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Trees in urban areas are pruned for several reasons. Each pruning cut causes a wound, which leads at least in the exposed wood at the wound surface to discoloration and decay. The extension of the resulting defect depends on wound diameter, tree species, time of wounding, wound treatment, and last but not least the attachment of the branch to the stem. The effects of different pruning cuts on urban trees has been investigated in Hamburg, Germany, since 1985. The study of 750 different pruning wounds on typical urban tree species lead to the Hamburg Tree Pruning System (Hamburger Schnittmethode). The system is described in this paper and answers the following questions: How should branches with and without a branch collar be removed? How should dead branches be removed? How should branches with included bark or codominant stems be removed? What are the differences between tree species in wound response? What is the maximum wound size which will be effectively compartmentalised by the tree?  相似文献   

Efforts to improve the efficiency and efficacy of tree structure and crown architecture measurement are necessary to reduce error associated with indirect estimation of volume, which affects biophysical and ecosystem modelling, as well as resource assessment. In this short communication, we test the potential for a commercial SfM-MVS (Structure from Motion coupled with Multiple-View Stereophotogrammetry) software package, Photoscan-Professional, to accurately determine tree height, stem diameter, and eventually volume. SfM is a technique in computer vision, which calculates the 3D position of objects in a scene from a series of photographs. It uses a technique assuming that an object in a 3D scene is located on a vector between the image of the object in the camera and the object itself. The technique allows the construction of a 3D pointcloud, such as the one produced by laser technologies – terrestrial or airborne LiDAR. SfM requires no camera calibration or control points to construct an initial model. Moreover, it is a low-cost alternative to laser technologies. The second part of our method – MVS – is a visualization technique that reconstructs a 3D textured mesh of the scene from the SfM-derived pointcloud and RGB photographs. As a proof of concept, our methods were limited to two scenarios: (1) a single potted tree in a lab environment, where exact measurements could be made, and (2) two trees of different species and size in natural environments to test feasibility outside the laboratory. Precise measurements of tree height and stem diameter were compared with estimates obtained from the 3D model created using SfM-MVS. The results indicate that the SfM method is a promising – and inexpensive – alternative to terrestrial LiDAR and 3D scanners. Tree height estimates had error of 2.59%, while stem diameter estimates had error of 3.7%. The MVS algorithm used in this study was developed for plan surfaces such as topography or ‘compact’ objects and does not provide a representative 3D mesh for slender trees, although it works well for large stems. The authors link this disparity to the complex branching structure of trees.Future work requires (1) the development of effective automated volume reconstruction software specific to trees, and (2) the validation of the wide-scale applicability of the technology, which must include trees of various size, species, and growth forms. Moreover, future testing must include more complex environments, such as heterogeneous urban sites or closed-canopy forest sites where the proximity of other features may limit the utility of the new technology.  相似文献   

In urban ecosystems, tree cavities provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, and their occurrence is influenced by tree health, management, and cavity excavators. Changes over time in vegetative structure, human use patterns, and built environment affect the formation and persistence of tree cavities, and these changes may differ in various urban habitats. Trees with some decay are often associated with tree cavities, however, parks and residential habitats which are highly managed often lack highly-decayed trees, and large trees which are dead and damaged are likely to be removed and replaced with saplings. We surveyed changes over seven years (in 2013 and 2020) in the abundance of both excavated woodpecker cavities and decay cavities, in three urban habitats (forest, park, and residential) in the Chicago region, IL, USA. We observed greater stability of cavity abundance in managed park and residential habitats over time. Low numbers of highly-decayed trees in park and residential habitats were associated with reduced excavated cavity presence compared to forests. As expected, in both 2013 and 2020, the probability of cavity presence for both excavated and decay cavities was increased with greater tree size and higher levels of tree decay, though the patterns of this association varied between habitat types and years. The continued replacement and maintenance of existing trees means that managed park and residential habitats were more stable than unmanaged forest remnants, which are vulnerable to large changes in tree characteristics which could foster unpredictable booms or busts in cavity supply. A stable inventory of tree-cavities depends on preserving large trees, and decay of urban trees benefits habitat quality for cavity-nesters. Pruning of branches or removal of dead trees curtails the life-cycle of tree cavities in decayed branches, so that more highly managed habitats contain fewer cavities than the number of trees could potentially support. Cavity abundance could be improved in stable habitats through reduced intervention where safe, allowing cavity development to occur in situ.  相似文献   

Needle drill resistance measurement devices (NDRMDs) are often used during tree hazard assessment campaigns to detect and measure the extent of wood decay and other defects of wood in trees, despite of the possibility of transmission of potentially pathogenic microbial inoculum from tree to tree through unclean needles. Here, we describe a disposable connectable to NDRMDs through an adapter and we report on its efficacy not only at disinfecting the needle, thus reducing the likelihood of disease transmission, but also at collecting wood samples for bioptic purposes, whose subsequent analysis may be pivotal for, or allow to refine, the prognosis. The complete efficacy of the disposable at disinfecting the needle was determined through three different experiments conducted under controlled conditions in vitro and in vivo using both wood decay fungi and the canker stain pathogen of plane trees, and under field conditions. The disposable combined with NDRMD proved to be as effective as state-of-the-art drilling methods at collecting wood samples for subsequent PCR-based molecular diagnosis of wood decay fungi (Fisher’s exact test for count data; P = 4.846 × 10−7) as determined through comparative sampling and diagnostic assays on 42 trees. The disposable allows not only for a routinely, complete and fully standardized disinfection of the needle, but also provides the opportunity to automatically and efficiently collect bioptic wood samples for subsequent phytopathological analyses.  相似文献   

Assessment of tree growth and yield components of Coffea arabica L. cv. Ruiru 11, as influenced by tree training on single or two-stem systems at densities between 1600-4800 trees per ha during the first production cycle was carried out at Ruiru, Kenya over three years. Trees trained on the two-stem system tended to be taller than those on singlestems. Although the results were not clear, trees at low plant densities had thicker stems irrespective of the training system. The total number of primary branches was significantly higher on trees trained on the two-stem system. However, bearing primaries and productive wood were higher on the single-stem system during the first year of production. The number of bearing primaries and productive wood increased in subsequent production years on the two-stem system. Training trees on the two-stem system significantly depressed yields in the first production year by 245 to 842%, irrespective of plant density. Yields of clean coffee increased significantly with tree density irrespective of the tree training method. Yields over the production period increased by 33, 45,27 and 9% with increases in planting densities from 1600 to 2400, 2400 to 3200, 3200 to 4000 and 4000 to 4800 trees per ha, respectively. However, yields increased at a decreasing rate at densities above 3200 trees per ha. The proportions of the large grade ‘A’ sized coffee beans were not significantly affected by the treatments. It was concluded that it is possible to raise two stems during the first production cycle of ‘Ruiru 11’, although this might not be economical. Single stems would be preferred and a high plant density of between 3200-4000 trees per ha would be optimum during the first coffee production cycle.  相似文献   

Decayed wood is a common issue in urban trees that deteriorates tree vitality over time, yet its effect on biomass yield therefore stored carbon has been overlooked. We mapped the occurrence and calculated the extent of decayed wood in standing Ulmus procera, Platanus × acerifolia and Corymbia maculata trees. The main stem of 43 trees was measured every metre from the ground to the top by two skilled arborists. All trees were micro-drilled in two to four axes at three points along the stem (0.3 m, 1.3 m, 2.3 m), and at the tree’s live crown. A total of 300 drilling profiles were assessed for decay. Simple linear regression analysis tested the correlation of decayed wood (cm2) against a vitality index and stem DBH. Decay was more frequent and extensive in U. procera, than P. acerifolia and least in C. maculata. Decay was found to be distributed in three different ways in the three different genera. For U. procera, decay did appear to be distributed as a column from the base to the live crown; whereas, decay was distributed as a cone-shape in P. acerifolia and was less likely to be located beyond 2.3 m. In C. maculata decay was distributed as pockets of variable shape and size. The vitality index showed a weak but not significant correlation with the proportion of decayed wood for P. acerifolia and C. maculata but not for U. procera. However, in U. procera, a strong and significant relationship was found between DBH and stem volume loss (R2 = 0.8006, P = 0.0046, n = 15). The actual volume loss ranged from 0.17 to 0.75 m3, equivalent to 5%–25% of the stem volume. The carbon loss due to decayed wood for all species ranged between 69–110 kg per tree. Based on model’s calculation, the stem volume of U. procera trees with DBH  40 cm needs to be discounted by a factor of 13% due to decayed wood regardless of the vitality index. Decayed wood reduces significantly the tree’s standing volume and needs to be considered to better assess the carbon storage potential of urban forests.  相似文献   

Urban trees are a fundamental and key component of urban green areas, however, they are subject to several stresses which can compromise their mechanical integrity through the development of defects such as wood decay. In this study, we evaluated the structural health state of trees in four urban parks in the city of Mytilene, Greece, using structural traits of the trees, their trunk surface temperature distribution as recorded using infrared thermography, and spatial statistics both at single tree and at park level. We developed thermal indices by analyzing data from 334 trees belonging to three main species (Robinia pseudoacacia, Morus alba and Melia azedarach). We estimated temperature spatial dependence across each tree trunk using Moran's I index, while statistically significant spatial clusters were assessed using local spatial autocorrelation statistics. Relationships between tree traits, thermal, and spatial indices were established using linear and logistic regression models. Finally, we used the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for the identification of risky tree hotspots and we applied the kriging geostatistical procedure for mapping of such hotspots. Our results have shown that the thermal and spatial indices can sufficiently predict different types of structural defect, and to identify hotspots of risky trees and their spatial extent. This approach can successfully contribute to tree risk assessment for a more effective urban park management.  相似文献   

Urban North American beaver (Castor canadensis) damage of trees and saplings was compared between shore forests and forests uphill of macadam, wood chip, and raised wood board human pathways used daily in Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, TN. Also, comparisons of beaver damage were made between shore forests and forests uphill of bare earth deer paths used less than once a month by humans and the forests were on 5% and 30% slopes. Means, standard deviations, and t-tests (P  0.05) were calculated for percent beaver damage, which included undamaged stems, beaver-cut stems, and beaver-cut stumps. Significant differences in beaver damage of trees and saplings were found between forests uphill of the human pathways used daily and the respective shore forests. Beaver damage of trees and saplings was not significantly different between the shore forests and forests uphill of the deer paths used less than once a month by humans for the 5% slope forest; however, the differences were significant for the 30% slope forest. Beaver damage of trees and saplings was significantly greater in the uphill of the deer paths forests than the uphill of the human pathways forests for comparable slope forests. Human scent on the pathways used daily made of macadam, wood chips, and raised wood boards was interpreted to be the barrier sensed by beavers to not cross over or under the human pathways to damage trees and saplings. This research suggests utilizing human pathways as an odor fence to spatially limit beaver damage, which provides a whole forest management alternative to individual tree protection for management of beaver damage in the urban forest.  相似文献   

Mature ‘on’ and ‘off’ ‘Manzanillo’ olives trees with three healthy branches of 10–12 cm in diameter were selected to determine changes in nitrogen levels in the bearing shoots after foliar application of urea. Each selected branch of each tree received one of the following treatments: (i) control without urea application; (ii) foliar application of urea to all the current-season leaves; and (iii) foliar application of urea to all the one-year-old leaves. Urea was applied in May, four days after full bloom in the ‘on’ year trees. Each treated leaf was immersed in a test tube containing a 4% urea solution and 0.1% Tween 20 for 5 s. Bearing shoots, composed of both one-year stems and leaves and current-season stems and leaves, were collected at intervals from the beginning of the experiment until 64 days after urea application. Nitrogen was determined in stems and leaves from each part of the bearing shoot, and in fruits during the ‘on’ year. Nitrogen uptake from the leaves was rapidly mobilized from the older to the current-season leaves of the bearing shoot, and thereafter to other storage organs of the tree or to the fruit, which is the largest nitrogen sink in the bearing shoot. No translocation of nitrogen from the current-season leaves to older leaves was observed. The rapid translocation of nitrogen from the younger leaves to other storage organs of the tree could explain the insensitivity of leaf analysis to detect excess nitrogen, since mature leaves from current-season shoots must be sampled to determine the nutritional status of the tree. The failure of leaf analysis to detect excess nitrogen may be a cause of nitrogen over-fertilization in olive orchards.  相似文献   

In horizontal apple stems extension shoots were usually produced only from buds on the upper side of the stem, while buds on the lower side remained dormant or grew into spurs, and the same tendency was shown in inclined stems bent so that the “upper” and “under” sides became reversed.

On horizontal stems lateral shoots showed a gradient of vigour, the longest shoots being produced by proximal buds. Xylem of horizontal branches was epitrophic. These responses appear to be due to effects of gravity on the distribution of endogenous growth regulating factors within stems. In trees grown horizontally and rotated, shoots and spurs grew from all sides of the stem and xylem developed concentrically.

In studies of lateral shoots of partly disbudded horizontal stems, including cincturing treatments, it was found that the vigour of basal lateral shoots was a function of bud position in relation to the apex rather than in relation to the roots.

A model for lateral shoot growth in horizontal branches is proposed, in which shoot vigour is related to the position of buds along a postulated inhibitory gradient.  相似文献   

Movement of a putative florigenic promoter from leaves to buds was investigated in two cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) over two flowering seasons through examination of the minimum number of leaves on each stem necessary for floral induction and movement of this component over various distances from stem to stem in isolated branches. The minimum number of leaves on individual stems necessary to induce flowering was less than 1/4 of a cross-cut leaf per stem. The putative florigenic promoter moved from donor stems bearing as few as one leaf to induce flowering in five receiver stems located as far down branches as 100 cm from the donor stem. Evidence suggests that movement of the putative florigenic promoter occurs in phloem and that far more of this component is available in trees than is necessary for floral induction of initiating shoots during cool, floral-inductive conditions of the subtropics.  相似文献   

Ficus benghalensis L (banyan tree) has been planted as ornamental tree in parks, landscapes as well as along roads and streets in many southern cities of Iran. During field surveys conducted in Kish Island (Hormozgān province) an unusual decline was noticed on F. benghalensis. Affected trees exhibited bark necrosis, peeled off bark and cankers on branches and aerial roots, yellowing and defoliation, branch dieback and eventually death. A black sooty mass of fungal spores under the bark as well as wood discoloration in cross sections were also observed on infected parts of trees and pruning wood debris. Samples were collected from all affected parts of trees showing disease symptoms, pruning wood debris as well as rove arthropods in close proximity to the trees for the presence of fungal inoculum. In this study 239 Botryosphaeriaceae-like isolates were obtained from discoloured wood tissues, pruning wood debris and from the bodies of collected arthropods. Based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data of ITS and tef-1α gene regions, isolates were identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum. Pathogenicity of both species was performed on the branches of banyan trees and L. theobromae was more virulent, based on the length of necrotic lesions in the wood, than those of N. dimidiatum. This study is the first report of N. dimidiatum associated with sooty canker and dieback of F. benghalensis worldwide. Our study showed for the first time that L. theobromae and N. dimidiatum can also be associated with some arthropods. Our outcomes can improve the management strategies of trunk diseases caused by Botryosphaeriaceae species on ornamental trees in landscapes.  相似文献   

In order to study decay, and to improve the management and protection of old urban trees, a total of 256 felled urban trees were examined during 2001–2003: 95 Tilia spp., 74 Betula spp., and 87 Acer spp. Most of the trees (73%) were located in the main parks and along the main streets in the downtown area of Helsinki City, Finland. The mean age of the trees was over 60 years, and the majority (64%) were old park trees. Poor condition and increasing risk of failure were the main reasons for felling in 82% of the cases. Thirty three percent of these trees were degenerated or dead, but the amenity value of 14% of the risk trees was still high. The latter were old, big trees which posed a potential hazard, but had a vital and balanced crown.Some characteristic profiles for potential failure were identified for each of the tree species studied: Ganoderma lipsiense in the butts and hollows in the stems of Tilia spp., weak fork formations together with Rigidoporus populinus on Acer spp., and degeneration together with decay in the stem on Betula spp.Decay fungi most commonly identified were R. populinus, G. lipsiense, Inonotus obliquus and Piptoporus betulinus. In addition, Kretzschmaria deusta was very common in three of the parks, and on every one of the tree species investigated.  相似文献   

Tree canopy cover data from aerial photographs and building energy simulations were applied to estimate energy savings from existing trees and new plantings in California. There are approximately 177.3 million energy-conserving trees in California communities and 241.6 million empty planting sites. Existing trees are projected to reduce annual air conditioning energy use by 2.5% with a wholesale value of $ 485.8 million. Peak load reduction by existing trees saves utilities 10% valued at approximately $778.5 million annually, or $ 4.39/tree. Planting 50 million trees to shade east and west walls of residential buildings is projected to reduce cooling by 1.1% and peak load demand by 4.5% over a 15-year period. The present wholesale value of annual cooling reductions for the 15-year period is $ 3.6 billion ($ 71/tree planted). Assuming total planting and stewardship costs of $ 2.5 billion ($ 50/tree), the cost of peak load reduction is $ 63/kW, considerably less than the $ 150/kW benchmark for cost-effectiveness. Influences of tree location near buildings and regional climate differences on potential energy savings are discussed.  相似文献   

Arborists and managers of amenity trees could benefit from an improved understanding of how tree canopies withstand loading events such as wind, snow or ice. Knowledge of how material properties change along tree branches is important in understanding how a branch tips can bend in the wind yet resist displacement at the base which could lead to branch failure. Limited knowledge of modulus of elasticity (E or stiffness) in branch wood is available in the literature and is typically measured at only one location on a branch. This study investigated variation of E and density-specific E (E/ρ) at five locations along the axis of 20 branches from seven trees. E and E/ρ were found to be 70% lower at the branch tips than in the proximal locations. The variation in E was negatively correlated with the percentage of tissue area composed of vessels and positively correlated with mean fiber cell wall size, suggesting a balance between the two principle functions of hydraulics and mechanics. Reaction wood was observed in the form of gelatinous layers in fibers along the branch tops, but did not result in a difference in E between the top and bottoms at each branch location. It is proposed that differences in material properties are probably related to wood development type, as juvenile wood is considered to have lower stiffness than mature wood.  相似文献   

‘糯米糍’荔枝碳素营养储备动态与坐果的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 以10~12年生的‘糯米糍’荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) 为材料, 研究了高产树(60~65 kg·株- 1 ) 和低产树(5~10 kg·株- 1 ) 不同部位(叶片、各级枝条和主干) 碳素营养储备(淀粉) 的差异及季节动态; 分析了不同果实发育阶段树体碳素营养水平与坐果率的关系。结果表明, 果实成熟时高产树各部位的淀粉含量均低于低产树, 而可溶性糖含量高于低产树。果实采收后, 低产树早于高产树抽发新梢。入冬季前(11月底前) , 低产树和高产树分别抽发了3次和2次秋梢。7~11月秋梢生长发育期间, 高产树和低产树均无显著淀粉积累, 11月中旬以后枝梢生长停滞期间, 各部位, 尤其是4 cm直径以内的枝条大量积累淀粉, 在花穗发育前达到高峰。之后, 随花穗发育、开花及坐果而持续降低。高产树和低产树各部位淀粉高峰并无明显差异, 表明坐果量对树体碳素营养储备的累积并无明显的长期影响。叶片、主枝和主干积累的淀粉含量较低, 总体相对稳定; 而4 cm直径以下的枝梢淀粉含量变化剧烈, 说明这些枝梢是更为活跃的碳素储备库。本研究还表明, 坐果早期(花后3周内) 枝条(2 cm直径) 的淀粉含量与该枝条上最终坐果率呈显著正相关, 而果实发育中期(花后8周) 枝条淀粉含量与坐果率无关, 说明早期果实发 育一定程度依赖树体碳素营养储备, 而中后期果实发育几乎不依赖树体储备。  相似文献   

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes a destructive invasive tree disease known as ash dieback threatening the survival of common ash not only in the forests, but also in urban and landscape settings. Pruning is a potential management practice that could help maintain tree vitality and aesthetics in parks, gardens, alleys and recreation areas, as well as maintaining veteran trees having high heritage or cultural value, or trees with high genetic importance (e.g. located in clonal seed orchards). In this study we investigated the maximum distance proximal to the lesion margin at which H. fraxineus can be detected on individual branches infected by the fungus in order to provide recommendations for pruning. Pruning of branches was carried out on 38 trees in southern Sweden. Tissue samples including bark and wood were collected from the margin of the lesion and at 5 cm intervals proximal to the lesion. Molecular analysis revealed presence of H. fraxineus in 91.3% of the investigated lesions. The proportion of lesions at which H. fraxineus could be detected declined with increasing distance from the lesion margin, with a significant reduction in the number of positive samples at 10 cm proximal to the margin. At 30 cm from the lesion edge the pathogen was never detected. Our results suggest that routine pruning may help maintain the vitality of younger trees. Pruning branches at least 35 cm from visible, active lesions in the bark should exclude the fungus and therefore reduce the probability of stem infection by H. fraxineus, however this cultural control tactic may only be economically feasible for high value amenity trees.  相似文献   

The rates of sap flow and xylem vessel features were studied in two-year-old nongrafted and grafted avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees. Daily sap flow rates were measured with heat and balance stem gauges in clonal Duke 7 (D7) and Toro Canyon (TC) trees and ‘Hass’ clonal scions grafted onto clonal D7 (H/D7) and TC (H/TC) rootstocks. Vessel features as size, number and total vessel area were determined histologically in the stem of the scion and rootstock and the roots of the grafted trees. Significant differences in the sap flow rate were found among the rootstocks, where D7 had a 29% higher sap flow rate than did TC (grafted and nongrafted trees). There were no differences among xylem vessel features in the stems of any of the varieties. However in the roots, D7 had wider and fewer vessels then TC do. Also, D7 had a 19% higher total vessel area than TC. These results suggest that the differences in water consumption of ‘Hass’ on different rootstocks may be associated with differences in the efficiency of the roots to absorb water across conductive tissue which may be linked to differences in the area of xylem vessels in the root.  相似文献   

A single postharvest urea spray at 5 and 10% increased nitrogen (N) content in one year old bark and wood and in the flower buds and blossoms in 1987. In 1988, there was also an increase in N in one year old bark and wood but not in the N content of flower buds and blossoms. Fruit set was not significantly increased in either year. Control trees were much taller in N in 1988 than they were in 1987 since additional soil N was applied. Urea labelled with 15N was applied to branches and individual spurs immediately after harvest. When the l5N-urea was applied to branches, the next season’s flower buds had 12% of their N derived from the fertilizer (NFF), but when urea was applied to individual spurs only 8% NFF was detected. Remobilization of labelled N from treated to adjacent spurs resulted in less NFF than would occur if all spurs on the same branch received labelled N. Flower clusters distal and basal to the spurs treated with labelled l5N showed considerable amounts (>60% of sprayed spur) of N from the labelled spray. However, harvest analysis of adjacent and distant spur leaves and fruits from treated spurs and branches revealed that urea was only locally mobilized in the tree. Nitrogen status can be altered with postharvest urea sprays but the response varies with the N status of the tree. Postharvest soil application of labelled N showed N movement into blossoms but not in the flower buds.  相似文献   

The influence of trees in urban areas is typically assessed using urban microclimate models. These models rely on wind tunnel experiments using small-scale tree models to verify and validate their predictions of the flow field. However, it is not known sufficiently to which extent small model trees used in wind tunnel studies can recreate the behavior of large trees found in cities. In the present study, the drag coefficient and the turbulent flow downstream of model trees are compared with the ones of natural trees of a similar size to determine whether both types of tree provide similar aerodynamic characteristics. Therefore, measurements of the drag force and the flow field, using particle image velocimetry, are performed. The aerodynamic characteristics of the small trees are compared with the ones measured on larger mature trees from previous studies. The present study shows that the drag coefficients of model and natural trees are similar only if both types have a similar aerodynamic porosity and if the model tree can undergo an aerodynamic reconfiguration similar to that of a natural tree. Such reconfiguration implies the reorientation of the branches and leaves due to wind. A study on the influence of seasonal foliar density variation shows that the foliage configuration plays a critical role on the drag coefficient and the flow field. A defoliated tree, such as a deciduous tree in winter, is shown to have a substantially lower drag coefficient and a negligible influence on the flow.  相似文献   

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