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The aim of the study was to develop methods for estimating the taper curves for trees tallied in a forest inventory. The average stem form in a stand was described by the principal components of the stand effects in the stem dimensions measured in the polar coordinate system. Measurements of diameter at breast height, diameter at a height of 6 meters, and height taken from trees on the sample tree plots were used for determining the first four principal components. Regression models were derived to predict the principal components from the site and growing stock variables. These models were used to estimate the taper curves of the tallied trees. Use of the principal components estimated by the regression models gave less reliable results than use of the principal component estimates based on measurement of the height of one randomly chosen tree on the sample plot. The best result was found with combined use of the principal component estimates and one height measurement per sample plot.  相似文献   

A diameter increment model is developed and evaluated for individual trees of ponderosa pine throughout the species range in the United States using a multilevel linear mixed model. Stochastic variability is broken down among period, locale, plot, tree and within-tree components. Covariates acting at tree and stand level, as breast height diameter, density, site index, and competition indices are included in the model as fixed effects in order to explain residual variability. The data set used in this study came from long-term permanent research plots in even-aged, pure stands both planted and of natural origin. The data base consists of six levels-of-growing stock studies supplemented by initial spacing and other permanent-plot thinning studies for a total of 310 plots, 34,263 trees and 153,854 observations. Regression analysis is the preferred technique used in growth and yield modeling in forestry. We choose the mixed effects models instead of the regression analysis approach because it allows for proper treatment of error terms in a repeated measures analysis framework. Regional growth and yield models exist for ponderosa pine. However, data collection and analysis procedures differ. As a result, comparisons of growth responses that may be due to geographic variation of the species are not possible. Our goal is to present a single distance-independent diameter increment model applicable throughout the geographic range of ponderosa pine in the United States and by using only data from long-term permanent plots on sites capable of the productivity estimated by Meyer [Meyer, W.H., 1938. Yield of Even-Aged Stands of Ponderosa Pine. US Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 630].  相似文献   


An individual-tree basal area increment model was developed for masson pine based on 26276 observations of 13,138 trees in 987 sample plots from the 7th (2004), 8th (2009), and 9th (2014) Chinese National Forest Inventory in Hunan Province, South-central China. The model was built using a linear mixed-effects approach with sample plots included as random effects since the data have a hierarchical stochastic structure and biased estimates of the standard error of parameter estimates could be a consequence of applying ordinary least square (OLS) for regression. In addition, within-plot heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation were also considered. The final mixed-effects model was determined according to the Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), log-likelihood (Loglik), and the likelihoodratio test (LRT). The results revealed that initial diameter (DBH), the sum of the basal area (m2/ha) in trees with DBHs larger than the DBH of the subject tree (BAL), number of trees per hectare (NT), and elevation (EL) had a significant impact on individual-tree basal area increment. The mixed-effects model performed much better than the basic model produced using OLS. Additionally, the variance structure of the model errors was successfully modeled using the power function. However, the autocorrelation structures were not defined because there was no autocorrelation amongst the data. It is believed that the final model will contribute to the scientific management of the masson pine.  相似文献   

An individual-based Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, the SEIB-DGVM, was adapted to a Malaysian tropical rain forest by incorporating formulas and parameters from a gap dynamics model, FORMIX3. After calibration, the model reconstructed forest structure (i.e., size structure, leaf area index, and woody biomass) and carbon fluxes (i.e., gross and net primary productivity) of a dipterocarp forest in Pasoh, Peninsular Malaysia. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the model was robust; forest structure and ecosystem functions moderately fluctuated due to changes in parameters and climatic environments. Sensitivity analysis also indicated that the success and decay of a dominant species group that monopolized the canopy layer greatly affected those of a less abundant, shade-intolerant group. This result indicates that even if environmental changes do not exhibit clear effects on dominant canopy species and/or whole forest structure, such changes may still substantially impact the biodiversity of subdominant species. In simulations without gap formation, woody biomass was overestimated and a shade-intolerant species group was eliminated. This finding indicates that incorporating gap formation into the individual-based model is essential for the appropriate simulation of forest biomass and biodiversity in this Malaysian tropical rain forest.  相似文献   

Relations of DBH-crown projection area (CPA) were studied for deciduous and coniferous trees with different models, one of which is newly derived this time. For DBH-CPA relations, a proposed power-sigmoid function was the most suitable one among four models because of its good fit and mechanistic meaning. This model contains the feature that CPA grows with the second power relation to DBH, and the increasing rate of CPA slows as DBH increases. With transformation, the power-sigmoid function for DBH-CPA relation can be applied for individual basal area (IBA)-CPA relations as single-saturate function, and these two functional models have high compatibility. Next, the differences of DBH-CPA between deciduous and coniferous tree groups were analyzed with power-sigmoid function. The initial increasing rates of CPA against DBH for each group were similar, though the CPA's increasing rate for the coniferous group tended to decrease earlier than for the deciduous group. Because the power sigmoid function has mechanistic meanings, one can separately analyze the attributes of the DBH-CPA relation: the initial increasing rate of CPA and final tree form.  相似文献   

Forest change is of great concern for land use decision makers and conservation communities. Quantitative and spatial forest change information is critical for addressing many pressing issues, including global climate change, carbon budgets, and sustainability. In this study, our analysis focuses on the differences in geospatial patterns and their changes between federal forests and nonfederal forests in Alabama over the time period 1987–2005, by interpreting 163 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes using a vegetation change tracker (VCT) model. Our analysis revealed that for the most part of 1990 s and between 2000 and 2005, Alabama lost about 2% of its forest on an annual basis due to disturbances, but much of the losses were balanced by forest regeneration from previous disturbances. The disturbance maps revealed that federal forests were reasonably well protected, with the fragmentation remaining relatively stable over time. In contrast, nonfederal forests, which are predominant in area share (about 95%), were heavily disturbed, clearly demonstrating decreasing levels of fragmentation during the time period 1987–1993 giving way to a subsequent accelerating fragmentation during the time period 1994–2005. Additionally, the identification of the statistical relationships between forest fragmentation status and forest loss rate and forest net change rate in relation to land ownership implied the distinct differences in forest cutting rate and cutting patterns between federal forests and nonfederal forests. The forest spatial change information derived from the model has provided valuable insights regarding regional forest management practices and disturbance regimes, which are closely associated with regional economics and environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that the relaxation modulusEt of water-saturated wood during temperature reduction maintained its initial value despite the decrease in temperature, although during temperature elevationEt showed a marked decrease. In the present study, to clarify the mechanism of relaxation during temperature elevation and reduction, Young's modulus was measured in stress relaxation experiments with changes in temperature, and relaxation behavior was simulated using a Maxwell model consisting of five elements. Furthermore, the dynamic Young's modulus and dynamic loss modulus were measured during both temperature elevation and reduction. The results obtained suggested that the unique relaxation behavior during temperature reduction was caused by decreases in Young's modulus and coefficient of viscosity (i.e., an increase in fluidity) compared with those during elevation of temperature. The decrease in Young's modulus and increase in fluidity were considered to be due to an unstable structure in wood that occurred during temperature reduction. This unstable structure probably develops in the nonequilibrium state of temperature toward a true equilibrium state. Wood should be more unstable during temperature reduction than during temperature elevation because of the decrease in molecular motion when the temperature is lowered.Part of this report was presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 1999  相似文献   

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