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This study investigated whether a high level of footpad dermatitis (FPD) in broiler chickens induced by increased litter moisture content is accompanied by negative effects on technical performance, carcass yield, and other welfare aspects. Litter moisture content was increased by systematically spraying water over the litter from 6 d of age onward (lesion-induction treatment). Results were compared with a control group kept on relatively good quality litter and having a very low prevalence of footpad lesions. Litter quality significantly decreased from 7 d of age onward in the pens with the lesion-induction treatment compared with the control pens. At 21 and 36 d of age, significantly more FPD was observed in the lesion-induction groups compared with the control groups. Technical performance of the broilers was negatively affected for the lesion-induction groups from 28 d of age onward; lesion-induction groups had significantly lower BW gain, feed intake, and water intake and significantly higher FCR compared with control groups. As a result of the lower BW gain, carcass weight was less for the lesion-induction group and significantly more rejections for commercial parts were found. The lesion-induction groups also had significantly more hock burns and breast irritations at d 21 and 36, and were dirtier but had fewer thigh scratches at d 35 compared with the control groups. In addition, locomotion was negatively affected among the lesion-induction group, as they had a higher gait score at d 36 compared with the control group. We concluded that increased litter moisture content not only caused severe FPD but also reduced broiler performance and carcass yield and had a negative effect on other welfare aspects.  相似文献   

将960只1日龄艾维茵肉仔鸡随机分为16组,每组4个重复,每重复15只;采用D-最优设计,以基础日粮含量为最低水平,以2倍NRC(1994)推荐量为最高水平,按16种方案添加铜、铁、锌、锰,研究不同添加水平对0~3周龄肉鸡生产和免疫器官发育的影响,以确定0~3周龄肉鸡日粮铜、铁、锌、锰的适宜添加水平。结果表明:不同铜、铁、锌、锰添加水平对0~3周龄肉鸡日增重、耗料量、料肉比、死淘率及免疫器官发育均无显著影响(P>0.05),说明基础日粮中的铜、铁、锌、锰含量能够满足0~3周龄肉鸡生长和免疫器官发育的需要。  相似文献   

Responses to stocking density (SD), dietary biotin concentration and litter condition were evaluated on 2016 Ross 308 male broilers in the fattening period (day 22–day 42). The birds were placed in 48 pens with either dry or wet litter to simulate the final stocking density of 30 kg (12 broilers/m2; normal stocking density, NSD) and 40 kg (16 broilers/m2; high stocking density, HSD) of body weight (BW)/m2 floor space. A corn–soybean meal‐based diet was supplemented with biotin to provide a normal (NB; 155 μg/kg) or high (HB, 1521 μg/kg) level of dietary biotin. There were six repetitions per treatment. The inappropriate moisture content of litter associated with HSD was avoided (p < 0.05) by good management (SD difference: dry litter, 6.65% vs. wet litter, 13.23%; 42 days), which made it advantageous (p < 0.01) for footpad (SD difference: dry litter, 0.118 vs. wet litter, 0.312; weekly average value) and hock health (SD difference: dry litter, 0.090 vs. wet litter, 0.303; weekly average value) of HSD birds, but not (p > 0.05) for growth and processing yield. In HSD, the biotin effect (gains, FCR) was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than in NSD. The similar response of HSD birds to supplemental biotin was observed (p < 0.05) for lesion scores of footpad and hock in particularly finishing chickens, and a significant interaction (p < 0.01) among stocking density, biotin supplementation and litter condition existed from 35 to 42 days of age. Taken together, increasing dietary biotin improves the performance and well‐being of broiler chickens stocked at high densities in litter‐independent and litter‐dependent manners respectively.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixteen weanling gilts (6.65+/-0.08 kg) were used to determine the effects of decreasing supplemental concentrations of Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn, and trace mineral source (inorganic vs. chelated) on growth performance, mineral status, and fecal mineral concentrations from weaning through development. The study was conducted over three trials with 72 pigs in each trial. Gilts were blocked by weight and randomly assigned to either 1) control, 2) reduced inorganic, or 3) reduced chelated trace minerals. The control diet was supplemented with 25, 150, 180, and 60 mg/kg of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn (in sulfate forms), respectively, during the nursery phase and 15, 100, 100, and 40 mg/kg of supplemental Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, respectively, during the growing and gilt-developer phases. Reduced inorganic and reduced chelated treatments were supplemented during all phases with 5, 25, 25, and 10 mg/kg of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, respectively. The reduced chelated treatment supplied 50% of the supplemental Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in the form of metal proteinates, with the remainder from sulfate forms. Performance by control pigs did not differ from pigs fed the reduced trace mineral treatments during the nursery and grower-development periods. Gain:feed was lower (P < 0.05) for pigs fed the reduced inorganic compared with those fed the reduced chelated treatment during the nursery period. Trace mineral source did not affect performance during the growing or gilt-developer phase. Plasma Zn concentration and alkaline phosphatase activity were higher (P < 0.01) in control pigs than in those receiving reduced trace minerals during the nursery and growing phases. Plasma Cu concentration and ceruloplasmin activity were generally not affected by treatment. Hemoglobin concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) for the reduced inorganic compared with the reduced chelated treatment in the nursery phase. Fecal concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn were lower (P < 0.05) in pigs fed reduced trace minerals than in controls during all production phases. Fecal Zn concentration during the nursery and fecal Cu concentrations during the growing and gilt-developer phases were lower (P < 0.05) in pigs fed the reduced chelated compared with the reduced inorganic treatment. Results indicate that reducing the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe typically supplemented to pig diets will greatly decrease fecal mineral excretion without negatively affecting pig performance from weaning through development.  相似文献   

The effect of hatch location and diet density on the prevalence of footpad dermatitis and growth performance in broiler chickens was studied. Broilers (Ross 308), incubated at 2 different hatch locations but originating from the same parent stock, were subjected to 2 feeding programs differing in energy content (2,750 vs. 2,950, 2,850 vs. 3,050, 2,900 vs. 3,100, and 2,900 vs. 3,100 kcal/kg for starter, grower I, grower II, and finisher diets, respectively) in a 2 × 2 factorial design (6 replicates per treatment combination). Broilers were housed under conditions and managed according to Dutch practice. Hatch location did not affect hatching results nor the prevalence and severity of footpad dermatitis, but did affect BW gain, feed, and water intake. A significant interaction was found between hatch location and feeding program; broilers fed the low-energy (LE) program had a better performance when hatched at Location 2 than at Location 1, whereas performance was similar for the high-energy (HE) broilers hatched at both locations. Broilers fed the LE program had similar BW gain but a higher feed conversion due to a higher feed intake as compared to broilers fed the HE program. In addition, moisture content of the litter in the pens with LE birds was higher than in pens with HE birds. As a result, broilers fed the LE program had more footpad dermatitis and hock burns at d 36 as compared to broilers fed the HE program. It is concluded that the HE feeding program is preferred to prevent footpad dermatitis and hock burn, and with respect to growth performance. The differences in growth performance between the 2 hatch locations merit further study but indicate the importance of the incubation and hatching environment and posthatch handling in relation to the growth performance of broilers on-farm.  相似文献   

Supplementation of trace minerals with a large safety margin in broiler chickens has resulted in a high level of mineral excretion that ends up in the environment. Organically complexed trace minerals (organic minerals) may be able to replace the inorganic trace minerals, because the former appear to have a greater bioavailability. Therefore, a 29-d cage study that included diets with supplemental trace minerals from organic and inorganic sources based on a trace mineral deficient control diet was conducted to examine the possible response of broiler chickens to organic mineral supplements. The results showed that supplementation with 4 mg of Cu and 40 mg each of Fe, Mn, and Zn from organic sources may be sufficient for normal broiler growth to 29 d of age. It is possible to use these lower levels of organic trace minerals in broiler diets to avoid high levels of trace mineral excretion.  相似文献   

Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism as well as bone and shell quality, and is therefore important to broiler breeders. In this research we investigated the effects of maternal dietary 25-OH vitamin D3 on broiler breeder egg quality and hatchability, as well as on progeny bone mineral density and performance. In a field study, all hens were fed 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 (D) per kilogram of complete feed; in addition half of the hens also received 34.5 µg of 25-OH vitamin D3 per liter in the drinking water (25OHD). Eggs from each treatment group were incubated and hatched; chicks were fed a common diet and grown to 41 d of age. Eggs from hens in the 25OHD treatment had a nearly 30% reduction in early embryo mortality. However, a larger egg size resulted in greater chick BW for the D chicks, although this did not affect broiler production performance. Broilers from the maternal 25OHD treatment had a lower FCR during the grower phase. Unexpectedly, chick plasma 25-OH vitamin D3 was only greater for the maternal 25OHD treatment at 4 d of age, but not at hatch, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 d of age. Maternal vitamin D3 source did not affect progeny 41-d bone mineral density. Maternal 25-OH vitamin D3 had a protective effect on the growing embryo, reducing early embryonic mortality, with minimal effects on progeny performance and bone mineral density to processing at 41 d of age. The previously reported effects of 25-OH vitamin D3 on increasing broiler performance and breast yield seem to be dependent on supplementation of the broiler diet; a carry-over effect of maternal supplementation is insufficient to achieve these effects.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of inoculation of different nutrients into eggs of 18-d-old broiler embryos. On d 18 of incubation, before transferring, eggs were injected with a solution containing either maltose, a multivitamin supplement, zinc-glycine, glutamine, a mixture containing all these elements, or sodium chloride (control). After hatching, 2,400 male broiler chicks were placed in an experimental broiler house and distributed into 60 floor pens in a completely randomized design comprising a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement of treatments (2 egg weights × 6 solutions), for a total of 12 treatments. Birds and feed consumption were measured weekly. At 42 d of age, 3 birds per replicate pen were randomly selected for processing. Birds derived from heavier eggs had greater hatchability and hatching weight. At 42 d of age, birds from heavier eggs had higher BW, carcass weight, and breast meat weight. The livability of birds derived from heavy eggs was higher at 7 and 14 d of age. The in ovo inoculation of the nutrients to 18-d-old embryos did not influence live performance or carcass traits. The technique of in ovo inoculation of certain nutrients may be used in industrial poultry production, but further studies are required to define the best solutions or mixture of nutrients to be used.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary citric acid (CA) on the performance and mineral metabolism of broiler chicks. A total of 1720 Ross PM3 broiler chicks (days old) were randomly assigned to four groups (430 in each) and reared for a period of 35 days. The diets of groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were supplemented with 0%, 0.25%, 0.75% or 1.25% CA by weight respectively. Feed and faeces samples were collected weekly and analysed for acid insoluble ash, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg). The pH was measured in feed and faeces. At the age of 28 days, 10 birds from each group were slaughtered; tibiae were collected from each bird for the determination of bone mineral density, total ash, Ca, P, Mg and bone‐breaking strength, and blood was collected for the measurement of osteocalcin, serum CrossLaps®, Ca, P, Mg and 1,25(OH)2Vit‐D in serum. After finishing the trial on day 37, all chicks were slaughtered by using the approved procedure. Birds that were fed CA diets were heavier (average body weights of 2030, 2079 and 2086 g in the 0.25%, 0.75% and 1.25% CA groups, respectively, relative to the control birds (1986 g). Feed conversion efficiency (weight gain in g per kg of feed intake) was also higher in birds of the CA‐fed groups (582, 595 and 587 g/kg feed intake for 0.25%, 0.75% and 1.25% CA respectively), relative to the control birds (565 g/kg feed intake). The digestibility of Ca, P and Mg increased in the CA‐fed groups, especially for the diets supplemented with 0.25% and 0.75% CA. Support for finding was also indicated in the results of the analysis of the tibia. At slaughter, the birds had higher carcass weights and higher graded carcasses in the groups that were fed the CA diets. The estimated profit margin was highest for birds fed the diet containing 0.25% CA. Birds of the 0.75% CA group were found to have the second highest estimated profit margin. Addition of CA up to a level of 1.25% of the diet increased performance, feed conversion efficiency, carcass weight and carcass quality, but only in numerical terms. The addition of CA up to 0.75% significantly increased the digestibility of macro minerals, bone ash content, bone mineral density and bone strength of the broiler chicks. It may, therefore, be concluded that the addition of 0.75% CA in a standard diet is suitable for growth, carcass traits, macromineral digestibility and bone mineral density of broiler chicks.  相似文献   

选择1日龄健康AA肉仔鸡120只,随机分成4组。使用蛋氨酸铜作为铜源,饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,对照组饲料铜含量为11mg/kg,3个高铜试验组分别为:110mg/kg、220mg/kg和330mg/kg,试验至60日龄结束。于第12,36,60日龄在各组内随机采血,测定血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)活性;测量60日龄各组肝脏和粪便的铜含量并观察肝脏组织病理变化。结果显示:①血清ALT和AST活性均在正常范围内,没有异常升高;②110mg/kg和220mg/kg组的肝脏组织中铜含量比对照组有所升高,但是差异不显著(P>0.05),而330mg/kg组则极显著高于其他3个试验组(P<0.01);110mg/kg,220mg/kg和330mg/kg组的粪便中铜含量均极显著高于对照组(P<0.01);③330mg/kg组的肝脏组织大部分细胞中度变性,其他各组病理变化不明显。试验结果表明,日粮中蛋氨酸铜浓度达到330mg/kg时,肝脏内的铜蓄积量会迅速增多且对肝脏造成较大的损伤,粪便中的铜含量随着日粮中铜含量的增加而迅速增多,可能对环境造成不利影响。  相似文献   

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