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Abstract— The treatment and control measures used during an outbreak of feline ringworm caused by Microsporum canis are described. During the outbreak the presence of the dermatophyte on the coats of clinically normal cats was demonstrated by the use of Mackenzie's brush technique. This method of examination is suggested as being the most effective and rapid means of ensuring that dermatophyte infection is not introduced into a colony by new cats. Résumé— L'auteur décrit le traitement et les mesures antiparasitaires appliqués à l'occasion d'une épizootie de teigne féline, provoquée par Microsporum canis. La préence du dermatophyte sur le poil de chats cliniquement normaux a été décelée par la technique de la brosse Mackenzie, méthode particulièrement rapide et efficace, propre à éviter la contamination d'une colonie de chats par des dermatophytes importés de l'extérieur. Zusammenfassung— Die Behandlung und die Kontrollmassnahmen während eines Ausbruchs von durch Microsporum caniJ verursachter Katzenringwurmkrankheit werden beschrieben. Wahrend der Krankheit wde das Vorhandensein der Dermatophyten in den Pelzen klinisch normaler Katzen durch Anwendung der Mackenzieschen Pinselmethode demonstriert. Diese Untersuchungs methode wird ah wirksamste und schnellste vorgeschlagen, die gewährleistet, dass die Dermatophyten nicht durch neue Katzen in eine Kolonie eingeschleppt werden.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Domestic Long-hair cat was presented with two large non-painful, ulcerated and suppurative lesions over the flanks. Histopathology and cytology were consistent with fungal pyogranulomatous inflammation. Culture of tissue yielded a dysgonic strain of Microsporum canis. The cat was treated successfully by staged en bloc resections of the lesions, followed by oral ketoconazole, then oral terbinafine. This is the first reported case of dermatophytic pseudomycetoma in a Domestic Long-hair cat in Australia.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old neutered female Persian cat with a four-year history of relapsing skin disease, characterised by ulcerated nodules with a yellow granular discharge, was examined. A diagnosis of granulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis (pseudomycetoma) caused by Microsporum canis was made on the basis of history, clinical signs, histopathological examination of skin biopsy specimens and culture of macerated tissue. Because previous therapy, comprising repeated surgical excision and the administration of griseofulvin and itraconazole, had not been successful, terbinafine was administered for an eight-month period. However, lesions progressed despite this treatment and the cat was euthanased.  相似文献   

Six Yorkshire terrier dogs with generalized, chronic dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis were seen over a 3-year period. Specific tests showed that they also had concurrent leishmaniosis (four cases), leishmaniosis and ehrlichiosis (one case) or diabetes mellitus (one case). Although specific therapy for these infectious diseases was instituted and the dogs were treated systemically and topically with appropriate antifungal drugs, only partial clinical resolution of the dermatophytosis was achieved. M. canis infection resolved in the dog with diabetes mellitus after stabilizing the diabetes mellitus. Although immunological studies were not performed in these cases, it is theorized that the immune disregulation caused by leishmaniosis, ehrlichiosis or diabetes mellitus may have favoured generalization of the infection and prevented favourable responses to appropriate treatment of the M. canis infection.  相似文献   

Cats represent the most important source of Microsporum canis infection to people. Terbinafine hydrochloride is commonly used in the treatment of microsporosis. Its fungicidal action permits short period of treatment. It was our objective to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug in treatment of microsporosis in cats. We treated nine experimentally M. canis infected cats with terbinafine at a dose of 10-20mg/kg SID (low-dose group, LDG), nine cats with 30-40mg/kg SID (high-dose group, HDG), and nine cats were left untreated (control group, CG). The drug's levels in cats' plasma and hair were measured by a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method (RP-HPLC) and the cats' cure was followed by Wood's lamp illumination, microscopic exam and fungal culture. We showed no difference between the clinical course in CG and LDG, but HDG were significantly differentiated from both other groups. Terbinafine levels in plasma at 120 days of treatment were not statistically different among LDG (4.13 microg/l) and HDG (5.48 microg/l), but levels in hair of LDG (1.24 microg/l) and HDG (3.62 microg/l) were significantly different. Terbinafine can be used for the treatment of microsporosis in cats in the dose of 30-40mg/kg SID.  相似文献   

与酵母菌不同,犬小孢子菌等丝状真菌往往以菌丝侵犯宿主组织,以分生孢子计数的体外药敏试验浓度能否精确反映引起疾病的丝状真菌的形式?因此而产生的试验结果能否反映临床上对治疗的反应?这是丝状真菌体外药敏试验面临的重大挑战[1]。在用犬小孢子菌菌悬液接种豚鼠背部建立动物  相似文献   

Microsporum canis is the dermatophyte most commonly responsible for ringworm in cats. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of oral terbinafine (Lamisil; Sandoz) in the treatment of feline ringworm caused by M canis, and to consider this drug as an alternative to griseofulvin or imidazoles. Fifteen cats infected with M canis were treated orally once daily with 30 mg/kg of terbinafine over a 2-week period. All treated animals were checked for dermatophytes on the last day of treatment, a month later and 3 months after the last administration of the drug. Only 12 cats could be used in the whole trial and 11 of these (92%) showed a complete cure. Terbinafine could be an effective alternative to griseofulvin when fungal resistance or idiosyncrasic intolerance are shown and, compared with griseofulvin, could give a faster rate of cure and less relapses.  相似文献   

A 3-year female-neutered domestic shorthair cat presenting with exophthalmos and an ipsilateral subzygomatic soft tissue mass lesion is described. Magnetic resonance imaging of the mass was performed followed by complete surgical excision. The mass was determined to be a retrobulbar teratoma and complete resection was curative. Teratomas are rare germ-cell tumours that uncommonly form in extragonadal sites. A retrobulbar location has not been previously reported in the cat and should be considered a rare cause of exophthalmos in this species.  相似文献   

表皮和真皮中的郎格罕氏细胞(LC)是皮肤免疫系统主要的抗原递呈细胞(APC),是皮肤免疫的哨兵[1]。它是表皮中的专业APC,有递呈抗原的功能[2],是细胞免疫发生的诱导细胞。LC占表皮内全部细胞的约3%~4%[3],所以为了清楚地观察LC的形态及密度,应先将皮片的表皮和真皮分离再进行染色,然后将表皮片展平在镜下观察。目前检测LC最常用的是ATP酶染色法[4-6],所以通过ATP酶染色法检测豚鼠表皮的LC可以检测机体免疫功能的状态,从而为免疫学研究和临床治疗提供参考依据。1材料与方法1.1材料1.1.1实验动物清洁级豚鼠,由北京维通利华实验动物技术…  相似文献   

Necrotising fasciitis and necrotising myositis are rare but serious life threatening conditions reported mainly in human beings and dogs. Most cases to date have been caused by beta-haemolytic streptococci of Lancefield groups A, B, C or G. Necrotising fasciitis has been reported only twice in cats and necrotising myositis has never been described. This paper describes a fatal case of necrotising fasciitis and myositis with pneumonia and septicaemia in a nine-year-old cat. The cat had been undergoing treatment for a suspected tear of the cranial cruciate ligament, but on the seventh day of treatment it suddenly deteriorated and died. On postmortem examination, there was an area of hair loss from its left hindlimb and discoloration of the underlying fascia and biceps femoris muscle. Severe necrotising fasciitis and myositis, with numerous intralesional Gram-positive coccoid bacteria, was diagnosed histologically. Other findings included necrotising pneumonia, pleuritis, focal encephalitis, myocarditis and nephritis. Culture of the affected tissues yielded a pure, heavy growth of Streptococcus canis.  相似文献   

Twelve disinfectant products or compounds were evaluated for their ability to kill Microsporum canis harvested from naturally infected material. The disinfectants were diluted to the concentration recommended for the disinfection of clean surfaces and the potency of each substance was determined by the degree to which it could be further diluted before losing its fungicidal action. Hypochlorite, benzalkonium chloride and glutaraldehyde based compounds were the most effective agents and phenolics, alcohol and anionic detergents were inadequate. Urea (10 mM) did not adversely affect the potency of any of the compounds.  相似文献   

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