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为评价桉油栓的全身或局部过敏反应,以豚鼠为受试动物进行皮肤刺激性试验,试验选取体重250-300g的豚鼠40只,雌雄各半,随机分成3组,空白对照组10只,阳性对照组10只,药物试验组20只,进行三次致敏接触后,进行激发反应.结果表明,空白对照组、药物试验组在致敏0h、6h、24h、48h、72h的反应平均分皆为0,致命率均为0;而2,4-二硝基氯代苯阳性对照组则出现明显红斑、水肿过敏症状,致命率为100%.结论:本实验表明桉油栓不引起皮肤接触性变态反应.  相似文献   

通过豚鼠、新西兰大白兔的皮肤致敏、皮肤刺激、肌肉刺激、红细胞溶血试验,考察咪唑苯脲注射液的安全性。试验用新西兰大白兔6只进行皮肤刺激,染毒剂量为咪唑苯脲注射液0.5 mL/只(规格:1211.5 mg/mL);用白化豚鼠进行皮肤致敏试验,按0.5 mL/kg剂量,以豚鼠背部左侧皮肤进行染毒;用新西兰大白兔8只,进行肌肉刺激试验,在右侧股四头肌注入0.1、0.2、0.5 mL/kg bw,左侧股四头肌注入同样体积的灭菌0.9%氯化钠溶液作对照;用新西兰大白兔2只,进行红细胞溶血试验,采用体外试管法进行,采心脏血50 mL,制成红细胞悬液,加入受试药物原液温育3 h。结果显示,皮肤刺激试验:受试物咪唑苯脲注射液各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为0;皮肤致敏试验:受试药物组和阴性对照组豚鼠的皮肤过敏反应率为0;肌肉刺激试验:给予受试物各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为0;红细胞溶血试验:受试药物及阴性对照在3 h内红细胞全部下沉,上清液体均为澄明,溶液中未见棕红色或红棕色絮状沉淀。试验表明,咪唑苯脲注射剂无皮肤刺激性、不出现过敏反应、无肌肉刺激性、无溶血和凝聚作用,临床上可以肌肉注射使用。  相似文献   

通过豚鼠、大白兔的皮肤致敏、皮肤刺激、肌肉刺激、红细胞溶血试验,考察加米霉素注射液的安全性。试验用新西兰大白兔8只进行皮肤刺激,染毒剂量为加米霉素注射液0.5 mL/只(规格:150 mg/mL);用白化豚鼠进行皮肤致敏试验,按0.5 mL/kg剂量,以豚鼠背部左侧皮肤进行染毒;用新西兰大白兔24只,进行肌肉刺激试验,在右侧股四头肌注入6、12、30 mg/kg bw,左侧股四头肌注入同样体积的灭菌0.9%氯化钠溶液作对照;用新西兰大白兔2只,进行红细胞溶血试验,采用体外试管法进行,采心脏血50 mL,制成血细胞悬液,加入受试药物原液温育3 h。结果显示,皮肤刺激试验:受试物加米霉素注射液各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为0;皮肤致敏试验:受试药物组和阴性对照组豚鼠的皮肤过敏反应率为0;肌肉刺激试验:给予受试物各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为0;红细胞溶血试验:受试药物及阴性对照在3 h内红细胞全部下沉,上清液体均为澄明,溶液中未见棕红色或红棕色絮状沉淀。试验表明加米霉素注射剂无皮肤刺激性、不出现过敏反应、无肌肉刺激性、无溶血和凝聚作用,临床上可以肌肉注射使用。  相似文献   

试验旨在通过鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变试验(Ames试验)、小鼠骨髓细胞微核和精子畸变试验,评价五环三萜提取物作为饲料添加剂是否具有潜在的致突变性。Ames试验中受试物剂量组为0.008、0.040、0.200、1.000、5.000 mg/皿,另设阴性对照(灭菌水、DMSO)及阳性对照组,每个处理分别设有代谢活化系统(+S9)和无代谢活化系统(-S9)两个系列,测定试验菌的回变菌落数。小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验中受试物剂量组采用1.25、2.50、5.00 g/kg灌胃给药,并设阳性对照(环磷酰胺)及阴性对照(1%羧甲基纤维素液),共给药2次,每次间隔24 h,测定小鼠骨髓细胞微核率。精子畸变试验中受试物剂量组采用1.25、2.50、5.00 g/kg灌胃给药,设阳性对照(环磷酰胺)及阴性对照(1%羧甲基纤维素液),共给药5次每次间隔24 h,于第1次给药5周后处死小鼠,统计精子畸形率和畸形种类。结果显示:不同剂量组与对照组相比,Ame试验中平均回变菌落数均在溶剂组2倍以内,无剂量-反应关系;骨髓细胞微核率和精子畸变率均无显著影响(P>0.05);致突变试验结果均为阴性。研究表明,受试物五环三萜提取物不具有致突变作用。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过过敏性、体外溶血性及肌肉刺激性评价布舍瑞林注射液的安全性。过敏性试验和溶血性试验中设立阴性和阳性对照,而刺激性试验中采用自身对照。试验过程中,对照系统均成立。Hartley豚鼠隔日腹腔连续3次注射给予布舍瑞林注射液(2μg/只),末次致敏后第14和21天分别静脉注射2倍致敏剂量供试品激发进行主动全身过敏试验,结果为阴性;同样的给药剂量,末次致敏后第10天,皮内注射给予对应的抗体血清,静脉注射激发后未见蓝斑,豚鼠被动皮肤过敏反应结果为阴性。采用2%红细胞悬液进行体外溶血性试验,温育15 min、30 min、45 min、1 h、2 h、3 h各观察1次,布舍瑞林注射液和阴性对照组所有试管未见溶血,终末未见红细胞凝集,而阳性对照组全部溶血。新西兰兔连续肌肉注射给予布舍瑞林注射液(0.5 mL/只),末次给药72 h后,病理组织学检查可见对新西兰兔股四头肌有刺激作用,恢复期结束未见刺激性反应,具有可逆性。研究结果表明,布舍瑞林注射液无过敏性和溶血性,对肌肉有刺激性但停药后可恢复,在应用过程中是安全的。  相似文献   

苦豆子总碱涂膜剂安全性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究苦豆子总碱涂膜剂在预防和治疗奶牛乳房炎方面的安全性,选用皮肤完好的健康家兔,观察家兔对苦豆子总碱涂膜剂皮肤刺激反应症状,并根据皮肤刺激反应的评分标准进行评分;选用皮肤完好的健康豚鼠进行试验,观察豚鼠对苦豆子总碱皮肤变态反应症状,根据皮肤刺激反应的评分标准进行评分。结果表明:苦豆子总碱涂膜剂皮肤刺激反应积分均值最大值为1.33,属于轻刺激性。根据皮肤变态反应的评分标准,计算所得受试物试验组去除激发受试物后24 h和48 h时的致敏率分别为25%和8.3%,属于轻度致敏强度。试验结果提示,苦豆子总碱涂膜剂临床用药安全,此结论为苦豆子总碱用于奶牛乳房炎的预防与治疗提供了依据。  相似文献   

为评价双氯芬酸钠注射液的溶血性及其对豚鼠主动全身过敏反应,采用体外试管法观察试验24 h内药物致溶血与红细胞凝集现象。豚鼠主动全身过敏反应试验通过3次腹腔注射致敏,于末次致敏后第14天及第21天,以2倍致敏剂量肌肉注射进行激发,观察各组动物的过敏反应症状,计算过敏反应发生率。溶血试验结果显示,4℃静置过夜,供试品低剂量组无溶血现象,其余各组均呈完全溶血现象。豚鼠主动全身过敏反应试验筛选出药物的致敏注射剂量为0.062 5 mL/kg·bw,阳性对照药可引起豚鼠发生过敏反应,发生率为33.3%。药物及药物溶剂均未引起豚鼠的过敏反应。表明双氯芬酸钠注射液不会引起豚鼠全身主动过敏反应,但其可导致红细胞溶解,不宜用作静脉注射。  相似文献   

为评价兽用复方癣净凝胶剂的安全性,试验以家兔为模型,通过一次给药及多次给药,观察兽用复方癣净凝胶剂对家兔皮肤的刺激性反应;同时建立豚鼠模型,观察兽用复方癣净凝胶剂对豚鼠皮肤的过敏反应。结果发现:兽用复方癣净凝胶剂对家兔完整皮肤刺激反应的平均分值小于0.5、属于无刺激药物,但对破损皮肤有轻度刺激;对豚鼠皮肤过敏反应的分值为O,致敏率为O,具有弱致敏性。表明黑龙江省兽医科学研究所研制的兽用复方癣净凝胶剂用于治疗动物皮肤真菌病安全,但对破损皮肤有轻度刺激。  相似文献   

为了研究猴耳环水提物对卵清蛋白(OVA)所致的哮喘模型豚鼠外周血细胞的影响,将50只豚鼠随机分为阴性对照组、阳性对照组、猴耳环水提物高、中、低剂量组,每组10只。试验第一天给阴性对照组和阳性对照组、猴耳环水提物高、中、低剂量组分别腹腔注射生理盐水和10%OVA致敏,第14天和第15天用OVA雾化激发诱发哮喘模型。试验结束后心脏采血,生化分析仪检测观察各组豚鼠外周血细胞数量的变化。结果表明,阳性组嗜碱性粒细胞数及中性粒细胞数均低于阴性组,差异显著(P0.05),其余各组与阴性组比较均差异不显著;各组的淋巴细胞数和单核细胞数分别与阴性组比差异不显著(P0.05)。适量的猴耳环水提物对白细胞总数含量变化有积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过对七子白进行皮肤用药毒性试验,探讨七子白的皮肤用药安全性,为临床研究提供理论依据。方法:均采用白色Wistar大鼠,(1)皮肤急性毒性试验将30只大鼠随机分为5组,每组6只,分别为空白组、七子白完整皮肤高、低剂量组、七子白破损皮肤高、低剂量组,给药一次,观察7天。(2)皮肤刺激试验将30只大鼠随机分为5组,每组6只;分别空白组、七子白完整皮肤和破损皮肤组、阳性药物完整皮肤和破损皮肤组,单次刺激,多次刺激连续给药7天。(3)皮肤过敏试验将18只大鼠随机分为3组,每组6只,分别空白组、七子白组、阳性药物组。结果:皮肤急性毒性试验结果中大鼠未发现毒性反应;单次刺激及多次刺激结果显示,七子白对完整和破损皮肤无刺激性,刺激反应评分为0。过敏试验中,阳性药物的致敏率为100%,七子白的致敏率为0。结论:七子白无明显副作用,是一个安全有效的皮肤美白外用方。  相似文献   

为了探究灭活沙门氏菌对蝇蛆抗菌肽的诱导效果,试验用灭活沙门氏菌和沙门氏菌培养蝇蛆,粗提蝇蛆抗菌肽,分时间点测定其浓度及抗菌性能,同时对蝇蛆体内细菌含量进行计数。结果显示,诱导组抗菌肽浓度均高于未诱导组(P<0.05),且在24 h时浓度最高;诱导组对沙门氏菌的抑菌圈直径显著大于未诱导组(P<0.05),显著小于抗生素组(P<0.05),最低抑菌浓度(MIC)值为0.5 mg/mL;蝇蛆体内细菌含量为1.6×105 CFU/g,低于国家规定标准饲料中细菌总数最低值2×106 CFU/g。提示,用灭活沙门氏菌诱导蝇蛆能提高抗菌肽的表达量,且具有较强的抗菌性能及安全性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate differences in response to ID injection of histamine, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and Aspergillus organisms between clinically normal horses and horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). ANIMALS: 5 healthy adult horses and 5 adult horses with RAO. PROCEDURE: Intradermal testing (IDT) was performed on the neck with 2 positive control substances (histamine and PHA) and a mixture comprising 5 Aspergillus species. Four concentrations of each test substance plus a negative control substance were used. Equal volumes (0.1 mL) of each test substance were prepared to yield 15 syringes ([4 concentrations of each test substance plus 1 negative control substance] times 3 test substances) for each side of each horse (ie, 30 syringes/horse). Intradermal injections were administered; diameter of wheals was recorded 0.5, 4, and 24 hours after injection. RESULTS: Hypersensitive responses to ID injection of histamine were detected 0.5 hours after injection, and a delay in wheal formation after ID injection of Aspergillus mixture 24 hours after injection was detected in RAO-affected horses but was not observed in clinically normal horses. No differences were detected between the 2 groups after ID injection of PHA. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: RAO-affected horses are hypersensitive to histamine, suggesting that RAO is associated with a heightened vascular response to histamine. Higher concentrations of Aspergillus mixture may be needed to detect horses that are sensitive to this group of antigens. Wheal reactions to Aspergillus may be a delayed response, suggesting that IDT results should be evaluated 0.5, 4, and 24 hours after ID injection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the precision of intradermal testing (IDT) in horses. ANIMALS: 12 healthy adult horses. PROCEDURE: IDT was performed on the neck of each horse by use of 2 positive control substances (histamine and phytohemagglutinin [PHA]) and a negative control substance. An equal volume (0.1 mL) for each injection was prepared to yield a total of 20 syringes ([4 concentrations of each positive control substance plus 1 negative control substance] times 2 positive control substances times 2 duplicative tests) for each side of the neck. Both sides of the neck were used for IDT; therefore, 40 syringes were prepared for each horse. Hair was clipped on both sides of the neck, and ID injections were performed. Diameter of the skin wheals was recorded 0.5, 4, and 24 hours after ID injection. RESULTS: Intra- and interhorse skin reactions to ID injection of histamine and PHA resulted in wheals of uniform size at 0.5 and 4 hours, respectively. Significant intra- and interhorse variation was detected in wheals caused by PHA at 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: ID injection of histamine and PHA caused repeatable and precise results at 0.5 and 4 hours, respectively. Concentrations of 0.005 mg of histamine/mL and 0.1 mg of PHA/mL are recommended for use as positive control substances for IDT in horses. This information suggests that consistent wheal size is evident for ID injection of control substances, and variation in wheals in response to ID injection of test antigens results from a horse's immune response to specific antigens.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of dogs with spontaneous atopic dermatitis that show a positive patch test reaction to a commercially available 20% house dust mites mixture containing equal parts of Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in white petrolatum. In addition, we evaluated whether skin reactions induced after the epicutaneous application of house dust mites were clinically and histologically similar to naturally developed skin lesions of dogs with atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, we investigated if the reactions induced by house dust mites were true allergic reactions by comparing them to atopic lesional skin and to patch test reactions induced by an irritant substance (sodium lauryl sulphate). White petrolatum alone and nonlesional skin sites were used as negative controls. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluations of the patch test and control sites were performed in a blinded fashion at 48 and 72 h after patch test application. Microscopic results were evaluated in a qualitative and quantitative manner. A chi‐square test for homogenicity was used for the quantitative analysis to compare the proportion of each dermal inflammatory cell type among positive histopathological tested sites. P values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. The study included 12 healthy nonatopic dogs and 13 dogs with nonseasonal atopic dermatitis. None of the nonatopic dogs reacted to house dust mites and white petrolatum. Ten (77%) of the 13 atopic dogs reacted macroscopically and histopathologically to house dust mites. Macroscopic reactions induced by house dust mites were characterized by erythema, oedema and papules. The macroscopic reactions induced by house dust mites were identical to lesional skin in 20% of the dogs and identical to reactions induced by sodium lauryl sulphate in 40% of the dogs. Qualitative histopathological findings showed that the reactions induced by house dust mites were similar to atopic lesional skin in 80% of the dogs and were similar to sodium lauryl sulphate in 20% of the dogs. Quantitative analyses showed that the proportion of neutrophils in reactions induced by sodium lauryl sulphate was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared to house dust mites reactions, which could be a differentiator factor between an allergic and an irritant reaction. These results showed that the epicutaneous application of house dust mites in dogs with atopic dermatitis induced histopathological lesions similar to spontaneous atopic lesions in dogs. Therefore, this study demonstrated that house dust mites penetrated the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis and induced an inflammatory response that resembled a true allergic reaction. Funding: Small Companion Animal Grant, University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究蒲鹿乳炎散水煎醇沉液的抗炎镇痛作用,为后期临床开发提供依据。采用二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀、醋酸致小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性增加、角叉菜胶致小鼠足趾肿胀法来研究其抗炎作用;采用福尔马林和热板仪致痛法来研究其镇痛作用。各试验均将小鼠随机分为5组,每组10只,雌雄各半,分别是阴性对照组、蒲鹿乳炎散低、中、高剂量组、阿司匹林阳性对照组(阿司匹林组)。蒲鹿乳炎散低、中、高剂量组及阿司匹林组分别每日以含生药20、30、40及0.15 mg/g的剂量灌胃给药1次,阴性对照组灌胃给予同等容积的生理盐水,均连续灌胃给药7 d,后续按照不同试验具体操作。小鼠耳廓肿胀试验结果显示,各用药组与阴性对照组相比,均可极显著降低二甲苯导致的小鼠耳廓肿胀(P<0.01);与阿司匹林组相比,蒲鹿乳炎散中、高剂量组差异不显著(P>0.05)。醋酸致腹腔毛细血管通透性增高试验结果显示,与阴性对照组相比,各用药组对醋酸导致的通透性增高均具有极显著抑制作用(P<0.01);与阿司匹林组相比,蒲鹿乳炎散低、中剂量组均差异极显著(P<0.01),而高剂量组差异不显著(P>0.05)。角叉菜胶所致足趾肿胀试验结果显示,各用药组与阴性对照组相比,均具有不同程度的肿胀抑制作用(P<0.01);与阿司匹林组相比,蒲鹿乳炎散低剂量组差异极显著(P<0.01),但中、高剂量组差异均不显著(P>0.05)。福尔马林致痛试验结果显示,在Ⅰ相时间段内,各用药组与阴性对照组相比,均极显著减少小鼠舔足次数(P<0.01);在Ⅱ相时间段内,各组两两之间差异均显著或极显著(P<0.05;P<0.01)。热板仪致痛试验结果显示,给药后各个时间,各用药组与阴性对照组相比,均能显著延长痛阈值(P<0.01);与阿司匹林组相比,蒲鹿乳炎散高剂量组减小疼痛阈值的效果极显著强于阿司匹林组(P<0.01),低、中剂量组的效果极显著弱于阿司匹林组(P<0.01)。本试验结果表明,蒲鹿乳炎散水煎醇沉液对小鼠具有良好的抗炎镇痛作用。  相似文献   

为探究抗菌肽NZ2114对猪链球菌感染小鼠模型的体内治疗效果,本试验以NZ2114和2型猪链球菌CVCC 3928为研究对象,利用小鼠模型评价NZ2114治疗猪链球菌感染的效果。36只ICR雌鼠随机均分为6组:空白对照组(不感染,腹腔注射0.2 mL PBS)、阴性对照组(感染,腹腔注射0.2 mL PBS)、试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组(感染,分别腹腔注射0.2 mL 2.5和5.0 mg/kg NZ2114)、阳性对照Ⅰ和Ⅱ组(感染,分别腹腔注射0.2 mL 7.5和15.0 mg/kg头孢曲松钠)。结果显示,空白对照组和5.0 mg/kg NZ2114试验组小鼠存活率均为100%,而15.0 mg/kg头孢曲松钠阳性对照组小鼠存活率仅为50%。治疗1 d后,5.0 mg/kg NZ2114试验组小鼠肺脏和肝脏荷菌量分别下降59.41%(P < 0.01)和69.19%(P < 0.01);而15.0 mg/kg头孢曲松钠阳性对照组中小鼠肺脏和肝脏荷菌量分别下降43.94%(P < 0.01)和19.60%(P < 0.05)。与阴性对照组相比,2.5 mg/kg NZ2114治疗组中抑制炎性因子TNF-α和IL-1β的释放分别下降85.83%(P < 0.01)和56.20%(P < 0.05),5.0 mg/kgNZ2114试验组分别降低84.02%(P < 0.01)和43.86%(P < 0.05),而15.0 mg/kg头孢曲松钠阳性对照组TNF-α及IL-1β的下降率均不显著,分别为24.49%和8.82%。另外,5.0 mg/kg NZ2114试验组1 d后即可明显减轻小鼠肺组织间质弥漫性炎细胞浸润等炎症症状,抑制肝细胞产生肿胀及空泡性变化,促进脾小结恢复正常;治疗7 d后各器官组织临床症状评分基本恢复正常。上述结果表明,NZ2114能有效提高猪链球菌感染小鼠的存活率,显著降低病原菌在小鼠肺脏和肝脏的移位及血清中TNF-α和IL-1β的水平,并有效缓解肝脏、脾脏和肺脏的急性损伤,治疗效果优于头孢曲松钠,具有作为治疗临床猪链球菌病抗生素替代品的潜力。  相似文献   

为建立盐酸头孢噻呋无菌原料的无菌检查方法,本试验按照方法适用性试验的有关要求,对前处理、冲洗总量等进行了考察。取供试品500mg,加10mL2.6%无菌碳酸钠溶液使溶解,再转移至490mL0.85%无菌氯化钠溶液中,作为供试液按照薄膜过滤法处理,用pH7.0无菌氯化钠-蛋白胨缓冲液为冲洗液,每张滤膜每次冲洗量为100mL,冲洗5次。结果显示,方法适用性试验中,供试品6种阳性菌试验组与阳性菌对照组相比均生长良好,供试品组、阴性对照组均无菌生长,说明供试品在该条件下已消除其抑菌作用,方法合理,结果准确、可靠,可作常规无菌检查法。  相似文献   

青贮皇竹草饲喂奶牛效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验选取体重、胎次、泌乳阶段、产奶量基本相近的健康中国荷斯坦产奶牛26头,配对分成两组,即对照组和试验组,进行青贮皇竹草替代青贮玉米秸的饲喂试验。对照组按原日粮不变,试验组用5 kg青贮皇竹草替代10 kg青贮玉米秸。预试期7 d,正试期21 d。结果表明:试验组与对照组相比,日均产奶量相对提高0.73 kg,差异显著(P<0.05);乳蛋白相对提高0.05个百分点,乳脂率相对提高0.03个百分点,总固体物相对提高0.06个百分点,差异均不显著(P>0.05);从经济效益比较,试验组每头牛日均收益相对提高2.21元。  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic beta-carotene and synthetic nucleotide base on daily weight gain, feed consumption and certain haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters of piglets were studied in a 3-week experiment. Beginning one week prior to weaning, the diet fed to one experimental group of piglets was supplemented with 10% Rovimix Beta-carotene at 875 mg/kg of diet. Synthetic uracil and adenine (98%, Sigma-Aldrich) were mixed into the diet of the other experimental group at doses of 500 mg/kg of diet for each substance. The control group received the basic diet without any supplementation. The changes observed over time in the haematological parameters and in certain biochemical variables could be regarded as physiological. By day 21 of the experiment, beta-carotene supplementation had significantly lowered the neutrophilic granulocyte percentage and elevated the lymphocyte percentage, while in the other two groups a change of opposite tendency occurred. At the end of the experimental period there was a decrease in plasma vitamin E concentration due to carotene supplementation (control: 6.1 +/- 1.5, nucleotide: 6.3 +/- 2.5, carotene: 2.3 +/- 1.5 mg/L). Lymphocyte blastogenesis induced by phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A increased by 50 and 130%, respectively, in the nucleotide group and by 60 and 30%, respectively, in the carotene group, while it did not change in the control group. The supplements exerted no positive effect on the in vivo cellular immune response.  相似文献   

用消维康口服液对初生羔羊进行保育试验,结果:试验组羔羊比对照组羔羊多增重1.6kg和1.87kg,发病率比对照组降低26.8%,成活率比对照组提高9.2%,效果明显。  相似文献   

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