots in the following ways: (i) increased substrate availability (dead roots) gave rise to generally enhanced performance of the decomposer community in girdled plots, (ii) root-derived exudates probably contributed to enhanced decomposition of recalcitrant lignin in the control plots and (iii) the structural composition of DOC seemed to be more a result of decomposition than of plant root exudation in all plots.  相似文献   

Rhizophere and bulk soil chemistry were investigated in a Norway spruce stand in SW Sweden. The rhizosphere and bulk soil chemistry in water extracts in control plots (C) and plots repeatedly treated with ammonium sulphate (NS) were compared. Treatment regime was started in 1988. Cylindrical core samples of the LFH-layer and mineral soil layers were collected in 1992 and used for water extract analyses. Samples of soil from LFH-layer and mineral soil layers were taken in 1991 and 1993 for determination of CEC and base saturation. Soil pH and NH4-N, NO3-N and SO4-S, Al, Ca, K and Mg concentrations in water extracts were measured for rhizosphere and bulk soils. The pH-values of bulk and rhizosphere soils in NS plots decreased compared with those in control plots, whereas concentrations of NH4-N, NO3-N, SO4-S, base cations and Al in water extract increased. In both bulk and rhizosphere soils the concentration of NH4-N was much higher than that of NO3-N. A significant difference in the pH and Mg concentration of bulk and rhizosphere soil between the treated and control plots was found only in the 0–10 cm layer. For all layers, there was a significant difference in NH4-N concentrations in the bulk and rhizosphere soil between the NS treatment and control plots. Concentrations of exchangeable base cations and the base saturation level in the LFH-layer decreased in the NS plots. The concentration of extractable SO4-S increased in the NS plots. The NS treatment enhanced the amount of litter in L-layer, owing to increases in needle biomass and litterfall but led to losses of base cations, mainly K and Mg, from LFH-layer. It was concluded that the NS treatment displaced cations from exchangeable sites in the LFH-layer leading to higher concentrations of these elements in both rhizosphere and bulk soil.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - In sites at Solling and Wingst in Lower Saxony, the budgets of a number of heavy metals were calculated, and an attempt was made to assess the effects of the...  相似文献   

不同种植方式对红壤旱地土壤水分及抗旱能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过3年田间小区试验,研究不同种植方式对红壤旱地土壤水分及抗旱能力的影响.结果表明:1)与种植花生相比,种植苎麻可显著提高土壤有机质质量分数(28.44%)、田间持水量(10.06%)和总孔隙度(5.65%),土壤密度则显著降低7.20%;2)监测期内,花生地各层土壤以及整个0~ 100 cm土体水分变异系数普遍高于苎麻地,苎麻地0 ~ 100 cm土体水分的时间稳定性和空间协调性优于花生地;3)苎麻地0~ 40 cm土壤较花生地延长抗旱时间7d以上,但随着土层的加深,差异越来越小;4)红壤坡耕地种植苎麻有利于提高红壤旱地土壤抗旱能力,特别是中、上层土壤.从扩充土壤水库的角度考虑,红壤旱地种植苎麻优于种植花生,该研究结果可为挖掘红壤区深层土壤水分提供参考.  相似文献   

Global change scenarios predict an increasing frequency and duration of summer drought periods in Central Europe especially for higher elevation areas. Our current knowledge about the effects of soil drought on nitrogen trace gas fluxes from temperate forest soils is scarce. In this study, the effects of experimentally induced drought on soil N2O and NO emissions were investigated in a mature Norway spruce forest in the Fichtelgebirge (northeastern Bavaria, Germany) in two consecutive years. Drought was induced by roof constructions over a period of 46 days. The experiment was run in three replicates and three non-manipulated plots served as controls. Additionally to the N2O and NO flux measurements in weekly to monthly intervals, soil gas samples from six different soil depths were analysed in time series for N2O concentration as well as isotope abundances to investigate N2O dynamics within the soil. N2O fluxes from soil to the atmosphere at the experimental plots decreased gradually during the drought period from 0.2 to −0.0 μmol m−2 h−1, respectively, and mean cumulative N2O emissions from the manipulated plots were reduced by 43% during experimental drought compared to the controls in 2007. N2O concentration as well as isotope abundance analysis along the soil profiles revealed that a major part of the soil acted as a net sink for N2O, even during drought. This N2O sink, together with diminished N2O production in the organic layers, resulted in successively decreased N2O fluxes during drought, and may even turn this forest soil into a net sink of atmospheric N2O as observed in the first year of the experiment. Enhanced N2O fluxes observed after rewetting up to 0.1 μmol m−2 h−1 were not able to compensate for the preceding drought effect. During the experiment in 2006, with soil matric potentials in 20 cm depth down to −630 hPa, cumulative NO emissions from the throughfall exclusion plots were reduced by 69% compared to the controls, whereas cumulative NO emissions from the experimental plots in 2007, with minimum soil matric potentials of −210 hPa, were 180% of those of the controls. Following wetting, the soil of the throughfall exclusion plots showed significantly larger NO fluxes compared to the controls (up to 9 μmol m−2 h−1 versus 2 μmol m−2 h−1). These fluxes were responsible for 44% of the total emission of NO throughout the whole course of the experiment. NO emissions from this forest soil usually exceeded N2O emissions by one order of magnitude or more except during wintertime.  相似文献   

The vertical and horizontal variability of solar radiation within a mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)-Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) mixed stand in Southern Germany is investigated. A large dataset with more than one million spectral measurements of photon fluence rates at six vertical levels within the stand is analyzed with respect to tree species, meteorological sky conditions, and the influence of solar elevation angle on canopy penetration. Irradiance probability density functions of the photosynthetically active waveband are used to describe the three-dimensional radiation field. For a quantification of umbra, penumbra, and sunfleck frequencies, in-canopy fractions of photon fluence rates within the photosynthetically active waveband are investigated. Different phenological stages of beech and their effects on the in-canopy light climate are compared. The results show that during overcast conditions (OVC) fractions of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) are higher at all canopy levels than during clear sky (CS) conditions due to their exclusively diffuse character. The lowest median PAR level of less than 1% of above-canopy PAR can be observed in the shade crown of beech and at ground level. More PAR can penetrate the canopy at a higher solar elevation under CS conditions. This effect is more pronounced for spruce than for beech due to the conical crown shape of the conifers that allows photons from higher angles to enter the gaps inbetween trees in contrast to the more homogeneously closed beech canopy. Solar elevation is not an important factor at uniformly overcast conditions. Differences in the vertical distribution of umbra and penumbra can be detected when comparing species or different sky conditions. The frequency of sunflecks differs more by species and by the vertical position within the canopy than by sky condition.  相似文献   

Coniferous forest soils often consume less of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) than deciduous forest soils. The reasons for this phenomenon have not been resolved. It might be caused by differences in the diffusive flux of CH4 through the organic layer, pH or different concentrations of potentially inhibitory compounds. Soil samples were investigated from three adjacent European beech ( Fagus sylvatica ) and Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) stands in Germany. Maximal CH4 oxidation velocities (Vmax(app)) and Michaelis Menten constants (KM(app)), retrieved from intact soil cores at constant CH4 concentrations, temperature and matric potential, were twice as great in beech as in spruce soils. Also atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates measured in homogenized soil samples displayed the same trend. Greatest atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates were detected in the Oa horizon or in the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil. In contrast to the beech soils, the Oa horizon of the spruce soils consumed no CH4. A differential effect due to divergent diffusive flux through the litter layer was not found. pH and ammonium concentration were similar in samples from both forest soil types. Ethylene accumulation in all soils was negligible under oxic conditions. These collective results suggest that the different atmospheric CH4 uptake by beech and spruce soils is caused by different CH4 oxidizing capacities of methanotrophic communities in the Oa horizon and top mineral soil.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 21 elements were determined in 1 yr old needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies) at 39 different sites: The following soil parameters were measured at 3 different depths: pH, loss on ignition, total and EDTA-extractable concentrations of 28 elements. Needle concentrations were tested for correlations with soil parameters. The following significant correlations were found with pH: Al, Co, Cs, Mn, and Rb in needles increased with decreasing soil pH, whereas Ba and Sr decreased. Needle concentrations of As, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, P, Sb, Sc, V, and Zn had no significant correlations with soil pH. AI and Ba in needles correlated also with A1 and Ba extracted from the soil. Needle concentrations of the pairs Co and Mn, Cs and Rb, and Ba and Sr showed significant positive interelement correlations, whereas concentrations of P and K had negative interelement correlations with Mn.  相似文献   

Zygophyllum xanthoxylum is a salt‐accumulating xerophytic species with excellent adaptability to adverse environments. Previous studies demonstrated that Z. xanthoxylum absorbs a great quantity of Na+ as an osmoregulatory substance under arid conditions. To investigate the nutritional status of Z. xanthoxylum in comparison with a typical glycophyte, Arabidopsis thaliana, seedlings were exposed to NaCl (50 mM for Z. xanthoxylum and 5 mM for A. thaliana), osmotic stress (–0.5 MPa), and osmotic stress combined with the NaCl treatment. Compared to the control, NaCl treatment or osmotic stress significantly increased Na+ concentration in leaves and roots of Z. xanthoxylum, but not of A. thaliana. Under osmotic stress, the addition of NaCl significantly increased Na+ concentration in leaves and roots of Z. xanthoxylum, resulting in improved biomass and tissue water content. However, such changes were not observed in A. thaliana. Compared to the control, K+ concentrations in leaves and roots remained unchanged in Z. xanthoxylum when exposed to osmotic stress, with or without additional 50 mM NaCl. In contrast, significant reductions in shoot K+ concentrations of A. thaliana were observed under osmotic stress alone or when combined with 5 mM NaCl. Moreover, NaCl alone or when combined with osmotic stress enhanced the accumulation of N, P, Fe, Si, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in Z. xanthoxylum, but did not cause such nutritional changes in A. thaliana. Compared to the glycophyte A. thaliana, Z. xanthoxylum could accumulate Na+ and maintain the stability of nutritional status at a relatively constant level to cope with drought stress.  相似文献   

Non-inoculated spruce seedlings (Picea abies Karst.) and spruce seedlings colonized with Lactarius rufus Fr., Pisolithus tinctorius Coker & Couch or Paxillus involutus Fr. were grown for 35 or 37 weeks in a microcosm system on two types of natural forest humus differing in Pb content. Using X-ray microanalysis, the distribution and content of Pb in the tissues of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root tips were compared. No significant difference in the Pb contents of root cortex cell walls of non-mycorrhizal and seedlings colonized by Lactarius rufus, Pisolithus tinctorius, or indigenous mycorrhizal fungi (mainly Tylospora sp.) was found. However, in root tips of seedlings colonized by Paxillus involutus, due to a higher binding capacity for cations, the Pb content in cell walls of the root cortex were higher than in non-mycorrhizal roots. Pb contents in cell walls of the cortex of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots were 3 times higher in plants growing in humus with a high Pb content than in plants growing in humus with a low Pb content. It is concluded that increasing contents of Pb in the organic matter may lead to an increased loading of the apoplast with Pb. The mycobionts tested in this investigation did not exclude Pb from root tissues.  相似文献   

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