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Although cats and their arthropod parasites can sometimes be important sources of zoonotic diseases in humans, the extent of exposure among various cat populations to many potential zoonotic agents remains incompletely described. In this study, 170 domestic cats living in private homes, feral cat colonies, and animal shelters from California and Wisconsin were evaluated by serology to determine the levels of exposure to a group of zoonotic vector-borne pathogens. Serological positive test results were observed in 17.2% of cats for Rickettsia rickettsii, 14.9% for R akari, 4.9% for R typhi, 11.1% for R felis, and 14.7% for Bartonella henselae. Although vector-borne disease exposure has been documented previously in cats, the evaluation of multiple pathogens and diverse cat populations simultaneously performed here contributes to our understanding of feline exposure to these zoonotic pathogens.  相似文献   

Hospital-based infection control in veterinary medicine is emerging and the role of the environment in hospital-acquired infections (HAI) in veterinary hospitals is largely unknown. This study was initiated to determine the recovery of Escherichia coli and selected veterinary and zoonotic pathogens from the environments of 101 community veterinary hospitals. The proportion of hospitals with positive environmental swabs were: E. coli--92%, Clostridium difficile--58%, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)--9%, CMY-2 producing E. coli--9%, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius--7%, and Salmonella--2%. Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp., canine parvovirus, and feline calicivirus were not isolated. Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolates was low. Important potential veterinary and human pathogens were recovered including Canadian epidemic strains MRSA-2 and MRSA-5, and C. difficile ribotype 027. There is an environmental reservoir of pathogens in veterinary hospitals; therefore, additional studies are required to characterize risk factors associated with HAI in companion animals, including the role of the environment.  相似文献   

In 2004 the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA) investigated the hygiene and hygiene facilities on 125 children's farms. In general, both the level of hygiene and the availability of hygiene facilities were good. A previous investigation, carried out in 2002, had highlighted a number of points for improvement, such as the need to improve hand-washing facilities. While the situation was better in 2004, it still did not meet the standard laid down by the VWA. The VWA aspires to achieve 100% implementation of the requirement that children's farms have a Code for Hygiene and an information board. Investigation of faecal samples collected in 2002 showed the presence of STEC O157 on 13 (10.2%) of the visited farms, Salmonella spp. on 19 (14.5%) and Campylobacter spp. on 74 (56.6%). These results show that there is a real risk of becoming infected with a zoonotic pathogen when visiting a children's farm. This emphasizes the importance of strict adherence to hygiene measures by workers and visitors on children's farms in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Due to the expansion of the international trade with food, there is a great and increasing danger of transmitting zoonotic agents with these foods over long distances from one region to another. However, in concrete cases it is difficult to determine which zoonotic agents are transmitted through which foodstuffs and how great the emergency is. The worldwide distribution of most of these agents, the easing up of import controls for goods coming from certain export countries, and the abstinence from evaluating epidemiological data in cases of detection of agents in foods are responsible for this. Merely, the transmission path of Vibrio spp. (V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus) can be significantly traced from the East Asian countries to Europe via fish products.  相似文献   

Dairy goats play a significant role in socio-economic, cultural, and nutritional development in many countries. This study aimed to identify multiresistant zoonotic pathogens causing mastitis in goats, in addition to characterizing them for the presence of resistance genes and phenotypic resistance. A total of 714 milk samples from 357 lactating goats in 12 farms in the Northeast region of Brazil were analyzed. The isolates were submitted to Matrix Associated Laser Desorption-Ionization - Time of Flight to identify bacterial species, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to search for resistance genes, and an antibiogram to evaluate the phenotypic profile of antimicrobial resistance. A total of 214 pathogens were identified and bacterial prevalence was 83.29 % (178/214) Staphylococcus spp.; 6.50 % (14/214) Micrococcus luteus; 3.73 % (8/214) Corynebacterium spp.; 2.80 % (6/214) Bacillus spp.; 1.38 % (3/214) Escherichia coli; 0.92 % (2/214) Enterobacter cloacae; 0.46 % (1/214) Aerococcus viridans; 0.46 % (1/214) Morganella morganii; and 0.46 % (1/214) Turicella otitidis. As for gene frequency, 64.60 % (115/178) of the isolates carried the blaZ gene; 37.07 % (66/178) norA; 22.47 % (40/178) tet(L); 16.85 % (30/178) tet(M); 14.04 % (25/178) norB; 8.42 % (15/178) vanA; 7.30 % (13/178) msrA; 6.41 % (5/178) tet-38; 4.49 % (8/178) norC; 2.25 % (4/178) mecA; and 0.56 % (1/178) vanB. Emerging multiresistant zoonotic pathogens are present in the goat milk production chain, especially the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species that pose a risk to human and animal health.  相似文献   

Human- and veterinary important parasites of the subkingdom of protozoans and helminths infect humans and animals by ingestion of parasites in contaminated water. The parasites are excreted from the body of infected humans, livestock, zoo animals, companion animals or wild animals in the feces. Recreational waters, agricultural practices and wild animals serve as vehicles of transmission of the parasites in the water supplies. The following topics are addressed: a) the life cycles of parasitic diseases-causing agents with proven or potential transmission via water b) the development and the current research status of the analytical techniques for the detection of parasitic diseases-causing agents from water c) the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in surface water supplies and in treated water d) the possible water sources and transmission ways of the parasites into the water supplies e) the behaviour and the possibilities for the removal or elimination of the parasites by water treatment.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to establish a short list of zoonotic pathogens involving the domestic dog that can be prioritized for a companion animal surveillance program specific to the Prairie Provinces of Canada. A list of pathogens documented in dogs was created through a comprehensive review of infectious disease textbooks for the following taxonomical categories: bacteria, ectoparasites, fungi, helminths, protozoa, rickettsia, and viruses. This created an initial list of 594 pathogens that was then pared down through an extensive review of the literature using the following criteria: i) the pathogen is zoonotic/sapronotic/anthroponotic; ii) the dog is involved in transmission to humans, maintenance, or detection of the pathogen; and iii) there is a level of risk for occurrence of the pathogen in Canada. This process yielded a final list of 84 pathogens and 3 supplementary lists of canine zoonotic/sapronotic/anthroponotic pathogens that may become relevant to future surveillance programs.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a nucleic acid-based technique that enables the rapid and sensitive detection of specific micro-organisms. Although this technique is widely used in veterinary research, it has not yet found applications in routine microbiological analysis of veterinary clinical samples. However, advances in sample preparation together with the increasing availability of specific gene sequences will probably lead to the more widespread diagnostic use of PCR in the future. PCR is likely to have a strong impact in the epidemiology, treatment and prevention of animal infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if sheep grazing near riparian areas on pasture in Ontario are an important risk factor for the contamination of water with specific foodborne pathogens. Ten Ontario sheep farms were visited weekly for 12 wk during the summer of 2005. Samples of feces, soil, and water were collected and analyzed for the presence of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, and Yersinia enterocolitica, by bacteriological identification and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The data was analyzed as repeated measures over time using mixed models. No samples were positive for Salmonella, and no samples were confirmed positive for E. coli O157:H7 after PCR. Levels of Campylobacter were highest in the soil, but did not differ between soil where sheep grazed or camped and roadside soil that had never been grazed (P = 0.85). Levels of Yersinia were highest in water samples and were higher in soil where sheep had access (P = 0.01). The prevalence of positive Campylobacter and Yersinia samples were not associated with locations where sheep spent more time (Campylobacter P = 0.46, Yersinia P = 0.99). There was no effect of stocking density on the prevalence of Campylobacter (P = 0.30), but as the stocking density increased the levels of Yersinia increased (P = 0.04). It was concluded that although sheep transmit Yersinia to their environment, pastured sheep flocks are not major risk factors for the transmission of zoonotic pathogens into water.  相似文献   

Heat stress and dusty conditions are common challenges for cattle during the summer, and a typical method of alleviating these problems involves sprinkling cattle and pens with water. The effect of sprinkling water on the incidence of zoonotic pathogens has not been previously studied. Four pens of heifers (n = 41) were cooled using sprinklers, and four pens (n = 43) served as controls. Heifers were crossbred Charolais, with white and red hair coats. Sprinkling was initiated when cattle were on full concentrate feed (July). Fecal samples, hide swipes, and BW were collected on d 0, 28, 63, 95, and 98. Average daily gain, DMI, and G:F were calculated, and carcass traits were collected 36 h after processing. Performance data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design, and zoonotic pathogen data were analyzed using chi2 analysis. Sprinkling tended (P = 0.054) to increase the incidence of fecal Salmonella spp. populations on d 98, but simultaneously tended to decrease (P = 0.058) the Escherichia coli O157:H7 incidence on hides on d 98. The most prevalent Salmonella serovars in this study were Kentucky, Muenster, Meleagridis, and Cerro. Performance measures and carcass traits did not differ between treatments (P > 0.10). Under our conditions, sprinkling cattle with water did not affect the incidence of zoonotic pathogens in feces or on hides.  相似文献   

动物饲料污染霉菌毒素的比例很高。一些研究发现高达70%的饲料样品被一种或多种霉菌毒素所污染(Pittet,1998;欧盟食品安全局,2004)。这些数据表明每种日粮中至少有一种原料可能含有霉菌毒素。在养殖场,很少观察到明显与霉菌毒素作用有关的病理症状。但当我们采样分析养殖场中所  相似文献   

Clinical veterinary work is of prime importance for the task of the veterinary food hygienist. This is particularly true of early clinical, allergological, serological and bacteriological examination of herds of meat livestock, as proposed by Bartels, Kampelmacher, Grossklaus and others. Such investigations would make it possible to diagnose latent types of zoonosis which would otherwise remain undetected during official meat inspection. The pathological and anatomical findings during meat inspection are also of clinical importance. To these must be added the necessary measures to eliminate toxicologically significant residues of pharmacologically active substances. On the basis of his own research the author presents proposals for herd tests which could help to promote, with improved safety, international trade in animal products for human consumption.
Kurzfassung Die klinische Tätigkeit des Tierarztes beeinflusst wesentlich die Arbeit des tierärztlichen Lebensmittelhygienikers. Dies trifft besonders für die rechtzeitige klinische, allergologische, serologische und bakteriologisch-virologische Untersuchung von Schlachttieren in ihren Beständen zu, wie sie u. a. von Bartels, Kampelmacher und Grossklaus vorgeschlagen wurde. Sie soll u.a. die Diagnose inapparent verlaufender Zoonosen ermöglichen, die sonst im Rahmen der amtlichen Fleischuntersuchung unerkannt bleiben. Der pathologisch-anatomische Befund aus der Fleischuntersuchung ist zudem wichtig für den Kliniker. Hinzu kommen erforderliche Massnahmen zur Ausschaltung von toxikologisch relevanten Rückständen pharmakologisch wirksamer Substanzen. Anhand eigener Untersuchungen werden Vorschläge für sog. Bestandsuntersuchungen unterbreitet die in der Lage sein könnten, den internationalen Handel mit vom Tier stammenden Lebensmitteln sicherer zu gestalten und zu fördern.

Resume L'action du vétérinaire praticien a une influence primordiale sur le travail du vétérinaire hygiéniste. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour l'examen clinique, allergologique, sérologique et bactériologique des animaux de boucherie, au niveau des élevages, proposé par des auteurs comme Bartels, Kampelmacher et Grossklaus. Il doit rendre possible le diagnostic des zoonoses inapparentes qui risqueraient de passer inapercues au stade de l'inspection des viandes. Du reste, le diagnostic anatomo-pathologique résultant de l'inspection des viandes est important pour le clinicien. Il faut ajouter les mesures nécessaires pour éliminer les résidus toxiques provenant de substances pharmacologiques actives. En se basant sur ses propres études, l'auteur fait des propositions pour des examens dits des troupeaux qui pourraient rendre plus sûr et plus efficace le commerce international des dentées d'origine animale.

Riassunto L'attività del medico veterinario influenza sensibilmente il lavoro dell'igenista veterinario-alimentare. Questo vale in particolare per l'esame clinico, allergico, sierologico e batteriologico degli animali da macello negli allevamenti, proposti da autori quali Bartels, Kampelmacher e Grossklaus. Gli esami debbono permettere la diagnosi delle zoonosi inapparenti che rischierebbero di passare inosservate in fase di ispezione delle carni. Pertanto la diagnosi anatomo-patologica risultante dall'ispezione delle carni è importante anche per il clinico. A cio' si devono aggiungere misure atte ad eliminare i residui tossici provenienti dalle sostanze farmacologiche attive. Basandosi sui suoi studi, l'autore fa proposte relative agli esami detti di mandria che potrebbero rendere più sicuro e efficace il commercio internazionale degli alimenti di origine animale.

This article was originally written in German. Copies of the German version may be obtained free of charge by writing to: Mr. J. Rodesch, Commission of the European Communities, DG XIII, Bâtiment Jean Monnet, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Kirchberg, Luxembourg.  相似文献   

Zoonotic Vector-Borne Diseases (VBDs) represent a relevant health issue for pets and humans. Italy is a major epidemiological hub for feline VBDs, because of suitable conditions for vector biology and disease transmission patterns. The present study investigated the exposure to major zoonotic arthropod-borne pathogens of cats in Italy, along with the evaluation of clinic-pathological features and a risk factor analysis. Out of 167 examined cats, 52 (31.1%) were seropositive for at least one vector-borne pathogen, being positivity for Bartonella henselae the most recorded (18%). Also, various cats seroreacted for Rickettsia felis (10.8%) and Rickettisa typhi (4.2%), Leishmania infantum (3%), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (2.4%) and Ehrlichia canis (2.4%). Forty-six cats were tested also for antibodies against D. immitis and two (4.3%) scored positive. The statistical analysis showed a positive association between flea infestation and seropositivity to B. henselae, other than an association between the administration of monthly ectoparasiticide treatments and seronegativity for Rickettsia spp.; seropositive cats were older than negative animals and the lifestyle (i.e. indoor vs outdoor) was not correlated with exposure to vector-borne pathogens. The majority of seropositive cats appeared clinically healthy or showed aspecific clinical signs. Around 80% of seropositive cats had one or more biochemical and/or complete blood count abnormalities. The present data confirm the endemicity of zoonotic feline VBDs in Italy and indicate that awareness on arthropod infections and transmitted pathogens should be kept high and possible implemented, towards the protection of animal and human health with adequate surveillance plans.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases are an ever-present concern in small animal veterinary practice and are often overlooked. A variety of nonparasitic zoonotic diseases may be encountered in small animal practice, including cat scratch disease (bartonellosis), cat bite abscesses, rabies, leptospirosis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, salmonellosis, avian chlamydiosis, campylobacteriosis, dermatophytosis, and blastomycosis. These may cause human disease ranging from mild and self-limiting to fatal. The risk of development of a zoonotic disease can be lessened by early recognition of infected animals, proper animal handling, basic biosecurity precautions, and, most importantly, personal hygiene.  相似文献   

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