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Postal surveys or personal interviews of 76 recent veterinary graduates and their 49 employers were undertaken to establish their perceptions of good practice when integrating a new graduate into a business and their preferred methods of assessment and development. Practice type and location were the main influences on graduates looking for their first job. Interviews were mostly informal. Employers expected basic veterinary competence and candidates expected good quality support. Most graduates (93 per cent) had their own consultations on the first day. During early consultations 2 per cent of senior vets accompanied the new graduate, 95 per cent of practices provided senior back-up either in person or by telephone but in 3 per cent no back-up was available. Most new graduates (90 per cent) were satisfied with their workload. Three-fifths were on-call within the first week, and 95 per cent within a month. Graduates received calls directly in 45 per cent of practices, in 9 per cent seniors screened the calls, and the remainder used a third party. Assistance from experienced lay staff varied greatly. Discussion of problems was mainly informal. There was little spontaneous feedback and problems resulted from inadequate communication. One in three new graduates left their first job within two years, and one in six identified lack of support, heavy workload, stress or clashes with staff as a primary reason. This high turnover was a problem for employers. From the new graduates' perspectives, initial problems included: being on call (59 per cent), financial aspects (47 per cent) and surgery (43 per cent). Communicating with clients and learning to prioritise jobs were also difficult. New graduates took longer over procedures (79 per cent of employers commented) and required extra back-up (91 per cent) both of which reduced income (59 per cent). Nearly all the seniors felt that their current new graduates had coped 'quite well', although it was claimed that new graduates lacked the ability to talk to clients at the appropriate level, wanted to bring all their scientific knowledge to bear on every case, and often failed to consider the obvious or to appreciate clients' needs. Only 18 per cent of practices had formal and regular review procedures but all monitored the response of clients and watched the new graduate perform. Feedback to their new colleague was considered 'adequate' by 85 per cent of seniors, although 45 per cent of graduates felt they had not received enough. Eighty-three per cent of new graduates felt 'moderately prepared' by their undergraduate course, and 76 per cent of senior vets were 'generally satisfied' Both wanted improvements in extramural studies and increased exposure to routine cases. Senior partners sought greater commitment in the undergraduate curriculum to financial/legal issues and communication skills. Over a third of employers (38 per cent) had a 'great influence' on the choice of continuing professional development courses for their recent graduates. New graduates chose courses to deal with a perceived weakness, or to specialise, and welcomed opportunities to meet other new graduates and share early experiences. It was concluded that turnover and staff problems would be reduced if practices became more effective in coping with new arrivals, especially by supporting their development.  相似文献   

Nearly all veterinary and medical students (94 per cent) found it morally acceptable to use animals in research and believed it to be a necessity in order to treat human diseases. In contrast with the medical students a substantial proportion of veterinary students (40 per cent) considered themselves animal rights activists. Unlike the medical curriculum, the veterinary curriculum contains a two-week course in laboratory animal medicine, and a higher proportion of the students who had not been through this course was opposed to the use of animals in research than of the students who had completed the course. The course modified the views of half the students; more than 26 per cent of them became more positive towards animal use in research after the course, whereas 3 per cent became more negative.  相似文献   

The perceptions of veterinarians and small animal (SA) clients on what attributes constitute 'a good veterinarian' were examined by a questionnaire survey. The respondents were asked to record how important they considered 20 attributes for a veterinary surgeon to have on a five-point scale from 'not at all important' to 'very important'. In addition, they were asked to list which attributes they considered to be the three most important attributes in a veterinary surgeon; finally, they were asked whether there were any additional attributes that they considered to be highly desirable in a veterinary surgeon. In total, 407 SA clients, 243 SA veterinarians and 61 non-SA veterinarians completed the questionnaire. There were significant differences in the proportion of clients who considered an attribute to be 'very important' compared with SA veterinarians for 12 of the 20 attributes (P<0.005). A larger proportion of clients considered 'confidence', 'knowledge about veterinary medicine and surgery', 'cleanliness', 'good at explaining technical terms', 'patience', 'clear about cost of treatment', 'ability to work in a team', 'honesty', 'politeness', 'decisiveness', 'good with animals' and 'good practical skills' to be 'very important' attributes than the SA veterinarians; a larger proportion of SA veterinarians considered 'good communication skills' to be a 'very important' attribute than the clients.  相似文献   

The final-year Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (MVB) class of 2005 were the first cohort of students to complete the new curriculum at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin (UCD). The new curriculum is a fundamental departure from the traditional curriculum that had served the veterinary profession in Ireland over many years. The change was not a precipitate action but the outcome of a prolonged and thorough examination of the realities of veterinary medicine, its science and its art, in the first decade of a new millennium. Over recent decades, rapid and fundamental changes have been witnessed in the economic, cultural, and ethical environment in which the veterinary profession operates, and these changes, coupled with the "information explosion," dictated an examination of the educational paradigm. The new curriculum exposes the first-year class to veterinary information technology and problem-based learning (PBL). In the second year, students are instructed in clinical examination, history taking, and client communication skills, in addition to further exposure to PBL. The third and fourth years are now systems-based, with coordinated input from microbiologists, parasitologists, pathologists, and clinicians in teaching each body system. The first lecture-free final year in the 104-year history of veterinary education in Ireland consists of clinical rotations and a four-week elective pursued within the faculty or at other recognized institutions. Students must also complete a minimum of 24 weeks' extramural studies (EMS). Critically, the development and assessment of all courses in the new undergraduate degree program has been driven by carefully thought out learning outcomes. The new curriculum will provide graduates with the essential knowledge and skills required for entry into the veterinary profession. Society expects these qualities from veterinarians in the interests of the communities they serve during their professional careers. In addition, the curriculum should foster the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, instill the desire and ability to work in teams, and develop life skills. It is hoped that the academic innovations will arouse the intellectual curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning that future graduates will require if they are to retain the confidence of the society in which they work in the future.  相似文献   

For practical, ethical and economic reasons, veterinary surgical education is becoming increasingly dependent on models for training. The limited availability and high cost of commercially produced surgical models has increased the need for useful, low-cost alternatives. For this reason, a number of models were developed to be used in a basic surgical skills course for veterinary students. The models were low fidelity, having limited resemblance to real animals. The aim of the present study was to describe the students' learning experience with the models and to report their perception of the usefulness of the models in applying the trained skills to live animal surgery. One hundred and forty-six veterinary fourth-year students evaluated the models on a four-point Likert scale. Of these, 26 additionally participated in individual semistructured interviews. The survey results showed that 75 per cent of the students rated the models 'useful'/'very useful'. Interviews revealed that tactile, dimensional, visual, situational and emotional features are important to students' perception of a successful translation of skills from models to live animal. In conclusion, low-fidelity models are useful educational tools in preparation for live animal surgery. However, there are specific features to take into account when developing models in order for students to perceive them as useful.  相似文献   

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, established a new curriculum for teaching veterinary medicine in 1995 with the main objectives to improve the problem-solving and communication competences of the students and their scientific education. Because it is accepted that graduates cannot get a starting competence in all fields of the veterinary profession, a differentiation of education focused on animal species and life-long learning is emphasised. Major characteristics of this curriculum are a high degree of horizontal and vertical integration of the various disciplines, the preference for teaching in small working groups and the training for self-learning. This curriculum is described in some detail. Parasitology is not taught as a coherent subject but is integrated into various subjects, presented in an interdisciplinary approach. The number of contact hours is variable depending on optional courses and the differentiation tracks taken but it amounts for a minimum of approximately 90 contact hours for each student during the full curriculum. A major disadvantage of the curriculum is that examination of parasitology is within integrated subjects. Thus, students that perform poorly on parasitology may still pass. An advantage is the extended presence of parasitology in the last year of clinical training and the improved interdisciplinary interaction between parasitologists and clinicians. The curriculum has been changed again in 2001; study paths focused on animal species and other subjects start already in the first year, and approximately 25% of the first 4 years of the curriculum will be within these study paths.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to 2951 mixed and small animal veterinary practices to examine the use of perioperative antimicrobials in cats and dogs in the UK. The percentage of respondents who always used antimicrobials in two surgical procedures classified according to NRC criteria as 'clean' was 25.3 per cent for removal of a 1 cm cutaneous mass and 32.1 per cent for routine prescrotal castration. Factors considered important in decision-making about when to use antimicrobial agents included immunosuppression, presence of a drain, degree of wound contamination, potential for spillage of visceral contents and implantation of prosthesis. The most common antimicrobial agents mentioned were potentiated amoxicillin (98.0 per cent), amoxicillin (60.5 per cent), clindamycin (21.8 per cent), enrofloxacin (21.7 per cent), cephalexin (18.6 per cent) and metronidazole (12.7 per cent). Forty-three per cent of all responding veterinarians listed a long-acting preparation for perioperative use. The routes used were subcutaneous (76.1 per cent), intravenous (25.8 per cent), intramuscular (19.8 per cent), oral (13.5 per cent) and topical (7.7 per cent). Antimicrobials were given before surgery (66.6 per cent), during surgery (30.2 per cent), immediately after surgery (12.0 per cent) and after surgery (6.3 per cent). This survey has identified the suboptimal use of perioperative antimicrobials in small animal surgery with improvements needed with respect to timing, duration, choice of antimicrobial and a more prudent selection of surgical cases requiring prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Arrangements for extramural education including "seeing practice" experience in nine European veterinary schools (Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, Helsinki, Stockholm, Hannover, Ghent, Toulouse and Vienna) are described. Considerable differences existed between three UK schools, and between them and the Continental schools, where arrangements were usually voluntary. The amount of extramural experience in different types of work was quantified by student questionnaires. An average of 12 weeks' experience in farm practice was gained by 83 per cent of the 339 students, six weeks' small animal work by 48 per cent, four weeks in an abattoir by 43 per cent and other periods in specialised practices, laboratories and veterinary faculties. Practice abroad was experienced by 10 per cent. The total experience of different medical and surgical conditions varied considerably between schools as a result of disease eradication (eg, swine fever in UK), non-occurrence (canine leptospirosis in Sweden and Finland) or the availability of surgical or reproductive material, as well as on other factors.  相似文献   

高职院校畜牧兽医专业是以培养从事畜牧兽医生产、服务及管理等工作第一线的高级应用型人才为目的。随着现代畜牧业的快速发展,用人单位对畜牧兽医专业毕业生综合实践能力提出了更高的要求。从如何提高教师素质、优化课程体系、完善实践教学环节、改进教学内容、建设专业特色教学资源库以及人才培养考核评价体系等方面探讨了新形势下畜牧兽医专业应用型人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

The most relevant results of a written questionnaire among veterinarians in the Netherlands are presented and discussed. The inquiry was performed by MarketResponse Nederland BV. The objective was to get an overview of the current perception and the future view of the profession. The response was 37%. Most respondents (66%) were practitioners, 7% were active in research or teaching institutions, 5% were governmental employees, 5% were employed in industry, and 17% did not belong to any of these categories (retired, unemployed etc.). Forty-seven per cent of the veterinarians practised mainly small animal medicine, 24% large animal medicine (cattle 15%, swine 8%, and poultry 1%), and 4% equine medicine; 24% worked in mixed practices. This division reflects the real-life situation. The percentage of female respondents was considerably higher in the group of recent graduates than in the other groups of graduates (increasing from 27% in the graduation period 1980-1989 to 56% in the period 1990-1999). Sixty per cent of the veterinarians worked more than 40 hours a week. Veterinarians considered themselves reliable, honest, professional, client-minded, and animal-friendly. According to them, the public perceived veterinarians as being animal-friendly, professional, and reliable. Veterinarians were less satisfied in their current position than other professional groups, particularly with regard to their income. Their current market position was considered indifferent or good. This position was influenced negatively by the decrease in the number of animals and competition from non-veterinarians and others. The situation could be improved by collaboration and practice fusions, specialization, and differentiation. More demanding and price-conscious clients and governmental regulations were considered important trends. Social, management, and marketing skills, increased knowledge and cooperation, and a vision of future developments were considered essential in order to be able react to developments on the market. About 60% of the practitioners and 50% of the other veterinarians felt that they lacked the right skills, and especially management and marketing skills, to react to these developments adequately. Most veterinarians (77%) considered that their training did not provide them with the skills needed for their current position. During training, more time should be spent on management, communication, marketing, and social skills. Based on the results, veterinary medicine in the Netherlands seems to be an introspective but good profession; however, the interesting aspects of the profession appear to be over-shadowed by less appreciated aspects and the income is moderate. Entrepreneuship is poorly developed, in part because this is considered taboo. The importance of skills that are not an integral part of veterinary medicine, such as management, marketing, and communication, is recognized, as is the lack of these skills. Despite this, emphasis is put on continuing professional education, species specialization, modernization, accreditation, and expansion of facilities and treatment possibilities as ways to respond to the market situation.  相似文献   

A survey by means of a postal questionnaire was undertaken to investigate the patterns of work and the need for information of veterinary practitioners in New Zealand. Of the 670 eligible veterinarians, 399 practitioners (60 per cent) participated in the survey. Of these, 38 per cent were in large animal practice (less than 20 per cent of work devoted to cats and dogs) and 31 per cent were in small animal practice (more than 80 per cent of work with cats and dogs). The remaining 31 per cent were in mixed practice, with a workload intermediate between the other two groups. Across the entire sample of practitioners, cats and dogs took up the largest number of veterinary hours per person (1092 hours per year). Dairy cattle were second (438 hours), and horses third (302 hours). Deer and goats ranked next, and each used more veterinary hours per person than did either sheep or beef cattle. Other species comprised very minor parts of the overall workload. Women spent a much higher proportion of their working hours with small animals and a much lower proportion with horses than did men. For other species workload patterns were similar between men and women. In relation to employment of the practitioner group, women were under represented, compared with men, among those with responsibilities for the management of practices, even when account was taken of the fact that the women in the sample were younger. Fewer than one per cent of men in the sample were not employed full-time, whereas 15 per cent of the women were in part-time employment. The survey indicates that there has been a substantial change in the demographic structure of the veterinary profession and the forms of veterinary work carried out. It also shows that the differences in work and career patterns between men and women need more intensive study to improve the accuracy of predictions of future requirements for veterinary manpower.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of a final year program of extramural placements in the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. DESIGN: An online questionnaire was made available to all students who completed the first lecture free final year of clinical placements offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney in 2004. The questionnaire collected information regarding the effectiveness of preparation for veterinary practice through: rating the usefulness of tasks and processes in achieving final year learning outcomes; collecting students' opinions on attributes vital to success as a veterinary practitioner and the value of extramural placements in developing these attributes; and rating the value of extramural placements in preparing students for veterinary practice. RESULTS: The most useful tasks or processes as evidenced by the percentage of students rating these tasks or processes as either very useful or useful were receiving feedback (80%) and completing case logs (78%). The main attribute considered vital to success as a veterinarian was communication skills and extramural placements were generally rated as very valuable in developing this competency. This program was considered to be particularly successful in facilitating the link between theory and practice, enabling the recognition and treatment of a range of diseases and developing interpersonal skills. CONCLUSION: The model for extramural placements implemented was generally regarded by students to be valuable in preparing them for veterinary practice.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the clinical skills and areas of knowledge used by veterinarians in small animal practice during their first year after graduation and the degree of assistance and supervision they received while developing these skills. Design A postal survey was sent in December 1999 to 59 veterinarians who completed their training at Murdoch University in December 1998. Procedure The first part of the survey asked for information on veterinary work patterns since leaving university. The second part consisted of a list of diagnostic and therapeutic skills of varying complexity and the graduates were asked to indicate whether they had used these skills in practice and whether they had been assisted or supervised while doing them. The respondents were also asked if they had had the opportunity to practise these skills as undergraduates at university or during extramural experience. In the third part the areas of knowledge used in practice were assessed by analysis of a series of consecutive cases. Results Forty replies were received but since three graduates had done no small animal work the analysis of the skills section is based on 37 responses. Thirty graduates supplied information on 994 canine cases and 308 feline cases. The distribution of the mean work time was dogs and cats 69%, horses 13%, farm animals 11%, birds 3% and others 4%. Skills used by over 90% of graduates included general anaesthesia, examination of the tympanic membrane, taking and interpreting an abdominal radiograph, catheterising a male cat, fine needle aspiration of a mass, neutering dogs and cats, tooth scaling and extraction and treating an aural haematoma. The survey also identified the opportunities for undergraduates to practise some of these skills during extramural experience and the extent of assistance given to new graduates during their first year in practice. The areas of knowledge used in over 10% of the cases included vaccination, anaesthesia/sedation, skin/coat problems, general advice on pet health, neutering and musculoskeletal diseases. Conclusion Veterinarians, in their first year after graduation, use a wide range of complex diagnostic and therapeutic skills. Although many of these skills are acquired during the undergraduate training, a significant contribution is made by extramural practical work undertaken during the clinical years of the undergraduate course and in the first year following graduation. Practising veterinarians play an important role in providing opportunities and supervision for clinical training.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine perceptions of veterinary technical and professional skills among veterinary students and recent graduates. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 281 students and 142 recent graduates from the Ontario Veterinary College. PROCEDURE: A survey was designed and administered to first- through fourth-year students and veterinarians who had graduated either 1 or 6 years before survey administration. RESULTS: Overall response rate was 70%. Learning about technical and professional skills was highly valued. Most participants felt they had not received instruction about professional skills, but those who had felt more competent about them. Perceptions of competence increased slightly with increased comfort discussing emotional veterinary issues with instructors. Neither gender nor increased age was related to increased feelings of competence. Almost all fourth-year students felt competent and comfortable about examining an animal with the client present, assessing suffering, diagnosing parvovirus infection, performing surgery, and working as group members. However, many did not feel competent or comfortable about delivering bad news, setting time limits yet providing quality service, helping clients with limited funds make treatment decisions, dealing with demanding people, and euthanasia. Feelings of competence and comfort were closely related but were not identical. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the interests of best preparing entry-level veterinarians, technical and professional skills need to be emphasized in a learning environment where students feel comfortable discussing emotional veterinary issues. A professional skills curriculum addressing underlying self-awareness, communication, and interpersonal issues, as well as procedural matters, would likely increase the proportion of fourth-year students who feel competent and comfortable about professional skills by the end of their undergraduate training.  相似文献   

Veterinary schools in the UK are required by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to ensure that their students have attained essential 'Day one' skills (DOS) by graduation. To aid students' understanding of how they could satisfy this requirement, the Royal Veterinary College produced a DOS guide, which was distributed in the 2007 to 2008 academic year to students in the third and fourth years of the professional veterinary course. The same students were surveyed towards the end of the 2008 to 2009 session about the guide, when they were in the fourth and final years, to rate its usefulness and to indicate their perceived levels of competence, both currently and expected at graduation. Focus group discussions were subsequently conducted to explore the findings of the survey. Responses from 88 fourth-year (39 per cent) and 174 (87 per cent) final-year students revealed that while almost all respondents were aware of the DOS guide, their use of it was low. Final-year students rated themselves as being more competent than fourth-year students, but were less optimistic about their expected level of competence regarding several invasive procedures, which some students considered to be 'unattainable' by graduation, despite the apparent value of extramural studies and intramural rotations in providing opportunities for learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical skills and areas of knowledge used by veterinarians in small animal practice during their first year after graduation and the degree of assistance and supervision they received while developing these skills. DESIGN: A postal survey was sent in December 1999 to 59 veterinarians who completed their training at Murdoch University in December 1998. PROCEDURE: The first part of the survey asked for information on veterinary work patterns since leaving university. The second part consisted of a list of diagnostic and therapeutic skills of varying complexity and the graduates were asked to indicate whether they had used these skills in practice and whether they had been assisted or supervised while doing them. The respondents were also asked if they had had the opportunity to practise these skills as undergraduates at university or during extramural experience. In the third part the areas of knowledge used in practice were assessed by analysis of a series of consecutive cases. RESULTS: Forty replies were received but since three graduates had done no small animal work the analysis of the skills section is based on 37 responses. Thirty graduates supplied information on 994 canine cases and 308 feline cases. The distribution of the mean work time was dogs and cats 69%, horses 13%, farm animals 11%, birds 3% and others 4%. Skills used by over 90% of graduates included general anaesthesia, examination of the tympanic membrane, taking and interpreting an abdominal radiograph, catheterising a male cat, fine needle aspiration of a mass, neutering dogs and cats, tooth scaling and extraction and treating an aural haematoma. The survey also identified the opportunities for undergraduates to practise some of these skills during extramural experence and the extent of assistance given to new graduates during their first year in practice. The areas of knowledge used in over 10% of the cases included vaccination, anaesthesia/sedation, skin/coat problems, general advice on pet health, neutering and musculoskeletal diseases. CONCLUSION: Veterinarians, in their first year after graduation, use a wide range of complex diagnostic and therapeutic skills. Although many of these skills are acquired during the undergraduate training, a significant contribution is made by extramural practical work undertaken during the clinical years of the undergraduate course and in the first year following graduation. Practising veterinarians play an important role in providing opportunities and supervision for clinical training.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the location, type, support from and effects of their first position for the veterinary graduates of 2005, and to make comparisons with graduates of 1950-2000. Procedure Questionnaires were sent to veterinarians who had graduated from an Australian university in 2005, and data were analysed with SAS System 8 for Windows. Results One-sixth of the graduates left for overseas, and 55% (Murdoch) to 85% (Melbourne) of the remainder found their first veterinary position in the state where they were trained. More were in small animal (48%) and less in mixed practice (48%) than in previous decades, and they spent more time (79%) with dogs and cats, and less with horses (9%), cattle (8%) and other production animals (1%). The median income of males working full-time was $43,000 and $39,000 for equivalent females. Most were satisfied with the help and support received from their boss and workplace; approximately 20% felt that support was inadequate, and many felt overworked and underpaid. The graduates with inadequate support were more likely to suffer stress and were less likely to have enjoyed their first year or to agree that they would become a veterinarian again. The levels of perceived support, and of stress, were similar to those reported by graduates of 2000, though more favourable than in the previous 2 decades. Conclusions Graduates of 2005 were less likely than their predecessors to start in mixed practice or to work with cattle and horses. Most felt poorly paid, but most, though not all, felt well supported in their first position. Aust Vet J 2008;86:357-364.  相似文献   

Objectives : To examine the opinions among small animal owners regarding the management of pain and surgery in small animals. Methods : A questionnaire was presented to 800 owners of dogs or cats who visited one of the four participating clinics in Finland in February 2006. Results : A total of 482 owners completed the questionnaire (60·3 per cent response rate); 90 per cent of the respondents were female. Owners classified surgical procedures (for example, fracture repair, skin tumour removal and neutering) as more painful than medical conditions (otitis externa and lameness). In addition, owners disagreed most with statements that they had received sufficient information on the appropriate methods of management of animal pain and that the recognition of animal pain is easy. With respect to surgical procedures, owners expressed greatest concern in relation to the animal experiencing fear or anxiety during hospitalisation and the presence of postoperative pain. Clinical Significance : The animal owners had concerns about the presence and management of animal pain, fear and anxiety. Knowledge of these animal owner opinions could aid veterinary practitioners when communicating with their clients on medical and surgical patient management. Furthermore, studies are merited to clearly define how best to successfully respond to these owner attitudes.  相似文献   

The scale of the ethical challenges faced by veterinary surgeons and their perceived stressful consequences were investigated via a short questionnaire, completed by 58 practising veterinary surgeons. Respondents were asked to report how frequently they faced ethical dilemmas, and to rate on a simple numerical scale (zero to 10) how stressful they found three common scenarios. Fifty seven per cent of respondents reported that they faced one to two dilemmas per week, while 34 per cent stated they typically faced three to five dilemmas per week. The three scenarios provided were all rated as highly stressful with 'client wishing to continue treatment despite poor animal welfare' rated as the most stressful (median 9). The female veterinary surgeons gave two of the scenarios significantly higher stress ratings than the male veterinary surgeons. Stress ratings were not influenced by number of years in practice (which ranged from one to more than 25 years). The results show that veterinary surgeons regularly face ethical dilemmas and that they find these stressful. This has implications for the wellbeing of veterinary surgeons and supports the case for increased provision of training and support, especially for those who entered the profession before undergraduate ethics teaching was widely available.  相似文献   

The determination of the distinctive features between infected and uninfected cattle by Dermatophilus has been performed among 93 bovine stock in La Martinique, and 120 in La Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin Islands. Nearly half of the herds had been or were infected. Morbidity rates reach 33 per cent in La Martinique and 29 per cent in La Guadeloupe with a mortality ratio of 15 per cent and 5 per cent respectively. No frequency difference could be observed with respect to the season or the geographical area. Similarly, differences are little or nil as regards animal exposure toward aggressive factors such as sun, soil moisture, thorns, etc. On the other hand, the presence of Amblyomma variegatum is a determining factor considering the prevailing situation in La Martinique, where all breeds of cattle are sensitive to the disease. In this case, 63 per cent of the tick infested cattle develops dermatophilosis versus 2.5 per cent for the still uninfected animals. Conversely, in La Guadeloupe were Creole zebus are highly resistant (as a consequence of their natural selection), only 27 per cent of the infected stock suffers from this illness. In these two islands, regular dipping measures have proved to be beneficial in that it reduces the disease frequency. The study also reveals an underlying typology of the various rearing systems, thus allowing their classification as for their behaviour and response when meeting illness. In La Martinique, whatever they may be, quite none of them is infected in the tick free area. In the tick infested zones, the traditional small breeders rearing a sensitive cattle and who do not care with prophylactic rules, are mostly stricken, while more structured ones have succeeded in controlling the disease, owning to some appropriate measures together with a fair animal management. On the other hand, in La Guadeloupe where this tick is cosmopolitan, the small breeders who run a resistant Creole cattle, are not concerned, despite a rudimentary prophylactic behaviour. Conversely, the intensive rearing system, based upon improved imported breeds, meets great difficulties to master the infection.  相似文献   

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