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To assess the impact of air pollutants on the population dynamics of herbivores, the effects of pollutants on their natural enemies including predators, parasites, and pathogens must be evaluated in addition to direct effects and indirect effects mediated via the host plant. Insect parasitoids are an important group of such natural enemies providing many examples of partial or complete biological control of pest species. This study examined the effects of air pollutants (ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)) on the searching behaviour of insect parasitoids. A series of experiments comprising short-term, closed chamber fumigations of O3, SO2, and NO2 (100 nl l?1) of the braconid parasitoid (Asobara tabida) and aggregated distributions of its host larvae (Drosophila subobscura) was set up. Analysis of chamber results showed that the proportion of hosts parasitised and the searching efficiency of the parasitoids were both significantly reduced with O3 fumigation, but not with NO2 or SO2 fumigations. O3 fumigation reduced percentage parasitism by approximately 10%. Parasitoids were able to avoid patches with no hosts, both in filtered air controls and when exposed to pollutants. However in the O3 and NO2 treatments they appeared less able to discriminate between different host densities, suggesting that pollutants may interfere with the olfactory responses of the parasitoids. These results indicate the potential for air pollutants, particularly O3, to negatively influence the searching behaviour of parasitoids, and hence reduce the efficiency of natural enemy control of many pest species.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds have an important role in defense responses against herbivores and pathogens. This study summarises published and some unpublished data from a series of fumigation experiments where Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of gaseous air pollutants, ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in growth chambers. Concentrations of monoterpenes, resin acids and total phenolics were studied. Overall, needle monoterpenes were not affected by pollutants. Only very high level of O3 (600 ppb) decreased concentration of some individual monoterpenes in pine needles. O3 did not have effect on concentrations of resin acids in pine needles. In contrast, the concentration of some individual resin acids increased in O3-exposed pine shoots and in O3-exposed needles of one spruce clone. The highest dose of SO2 decreased concentrations of resin acids in pine needles, but low exposure levels did not have effects. However, SO2 had no effects on the resin acids concentrations of spruce needles, except some minor individual compounds were affected in clonal spruces. Increased concentrations of resin acids was found in pine shoots exposed to NO2. Total phenolics of needles were not affected by pollutants. These observations suggest that among secondary compounds there is variation in sensitivity to air pollutants and genetically different trees have different responses to air pollutants.  相似文献   

The ambient concentration of SO2, NOx and Ox in the atmosphere of Hiroshima, Fukuyama and Fuchu city which were monitored by the prefectural monitoring stations, are examined to give a picture of the typical air pollution at these sites. Results show that the yearly concentrations of SO2 in these areas are significantly fall from 20 to 6 ppb during 1978–1996 when the NOx concentrations having no such significant change which varies from 40 to 30 ppb. The Photo-chemical Oxidant (Ox) increases annually at the rate of 0.3 ppb to 0.6 ppb in Hiroshima city only. To know the present situation of air pollution the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) system is used in the city of Higashi Hiroshima. The daily average concentrations of SO2, NO2, O3 and HONO measured during the period of August 1999 to March 2000 ranged from 1.4 ppb to 2.8 ppb, 13 ppb to 26.9 ppb, 21 ppb to 53.6 ppb and 1 ppb to 4.3 ppb respectively. The patterns of concentrations of NO2 and O3 measured by DOAS look similar to the seasonal patterns of NOx and Ox by the conventional system.  相似文献   

Pollution episodes of three distinct types were detected at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory, which is a 300 m instrumented tower located in a rural area 25 km north of Denver and 20 km east of Boulder. Under stably stratified atmospheric conditions, usually at night or early morning, both power-plant-derived and general urban plumes were sampled. The powerplant plumes were characterized by SO2 concentrations of 30 to 50 ppb in the plume centers, NO2 maxima of 20 to 40 ppb on the plume edges, NO maxima of as much as 50 ppb in the plume centers, and the absence of O3 from the plume centers. Light scattering (b scat), principally due to coarse particles, was typically enhanced by 20 to 40%, relative to nominally clean air. The urban plumes typically contained NO2 uniformly distributed throughout the affected air mass at 20 to 30 ppb, no detectable NO or SO2, and O3 present at concentrations less than half that in background air; b scat was typically increased by a factor of 2 to 3. A third type of pollution episode, containing greatly increased concentrations of condensation nuclei, was observed during days when surface heating had apparently stimulated biological particle production. At these times the usual indicators of anthropogenic pollution were absent.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that air pollution may have adverse impacts on crops in developing countries, yet this has been little studied. This paper addresses this issue, for a major leguminous crop of the Indian sub continent, examining the effect of air pollution in and around an Indian city. A field study was conducted using a gradient approach to elucidate the impact of air pollutants on selected production characteristics of Vigna radiata L. cv. Malviya Jyoti (mung bean) plants grown from germination to maturity at locations with differing concentrations of air pollutants around peri-urban and rural areas of Varanasi. The 6 -h daily mean SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations varied from 8.05 to 32.2 ppb, 11.7 to 80.1 ppb and 9.7 to 58.5 ppb, respectively, between the sites. Microclimatic conditions did not vary significantly between the sites. Changes in plant performance at different sites were evaluated with reference to ambient air quality status. Reductions in biomass accumulation and seed yields were highest at the site experiencing highest concentrations of all three gaseous pollutants. The magnitude of response indicated that at peri-urban sites SO2, NO2 and O3 were all contributing to these effects, whereas at rural sites NO2 and O3 combinations appeared to have more influence. The quality of seed was also found to be negatively influenced by the ambient levels of pollutants. It is concluded that the air pollution regime of Varanasi City causes a major threat to mung bean plants, both in terms of yield and crop quality, with serious implications for the nutrition of the urban poor.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of ambient air pollution on leaf characteristics of white willow, northern red oak, and Scots pine. Willow, oak, and pine saplings were planted at sixteen locations in Belgium, where nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM10) concentrations were continuously measured. The trees were exposed to ambient air during 6 months (April–September 2010), and, thereafter, specific leaf area (SLA), stomatal resistance (R s), leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA), drop contact angle (CA), relative chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll fluorescence (F v/F m) were measured. Leaf characteristics of willow, oak, and pine were differently related to the ambient air pollution, indicating a species-dependent response. Willow and pine had a higher SLA at measuring stations with higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations. Willow had a higher R s and pine had a higher F v/F m at measuring stations with a higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations, while oak had a higher F v/F m and a lower FA at measuring stations with a higher NO2 and lower O3 concentrations. FA and R s of willow, oak, and pine, SLA of oak, and CA of willow were rather an indicator for local adaptation to the micro-environment than an indicator for the ambient air pollution.  相似文献   

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) plants, cultivars Cheri, Merion and Touchdown were grown at complete nutrition or with low S or low N. Plants were exposed to 10 ppm (v/v) O3 for 6 h d?i, 15 pphm SO2 continuously, 15 pphm NO2 continuously, or their mixture at these concentrations for 10 days. The severity of injury was much increased by misting with deionized water for 5 min twice daily, especially with SO2 and NO2 single gas exposures. The misting did not have consistent effects on total S, total N, leaf area or fresh weight. Exposure to O3 decreased leaf area without affecting S or N content, while SO2 usually increased total S and, in some cases, increased total N. Exposure to NO2 increased total N without affecting total S, and the mixture increased both total S and total N. Low S or low N usually enhanced the effect of SO2 or NO2, respectively. Leaf area and fresh weight were not as responsive to the treatments as total S and total N. Rainfall outdoors may be a major meteorological factor affecting plant injury response to gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   

Regional oxidant distributions produced under various atmospheric conditions and emission scenarios are investigated using the Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM). RADM is a complex, evolving three-dimensional Eulerian model that describes the chemistry, transport and deposition of tropospheric trace species including SO2, sulfate, NO x and volatile organic compounds as well as O3, other major oxidants and acids. The model calculates the short-term temporal evolution of atmospheric trace gas concentrations and their deposition on the regional scale. This study is focused on oxidant production in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. The influence of atmospheric conditions is explored by comparing three characteristic winter, summer and spring/fall cases. Base-case 1985 emissions of SO x , NO x , volatile organic compounds (VOCs), NH3 and CO are specified using the comprehensive pollutant emissions inventory developed as part of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP). The perturbed case, which represents projected anthropogenic emission changes for 2010, indicates changes in daily total 80 km grid average NO x emissions ranging from increases of 75% to decreases of 45% and VOC emission changes ranging from increases of 65% to decreases of 20%. The largest NO x emission changes occur in the northeast, and the largest VOC changes occur in the Gulf Coast area. Ground level grid average midday O3 concentrations for the 1985 emission cases are highest (on the order of 70 to 100 ppb) in the New York City and Houston metropolitan areas for the summer and spring cases; the summer case also indicates relatively high grid average O3 concentrations of greater than 80 ppb in the southeast. Winter case values are much lower than summer O3 values throughout the region, with highs of 40 to 50 ppb occurring in the southeast and the Great Lakes area. Changes in NO x and other emissions under the complex 2010 emissions scenario for the summer case result in maximum O3 concentration reductions of 10% in the Houston area and increases in O3 of a few percent in some rural areas of the southeast. This study underscores the need for more comprehensive assessment of the complex relationships among regional emission changes, oxidant production and atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Field studies of photosynthesis in Pinus contorta/Pinus banksiana (lodgepole pine/jack pine) hybrids, Picea glauca (white spruce) and Populus tremuloides (aspen) subjected to SO2 and H2S from a nearby natural gas processing plant were initiated near Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada during the summer of 1974. The site was characterized as a Pinus-Picea glauca/Arctostaphylos uva-ursi association (pine-white spruce/bearberry). A 15 m high scaffold was used as access to mid-crown foliage in the pines while the spruce and aspen were accessible from the round. Net assimilation rates, transpiration rates and leaf resistances were calculated and water deficits were monitored. Photosynthetic rates measured were in a low range for the conifers studied, with pine having a maximum of 3.28 mg dm?2 h?1 and white spruce a maximum value of 2.3 mg dm?2 h?1 The low maximum photosynthetic rate determined for aspen is thought to be attributable to the onset of autumn. Chemical analyses for SO4-sulfur using the methylene blue colorimetric method of Johnson and Nishita (1952) showed levels of 300 to 700 ppm, with the older foliage showing slightly higher values. Visible chronic S02 symptoms had a pronounced sun, or upward, orientation. Ambient SOD H2S and total S were measured using a Tracor 270HA Atmospheric Sulfur Analyzer (chromatographic method) and trends in ambient SO2 concentrations using an Envirometrics SO2 Analyzer (polarographic method). Concentration was found to be variable for SO2 and generally below 0.05 ppm. A concentration gradient of SO2 was found to exist in the lodgepole pine/jack pine stand with the SO2 values above the canopy generally higher than below the canopy (0.1 ppm above and 0.05 ppm below). This condition was occasionally reversed. The plant canopy is considered to act as a barrier to downward diffusion of the S emissions in the first case and also a barrier to upward diffusion of S emissions present due to advection in the stand in the second case. The vegetative environment surrounding the Windfall Gas Plant is definitely affected by S gas emissions but the extent remains to be determined.  相似文献   

This series of five papers is a study of how biocidal treatments influence metabolism in soil, directed particularly towards the flush of decomposition caused by fumigation, and designed to see if the size of this flush can be used as a measure of the soil biomass.Chloroform fumigation caused an immediate increase in the amounts of ammonium and organic C extracted from a soil by 1 N K2SO4. When the CHCl3-treated soil was then inoculated with fresh soil and incubated for 10 days. it consumed 2·8 times more O2, evolved 2·2 times more CO2 and mineralised 7·3 times more N than an unfumigated soil. Extractable organic C decreased by about 40% when the fumigated soil was incubated for 10 days. A second fumigation given immediately after the first produced no further increase in the flush, but some recovery occurred if the soil was incubated between fumigations. However, this recovery was slow and incomplete; a second fumigation given 53 days after the first gave a flush only one-seventh the size of the first. Glucose (or ryegrass) added to the soil and allowed to decompose before fumigation increased the size of the flush. After a 52-day incubation, 29% of the C originally added as 14C labelled glucose remained in the soil; fumigation on the 52nd day increased the evolution of labelled CO2 during the subsequent 10-day period by a factor of 8. Fumigation of a soil that had already been sterilized by 2·5 Mrads of gamma radiation increased the flush slightly; the amount of O2 consumed in 10 days increased from 123 to 137 mg/100 g soil. It is proposed that the flush of decomposition following CHCl3 fumigation is caused by the decomposition of killed organisms by the survivors (or by organisms added in the inoculum) and that organisms are more rapidly and completely attacked after exposure to CHCl3 than after irradiation. On this hypothesis. 10% of the glucose C originally added to the soil was located in the soil biomass after 52 days.  相似文献   

Samples of strongly acid forest litter and humus from beneath Sitka spruce, heather, Scots pine and larch from two sites in north-east Scotland were incubated aerobically at 20°C in the laboratory. At the Glen Tanar site, spruce litter and larch humus showed significant nitrification and ammonification whereas spruce humus and Scots pine humus produced only NH4+-N. Heather humus showed no net mineralization. At the Fetteresso site, application of fertilizer N, P and K to Sitka spruce up to 3 yr previously, significantly stimulated the production of NO3-N in both litter and humus.Amendment of the samples with organic N as peptone caused significant increases in NO3-N production in those samples that already showed nitrification. The increases in NO3-N generally represented a low proportion of the added peptone-N. Amendment with NH4+-N as (NH4)2SO4 either had no effect or significantly reduced NO3-N production (in larch humus). The results suggest the occurrence of heterotrophic nitrification in some of these forest samples.Net immobilization of NH4+-N was typically greater in NH4+-N amended than in peptone amended samples, except for heather humus which showed complete immobilization of both N sources.Total mineral N produced at the end of the aerobic incubation was correlated (P < 0.01) with NH4+-N produced during a 30-day anaerobic incubation at 30°C. Net NO3-N production was greater in litter than in the corresponding humus samples and was correlated (P < 0.001) with initial organic N soluble in 1 m KCl.  相似文献   

Three year old spruce trees (Picea omorika) were exposed to 100 and 225 nl l-1 SO2 and H2S for three weeks. The number of chromosomal aberrations and the mitotic index in the root tip meristems, and glutathione and cysteine contents in fine roots were determined twice weekly. An increase in glutathione content in fine roots of H2S exposed plants was only detectable after 13 days of fumigation. The number of chromosomal aberrations increased significantly after 9 days of exposure to 225 nl l-1 H2S and after 13 days of exposure to 225 nl l-1 SO2 or 100 nl l-1 H2S. This increase in chromosomal damage persisted up to the end of the 3 week treatment. Neither SO2 nor H2S exposure affected the cysteine content or the redox state of glutathione in fine roots. These results suggest that the development of chromosomal aberrations during SO2 and H2S exposures does not directly reflect changes in thiol/glutathione content or redox state in the fine roots.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gases and particulates were collected using four-stage filter-pack in Chunchon from January through December in 1999. Particulate SO4 2? and NO3 ?, and gaseous HNO3, SO2 and NH3 were analyzed. Annual average concentration of SO4 2?(S), NO3 ?(S), HNO3 (g), SO2(g) and NH3(g) were 5.75µg/m3, 4.98µg/m3, 0.33ppb, 1.52ppb and 7.25ppb, respectively. Annual dry deposition fluxes were estimated using the measured concentration and dry deposition velocity published by other research group. Annual dry deposition of S was 287kg · (km)?2·y?1, which accounted for about 30% of total S deposition. For N deposition, dry deposition is predominant; about 70% of total N deposition was through dry process mostly as forms of NH3 and HNO3.  相似文献   

Site-specific estimates for various environmentalstress factors were related with measured crowncondition data at a systematic 16 ×: 16 km2 gridover Europe, according to previously statedhypotheses, using a multiple regression approach,including interactions, and lagged effects of stressfactors. Methodological differences among countriesaccounted for >30% of the variation in defoliation.Nevertheless, crown condition was found to varynaturally with tree age, altitude, drought stress and,most likely, also pathogenic fungi and insects.Significant impacts of air pollution (specificallyozone but also NOx, SOx and acid deposition)were found at regional levels in parts of centralEurope, particularly for deciduous species. Impactsseemed less significant for conifers, especially forspruce, but this might be affected by confoundingeffects or strong correlations between (a harsh)climate and (low) atmospheric deposition in the areawhere spruce predominates. National studies indicatethat ozone and acid deposition can have a significanteffect on the defoliation of spruce as well. Weconclude that while forest condition varies naturally,continued emissions will contribute further to forestdecline in the long term.  相似文献   

Shoots of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings grown in solution culture were fumigated with sulfur dioxide or ozone, or with a combination of both for 60 days. Dry weights of the shoots exposed to O3 and SO2/O3 were increased over the controls. Uptake rates of calcium, magnesium, potassium and nitrate from the nutrient solutions were altered in dependence on fumigation, time of exposure and stage of plant development. Uptake rates of all ions by the seedlings fumigated with SO2 first increased, but later on decreased as compared to the control. Fumigation with O3, or O3 in combination with SO2 affected uptake of the various nutrients differently. The effects of the pollutants on the concentrations of calcium and magnesium in the various parts of the seedlings indicate that the changes are not only due to altered water and ion uptake but may be related to various effects in ion transport and plant metabolism.  相似文献   

Long term continuous monitoring measurements of urban atmospheric concentrations of O3, NO2, NO, and SO2 were performed for the first time in Ciudad Real, a city in central-southern Spain. The measurements were carried out using the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) technique, with a commercial system (OPSIS, Lund-Sweden), covering the summer and winter seasons (from 21st July 2000 to 23rd March 2001). Mean levels of O3, NO2 and SO2 monitored during this period were: 27 μg m?3, 50 μg m?3 and 7 μg m?3 respectively. The highest hourly averaged value of O3 (160 μg m?3) was measured during the summer period, while NO2 was enhanced in wintertime (highest values 90 μg m?3). In the coldest period, when central heating installations were operating, SO2 showed maximum levels of 20 μg m?3. The daily, weekly and seasonal analysis of the data shows that photochemical air pollution dominates in this urban atmosphere and is strongly influenced by levels of motor traffic and domestic heating system emissions. These measurements were compared with other studies in Spain and Europe. Also, the long path averaged DOAS measurements were compared with in situ observations made in Ciudad Real, from 23rd August 2000 to 25th September 2000, using a mobile air pollution control station. All gas concentrations reported in this paper are below the WHO guidelines and the different thresholds introduced by the European Environmental Legislation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a facility designed to simultaneously generate complex climatic and pollutant conditions for research into the effects of climate and air pollution on plants. The system, commissioned in 1985, consists of a set of 4 environmental chambers which are each equipped with four identical subchambers. These 4 subchambers are subjected to identical climatic conditions, but are equipped with independent gas supplies. The chambers are designed to operate within a temperature range of -20 to +40° C at a relative humidity of 20 to 95 % with an illumination system providing high light intensities at a spectrum very close to sunlight. A computer controlled fumigation system allows the injection of various gases singly and in combination at concentrations between 0.005 to l,000 ppm (SO2, NOx, O3, CO2, PAN).  相似文献   

A mixed provenance Sitka spruce plantation, planted in 1986 on a drained deep peat, has been exposed to 6 different simulated mist treatments in 4 replicated blocks since 1996. Treatments provided N and/or S at a concentration of 1.6 mol m?3, supplying ca. 50 kg S and/or N ha?1 yr?1 as N (NH4NO3), S (Na2SO4), NS Acid (NH4NO3 + H2SO4 at pH 2.5), 2NS Acid (double dose by application at twice frequency), a control treatment supplied with additional rainwater only and a 'no treatment' set of plots. Throughfall, preserved with thymol in the field, was collected using gutters with a surface area of 1 m2 in all the replicate plots, and was analysed for all major ions. Prior to treatment in 1999, S deposition in throughfall exceeded that in rain because of dry deposition of SO2 and SO4 2? to the canopy; NH4 + and NO3 ? ions were both retained in the canopy. During treatment, only 20–40% of the applied N in the high-N treatments was retained in the canopy. Acidity in the applied mist was partly neutralised by the canopy, but not primarily through exchange of base cations, leading to the conclusion that weak organic acids, in solution or in situ in the canopy, contributed to the buffering of the H+ ion deposition in the acid treatments.  相似文献   

Conifer forests in the Jizerské Mountains, Czech Republic have experienced widespread and long-lasting effects related to industrial SO2 pollution. To explore the spatial and temporal impact of this phenomenon on Norway spruce stands, a transect of sites was sampled to the southeast of the Polish coal-fired power station Turów. Tree growth at all sites displayed a significant reduction around 1980, which could not be explained by climate alone. However, by incorporating both climate and SO2 variables in multiple regression models, the chronology trends could be explained well. The lowest growth rates were found to coincide with the period of greatest atmospheric SO2 concentrations and the degree of suppression decreased with increasing distance from the power station. The period of growth suppression in a Silver fir site appeared to be more severe and longer in duration than for the spruce, although differing site conditions prevented a direct comparison. Fir trees also appeared to be affected by SO2 pollution earlier in the twentieth century compared to spruce. Growth of both species, however, did not return to predicted levels following the reduction of pollution levels in the 1990s. A comparison with spruce and fir data from the Bavarian Forest, a region also affected by pollution in the past, revealed a temporal difference in growth suppression, likely related to different timings and loadings of SO2 emissions between both regions. This study highlights pollution as another potential causal factor for the ??divergence problem?? and dendroclimatic reconstructions in polluted regions should be developed with caution.  相似文献   

Atmospheric air pollution levels and long-term effects on the environment caused by simultaneous presence of SO2 and oil shale alkaline fly ash during the last five decades (since 1950) were investigated. The annual critical value of SO2 for forest (20 µg m?3) was surpassed in 1% (~35 km2) of the study area where the load was 30–40 µg m?3. No effect of long-term SO2 concentrations of up to 10–11 µg m?3 (0.5-h max up to 270 µg m?3) and simultaneous fly ash loads of up to 95 µg m?3 (1000 µg m?3) on the growth and needle longevity of Pinus sylvestris was established. The yearly deposition (average load up to 20–100 kg S ha?1) was alkaline rather than acidic due to an elevated base cation deposition in 1960–1989. Since 1990, the proportion of SO2 in the balance of components increased: about 70–85% of the total area was affected while the ratio of annual average concentrations of SO2 to fly ash was over 1. The limit values of fly ash for Sphagnum mosses and conifers in the presence of SO2 are recommended.  相似文献   

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