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采用ELISA、免疫组织化学方法、手术切除结膜相关淋巴组织(Conjunctiva-associated Lymphoid Tissue,CALT)法对结膜相关淋巴组织和哈氏腺(Harderian Gland,HG)在点眼免疫应答过程中的相互协同关系进行了研究。研究发现,采用外科手术于1日龄切除结 膜相关淋巴组织后切除组点眼免疫后泪液中NDV-特异性IgA、IgM型抗体滴度及哈氏腺中IgA、IgM  相似文献   

鸡哈德氏腺的形态学观察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

用Lasota系ND疫苗分别于10、20日龄进行点眼免疫后采用SLAB免疫组织化学对鸡哈氏腺在新新城疫(Newcastle Disease,ND)疫苗点眼免疫后IgA、IgM、IgG型浆细胞的数量变化及分布特征进行了研究。研究发现,Lasota系ND疫苗点眼免疫后鸡哈氏腺中(Harderian Gland,HG)中IgA、IgM、IgG型浆细胞的出现较对照组早,并于48日龄达到峰值,一免及二免后三种类型的浆细胞数量均极高于对照组(P<0.01),其中IgA浆细胞的数量最多,IgM型浆细胞次之,IgG型浆细胞的数量最少。IgA、IgM、IgG三种浆细胞均散在分布于哈氏腺的间质中,且主要围绕各级管腔上皮及腺上皮分布,其中成熟的浆细胞紧贴腺上皮及管腔上皮分布。表明Lasonta系ND疫苗点眼免疫后可促进哈氏腺中的IgA、IgM、IgG型浆细胞的分化、成熟,这些浆细胞分泌的抗体成分可通过上皮而被分泌到管腔中去,最后到达泪液中,在眼区及上呼吸道起到保护作用。  相似文献   

采用组织学与组织化学方法对骆驼前胃特有的三个腺囊区有腺部黏膜研究表明,其黏膜的组织结构和糖共轭物呈色反应基本相同,并和骆驼及其他动物的贲门腺区结构相似。所含腺体为黏液性腺体,呈短而直的单管状,直接开口于浅而密集的胃小凹。黏膜表面上皮、胃小凹上皮和腺上皮均呈柱状,但从黏膜表面到腺体盲端逐渐变矮,腺底部上皮核上细胞质呈弱嗜碱性,有嗜碱性颗粒。所有上皮的细胞质均可分泌中性糖和酸性糖共轭物,但呈色反应从黏膜表面上皮到腺体盲端逐渐减弱,黏膜表面上皮以分泌中性糖共回顾物为主,而腺底部细胞以分泌酸性糖共回顾物为主。在黏膜表面还附有一层很厚的混合糖共回轭物。三个腺囊区的主要差异表现在第二室腺囊区面积最小,腺囊容积也最小,但腺囊数目最多,囊底黏膜褶丰富,黏膜层厚,腺体密集,深而密布的胃沟将黏膜分成无数,腺体中的亲银细胞丰富,明显多于前、后腺囊区,提示此区尚有分泌大量5-羟色胺的功能。  相似文献   

九种硬蜱成虫哈氏器的电镜扫描   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

彩组织学与组织化学方法研究了双峰驼幽门腺区黏膜的微细胞结构作腺体细胞组成。双峰驼幽门腺也为高度蟠曲的分支管状腺,由柱状上皮构成,胞质中有细小的嗜伊红颗粒,主要分泌酸性糖共轭物,在腺体细胞间有分布密度大于贲门腺和胃底腺的亲银细胞(即分泌5-羟色胺的EC细胞);黏膜肌层进入固有层,使腺体间可看到丰富的平滑肌纤维;覆盖于幽门腺区的高柱状上皮分泌中性糖共轭物和酸性糖共轭物,以前者为主。双峰驼幽门腺区在皱胃中所占面积最小,黏膜皱襞不发达,但其胃沟多而密集并且很深,可达黏膜层的1/2或2/3,常有多条深的胃小凹开口于此,从而增加了幽门腺区的表面积。研究结果显示,双峰驼幽门腺区黏膜的基本结构与其他动物及人的相似。  相似文献   

禽类输卵管精子腺组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖学、组织学及组织化学方法,观察了鸡、鸭、鹅、鹌鹑的输卵管精子腺形态学特点。结果表明,禽类输卵管精子腺是由单层柱状上皮或锥形细胞围绕而成的单管状腺,分布于黏膜固有层内;含输卵管精子腺的环状黏膜带的宽度因输卵管的机能状态及种类不同存在差异;鸡、鹌鹑和鹅的输卵管精子腺细胞,在产卵期和休止期均呈过碘酸雪夫染色(PAS)阳性反应,而鸭呈PAS阴性反应;产卵期和休止期鸡精子腺细胞,均呈脂肪染色强阳性反应,而鸭、鹅、鹌鹑的精子腺细胞呈阴性反应。  相似文献   

哈德氏腺位于第三眼睑内侧的一个小腺体,即眼内下角,腺体增生多数为单侧眼发生,但个别双侧眼同时发生。有时一侧眼治疗好后,另一侧眼又发生。笔者通过治疗21例哈德氏腺增生病例,谈点临床体会。  相似文献   

采用组织学和组织化学研究方法对双峰驼贲门腺区黏膜的宏观和微观结构进行了详细观察,明确了二者之间的关系及黏膜上皮和腺上皮的糖共轭物性质。结果表明,双峰驼贲门腺区黏膜表面形态结构复杂,明显不同于其他动物,由网状黏膜褶区和高而密集的纵行黏膜褶区构成,前者面积小,后者面积大,它们约占皱胃面积的4/5。虽然贲门腺区宏观分两个区域,但二者微观结构相同。黏膜表面上皮、胃小凹上皮均为柱状上皮,二者均具有很强的分泌中性糖和酸性糖共轭物的功能,前者以中性为主。贲门腺由柱状上皮、亲银细胞和少量壁细胞构成(邻近胃底腺处),为少分支的单管腺,主要分泌酸性糖共轭物,并含有丰富的活性很高的非特异性酯酶。同时还发现在贲门腺区有一带状集合淋巴小结区,说明贲门腺区黏膜还是一个重要的免疫部位。此外,本文还对双峰驼胃有腺部不同区域糖共轭物呈色结果进行了比较和总结。  相似文献   

Harderian gland tumors are extremely rare in female F344 rats. An expansive enlarging lesion of the Harderian gland with compression, distortion and invasion of the surrounding muscle was found in a 110-week-old female F344/DuCrj rat, which was diagnosed as a Harderian gland adenocarcinoma. Epithelial growth patterns such as glandular, lobular, papillary and duct forming patterns were exhibited in most areas of the tumor. The tumor cells were pleomorphic and atypical. In one part of the tumor, poorly differentiated areas were found. This case was observed in the middle dose group of a carcinogenicity study of diphenylamine, which was not carcinogenic, we determine to be this case was a spontaneous tumor.  相似文献   

Heads of ten healthy adult ostrich obtained from slaughter house were the constituted materials of the study. The Harderian gland (HG) was dissected out, and all of the gross morphometrical parameters including length, width and thickness as well as weight of left and right glands were recorded. Tissue sections were stained, using haematoxylin and eosin, Masson trichrome, periodic acid‐Schiff and Alcian blue (pH 2.5) techniques. In ostrich, HG was an orbital organ located ventromedially around the posterior part of the eyeball. It was an oval flatted shape, light pink colour with irregular outline and was pointed in the dorsal end. Its mean length was 35.30 ± 2.84 mm and 35.55 ± 3.58 mm in left and right sides, respectively, and mean width 15.30 ± 1.20 mm and 15.65 ± 1.18 mm in left and right sides, respectively. There was no significant difference between length, thickness, weight and width of left and right glands. Histological results showed that the glandular epithelium was multilobular and compound tubuloalveolar. The gland was surrounded by a connective tissue capsule, and the epithelium was lined by simple columnar epithelial cells of varying height. The secretion of HG was mucous and the secretion type was apocrine. Mucosubstance analysis revealed that secretory units contained acidic and neutral glycoproteins. The granules within the epithelial cells lining the intralobular and inter‐lobular excretory ducts of the gland were positive for periodic acid‐Schiff and Alcian blue (pH 2.5).  相似文献   

文章就乳腺生物反应器主要产品加以综述,着重介绍人乳铁蛋白、人组织型溶纤酶原激活因子、人源化单克隆抗体、新生血管生长抑制因子、人血白蛋白、人促红细胞生成素研究进展和现状。  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) using 2-deoxy-2-[18F] fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) as a radioactive tracer is a useful technique for in vivo brain imaging. However, the anatomical and physiological features of the Harderian gland limit the use of FDG-PET imaging in the mouse brain. The gland shows strong FDG uptake, which in turn results in distorted PET images of the frontal brain region. The purpose of this study was to determine if a simple surgical procedure to remove the Harderian gland prior to PET imaging of mouse brains could reduce or eliminate FDG uptake. Measurement of FDG uptake in unilaterally adenectomized mice showed that the radioactive signal emitted from the intact Harderian gland distorts frontal brain region images. Spatial parametric measurement analysis demonstrated that the presence of the Harderian gland could prevent accurate assessment of brain PET imaging. Bilateral Harderian adenectomy efficiently eliminated unwanted radioactive signal spillover into the frontal brain region beginning on postoperative Day 10. Harderian adenectomy did not cause any post-operative complications during the experimental period. These findings demonstrate the benefits of performing a Harderian adenectomy prior to PET imaging of mouse brains.  相似文献   

咽下腺是蜜蜂(Apis)工蜂合成和分泌蜂王浆的主要腺体,其活力高低直接影响蜂王浆产量。本文就咽下腺分泌活力与工蜂发育日龄的关系、分泌蛋白在蜂群中的传递规律、分泌细胞学研究、影响咽下腺发育的因素、分泌活力检测方法和分泌蛋白的分子生物学研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

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