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杂交水稻强化栽培穗粒结构特点研究 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
以3个杂交稻组合为材料,在大田条件下研究了杂交稻强化栽培的穗粒结构特点.结果表明,与常规栽培相比,杂交稻强化栽培单株个体发育充分,成穗率高;有效穗组成发生重大变化,主茎穗和一次分蘖穗在有效穗中的比重下降,二次分蘖穗比重提高;其主茎穗和各位、次分蘖穗的经济性状均优于常规栽培.强化栽培水稻不同来源有效穗对产量的贡献大小也与常规栽培有明显不同. 相似文献
强化栽培条件下施肥对杂交水稻主要米质性状的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以优质杂交水稻组合D优3232为材料,应用四元二次正交回归旋转组合设计的方法,研究了强化栽培条件下不同氮肥、磷肥、钾肥和硅肥用量配比对主要稻米品质性状直链淀粉含量、垩白粒率和整精米率的影响,建立了主要米质性状与4种肥料用量的回归模型。结果表明,在本试验条件下,磷肥用量是影响直链淀粉含量、垩白粒率、整精米率的主要因素,氮肥与硅肥对直链淀粉含量、垩白粒率以及磷肥与硅肥对垩白粒率均具有显著的互作效应。最佳氮、磷、钾、硅肥组合方案为:尿素171.60-195.90kg/hm^2、过磷酸钙283.35-393.30kg/hm^2、氯化钾102.30-122.70kg/hm^2、硅肥138.30-158.33kg/hm^2;按此施肥方案,在强化栽培条件下,D优3232的主要稻米品质性状可达到国标优质稻谷质量标准。 相似文献
Evaluation of management principles and performance of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Bangladesh 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Experiments were conducted at irrigated and rainfed lowland rice sites in Bangladesh to assess the performance of management practices that have become known as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). At a research station, SRI management principles such as seedling age, plant spacing, application of organic manure, seedling densities, duration of planting, planting shape and time of planting were evaluated under SRI management as compared to previously established Best Management Practices (BMPs). In on-farm trials, SRI was compared with BMP on 40 farmers’ fields. Nutrient inputs and water management in BMP and SRI treatments were kept at comparable levels. Seedling age, ranging from just sprouted seed to 40-day-old seedlings, had no effect on grain yield in the winter season. In a plant spacing experiment subject to SRI, the highest and lowest grain yields of 7.82 and 5.41 t ha−1 were obtained with spacing of 25 cm × 15 cm (narrow) and 40 cm × 40 cm (wide), respectively. In SRI, seedling density (1–2 seedlings per hill), planting durations (≤15 min to 1–3 h after uprooting) or root placement (L-shape and J-shape) had no effect on grain yield. With regard to time of planting, the highest grain yields were observed with transplanting in the 3rd week of December, with no difference between SRI and BMP management systems. In on-farm trials, BMP gave significantly higher grain yield compared to SRI and farmers’ practice in a triple-cropped area, but grain yields were similar with SRI in a double and single-cropped area when spacing was narrow. The highest profit was obtained with BMP followed by SRI and farmers’ practice in the single-cropping area. Major findings from this study are that under comparable levels of net nutrient input and water management (i) well-implemented BMPs for rice are more efficient for producing high yields than SRI and (ii) there is no intrinsic yield advantage of SRI that could be caused by its individual crop management techniques or some unknown synergism of the different SRI practices proposed. 相似文献
水稻强化栽培体系在两熟制杂交中稻上的改进应用初探 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
针对四川盆地水稻生产实际,把水稻强化栽培体系的基本原理同国内水稻栽培新技术密切结合,形成了集免耕、超稀植、集中施肥、秸秆覆盖、湿润灌溉于一体的两熟制杂交水稻强化栽培模式。介绍了这一模式的技术要点,对其高产高效原理进行了分析。 相似文献
单季稻强化高产栽培方式对稻纵卷叶螟发生的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为实现精准施药和农药减量控害目标,笔者于2007~2008年对浙江省天台县单季稻强化与常规两种栽培方式稻纵卷叶螟发生情况进行观察比较。结果表明,强化区与常规区稻纵卷叶螟蛾峰消长基本一致,全年共3个峰次,但蛾量略有差异,四(2)代蛾量强化区较常规区高136%,五(3)代与六(4)代蛾量强化区较常规区低24.8%和8.0%,虫苞与虫量调查,6月中下旬三(1)代强化区较常规区分别高8.3%和100%,四(2)代强化区较常规区分别低38.7%和22.3%,五(3)代强化区较常规区分别低34.6%和34.5%。 相似文献
烟后稻强化栽培(SRI)优势特点及关键技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对烟后稻实施强化栽培(SR I)在生育期、产量、产量结构、分蘖动态、经济效益和生态效益等方面的差异分析,以及该稻作类型使用强化栽培有关技术的研究,确立了烟后稻实行SR I是一项省工、节本、增产增效的轻简型栽培方法,总结出一套以选用良种、培育壮秧、小苗移栽、单本稀植、好气灌溉、精确施肥、综合防治等技术为核心的超高产集成技术。 相似文献
This paper reviews the constraints and challenges of paddy farming in Taiwan. Based on those evidences, a set of eco-friendly rice farming practices raised by SRI principles are proposed from exploratory SRI trials conducted in Taiwan. The trials show that even with less exact leveling in the SRI field than is ideally provided, the average yield for SRI was higher than for CP; with an aerobic soil situation, the combination of biocontrol agent application and SRI management was seen to give better rice blast control; and the highest paddy yield was obtained from single-seedling transplants from potted nursery trays which protect the young seedlings’ roots from shock or twisting, compared with the planting of more numerous seedlings grown on flat nursery trays by a mechanical rice transplanter. In conclusion, a conceptual framework for eco-friendly paddy farming is formulated to encourage farmers to practice SRI principles. Among the participants in this collaboration, a co-operating group of SRI farmers is organized under investor sponsorship to guarantee the quality and safety of food, integrating an inspection service and food-source traceability from field to market with the production process. It is seen that in Taiwan, SRI principles can be adopted by local farmers without need for additional premiums through eco-friendly collaboration that can raise simultaneously the productivity of land, capital, and irrigation water. In addition, this collaboration can take advantage of increasing consumer demand for safe food with fewer chemicals and for supporting a greater level of biodiversity. 相似文献
Tuyet Thi Anh Truong John Fry Phu Van Hoang Hoang Huy Ha 《Paddy and Water Environment》2017,15(4):931-941
The consumption of energy inputs in agricultural production has been increasing rapidly during the past decades. However, given the limitations and costs of non-renewable energy, increasing production while using the least energy possible has become a major concern of most nations. Prompted by this concern, we conducted a face-to-face survey of 90 farming households in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam, to find out how energy is being used in agriculture and, specifically, in their rice production. Through analysis of energy input–output balances, combined with economic efficiency analysis, a comparison was made of conventional and SRI methods of rice production. The study found that applying the SRI method can save around 23% of energy inputs, while increasing energy outputs by 11%. Economic benefits per hectare also rise by more than 8 million dong (USD 364) compared to those under the conventional cultivation system. The study also showed conflicts between the energy and economic balances for manual compared with machine ploughing operations. This study contributes to providing an overview of energy consumption in rice cultivation at the household level. Its findings can help stakeholders to assess current policies and make better decisions on the uses of energy in agricultural production. In addition, the comprehensive approach taken here to analysing energy use and efficiency could expand the analysis and comparison of energy uses at sectoral or activity level—still a new field in Vietnam and many other countries. 相似文献
强化栽培下水稻穗分化期叶片光合速率与水分利用率的研究 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
用超级杂交稻两优培九、Ⅱ优7954和国稻1号作为研究材料,比较SRI水稻穗分化期不同移栽密度叶片光合速率和水分利用率。结果表明,SRI水稻稀植后能保持一定的叶面积指数,随着移栽密度从1.95×105丛/hm2下降到0.75×105丛/hm2,群体透光率增加,各叶位(第9叶至第13叶)叶片的光合速率和水分利用率明显提高,蒸腾速率降低,抽穗整齐度下降,第9叶和第10叶的光合速率和水分利用率提高的幅度较大。在试验条件下,水稻强化栽培的产量在移栽密度为165×105丛/hm2 时最高。 相似文献