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肝片形吸虫病是由片形科片形属的肝片吸虫寄生于牛、羊、鹿和骆驼等反刍动物的肝脏胆管中,引起急性或慢性肝炎和胆管炎、实质性肝炎和肝硬化等病变,并伴发全身中毒现象和营养障碍,严重感染时可引起牛羊大批死亡,给畜牧业经济带来很大损失.毛毕吸虫病是由分体科的毛毕属的包氏毛毕吸虫寄生于鸭、鹅及野生水禽肝门静脉和肠系膜静脉内寄生并产卵引起肠黏膜发炎,影响肠道吸收功能,严重感染时呈现消瘦、发育受阻等症状.肝片形吸虫病及包氏毛毕吸虫病均属人畜共患病,肝片形吸虫、包氏毛毕吸虫的中间宿主同属椎实螺,椎实螺有小土蜗、静水椎实螺、斯氏萝卜螺、耳萝卜螺4种,在我国分布甚广,它们生活并大量繁殖于田园、沟渠、池塘、沼泽等地.当病畜病禽排出的虫卵随粪便于水中,孵出毛蚴游于水中并钻入椎实螺体内生长发育,椎实螺受肝片形吸虫及毛毕吸虫幼虫感染,其受感染率可以反映出当地患肝片形吸虫病和毛毕吸虫病的严重程度.为此,笔者对高安市郊农村椎实螺感染肝片形吸虫、毛毕吸虫幼虫情况进行了初步调查,旨为防治牛羊患肝片形吸虫病和鸭鹅患毛毕吸虫病提供依据.  相似文献   

继1991年发现牛土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫以来,我站加强了对病死牛的剖检和查虫工作。在1991年4月,我们在对一头黄牛瘤胃臌气的病死牛剖检时,在其肝脏的胆管中检出了叶片状虫体10余条,虫体长约20毫米,宽约5毫米,经检查确定为牛肝片吸虫。这一寄生虫的发现的继东毕吸虫之后的又一首次发现,为此我们重点地对其中间宿主(当地的几种淡水螺)进行了尾蚴查找工作在1991年和1992年夏秋期间,我们反复多次地采螺,终于在邮枚椎实螺体内检出了肝片吸虫尾蚴,同时在个别牛的粪便中也查到了虫卵。通过病原体的检获和鉴定,结合虫卵尾蚴的查出,我们认为: 该病死牛虽非因肝片吸虫的强度感染而致死,但其虫体和尾蚴的查出在大兴安岭高寒地区尚属首次。大兴安岭地区存在牛的肝片吸虫病,在本地放牧区的螺体内检出尾蚴,证明流行区内有  相似文献   

肝片形吸虫病是一种严重危害反刍兽的重要寄生虫病。我省气候温和、雨量充沛,肝片形吸虫的中间宿主—小土蜗(Galba Pervia)到处孳生,从阳性螺体逸出的尾蚴形成囊蚴后造成自然界的严重污染,引起耕牛的普遍感染和发病。  相似文献   

东毕吸虫病是一种对人畜危害较大的人畜共患寄生虫病。其病原为东毕属吸虫。东毕属(特点是睾丸多达60~120个,卵巢螺旋形)中较重要的虫种有土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫及其结节变种、彭氏东毕吸虫和程氏东毕吸虫等,可寄生于黄牛、水牛、绵羊和山羊。彭氏东毕吸虫还可感染瘤牛,猪也有受感染的。东毕吸虫的中间宿主为椎实螺、耳萝卜螺、折叠萝卜螺、卵圆萝卜螺和小土蜗等。生活史大体与裂体吸虫相似。东毕吸虫尾蚴能钻入人的皮肤,引起皮炎。严重患病的犊牛发育缓慢,变成侏儒牛。母畜不孕,孕畜流产。笔者经多年调查,对湘西自治州有代表性的几个地区的牛…  相似文献   

正羊片形吸虫是主要寄生在羊的肝脏胆管中,呈扁平片状,灰红褐色,大小为(21~41)mm×(9~14)mm。成虫在羊的胆管内排除大量的虫卵,卵随胆汁进入消化道,由粪便排出体外,在适宜条件下孵出毛蚴,进入水中,遇中间宿主(淡水螺丝)时,钻入其体内,发育为胞蚴、雷呦和尾蚴,尾蚴自螺体逸出后,附着在水草上形成具有感染性的囊呦,羊吃了这些水草后,幼虫  相似文献   

(一)羊常见吸虫病1.片形吸虫病。片形吸虫病是羊最主要的寄生虫病,又称肝蛭病,由肝片吸虫和大片吸虫所引起的。片形吸虫在羊胆管内寄生产卵,虫卵随粪便排出体外。在温暖、有适量水分条件下,虫卵孵化成毛蚴。毛蚴在中间宿主椎实螺体内发育成胞蚴、尾蚴。尾蚴离开螺体很快变成囊蚴,粘附于草上或游于水中。  相似文献   

俞萍 《新疆畜牧业》2012,(Z1):35-35
肝片形吸虫病是一种严重危害牛、羊等反刍动物的蠕虫病,又称肝蛭病。是由肝片吸虫寄生于肝脏胆管内引起的慢性或急性肝炎和胆管炎,同时伴有全身性中毒现象和隐性症状,可导致消瘦,体重下降。1流行病学特点本病多发生在夏秋两季,6~9月份为高发季节。羊吃了附着有囊蚴(虫卵→毛蚴→钻入椎实螺体内→胞蚴→雷蚴→尾蚴→从螺体逸出→囊蚴)的水草而感染,各种年龄、性别、品  相似文献   

1 吸虫纲 Trematoda1.1 复殖目 Digenea1.1.1 片形科 Fasciolidae1.1.1.1 片形属 Fasciolopsis (1)肝片形吸虫 F.hepatiea (2)巨片形吸虫 F.gigantica1.1.2 分体科 Schitosomatidae1.1.2.1 东毕属 Orienbilharzia (1)彭氏东毕吸虫 O.bamfordi  相似文献   

用东毕吸虫成虫,经葡聚糖凝胶G—100层析柱制备纯化抗原,应用ELISA间接法检测自然感染东毕吸虫绵羊的抗体,同时,配合沉淀法、孵化法和全身剖检法进行检查,显示阳性符合率为98.4%,阴性符合率为95%;除与肝片吸虫阳性血清有4.8%的交叉反应外,未发现与矛形双腔吸虫阳性血清和前后盘吸虫阳性血清有交叉反应;ELISA的阳性检出率高于沉淀法和孵化法;并证明东毕吸虫感染强度与血清抗体无相关关系。  相似文献   

本文报告了广西肝片形吸虫中间宿主的种类为小土蜗螺和斯氏萝卜螺。对不同剂量毛蚴感染中间宿主椎实螺的存活率,椎实螺的繁殖及其对干旱的抵抗力;尾蚴的逸出时间、数量;囊蚴对终宿主山羊羔的感染情况及其特点进行了观察。  相似文献   

肝片形吸虫的母雷蚴、早期子雷蚴、成熟子雷蚴及尾蚴表被结构经扫描电镜观察:在母雷蚴及早期子雷蚴的口孔周围有乳突分布;雷蚴的围领呈领圈样环绕,围领基部的一侧有一个产孔,产孔的开口处呈唇样的构造,从母雷蚴、早期子雷蚴至成熟子雷蚴的发育,其体表绒毛样构造日趋发达。尾蚴背部密布尖刀形棘,腹部具有许多不规则的突起,其间分布有许多微孔;口吸盘及周围无乳突分布,但在腹吸盘周围分布有排列整齐的指状突起。尾蚴体部与尾部相连处有一环形颈状结构,尾蚴尾干背面为一槽状的皱襞。  相似文献   

目的明确重庆地区片形吸虫的种类,并为重庆地区片形吸虫的分类研究提供科学的参考依据。方法在对重庆地区黄牛、水牛肝脏上寄生的片形吸虫形态结构进行观察后,根据片形吸虫第一内转录间隔区(ITS-1)和第二内转录间隔区(ITS-2)基因设计特异性引物,运用多聚酶链式反应(PCR)技术,以法国肝片吸虫gDNA为对照,对所采样品gDNA用大片吸虫和肝片吸虫的ITS-1和ITS-2特异性引物进行扩增。结果形态学鉴定均为“不规则”片形吸虫,电泳结果显示均分别扩增出特异性ITS-1和ITS-2条带。结论综合形态学和PCR鉴定结果,初步认为重庆地区存在着大片吸虫和肝片吸虫的“中间型”。  相似文献   

This study deals with the development and validation of an original PCR protocol to assess the presence of Fasciola hepatica in Galba truncatula its main intermediate host in Western Europe. In the present study two DNA extraction techniques are compared and a new multiplex PCR is described. The Chelex(?) DNA extraction technique showed to be more appropriate than the classical Phenol/Chloroform/Proteinase K based method because of the absence of toxic organic solvent, shorter duration and lower cost, and a higher reproducibility regarding DNA concentrations and wavelength ratios. The multiplex PCR was set up to amplify the lymnaeid internal transcribed spacer 2 sequence (500-600 bp) that act as an internal control and a 124 bp Fasciola sp. sequence that is repeated more than 300,000 times in fluke whole genome. Ninety six snails were pooled and 6 snails (6.25%) found positive for Fasciola sp. The limit of detection is lower than the minimal biological infestation unit (one miracidium). DNA extracts from Paramphistomum daubneyi, Dicrocoelium lanceolatum, and Fascioloides magna did not cross react.  相似文献   

The present study developed and validated a species-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the rapid detection and discrimination of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. The LAMP assay is inexpensive, easy to perform and shows rapid reaction, wherein the amplification can be obtained in 45 min under isothermal conditions of 61 °C or 62 °C by employing a set of four species-specific primer mixtures and results can be checked through naked-eye visualization. The optimal assay conditions with no cross-reaction with other closely related trematodes (Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Orientobilharzia turkestanicum and Schistosoma japonicum) as well as within the two Fasciola species were established. The assay was validated by examining F. gigantica DNA in the intermediate host snails and in faecal samples. The results indicated that the LAMP assay is approximately 10(4) times more sensitive than the conventional specific PCR assays. These findings indicate that this Fasciola species-specific LAMP assay may have a potential clinical application for detection and differentiation of Fasciola species, especially in endemic countries.  相似文献   

粤北桑芽瘿蚊的世代及生活史和习性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查表明 :粤北桑芽瘿蚊 1年发生 10代 ,世代重叠现象明显 ,从 5月初一直为害至 11月 ,11月底以结成囊包休眠体的老熟幼虫在桑田土表层中进行越冬 ,但从 6月下旬开始各代均有部分老熟幼虫结成囊包休眠体在桑田土表层中进行越夏、越冬 ;全年以第 1~ 3代发生量最大。各虫态历期 :卵 1~ 2d ,幼虫 5~ 12d ,蛹 5~ 12d ,成虫 1~3d ,完成 1个世代需 15~ 2 6d ,大多要 2 0d左右。雌雄成虫比例 (性比 )约为 2 5 1∶1。  相似文献   

Ligated intestines of rabbits, mice, rats and chickens were used to examine the penetration of newly excysted juvenile flukes of Japanese Fasciola sp. in vitro. In rabbit intestines, the penetration rate was relatively high in the rectum and duodenum. Penetration rates in the jejunum, ileum, cecum and colon were comparable to those in the rectum and duodenum, although it was lower in the appendix. In the case of mouse, juvenile flukes penetrated the duodenum, jejunum, cecum, and rectum at considerably high rates. In rat intestine, penetration by flukes was less in the duodenum and rectum, although flukes were detected in the jejunum. In chicken intestine, flukes barely penetrated the duodenum, jejunum and rectum. Consequently, newly excysted flukes of Fasciola sp. seem to penetrate any region of the intestine in rabbits and mice. In rats, the middle small intestine may be the site suitable for flukes to penetrate. In chickens, the difficulty in penetration of the intestinal wall may be one of the reasons why chickens are scarcely infected with Fasciola sp.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was evaluated for diagnosis of experimental or naturally occurring Fasciola sp. infections in cattle. The positive rate for the ELISA in calves inoculated with Fasciola metacercariae were 21.1% by 2 weeks postinoculation (PI), 94.6% by 4 weeks PI and 100% by 6-21 weeks PI. The positive rate for the immunodiffusion test (Ouchterlony test) reached 91.7% by 2 weeks PI, however, it dropped to 77.8% by 10 weeks PI. The positive rate for the fecal egg examination was 0% by 10 weeks PI, 77.8% by 12 weeks PI and 100% by 14-21 weeks PI. The practical application of ELISA was tested by using 165 cows raised under field condition. All the 24 cows that were positive both in the fecal egg examination and the Ouchterlony test were ELISA positive. Of the 6 cows that were egg positive and Ouchterlony negative, 5 showed ELISA positive reactions. Of the 27 cows that were egg negative and Ouchterlony positive, 24 were ELISA positive. Of the 108 cows that were egg negative and Ouchterlony negative, 90 were ELISA negative. However, the other 18 cows had ELISA positive reactions. Our results suggested that the ELISA using crude adult antigen was superior to the Ouchterlony test and fecal egg examination for diagnosis of experimental or naturally occurring Fasciola sp. infections in cattle.  相似文献   

A total of 781 cattle was examined at the Bunia slaughterhouse (Ituri) from August 1986 to December 1987 to study the following parasitic associations: Fasciola sp., Schistosoma sp., paramphistomes and Fasciola sp., Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum sp. Prevalences were high for each parasite: 96.5% for paramphistomes, 58.1% for Schistosoma sp., 58.7 to 61.9% for Fasciola sp., 90.5% for Haemonchus sp. and 75.5% for Oesophagostomum sp. Regarding the association with trematodes, 41.3% of the 516 examined animals were simultaneously positive for the three helminths and there was a significant relationship between the infection with Fasciola sp. and Schistosoma sp. Regarding the association with Fasciola sp., Haemonchus sp. and Oesophagostomum sp., a total of 44.5% of the 265 examined animals harboured the three parasites together, but infections seemed not to be linked. Moreover, the corresponding gross lesions were moderate suggesting a low level of the parasitic burdens.  相似文献   

A previous study conducted in Belgium revealed that genetic material of Fasciola sp. was present in snail species belonging to the genus Radix. Here, these snails were collected and identified by DNA-based techniques as Radix labiata and Radix balthica. These two species and Galba truncatula (the major intermediate host in Europe) were experimentally infected with Fasciola hepatica. The resulting metacercariae were fed to rats and the infection was monitored using several techniques. Microscopy revealed the presence of larval stages in 78.3, 45, and 6.25% of G. truncatula, R. labiata, and R. balthica snails, respectively. These results were confirmed by a PCR that amplifies a Fasciola sp. specific sequence. Furthermore, this PCR was found to be more sensitive than microscopic examination. R. labiata shed fewer metacercariae than G. truncatula but these were as infective to rats as those shed by G. truncatula. This study demonstrates that R. labiata may act as an incidental intermediate host for F. hepatica in Belgium.  相似文献   

目的为有效预防和控制定西市羊肝片吸虫的发生。方法选用三氯苯唑利用不同剂量和不同时间进行羊肝片吸虫驱治效果及最佳驱治时间的试验,并以硝氯酚驱虫作为对照。结果选用不同剂量的三氯苯唑对各个阶段羊肝片吸虫驱治率均可达到99.8%-100%;三氯苯唑驱虫组分别在10月、11月、12月对肝片吸虫进行驱治,来年4月份肝片吸虫驱净率分别为10%、60%和100%;硝氯酚驱虫组为30%。结论利用三氯苯唑在每年12月份驱治羊肝片吸虫,可达到春季羊体内无肝片吸虫的最佳效果,能彻底控制和消灭羊肝片吸虫病的发生。  相似文献   

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