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<正>中科院前不久首次详细披露了我国抗生素使用和排放量:中国2013年使用的16.2万吨抗生素中,兽用52%,人用48%。科学家指出,大量使用抗生素将造成环境中抗生素残留的广泛存在与细菌耐药的的传播扩散,进而可能影响生态环境与人类健康。首次摸清中国抗生素使用量与排放量,将为控制抗生素的滥用、环境抗生素污染,以及避免细菌耐药性和耐药基因的进一步传播等决策,提供可靠的数据和理论支持。  相似文献   

水产养殖业中抗生素使用的风险及其控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水产养殖业中抗生素的大量使用对人体的潜在危害及对环境的生态污染问题已经引起很多国家和组织的重视,并且制定了各种措施来限制可能产生的危害.文章结合抗生素在水产养殖业中的使用情况及有关的毒理研究进展,总结分析在水产养殖中使用抗生素存在的主要弊端及一些主要的水产品生产国在抗生素使用上的态度,并对解决这些存在的问题提出了应对措施.  相似文献   

杨继建 《畜禽业》2012,(1):70-72
自20世纪开始应用抗生素以来,抗生素对促进畜禽生长、预防和治疗动物疫病,保障畜牧业的发展与动物的健康起到了重大的作用;但与此同时,抗生素的滥用也带来了抗生素耐药性和畜产品药物残留等不可忽视的严重问题。当前农村养猪户在防治猪病中滥用抗生素现象非常严重,为此,从临床实践方面谈在猪病防治中如何正确合理使用抗生素药物。  相似文献   

周明丽 《畜禽业》2013,(8):20-22
抗生素是目前我国畜牧业中使用最广泛和最重要的抗感染药物,在控制畜禽的传染性疾病和提高畜禽的生产性能方面发挥了巨大的作用,但抗生素的不当使用,甚至是滥用也带来了许多新的问题。文章综述了抗生素滥用的现状、危害,分析了滥用的原因,提出了控制滥用的一些措施。  相似文献   

健康养鱼慎用抗生素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着养殖业迅猛发展,规模不断扩大,病害问题也日益突出。过去,广泛使用抗生素,虽然能有效控制由微生物病原引起的病害,但抗生素本身也给养殖鱼类乃至人类带来潜在危害。为了使养殖业能够健康持续发展,保证鱼类食品的卫生安全,希望养殖业者慎用抗生素,走健康养殖之路。 一、使用抗生素存在的潜在危害 1.使微生物类病原体产生抗药性 第1次使用时用较小剂量的抗生素即可获得较明显的抑制微生物类病原体的效果,后因病原体产生了抗药性,再次使用时要加大剂量才能达到原来的效果。土霉素原为防治海水鱼类弧菌病的有效药物,但近年来效果很差。  相似文献   

现在大量人工合成的饲料添加剂如抗生素、驱虫剂、促生长剂的普遍使用,固然促进了畜牧业的发展,但同时也带来一些负效应。特别是抗生素饲料添加剂的大量使用,甚至滥用。由此而产生的耐药性和残留对人类健康构成极大威胁,同时也影响了畜禽产品的出口。近年来,很多国家都兴起了对天然中草药饲料添加剂的研究和开发,这也反映了全世界追求"绿色"食品,"回归自然"的强烈渴望。国内很多科研单位和学者也对中草药作了较为深入的研究。扬中市兽药厂和科研单位紧密合作,成功地研制了纯天然植物提取物--牧乐888。  相似文献   

刘兴 《畜禽业》2012,(8):39-40
<正>随着现代畜牧业的发展,抗生素得到广泛地使用,一方面抗生素作为生长促进剂长期添加于饲料中,不但可以预防疾病而且能起到促生长作用;另一方面作为抗菌药物用于动物疾病的治疗及预防。但是长期使用抗生素使畜禽机体细菌耐药性增强,并造成畜产品中抗生素残留,从而危害养殖业健康发展,影响人类食品安全、影响生物生存环境。抗生素如同一支  相似文献   

柳富荣 《齐鲁渔业》2003,20(8):24-26
随着水产养殖业的快速发展,水产动物的病害问题日趋严重,目前防治疾病主要采用抗生素等化学药物,长期使用抗生素所产生的药物残留严重影响水产品品质,直接威胁到人体的健康。为保护生态环境和人类健康,人们一直在寻求一种抗生素的有效替代品,20世纪60年代益生菌的研究给人类提供了新的希望,从20世纪70年  相似文献   

<正>近几年农村规模养猪业迅速兴起,促进了畜牧业的快速发展,但也带来了一些负效应。如一些养猪场长期不合理使用抗生素、激素及其他合成药物添加剂,就会产生抗药性,猪群抵抗力下降,发生疫情风险增大,也会使肉产品风味品质下降。国家对抗生素  相似文献   

由于养鸡业的规模化发展,让人们更多的关注到了养鸡业中使用的各类抗生素与激素类药物,在养鸡生产中推广应用中药防治疾病,是深入贯彻生态经济发展,养殖业绿色发展等指示精神,是加快养殖业转型升级,减少使用抗生素强化养殖品质量安全,促进养殖业健康持续发展,促进农民增收致富的重要举措。  相似文献   

人工湿地植物的功能与选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物在人工湿地中起着非常重要的作用,它可以拦截大颗粒污染物,吸收降解营养物质;能够稳固湿地床表面基质,降低冰雪在湿地表面的凝结速率;可以改善处理系统景观,为野生生物及微生物的生长提供适宜的环境,具有生态美学和经济价值。选择植物应考虑植物的适应性、净化能力、抗逆性、经济和观赏价值以及物种间的合理搭配。本文阐述了植物在人工湿地中的作用和选择人工湿地植物的一些基本原则,提出了植物在人工湿地实际运用时仍存在的一些问题,对其应用前景做了展望与讨论。  相似文献   

刘春洋 《河北渔业》2019,(8):13-15,20
为降低仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)饲料成本,寻找鱼粉、鱼油的有效替代蛋白源、脂肪源,用发酵豆粕和扇贝裙边粉替代饲料中的鱼粉;用扇贝裙边油替代饲料中的鱼油,制作实验饲料投喂仿刺参。实验随机选取大小均匀,体色相近、健康无病的仿刺参幼参进行实验。共设置2个处理组,即商业饲料组(D1)和实验饲料组(D2),每组设3个重复。饲养56 d后测定各组仿刺参的生长指标及体壁营养指标。结果表明:实验饲料组仿刺参的存活率、增重率均显著高于商业饲料组(P<0.05),组间仿刺参的特定生长率、饲料系数无显著差异,组间仿刺参的水分、粗蛋白、粗灰分、粗脂肪等组分无显著差异。因此用发酵豆粕、扇贝裙边粉替代鱼粉,并用扇贝裙边油替代鱼油是可行的,且效果优于市面所售的优质仿刺参配合饲料。  相似文献   

In order to derive the full benefits of ozonation technology for the destruction of toxic metabolites in shrimp grow-out ponds, strategies to supplement and control high alkalinity loss during ammonia oxidation in a model ozonation system were studied. Alkalinity loss and pH profiles were investigated in the ozonated model system containing artificial seawater and ammonia, and alkalinity compensation ability of supplements such as calcium carbonate-based limes, hydrated limes and sodium bicarbonate were evaluated. In some experiments, application of these supplements during ozonation were combined with other treatments like recarbonation (external CO2 supply). Results showed that calcium carbonate-based limes were not anymore effective for alkalinity supplementation when ozonation is applied to seawater containing ammonia. Although recarbonation improved the effectiveness of CaCO3 as an alkalinity supplement, application in large ozonated grow-out ponds were considered not practical. The effective alkalinity supplements for ozonated seawater containing ammonia were the more soluble materials, high purity sodium bicarbonate and hydrated lime applied at a proper dosage. Sodium bicarbonate and hydrated lime would be more appropriate alkalinity control strategies for in situ1 ozonated shrimp grow-out ponds; however, for application of hydrated lime, the problem of overdosage should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Coastal Social–Ecological Systems (SESs) are subject to several stresses, including climate change, that challenge fisheries and natural resource management. Fishers are front‐line observers of changes occurring both on the coast and in the sea and are among the first people to be affected by these changes. In this study, we perform a meta‐analysis of observations and adaptations to climate change by subsistence‐oriented coastal fishers extracted from a global review of peer‐reviewed and grey literature. Fishers' observations compiled from across the globe indicate increased temperatures and changes in weather patterns, as well as coastal erosion, sea level rise and shifts in species range and behaviours. Coastal areas offer a wide array of resources for diversifying livelihoods, but climate change is reducing these options. Specifically, climate change could reduce the resilience of fishers' communities, limiting options for diversification or forcing fishers to abandon their houses or villages.  相似文献   

Models and tools for assessing the carrying capacity of an area of interest for bivalve culture can be classified according to their level of complexity and scope. In this report, we discuss and outline four hierarchical categories of carrying capacity studies: physical, production, ecological, and social carrying capacity. The assessment of carrying capacity for progressively higher categories of models is based on a sound understanding of preceding categories. We discuss each in brief and the third in more detail as this is the level at which knowledge is the most lacking and for which science may make the most advances.(1) Physical carrying capacity may be assessed by a combination of hydrodynamic models and physical information, ideally presented and analysed within a Geographic Information System (GIS). (2) Most scientific effort to date has been directed towards modelling production carrying capacity and some of the resulting models have been used successfully to this end. Further development of these models should pay attention to (i) better modelling of feedback mechanisms between bivalve culture and the environment, (ii) a consideration of all steps in the culture process (seed collection, ongrowing, harvesting, and processing), and (iii) culture technique. (3) The modelling of ecological carrying capacity is still in its infancy. The shortcomings mentioned for models for production carrying capacity estimates are even greater for ecological carrying capacity models. GIS may be employed to consider interactions between culture activities and sensitive habitats. (4) It is recommended that social carrying capacity be evaluated only after the preceding levels have been completed so that an unbiased assessment is obtained. This however does not exclude direction from managers for scientists as to which factors (such as water clarity, specific habitats, etc.) should be evaluated. The use of expert systems to aid in management decisions is briefly discussed with a suggested application of a fuzzy expert system to this end.  相似文献   

一种饲料配方设计、筛选方法《横向-纵向比较法》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 饲料配方设计的技术现状及相关问题由于配合饲料是按饲养动物生长的需求提供相应的营养物质,并使饲料原料中各营养成分得以合理的经济的使用,保证了饲养过程的科学性,带动了饲养业的大发展。现行的饲料配方制定过程是根据饲养标准和选用饲料原料的营养含量,通过适当的计算,确定出各饲料原料在配合饲料中所占的比率。该计算过程分为手算法和计算机计算法。手算法简单,易于掌握,可使配合饲料既满足饲料标准的要求,又使饲料原料的各营养成分合理利用而不浪费,计算机计算除了满足这两种要求外,还可使配合饲料呈现较低的价格,并且运算快捷。如…  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is an economically important disease in New Brunswick, Canada. Current regulatory control involves detection of ISAv in broodstock, hatcheries and marine sites through a surveillance program. Prior to recent assessments of operating characteristics of diagnostic tests, the efficiency of this surveillance program was difficult to evaluate. In order to determine the optimal testing strategies for various phases of production, a cost-effectiveness analysis was done for different strategies including single testing and multiple testing with results interpreted in series or in parallel. The lowest cost testing strategy, which would achieve a group-level sensitivity (GSe) of 95% and a group-level specificity (GSp) of 95%, was determined for each production phase. Our analyses showed that the most cost-effective testing strategy depended on the production phase. If sampling is to be carried out in a freshwater facility, then broodstock should be tested by VI alone, while pre-smolts should be tested with IFAT and VI used in series. For fish reared in saltwater, parallel interpretation of results from VI and RT-PCR, or testing with VI alone, are appropriate testing strategies for broodstock. For market-fish, PCR alone is a good screening option. If one assumes the prevalence of ISAv in moribund fish is at least 50%, then a maximum of 5 fish (at a cut-point of 1 positive fish to designate a cage as positive) need to be tested at a cost of $220. If one desired to have a perfect GSp (i.e. no false positive cage designations), serial testing with IFAT and VI is a better option. However, for this strategy a maximum of 9 fish (at a cut-point of 1) need to be tested at a cost of $472.  相似文献   

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