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The purpose of this study was to clarify whether weight change rate (WCR) is useful in evaluating herd health. Five herds (A, B, C, D, and E) were examined monthly for approximately 1 year to measure both WCR and BCS. WCR was calculated using the following equation: WCR (%) = (body weight of current month-body weight of the preceding month)/body weight of current month x 100. In addition, blood profiles were performed in each herd before and after calving. The incidence of periparturient diseases was higher in Herds A, B, and C compared with Herds D and E. Reproductive performance in Herds A and B was rather poor compared with Herds C, D, and E. There were significantly lower WCRs in Herd A compared with Herd C during the period of day -30 to day 30 after calving. According to the blood profiles, high levels of non-essential fatty acids (NEFA) were observed during the period of day -30 to -1 and high beta-hidroxybutyricacid (BHB) and low levels of glucose were observed at day 30 after calving in Herd A. A marked poor condition in Herd A during the peripaturient period was clearly expressed by low WCR in this experiment. WCR can express body condition of herds and is suggested to be a useful parameter in the determination of herd performance in field experiments.  相似文献   

生产企业名称山东六和集团有限公司诸城外贸有限责任公司通威股份有限公司诸城兴贸玉米开发有限公司正大(中国)投资有限公司湖南正虹科技发展股份有限公司四川新希望集团有限公司唐人神集团股份有限公司岳阳岳泰集团有限公司广东恒兴集团有限公司江西双胞胎集团有限公司正邦集团有限公司正大(中国)投资有限公司长春大成实业集团有限公司安徽丰原集团有限公司江苏牧羊集团有限公司产品禽饲料猪饲料饲料级赖氨酸袋除尘器注册商标六和牌虎牌通威兴贸牌正大正虹国雄骆驼岳泰恒兴双胞胎正邦牌正大大成BBCA牧羊荣获2006年中国名牌产品饲料企业名…  相似文献   

This study derives demographic parameters for the Canadian Standardbred broodmare herd by analysis of industry mating reports for the years 1986–1989 inclusive. The reference population for the study was all mares bred to Canadian-registered stallions. Number of matings evaluated ranged from 9169 to 9837 in each year. In establishing the size of the national herd, data from registration files for 1986 also were used to estimate the number of Canadian mares bred to US stallions. The national broodmare herd was estimated to consist of 12 237 mares, of which 7.7% annually were bred to US-registered stallions. An estimated 16.7% of the national herd were inactive (not presented for breeding) in any year. Probability of temporary absence from the breeding herd was influenced by age, decreasing from 2 to 6 years, then increasing thereafter. Age-specific culling rates revealed that mares less than 6 years of age were subject to more intense selection pressure than was evident for mares more than 10 years of age. Inconsistent presentation for breeding appeared to be a feature of the management of young broodmares. Overall herd culling rate was estimated to be 10.5%, equivalent to an average breeding life of 9.5 years. It was determined that the average broodmare breeds for 7.9, or 83%, of available years. The results clearly indicate that the reproductive advantage enjoyed by mares 6 years of age results, in part, from more consistent presentation for breeding.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in an Israeli dairy cattle herd is described. The disease was characterized by ulcerative granulomatous lesions, which occurred in an epidemic form. Thirty-two cows and two heifers were affected, the ratio of the number affected to number at risk being 17.5 : 1 and 9.5 : 1, respectively. The culling rate was 50% of the affected animals. Most of the affected animals were cows (91.2%), with one first-calving cow (2.9%) and two heifers (5.9%) also affected. The infection occurred during the summer to autumn months (August-December), and lasted 118 days. The incubation period is about 2 months. The disease appeared in two clinical forms - cutaneous and mastitic - or as a mixed form. C. pseudotuberculosis organisms that were isolated from the ulcerative granulomatous lesions and from milk samples failed to reduce nitrate. A decrease in milk production (4%) and an increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count from a herd mean of 240 x 10(3) mL(-1) to 460 x 10(3) mL(-1) were noted during the morbidity period. The organism was isolated from milk samples of eight animals (25%). Clinical, epizootiological and microbiological aspects of the infection are described.  相似文献   

Dairy herd environment and the control of mastitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

结构和规模是影响草地放牧生态系统功能实现的重要因素。本文通过建立和分析畜群种群动态模型, 揭示了母畜结构参数是影响畜群规模唯一因素的一般规律:(1) 当12 ∑ri= 1bi ∏ij= 1 qi,j- 1pi,j- 1 (1 - si,j- 1)(1 - (1 - qi,j- 1) pi,j- 1 (1 - si,j- 1)) = 1 时, 畜群规模稳定, 基本保持不变;(2) 当12 ∑ri= 1bi ∏ij= 1 qi,j- 1pi,j- 1 (1 - si,j- 1)(1 - (1 - qi,j- 1) pi,j - 1 (1 - si,j- 1)) < 1 时, 畜群规模呈下降趋势,最终趋近于零;(3) 当12 ∑ri=1bi ∏ij= 1 qi,j- 1pi,j- 1 (1 - si,j- 1)(1 - (1 - qi ,j- 1) pi,j- 1 (1 - si,j- 1)) > 1 时, 畜群规模随年度不断膨胀, 并最终突破系统的承载能力。  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas and other micro-organisms are recorded from a pig herd originally derived by hysterectomy. Complement fixation tests were positive for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 20 months after the first hysterectomy. Following a marked increase in pneumonic lesions found at slaughter, and after modifying the culture medium M hyopneumoniae was isolated. The principal micro-organism associated with this mycoplasma was Pasteurella multocida.  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in four separately housed groups in a herd with endemic digital dermatitis (DD) were monitored weekly for 4 weeks in December 2004 for the presence of and transition between five stages (M0-M4) of DD. Cows were also monitored for the presence of heel horn erosion (HHE) and interdigital hyperplasia. Prior to the study, two groups had been housed indoors on a high or low energy ration, one group had been grazed and one was a dry cow group. All cows received the same ration during the period of investigation. 'Active infection' was defined as transition from M0, M1, M3 or M4 to M2 and 'resolving M2 lesions' were defined as transition from M2 to another stage. M2 lesions were diagnosed on 106 occasions in the hind claws of 49 (36%) of 138 dairy cows; both hind claws were affected in nine cases (18%). M2 lesions were more often painful on palpation than other stages; 94% of M2 lesions were located plantar-medially near the interdigital cleft and 71% had a diameter of 2-4 cm. More M1 lesions than other stages were found within the interdigital space. When interdigital hyperplasia was present, claws were always concurrently affected by DD. The baseline incidence for 'active infection' was 6% per week, increasing to 11% when HHE was present, 14% when cows were previously housed indoors and fed a high energy ration and 16% when cows were 60-120 days in lactation. Topical treatment with chlortetracycline resulted in resolution from M2 of 79% per week. There were no significant effects of group, stage of lactation, parity or HHE on resolution of M2 lesions.  相似文献   

Cows that produce large quantities of milk require more management and higher quality of management than cows producing smaller quantities of milk. This is true whether improvements in milk production occur through genetic selection, increased milking frequency, or use of bovine somatotropin (bST). The milk response to use of bST is similar (10 to 15%) to that of three times a day (3x) milking and we expect that the management required to maintain the increased production through successive lactations with bST will be similar to that required for the 3x herd. Maximum economic benefit from use of bST will be achieved by dairy managers who (1) feed cows to maximize intake of diets with appropriate nutrient content and balance, (2) maintain proper body condition of their cows, and (3) have health and reproduction management programs that prevent rather than cure problems. Efficient use of record-keeping systems that enable the manager to monitor individual cow status will be advantageous. Economic forces will continue to bring change to the dairy industry. The manager that plans for change and ensures that the dairy's management programs allow for the most economically efficient production will be in position to adapt to these changes. The well-managed dairy will be able to adopt new, efficiency-enhancing technologies, such as bST, to ensure the continued opportunity to compete in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

Summary Data collected on N'Dama cattle from a Government Station at Yundum, The Gambia were analysed for a range of performance traits recorded during the period 1970 to 1985. Least squares procedures were employed to evaluate the influence of environmental and genetic effects on reproductive and productive performance traits. Mean age (n=59) and weight (n=87) at first calving were 48·2±7·6 (s.d.) months and 235±35 kg respectively and were significantly (P<0·05) affected by year of birth. Calving intervals averaged 634±32 days (n=160) but their distribution showed three peaks; 12, 24 and 33 months. Previous year of calving had a significant effect on calving interval (P<0·01). Calf mean liveweights at birth, one, three and six months and at weaning (eight months) were 20·1±3·7, 30·7±6·0, 51·1±13·2, 88·9±25·0 and 110·5±27·0 kg, respectively. Calf mean daily weight gains to weaning averaged 0·38±0·14 kg. Liveweights and growth rates were significantly influenced by year of birth (P<0·01) and sex of calf (P<0·05). Cow mean liveweights at calving and six months after parturition were 272·3±43·0 and 277·4±34·2 kg. Calf mortality from birth to weaning was 4·6%. Productivity indices based on an eight-month weaner calf per cow per year, per 100 kg cow per year and per 100 kg of metabolic weight of cow per year were 82·6±36·5, 30·5±11·9 and 138·2±55·4 kg respectively. These levels of productivity were equal or superior to those obtained for N'Dama cattle in similar management situations elsewhere in West Africa and to those of a larger breed under a ranch situation in East Africa.
Resumen Se analizaron los datos acumulados durante el periodo 1970 a 1985, sobre el desempe?o de un hato de ganado N'Dama en una estación experimental en Yundum, Gambia, El procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados se utilizó para evaluar la influencia de efectos ambientales y genéticos sobre el rendimiento productivo y reproductivo. El promedio de edad (n=59) y peso (n=87) en la primera parición fue de 48·2±7·6 (s.d) meses y 235±35 kg, respectivamente siendo significativamente afectado por el a?o de nacimiento (P<0·05). El intervalo entre partos fue en promedio de 634±32 días (n=160) mostrando la distribución tres picos: 12, 24 y 32 meses. El a?o anterior a la parición tuvo un efecto significativo sobre el intervalo entre partos (P<0·01). Las medias de los pesos de las crías al nacimiento, al mes, a los tres y seis meses de edad y al destete (ocho meses) fueron 20·1±3·7, 30·7±6·0, 51·1±13·2, 88·9±25·0 y 110·5±27·0 kg respectivamente. La ganancia de peso media diaria hasta el destete promedió 0·38±0·14 kg. Las tasas de peso vivo y crecimiento fueron significativamente influenciadas por el a?o de nacimiento (P<0·01) y sexo de la cria (P<0·05). La media del pese corporal de las vacas a la parición y a los seis meses después de la misma fue de 272·3±43·0 y 277·4±34·2 kg. La mortalidad desde el nacimiento hasta el destete fue de 4·6% Los indices productivos basados sobre ocho meses de ternero destetado por vaca por a?o, por 100 kg por vaca por a?o y por 100 kg de peso metabólico por vaca por a?o fueron 82·6±36·5, 30·5±11·9 y 138·2±55·4 kg, respectivamente. Estos niveles de productividad fueron iguales o superiores a aquellos encontrados en ganado D'Dama en condiciones similares de manejo en Africa Occidental y a aquellos de una raza más grande bajo pastoreo extensivo en Africa Oriental.

Résumé Les données rassemblées sur le bétail N'Dama entretenu à la station de Yundum, en Gambie, ont été analysées pour une série de caractères ayant trait aux performances enregistrées de 1970 à 1975. La méthode des moindres carrés a été utilisée pour évaluer l'influence de la génétique sur les caractéristiques des performances liées à la reproduction et à la production. L'age moyen (n=59) et le poids (n=87) au premier vêlage ont été de 48,2±7,6 (d.s.) mois et 235±35 kg respectivement. Ces paramètres ont été affectés de fa?on significative par l'année de naissance. L'intervalle moyen des vêlages a été de 634±32 jours (n=160), mais leur répartition a montré trois pics à 12, 24 et 33 mois. L'année précédant le vêlage a eu un effect significatif sur l'intervalle de vělage (P<0,01). Les poids moyens des veaux à la naissance puis à un, trois et six mois et au sevrage à 8 mois ont été respectivement de 20,1±3,7, 30,7±6,0, 51,1±13,2, 88,9±25,0 et 110,5±27,0 kg. Les gains quotidiens moyens du veau jusqu'au sevrage ont été de 0,38±0,14kg. Les poids vifs et les taux de croissance ont été influencés de fa?on significative par l'année de naissance (P<0,01) et le sexe du veau (P<0,05). Les poids moyens des femelles au vêlage et 6 mois après le part ont été de 272,3±43,0 et 277,4±34,2 kg. La mortalité des veaux de la naissance jusqu'au sevrage a été de 4,6 p. 100. Les indices de productivité ont été basés: sur le sevrage du veau à 8 mois par femelle et para an; pour 100 kg de poids vif par femelle et par an; pour 100 kg de poids métabolique par femelle et par an. Les résultats ont été les suivants: 82,6±35,5 kg, 30,5±11,9 kg, 138,2±55,4 kg respectivement. Ces niveaux de productivité ont été égaux ou supérieurs à ceux obtenus pour le bétail N'Dama élevé dans des conditions identiques en d'autres régions de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et à ceux d'un élevage plus grand géré en ranching en Afrique de l'Est.

A postal survey of 566 veterinary practices with dairy farms among their clients showed that the majority of the practices were very positive about the benefits of running a herd health scheme. Nevertheless, only a third of them were running a scheme, and most had attracted only a small number of clients. The size of the practice (in terms of the number of veterinarians and the number of dairy farming clients) was the most significant factor determining whether a practice was likely to run a herd health scheme, and the age of the veterinarians did not appear to have any affect.  相似文献   

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