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兽药以其微小的用量为动物的防病、治病及健康生长提供基本保障,其质量好坏与使用是否得当直接关系到动物源性食品的质量与安全,关系着人们的健康。农业部组织的2002年度兽药质量抽检的结果显示,我国兽药质量不容乐观,特别是非GMP企业,产品质量问题严重。  相似文献   

任何一个行业的发展都有一个从无到有,从弱到强的不断完善过程,兽药行业也是这样。辽宁省日前还没有兽药生产企业通过兽药GMP验收,兽药经营、使用领域存在的问题也较多,市场的兽药产品抽检合格率几年来一直在70%-75%左右徘徊。基于兽药行业的现状,辽宁省兽药饲料监察所和各市级兽药饲料监察所加大了兽药抽检力度,重点对兽药流通领域和兽药使用领域、省内兽药生产企业进行了监督抽检。到2003年11月份,全省共监督抽检了1600家生产、经营及使用单位的兽药产品2715批,涉及兽药生产企业852个,其巾省内生产企业105个。查处各类违法案件721件,  相似文献   

近日,农业部通报了2006年第二季度兽药质量抽检情况。该季度抽检兽药产品3540批,合格2705批,合格率76.4%,比一季度提高1.5%,比去年同期提高2.1%。该季度兽药质量虽有所提高,但仍存在有意制假、非GMP企业非法生产等情况。  相似文献   

<正>为加强兽药监管工作,掌握兽药质量状况,及时查处假劣兽药,保障动物产品质量安全,农业部印发《2014年兽药质量监督抽检计划》的通知,现将有关事项通知如下。一、狠抓落实,切实做好监督抽检工作。兽药监督抽检是掌握兽药质量安全状况、及时发现问题隐患、不断提高兽药质量水平的重要监管措施。各级兽医管理部门要进一步  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市兽医(畜牧、农牧、农业)厅(局、办),兽药监察所,中国兽医药品监察所:为加强兽药监管,加大兽药打假治劣力度,保证兽药产品质量,根据《兽药管理条例》规定,我部制订了2006年全国兽药质量监督抽检计划(见附件),现下达给你们,并就有关事宜通知如下:一、各地兽医行政管理部门要认真组织本计划的落实和实施工作,结合本地兽药质量情况制订本辖区兽药质量监督抽检计划,抽检数量不得低于本计划。二、本年度抽检重点范围:(一)取得《兽药GMP证书》企业的产品,抽检数量应占抽检总数的30%以上。(二)列入中国兽药信息网《兽药GMP改…  相似文献   

任何一个行业的发展都有一个从有到无,从弱到强的不断完善过程,兽药行业也是这样。辽宁省目前还没有兽药生产企业通过兽药GMP验收,兽药经营、他用领域存在的问题也较多,市场的兽药产品抽检合格率几年来一直任70%~75%左右徘徊。基于兽药行业的现状,辽宁省兽药饲料监察所和各市级兽药饲料临察所加大了兽药抽检力度  相似文献   

2002年度全国各地共抽检兽药产品11040批,实际检测10570批,其中合格产品7096批,不合格产品3474批,470批产品由于生产企业未能提供兽药地方标准而未实施检验,已检产品合格率为67.13%。从经营企业抽检6864批,合格率为63.4%;从使用单位抽检1353批,合格率为61.9%。此次直接从生产企业抽检发现不合格产品的企业数为245家,其中非GMP企业244家,占不合格产品生产企业的99.59%。不合格产品累计10批次以上的47家生产厂家均为非GMP企业,此47家企业已被农业部列为重点监控企业。抽检情况表明,非GMP企业产品质量问题严重。农业部要求对抽检中的不合格…  相似文献   

近日.农业部通报了2006年第二季度兽药质量抽检情况。该季度抽检兽药产品3540批.合格2705批.合格率76.4%.比一季度提高1.5个百分点。比去年同期提高2.1个百分点。该季度兽药质量虽有所提高.但仍存在有意制假、非GMP企业非法生产等情况。  相似文献   

以曲靖市兽药监察所最近十年的兽药质量监督抽检报告为基础材料进行统计分析,反映兽药质量监督抽检工作情况及兽药质量状况。  相似文献   

质量五要素是质量管理学中的重要概念、主要指"人、机、料、法、环"."人"指人员,"机"指设备,"料"指物料,"法"指方法,"环"指环境.<兽药GMP>是<兽药生产质量管理规范>的简称,是兽药生产的优良标准,按2002年农业部第202号公告及第¨号令要求,所有兽药生产企业在2005年12月30日前必须取得兽药GMP合格证书方可生产.其实施的目标就是对兽药生产的全过程进行质量控制,以保证生产的兽药质量是合格优良的.通过实践,我们发现贯彻实施兽药GMP与质量五要素是密切不可分的,在实施GMP及运行GMP过程中,把"人、机、料、法、环"质量五要素融入到其中来,对进一步认识GMP、掌握GMP、运行GMP有着很大帮助.本文结合我们在进行实施GMP过程中的体会,谈谈两者之间的关系.  相似文献   

通过农业部发布的兽药抽检情况,了解我国兽药产品的质量状况,分析存在的主要问题,提出如何提高兽药产品质量的建议。  相似文献   

动物源性中药材兽药残留问题是影响其质量安全的主要风险因子之一,服用含有兽药残留的动物源性中药材,不但降低药效,而且使人体产生过敏反应和抗生素耐药性等问题,甚至损害人体器官.加强动物源性中药材兽药残留检测,从源头进行质量控制,做到早发现、早预警、早处置,使监管前移,做好风险预测与研判,是当前动物源性中药材质量控制急需解决...  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the Madikwe District of the North West Province to investigate the supply of veterinary medicinal products to small-scale, subsistence and emerging farmers. A combination of individual interviews, focus groups and direct observation was used to collect data. Stock remedies were made available to farmers within the district at Field Service Units that were managed by administrative staff of the Directorate of Field Services. The state veterinarian and animal health technicians were not directly involved with the sale of products. Most farmers still travelled to farmers' cooperatives in the larger centres outside the district to purchase the veterinary medicinal products they needed. Factors such as the quality of service provided, affordability and availability of required products as well as inaccessibility of outlets to all farmers contributed to the poor support of these outlets by the farmers of the district.  相似文献   

为了解湖北省蛋鸡养殖情况,更好地响应和推广兽药减量化行动,对湖北省9个地市内的蛋鸡养殖场基本信息和用药情况进行调研。结果表明:近几年本省蛋鸡养殖场在饲养管理和药物使用方面有一定进步,同时也存在缺乏科学的疫病防治体系、药物使用存在风险隐患等不足,会导致产品质量安全问题。本文分析了产生原因,并提出相关建议,以促进湖北省蛋鸡养殖的科学健康发展,提升本省畜禽产品质量安全水平.  相似文献   

Claw diseases pose a major problem for dairy and sheep farms. As well as systemic treatments of these illnesses by means of drug injection, veterinarians discuss the application of footbaths for the local treatment of dermatitis digitalis or foot rot. On farms footbaths are used with different substances and for various purposes. The author presents the requirements for veterinary medicinal products (marketing authorization and manufacturing authorization) and demonstrates the operation of the "cascade in case of a treatment crisis". In addition, the distinction between veterinary hygiene biocidal products and veterinary medicinal products and substances to care for claws is explained.  相似文献   

2018年8月以来,江苏省认真贯彻落实农业农村部工作部署,深入推进兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动工作,初步形成政府引导、企业实施、部门推动、社会共治的良好局面。截至目前,全省已有4775家规模养殖场参加兽药减抗行动。本文对江苏省推进兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动工作中的实践进行总结,明确下一步工作方向,助力全国兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动工作迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

Stem cell-based products (SCPs) are an emerging field of veterinary medicine that focuses on the regeneration, repair, or replacement of damaged tissues or organs. However, there are some issues in applying the traditional regulatory guideline for the approval of SCPs as veterinary medicinal products. This article describes the positions of Korea, US, and EU regarding SCPs, and compares the regulatory guidelines of each country for their safety evaluation. Although there are some differences in the regulatory guidelines, similar considerations in identifying the quality of SCPs and their safety has adopted. Overall, these guidelines need to be harmonized among countries.  相似文献   

Oral medication of animal stocks can be administered via oral ready-to-use veterinary medicinal products or by using medicated feedingstuffs. The regulations contained in the German Drug Act (Arzneimittelgesetz - AMG) and the ordinances derived from the AMG are applicable to both types of medicinal product. The legal requirements relating to the manufacture, authorisation, marketing, dispensing and proper use of these medicinal products in respect of oral medication are dealt with in detail. Pursuant to Section 13 AMG, companies that manufacture medicated feedingstuffs require a manufacturing licence. To take into account the special features of these medicinal products, specific stipulations have been laid down regarding the manufacture and dispensing of medicated feedingstuffs by these companies. The use of medicated feedingstuffs is for various reasons in steep decline, while oral ready-to-use medicinal products are, according to reports on practice in the relevant sector, increasingly being used to treat animal stocks as well. When dispensing veterinary medicinal products, the veterinarian must comply with the state of the art and make sure that the animal keeper is able to use the drugs properly. In order to react to doubts regarding compliance with these legal requirements, recommendations for use of oral medication should be developed which provide veterinarians with an aid to assist them in deciding which type of drugs are most suited for the respective case, and what is to be complied with in their use. The recommendations for use are intended to facilitate the correct application of oral medication in respect of both types of veterinary medicinal product.  相似文献   

Like humans, animals may experience adverse effects when treated with medicinal products. These effects may be related to the pharmacological or toxicological properties of the substances used or they may arise because of hypersensitivity. Veterinary medicinal products may also possess the ability to harm the environment. This paper reviews the potential of veterinary medicinal products to cause adverse effects in animals and on the environment.  相似文献   

中兽药是兽医用药的重要组成部分,兽用中药制剂的质量与中药材前处理及中药提取工艺密切相关。文章从车间布局、设施设备和车间环境要求等方面详细分析了《兽药生产质量管理规范》对中药前处理车间和中药提取车间的要求,并结合生产实际提出中药前处理车间和中药提取车间的设计建议,给兽药企业中药前处理车间和提取车间GMP改造提供参考,以期在设计和建造中降低企业成本,满足兽用中药提取物及中药制剂达到安全、有效、稳定、可控的质量要求。  相似文献   

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