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The genetic evaluation of economically important traits utilizes estimates of genetic variability, which are represented by heritability. This review summarizes the published heritabilities of traits estimated in Wagyu cattle. Two different mean heritabilities, unweighted and weighted by standard errors, were calculated. In Japanese Black cattle, the average unweighted and weighted direct heritabilities of birth weight were 0.35 and 0.28, respectively, whereas the respective maternal heritabilities were 0.17 and 0.07. The mean unweighted heritability of calf market weight was estimated to be 0.30 in Japanese Black cattle. The mean unweighted heritability of daily gain during performance testing was 0.29 in Japanese Black and 0.40 in Japanese Shorthorn cattle. In Japanese Black cattle, the unweighted mean heritability was 0.48 for carcass weight, 0.46 for rib‐eye area, 0.38 for rib thickness, 0.39 for subcutaneous fat thickness, and 0.55 for marbling. The mean weighted heritability of the calving interval was low, and estimated to be 0.05. In general, the heritabilities estimated in Wagyu cattle were similar to those estimated in other beef breeds.  相似文献   

Data from 247 litters of Polish hounds born at 105 kennels between 1960 and 2004 was analysed in order to evaluate the genetic variability of the breed. The breed originated from 19 founders and the founder genome equivalent ranged from 2.043 to 1.287 over the span of forty-four years of breeding. The high imbalance of founder contributions to the gene pool was noted, with the dominant contribution of four founders. The low number of the founders and the high disproportion of particular dogs in breeding use resulted in the increasing value of inbreeding coefficient which ranged from 0.0771 to 0.370. The poor gene pool seems to be strictly connected to the deteriorating health of the population which draws into question the future of the breed.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in French dog breeds assessed by pedigree data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pedigree data of nine French dog breeds, namely Barbet (BAR), Basset fauve de Bretagne (BAF), Beauceron (BEN), Berger des Pyrénées (BRP), Bouledogue Français (BUF), Braque Saint‐Germain (BQG), Dogue de Bordeaux (DOB), Epagneul Breton (EPB) and Montagne des Pyrénées (MOP), were analysed. The effective numbers of ancestors of dogs born from 1997 to 2001 were equal to 6.7 (BAR), 40.2 (BAF), 36.5 (BEN), 16.0 (BRP), 37.0 (BUF), 13.1 (BQG), 28.9 (DOB), 33.3 (EPB) and 34.0 (MOP). The expected contributions of the major ancestors were found to be highly unbalanced in the EPB and BRP. The average coefficient of inbreeding of dogs born from 1997 to 2001 with both parents known was equal to 12.4% (BAR), 3.9% (BAF), 5.4% (BEN), 7.2% (BRP), 3.3% (BUF), 6.0% (BQG), 4.1% (DOB), 4.5% (EPB) and 4.0% (MOP). These values were found to be significantly higher than the average coefficient of kinship between the male and the female parents of these animals, except in the BAR and BQG, revealing an usual practice of mating between related animals. The results are discussed in relation with the demographic situation and the use of each breed. The method used to class an endangered breed and the ways to preserve the genetic variability, when necessary, are evoked.  相似文献   

A data set constituting a total of 310,109 Hanoverian warmblood horses was analyzed to ascertain the genetic variability, coefficients of inbreeding, and gene contributions of foreign populations. The reference population contained all Hanoverian horses born from 1980 to 2000. In addition, Hanoverian stallions born from 1980 to 1995 and Hanoverian breeding mares from the birth years 1980 to 1995 with registered foals were analyzed for the same genetic parameters. The average complete generation equivalent was approximately 8.43 for the reference population. The mean coefficient of inbreeding was 1.33, 1.19, and 1.29% for the reference population, stallions, and breeding mares, respectively. The effective number of founders was largest in stallions (364.3) and smallest in the reference population (244.9). The ratio between the effective number of founders and the effective number of ancestors was 3.15 for the reference population, 3.25 for the stallions, and 3.06 for the breeding mares. The effective population size in the Hanoverian warmblood reference population was 372.34. English Thoroughbreds contributed nearly 35% of the genes to the Hanoverian reference population and even slightly greater contributions (39%) to the stallions. Trakehner and Arab horses contributed approximately 8 and 2.7%, respectively, to the Hanoverian gene pool. The most important male ancestors were Aldermann I from the A/E line, Fling from the F/W line, and Absatz from the Trakehner line, whereas the breeding mare Costane had the greatest contribution to the reference population, stallions, and breeding mares. From 1996 onward, the stallions Weltmeyer and Donnerhall had the largest genetic impact on the Hanoverian horse population.  相似文献   

The relict Patagonian Argentine Creole cattle population consist of a small feral population (Los Glaciares population) that is geographically isolated in the South-West of Patagonia. In order to determine the level of genetic variability of this population, the polymorphism of eight structural genes and two microsatellites loci were studied using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, genetic characterisation was used to compare Los Glaciares population and the ACc breed of cattle. Results obtained in this study show that the value of average heterozygosity of the studied loci for the Los Glaciares were not significantly different from the ACc. Furthermore, the data of this report were consistent with the hypothesis that Los Glaciares originated from ACc brought to the area by colonialists in the last century. Such data may be useful in formulating management plans for Feral Patagonian Creole cattle populations.  相似文献   

A pedigree analysis was performed on eight French dairy cattle breeds to assess their change in genetic variability since a first analysis completed in 1996. The Holstein, Normande and Montbéliarde breeds are selected internationally with over hundreds of thousands cows registered in the performance recording system. Three breeds are internationally selected but with limited numbers of cows in France (Brown Swiss, French Simmental and French Red Pied). The last two remaining breeds (Abondance and Tarentaise) are raised at regional level. The effective numbers of ancestors of cows born between 2004 and 2007 varied between 15 (Abondance and Tarentaise) and 51 (French Red Pied). The effective population sizes (classical approach) varied between 53 (Abondance) and 197 (French Red Pied). This article also compares the genetic variability of the ex situ (collections of the French National Cryobank) and in situ populations. The results were commented in regard to the recent history of gene flows in the different breeds as well as the existence of more or less stringent bottlenecks. Our results showed that whatever the size of the breeds, their genetic diversity impoverished quite rapidly since 1996 and they all could be considered as quite poor from a genetic diversity point of view. It shows the need for setting up cryobanks as gene reservoirs as well as sustainable breeding programmes that include loss of genetic diversity as an integrated control parameter.  相似文献   

The genealogical data of 471 (whole population: WP) Lizard canaries of an Italian breeder were analyzed to evaluate the genetic variability of the breed. The reference population (RP) comprised 346 living reproductive birds. Average generation interval was 1.61 ± 0.718 for males and 1.72 ± 0.863 for females. The average value of inbreeding (F) and relatedness (AR) in the RP were 15.83% and 22.63%, while the average increase in inbreeding was estimated to be 6.71% per generation (effective population size = 7.49). The results showed the need to reduce the level of inbreeding which would result in significant loss of genetic variation and in significant inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the inbreeding levels and to analyze the pedigree of Irish purebred populations of Charolais, Limousin, Hereford, Angus, and Simmental beef cattle, as well as the Holstein-Friesian dairy breed. Pedigree analyses included quantifying the depth of known pedigree, average generation intervals, effective population size, the effective number of founders, ancestors, and founder genomes, as well as identifying the most influential animals within the current population of each breed. The annual rate of increase in inbreeding over the past decade was 0.13% (P < 0.001) in the Hereford, 0.06% (P < 0.001) in the Simmental, and 0.10% (P < 0.001) in the Holstein-Friesian breeds. Inbreeding in the other breeds remained relatively constant over the past decade. Herefords had the greatest mean inbreeding in 2004, at 2.19%, whereas Charolais had the lowest, at 0.54%. Over half of each purebred population in 2004 was inbred to some degree; the population with the greatest proportion of animals inbred was the Hereford breed (85%). All 6 breeds displayed a generation interval of approximately 6 yr in recent years. In the pure-bred females born in 2004, the 3 most influential animals contributed between 11% (Limousin) and 24% (Hereford) of the genes. Effective population size was estimated for the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian only, and was 64, 127, and 75, respectively. The effective number of founders varied from 55 (Simmental) to 357 (Charolais), whereas the effective number of ancestors varied from 35 (Simmental and Hereford) to 82 (Limousin). Thus, despite the majority of animals being inbred, the inbreeding level across breeds is low but rising at a slow rate in the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian.  相似文献   

Population structure of Reyna Creole cattle in Nicaragua   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Reyna Creole cattle originated from Bos taurus cattle brought to Latin America during the Spanish colonization in the fifteenth century and are the only remaining local breed in Nicaragua. However, the current genetic status of this breed is unknown. Therefore, the population structure of three recorded Reyna Creole herds in Nicaragua was studied to estimate their level of inbreeding, effective population size, and generation intervals. Data from 2,609 animals born between 1958 and 2007 were analyzed. A pedigree completeness index higher than 0.8 was required to obtain reliable estimates of the level of inbreeding, and this criterion was met for 367 animals (14%) in two herds. The average level of inbreeding was 13.0%, with values ranging from 0% to 43.8% for individual animals. One of the herds had an average inbreeding level of 21.6%, primarily due to long periods in which the same bulls were used for mating, leading to excessive frequencies of matings between closely related animals. The effective population size differed between years and ranged from 28 to 46 animals, showing that the Reyna Creole cattle breed is endangered, close to critical status. The average generation interval was 6.9 years with values as high as 19.1 years for some sires that were used for artificial insemination over a long period of time. Due to the high level of inbreeding and small population size, urgent actions are required for the development of a breeding program to protect the breed and support its sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic structure of Mexican Criollo cattle populations using microsatellite genetic markers. DNA samples were collected from 168 animals from four Mexican Criollo cattle populations, geographically isolated in remote areas of Sierra Madre Occidental (West Highlands). Also were included samples from two breeds with Iberian origin: the fighting bull (n = 24) and the milking central American Criollo (n = 24) and one Asiatic breed: Guzerat (n = 32). Genetic analysis consisted of the estimation of the genetic diversity in each population by the allele number and the average expected heterozygosity found in nine microsatellite loci. Furthermore, genetic relationships among the populations were defined by their genetic distances. Our data shows that Mexican cattle populations have a relatively high level of genetic diversity based either on the mean number of alleles (10.2-13.6) and on the expected heterozygosity (0.71-0.85). The degree of observed homozygosity within the Criollo populations was remarkable and probably caused by inbreeding (reduced effective population size) possibly due to reproductive structure within populations. Our data shows that considerable genetic differentiation has been occurred among the Criollo cattle populations in different regions of Mexico.  相似文献   

The gene pool of the Japanese Black cattle has been completely closed to foreign breeds during the last 100 years. Genetic diversity of the Japanese Black cattle from 1960 to 2000 was monitored with three estimates of effective number of ancestors. Founder genome equivalent (Nge) accounts for all the causes of reduction of diversity. Effective number of founders (Nef) and non‐founders (Nenf) explain reduced diversity because of unequal genetic contributions of founders and random genetic drift in non‐founders, respectively. Further examination using gene dropping simulation was conducted to obtain information on survival of founder alleles. Unique founder alleles were dropped down along the actual pedigree with Monte Carlo procedure following Mendelian segregation rules, and generated genotypes of all the current live animals (612 959 heads). Pedigree records consisted of 2 075 188 animals was used for these analysis. The estimates of three effective numbers (Nef, Nge, and Nenf) decreased from 418.6 to 50.3, 86.6 to 7.3, and 109.2 to 8.5, respectively, during the period 1960–2000. The increasing differences between two kinds of genetic diversity indices derived from Nge and Nef showed that large part of the reduced diversity from 1980 was attributed to genetic drift caused by the intensive use of particular limited number of sires. In gene dropping analysis, probabilities of extinction of founder alleles were derived from their distributions of frequency in the current animals. Several founders showed low probabilities of allele extinction, irrespective of their relatively low genetic contributions. This suggests that these founders have lineages through which their alleles are surely transmitted to the current breed. The use of these founders as a strategy for recovering the genetic diversity was discussed.  相似文献   

Pedigree collected by the Interbeef service allowed genetic diversity to be assessed by using pedigree analyses for the European Charolais (CHA) and Limousin (LIM) cattle populations registered in national herdbooks in Denmark (DNK), France (FRA), Ireland (IRL), Sweden (SWE), and, solely for the LIM breed, the United Kingdom (UK). The CHA data set included 2,563,189 calves with weaning performance, of which 96.1% were recorded in FRA, 3.0% in SWE, 0.5% in IRL, and 0.4% in DNK. The LIM data set included 1,652,734 calves with weaning performance, of which 91.9% were recorded in FRA, 4.9% in UK, 1.8% in DNK, 0.9% SWE, and 0.5% in IRL. Pedigree files included 3,191,132 CHA and 2,409,659 LIM animals. Gene flows were rather limited between populations, except from FRA toward other countries. Pedigree completeness was good in all subpopulations for both breeds and allowed the pedigree to be traced back to the French population. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was assessed in each CHA and LIM subpopulation by estimating either effective population sizes (N(e) >244 and N(e) >345 in the CHA and LIM subpopulations, respectively), relationship coefficients within subpopulations (<1.3% in both breeds), or probability of gene origins. However, in each subpopulation, it was shown that founders and also ancestors had unbalanced genetic contributions, leading to a moderate but continuous reduction in genetic diversity. Analyses between populations suggested that all European CHA and LIM populations were differentiated very little. The Swedish CHA population was assessed as genetically more distant from the other CHA populations because of fewer gene flows from other countries and because of the use of North American sires to introgress the polled phenotype. In each European subpopulation, most of the main ancestors, which explained 50% of gene origin, were born in FRA. However, those main ancestors were different between countries. Moreover, in both breeds, the main ancestors, which explained 50% of the gene origin in DNK, IRL, SWE, and UK for the LIM breed, were found to be infrequently used in FRA. Those results were consistent with the low relationship coefficients estimated between subpopulations (<0.6% in both the CHA and LIM breeds). Therefore, in both breeds, each subpopulation may constitute a reservoir of genetic diversity for the other ones.  相似文献   

The characterization of indigenous animal genetic resources is a requisite step in providing needed information for the conservation of useful genotypes against future needs. Thus, in this study, 22 microsatellite markers were used to genotype 114 local chickens from the Forest (n = 59) and Savannah (n = 55) eco‐zones of Ghana and the results compared to those of the ancestral red junglefowl (n = 15) and two European commercial chicken populations – a broiler (n = 25) and white leghorn (n = 25). A total of 171 alleles were observed, with an average of 7.8 alleles per locus. The local Ghanaian chickens showed higher diversity in terms of the observed number of alleles per locus (6.6) and observed heterozygosity (0.568) compared with the combined control populations (6.0 and 0.458, respectively). However, Wright's F‐statistics revealed negligible genetic differentiation (FST) in local Ghanaian chicken populations. In addition, 65% of the Savannah chickens were inferred to be more likely from the Forest, suggesting a south‐north dispersal of chickens from their probable original location in the Forest zone to the Savannah areas. It is concluded that the Forest and Savannah chickens of Ghana are a single, randomly mating unselected population, characterized by high genetic diversity and constitute a valuable resource for conservation and improvement.  相似文献   

The study investigates the genetic diversity present as well as its development in the Brown Cattle population of Switzerland from pedigree information. The population consisted of three subpopulations, the Braunvieh (BV), the original Braunvieh (OB) and the US‐Brown Swiss (BS). The BV is a cross of OB with BS where crossing still continues. The OB is without any genetic influence of BS. The diversity measures effective population size, effective number of ancestors (explaining 99% of reference genome) and founder genome equivalents were calculated for 11 reference populations of animals born in a single year from 1992 onwards. The BS‐subpopulation consisted of animals and their known ancestors which were used in the crossing scheme and was, therefore, quite small. The youngest animals were born in 2002, the oldest ones in the 1920s. Average inbreeding was by far the highest in BS, in spite of the lowest quality of pedigrees, and lowest in OB. Effective population size obtained from the difference between average inbreeding of offspring and their parents was, mostly due to the heavy use of few highly inbred BS‐sires, strongly overestimated in some BV‐reference populations. If this parameter was calculated from the yearly rate of inbreeding and a generation interval of 5 years, no bias was observed and ranking of populations from high to low was OB – BV – BS, i.e. equal to the other diversity parameters. The high genetic diversity found in OB was a consequence of the use of many natural service sires. Rate of decrease of effective number of ancestors was steeper in BV than OB was, however, equal for founder genome equivalents. Founder genome equivalents were more stable than effective population sizes calculated from the difference between average inbreeding of offspring and parents. The five most important ancestors contributed one‐third of the 2002‐reference genomes of BV and OB, in BV all were BS‐sires. The relative amount of BS‐genes in the BV‐genome increased from 59.2% to 78.5% during the 11 years considered.  相似文献   

Uruguayan Creole cattle inhabit areas that cannot sustain conventional farming. They have adapted to fragile environments and are influenced only by natural selection. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite (MS) markers were used to analyse Creole cattle genome polymorphism. A comparative analysis using the RAPD technique was performed in pooled DNA of three cattle breeds (Holstein Friesian, Creole and Hereford) in order to evaluate their amplification patterns. A primary screening of RAPD primers allowed us to select and use those with higher percentage of GC base composition. A total of 215 loci ranging between 300 and 2500 bp were amplified. Bandsharing frequency (BSF) among breeds showed that less related fingerprints were observed between Creole and Hereford cattle (0.77), while the highest similarity frequency corresponded to Holstein Friesian compared to Hereford (0.81). Specific RAPD bands were identified in the three DNA pools and they were tested in every individual of each breed. It may be possible to isolate and sequence these bands to create breed-specific molecular markers. The identification of multiple alleles of the MSCYP 21 in Creole cattle with an heterozygosity of He = 0.846 supported the variability of this genetic resource. The use of molecular markers such as RAPD s and microsatellites is proposed to establish genetic distance among American Creole cattle and possibly related ancestral Iberian breeds.  相似文献   

In Norway an extended recording of conformation traits provides a large amount of information on daughter groups of young artificial insemination bulls. In order to improve the use of the information in sire evaluation, an estimation of correlations and heritabilities of selected traits was done using a data set containing 14 320 records on Norwegian Red Cattle heifers from 1983 and 1984. Variances and covariances were estimated with a multiple trait model using a canonical transformation of the dataset and maximum likelihood procedures. Results indicated a good genetic basis for selection on distance floor to rear teats and distance between front teats. Estimated heritabilities for linearly scored udder and ‘body and legs’ scores were low (about 0.05). All traits were adjusted for height at withers and heart girth.  相似文献   

The Japanese Brown is the second most common domestic beef breed in Japan. However, nowadays this breed is facing reduction in numbers because of pressure from a profitable domestic breed. This breed is uniformly characterized by its brown coat colour, but is comprised of two isolated sub‐breeds, Kumamoto and Kouchi, each possessing a different gene pool. Pedigree analyses were carried out for the two sub‐breeds using the pedigree records of animals born from 1970 to 2000. The effective population size has been found to be consistently reducing during the last three decades in both sub‐breeds. The current effective sizes were estimated to be 25.5 and 6.0 for the Kumamoto and Kouchi sub‐breeds, respectively. The estimate of the effective number of founders (Nef) in the Kumamoto sub‐breed decreased from 152.1 to 74.4; that of non‐founders (Nenf), from 41.7 to 5.3; and that of founder genome equivalents (Nge), from 32.7 to 4.9. The corresponding changes in the Kouchi sub‐breed were from 108.2 to 79.4, 16.2 to 4.1, and 14.1 to 3.9. Increasing differences between the two genetic diversity indices in the sub‐breeds indicate that the greater part of the reduction of genetic diversity can be attributed to genetic drift that accumulated in the non‐founder generations. A comparison with published estimates for several cattle breeds suggests the extremely limited genetic diversity of Japanese Brown. In addition to the avoidance of further reduction of genetic diversity, it will be important to counteract the process of breed decline by establishing a production system to efficiently utilize the unique characteristics of this breed and by developing links between the breed and products with market value.  相似文献   

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