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犬膀胱结石症是指膀胱中的无机盐或有机盐类结晶的凝结物即结石或多量结晶,刺激膀胱黏膜而引起阻塞和出血性炎症的一种泌尿器官疾病。犬膀胱结石是犬泌尿道结石中最常见的一种结石,该病是由多种因素共同作用的结果,多发生在老龄犬,如不及时治疗,极易导致死亡。2008年1月,笔者接诊1只8岁患膀胱结石母犬,现将诊治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

手术治疗犬膀胱结石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尿石症是常见的一种泌尿系统疾病,是由尿液中无机盐或有机盐类形成的结晶物体,尿结石刺激尿路黏膜引起尿血、发炎,尿结石阻塞尿路而致尿淋漓,甚至尿路阻塞。按结石所在位置有肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石以及尿道结石,临床中以膀胱结石多为常见。笔者将临床中一例犬膀胱结石的诊断与治疗作一总结。  相似文献   

膀胱结石是犬尿结石中最为常见的一种,指在膀胱中存在无机或有机盐类结晶的凝结物,可刺激膀胱黏膜引起出血、炎症等。本病多见于老年犬、小型犬;不同品种的犬对结石的易感染性也不相同,贵宾犬、北京犬、比格犬等较易感。大多数结石的成分主要是磷酸铵镁(又称鸟粪石),另外也有部分结石是以尿酸盐、胱氨酸盐、草酸盐为主。  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石是犬泌尿道结石中最常见的一种疾病,该病是由多种因素共同作用的结果,多发生在中老龄犬,如不及时治疗,极易导致死亡。本人在临床期间,先后遇到了3例患该症的沙克犬,经过对症状表现进行观察,并通过B-超和X-射线确诊,采用外科手术的方法治疗,全部治愈。现将诊治情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

近年来 ,笔者治疗犬膀胱、尿道结石 5例 ,均获成功 ,现报告如下。1 症状膀胱、尿道结石病犬前中期表现排尿困难 ,频频努责作排尿姿势 ,但无尿液排出或排尿淋漓不尽。有的还带有血液 ,有的几天不排尿 ,如排尿则尿量相当大。后期即发生尿闭 ,表现腹围增大 ,直肠指检或后腹触诊可触及到胀满的膀胱。若不及时治疗可继发膀胱破裂、急性腹膜炎、肾衰竭等症致死。2 手术采取全身麻醉 ,仰卧保定 ,常规消毒后在耻骨前 2cm处沿腹正中线向前开口 (雄性犬应把包皮鞘拉向侧面后再开口 )。然后切开腹膜 ,取出膀胱 (如膀胱过度充盈 ,可先行穿刺排尿 ,然…  相似文献   

患犬为6岁龄白色京叭母犬,消瘦,被毛枯燥无光,拱背缩腹,出现尿频,排尿疼痛,有时血尿,头频频回顾后躯,频频作排尿姿势,尿液呈线状或滴状,排尿时间延长,腹围增大。触诊腹部敏感、疼痛,膀胱膨胀,指压不动。  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石是泌尿道结石中最常见的一种疾病,不论雌雄均可发生,主要见于中老龄犬。笔者近年来手术治疗犬膀胱结石14例,治愈12例,成功率达80%以上。  相似文献   

犬尿石症是指尿路中的无机或有机盐类结晶的凝结物,即结石、积石或多量结晶刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的泌尿器官疾病。膀胱结石是尿结石症之一,是在犬的膀胱聚集大量的结石。本人在大连市东日动物医院实习时,救治过典型的病例,现将该病例的诊治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

膀胱结石,亦称尿结石,是指尿路中的无机或有机盐类结晶的凝结物,即结石、积石或多量结晶刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的泌尿器官疾病[1]。该病是犬泌尿系统中最常见的一种疾病,结石的类型很多,  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石诊治1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膀胱结石,也称为尿结石,是指在犬膀胱聚集大量的矿物质结晶而引起的一种疾病。结石会随着时间变大,如果没有得到及时的治疗,可能会造成刺激,或尿道部分完全地阻塞,从而出现死亡。我们于2008年8月23日成功治愈了1例犬膀胱结石病例,现将诊治体会介绍如下。  相似文献   

A 12-year-old entire male Maltese terrier was presented with a 1 month history of vomiting and haematemesis. Microcytic hypochromic anaemia was detected. Abdominal radiography, ultrasonography and gastric endoscopy identified a discrete intramural mass in the pyloric antrum. An ulcerated leiomyoma was removed by a partial-thickness intraluminal resection of the gastric wall. The dog recovered well and is free from clinical signs 20 months after surgery.  相似文献   

In a nine-year period 101 dogs which were available for subsequent follow-up studies, were subjected to perineal hernia surgery. In thirty-six dogs the hernia was bilateral and, therefore, 137 hernias were initially operated. In 111 operations the standard perineal technique was adopted. In twenty-six operations the superficial gluteal muscle was reflected and sutured into the hernial defect (‘gluteal flap’). Later, following recurrence of hernia or new development on the second side, a further sixteen operations were done, including three anal splitting procedures. In all cases the deep sutures were of monofilament nylon. A post-operative follow-up was carried out for a minimum period of 12 (average 39) months. The operative and post-operative complications included superficial and deep wound infection, partial or complete sciatic paralysis, rectal prolapse and recurrence of the hernia following breakdown of the repair, as well as occurrence of the hernia on the opposite side. The success rate (75 per cent excluding six immediate post-operative fatalities) judged by remission of signs and lack of recurrence was higher in the standard technique (81 per cent) than the gluteal flap method (64 per cent). Anal splitting was unsuccessful and resulted in faecal incontinence. The standard technique was slow, sometimes gave limited exposure but was rarely associated with wound breakdown (13 per cent of operations), though sciatic paralysis was only noted in this procedure. The gluteal flap method was longer, gave excellent exposure with no risk of sciatic nerve damage, but was often associated with wound breakdown (58 per cent). Both techniques led sometimes to rectal prolapse. Castration with hernial repair resulted in a lower recurrence rate (13 per cent v. 20 per cent). Castration should be carried out in all cases of perineal hernia.  相似文献   

通过对犬膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤的病史调查、临床症状、X射线诊断、手术治疗和组织学检查,发现它是由上皮细胞和结缔组织纤维组成,上皮细胞呈柱状,垂直附着于基膜上,结缔组织部分和细胞部分较少,纤维组织较多,排列紊乱不整齐。论述了它的发病机理和临床诊治的意义。  相似文献   

An 8-month-old spayed female Labrador retriever dog was evaluated for regurgitation 6 months after surgery for a suspected vascular ring anomaly. The dog had a history of regurgitation and slow development as a puppy. An initial left-sided exploratory thoracotomy was unsuccessful in identifying and treating a vascular ring anomaly. The dog was subsequently presented to the PennVet Emergency Service for regurgitation. Thoracic radiography showed cranial thoracic esophageal dilation and an esophageal foreign body that was then removed endoscopically. Subsequent computed tomographic (CT) angiography revealed a double aortic arch. A left 4th intercostal space thoracotomy was performed. The smaller left aortic arch and a left ligamentum arteriosum were ligated and transected. The dog recovered uneventfully and was healthy at the 1-month follow-up visit. This is the 5th reported successful surgical correction of a double aortic arch in a dog. Computed tomographic angiography was essential in diagnosis and surgical planning.Key clinical message:Although uncommon, double aortic arches can occur and present a diagnostic and surgical challenge when a persistent right aortic arch is suspected. Computed tomographic angiography provides an accurate preoperative diagnosis and allows for surgical planning.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old male Cairn Terrier was evaluated for chronic coughing that was aggravated by eating or drinking. Radiography revealed an esophageal diverticulum, regional megaesophagus, and focal interstitial densities in the right caudal and middle lung lobes. Using fluoroscopy and contrast radiography, contrast material was seen to accumulate in the diverticulum and to reflux into the right middle, caudal, and accessory bronchi. Radiographic diagnosis was bronchoesophageal fistula. Via right eighth intercostal space thoracotomy, the abnormal connection between esophagus and caudal lobe of the right lung was identified, the lobe was resected, and the esophagus was closed. Histologic examination of the connecting tissue revealed a lining of stratified epithelium, with the superficial layer being predominantly ciliated columnar epithelium. Several findings led to the conclusion that the fistula was a congenital lesion, arising from aberrant formation of the respiratory tract from the embryologic digestive tract. Histologic examination revealed smooth muscle and lack of inflammation in tissue surrounding the fistula, which are criteria for identifying congenital bronchoesophageal fistula in human patients. The dog was young and did not have a history of esophageal foreign bodies. Postoperative complications were not encountered, and 9 months later, the dog was reported to be eating dry dog food without coughing. Congenital and acquired bronchoesophageal fistulas in dogs are reported infrequently. Furthermore, 2 of 12 previously reported bronchoesophageal fistulas in dogs, one of which was considered congenital, developed in Cairn Terriers.  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石是犬泌尿系统中最常见的一种疾病,尿内大量盐类物质沉着凝结以及泌尿系统感染造成膀胱及输尿管黏膜炎症和各种异物(如死亡的寄生虫、导尿管的碎片等)都会引起膀胱结石.现将1例临床病例报告如下.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old sexually intact male Jack Russell Terrier was evaluated because of stranguria and tenesmus. A tubular abdominal mass was palpable abdominally and rectally. Radiographic examination of the abdomen revealed a soft tissue mass located laterally and to the left of the descending colon, which was associated with extraluminal colonic obstruction and urethral compression. During abdominal exploratory surgery, a large cystic mass that was adhered to the antimesenteric border of the descending colon was removed. Porcine small intestinal submucosa was used to reinforce repair of the excision site. Histologic examination of samples of excised tissue identified normal colonic epithelium supported by submucosa and muscular tunics, which was consistent with duplication of the colon. The embryologic etiology of alimentary duplication is poorly understood, and colonic duplication is an extremely rare congenital anomaly.  相似文献   

An eight‐month old female bull mastiff was referred for evaluation of urinary incontinence. Contrast‐enhanced computed tomography identified complete duplication of the left ureter with ectopic insertion of the duplicate ureter into the proximal urethra. Ureteroneocystostomy was performed, which improved but did not resolve urinary continence. To the authors’ knowledge, this report details only the second reported case of duplicated ectopic ureter in the dog and the first documenting surgical reimplantation; thus, double‐system ureteral ectopia should be considered as a possible differential diagnosis for urinary incontinence.  相似文献   

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