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A number of alternative approaches have been suggested during recent years to predict species richness of a given taxa, while retaining information on the identities of the observed individuals. Such information can be extremely useful for choosing conservation priority areas, either by using simple richness values or, preferentially, by considering the complementarity of potential sites. Among the most popular approaches is the use of higher taxa surrogates. Both family and genus richness are here tested in their ability to predict the number of spider (Araneae) species independently of sampling effort, geographical location and type of habitat. We use data from three Portuguese protected areas as a test case. Genus richness is considered a good surrogate of species richness, despite some caution being needed regarding the comparison of sites with considerably different sampling effort, the same not happening with families. Only genera are also found to be reliable either for ranking sites according to taxa richness or for determining near-minimum sets of sites for conservation. We therefore recommend surrogacy at this taxonomic level as a promising approach for the prediction of spider species richness or evaluation and ranking of areas according to their conservation importance. The reached conclusions should uphold for Portugal and the entire Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

In an agricultural landscape in eastern Austria eight terrestrial organism groups were investigated as potential biodiversity indicators. We present a cross-taxon congruence assessment obtained at the landscape scale using two groups of plants (bryophytes and vascular plants), five groups of invertebrates (gastropods, spiders, orthopterans, carabid beetles and ants) and one vertebrate taxon (birds). We tested four different approaches: correlated species counts, surrogate measures of the overall species richness that was assessed, a multi-taxa (or shopping basket) approach and a simple complementarity algorithm. With few exceptions, pairwise correlations between taxa, correlations between one taxon and the species richness of the remaining groups, and correlations between a combination of the richness of two taxa and the remaining species richness were highly positive. Complementarity-derived priority sets of sampling sites using one taxon as a surrogate for the pooled species richness of all other taxa captured significantly more species than selecting areas randomly. As an essential first step in selecting useful biodiversity indicators, we demonstrate that species richness of vascular plants and birds showed the highest correlations with the overall species richness. In a multi-taxa approach and in complementarity site selection, each of the eight investigated taxa had the capability to capture a high percentage of the overall species richness.  相似文献   

There is an increasing use of indicator taxa to predict spatial patterns in other taxa, yet it is unclear how well species from one taxonomic group may serve as indicators of species richness in other groups with different ecological needs. We analysed spatial patterns of diversity in several arthropod taxa from the Turkish fauna (Scorpiones, Chilopoda, Coleoptera Cicindelidae, Hydrophilidae (gen. Laccobius), Nitidulidae, Tenebrionidae Pimeliini, Chrysomelidae Cryptocephalinae, and Lepidoptera Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) to test whether there are multi-group hotspots or whether different groups have different areas of maximum diversification. We used three metrics of diversity: species richness, residuals from the species–area relationship, and species/area ratios. In each group, the three metrics were significantly positively correlated. However, the hotspots identified using one metric show small agreement with those identified by other metrics. Although patterns of cross-taxon diversity were significantly and positively correlated for all metrics, hotspots of different groups show little overlap. Moreover, proportions of non-target species captured by hotspots of a target taxon were usually moderate. On the other hand, we found that hotspots of certain groups tend to be concentrated in particular regions, and some groups were good surrogates for others. The Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Anatolian ecogeographic regions included hotspots of species richness for most taxa. Using the species/area ratios, all groups had at least one hotspot in the Marmara and Eastern Black Sea regions, and most groups also in the Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolian regions. Hotspots identified using the residuals from the species–area relationship are concentrated mostly in the Eastern and Central Anatolian regions. These results are explained with reference to the historical biogeography of the study area, the ecological needs of the different taxa and compared with the distribution of National Parks. For an effective conservation approach, we advocate the use of subsets of species as surrogates for all species, provided that selected subsets are representative of animals with different ecological needs and biogeographical histories.  相似文献   

Setting conservation priorities in taxonomically complex groups such as the orchid genus Dactylorhiza is a difficult task. As an alternative to taxonomic diversity, we used here a molecular phylogenetic analysis and the results of a genetic investigation using plastid microsatellites with an extensive geographic sampling to assess in a more objective way the patterns of diversity within this genus. Although western Europe is thought to be the main diversity centre for the genus due to the large number of species found there, we found higher phylogenetic and genetic diversity as well as higher endemicity in the Caucasus and the Mediterranean Basin, two biodiversity hotspots. Species number seems to be correlated with taxonomic effort, tentatively estimated here by the number of herbaria, and is thus biased and not an appropriate measure of diversity. Our results show that phylogenetic analyses and genetic data obtained with molecular tools can offer an alternative measure of biodiversity that is not sensitive to taxonomic inflation. Conservation of allotetraploid taxa is also discussed, and it is recommended that sites in which polyploids are formed should be conserved rather than any specific allotetraploid taxon.  相似文献   

Efficiency in biomonitoring studies is essential to maximize return (i.e. useful data) for investment (e.g. time, training, personnel). Here, we test several options for reducing data resolution when streamlining monitoring protocols, and use the results as a framework to discuss the costs and benefits of decreasing information when sampling intertidal assemblages. Specifically, we ask; (1) Is it necessary to collect species abundance data, or is species presence-absence information sufficient to differentiate sites? (2) Is it necessary to sample organismal abundance at the species-level or is coarser (higher taxon or functional group) resolution sufficient to resolve patterns of difference in intertidal community structure? and (3) How general are these patterns across different oceanic regions? We answer these questions using data from Northeast Atlantic, Northwest Atlantic, Northeast Pacific, and Southwest Pacific intertidal monitoring studies. Results show that compared to species-level sampling, genus-level sampling requires knowledge of 25% fewer taxa, but results in only a 5% difference in the ability to discern between-sample similarities. Likewise, family-level sampling involves 50% fewer taxa, and is accompanied by only an 8% difference in between-sample similarities. Species lists and functional groups were variable in performance, working well for some regions, and poorly for others. These findings will assist in the selection of monitoring protocols with the potential for increased geographic scope and temporal frequency of sampling, resulting in longer time series of data collection, and a reduction in the required taxonomic skills for individuals involved in scientifically useful biomonitoring programs.  相似文献   

Indicator species models may be a cost-effective approach to estimating species richness across large areas. Obtaining reliable distributional data for indicator species (and therefore reliable estimates of species richness) often requires longitudinal data, that is, surveys for indicator species repeated for several years or time steps. Maximum information must be extracted from such data. We used genetic algorithms and a Bayesian approach to compare the influence of presence/absence data and reporting rate data (the proportion of survey years in which a species was present) on models of species richness based on indicator species. Using data on birds and butterflies from the Great Basin (Nevada, USA), we evaluated models of species richness for one taxonomic group based on indicator species drawn from the same taxonomic group and from a different group. We also evaluated models of combined species richness of both taxonomic groups based on indicator species drawn from either group. We identified suites of species whose occurrence patterns explained as much as 70% of deviance in species richness of a different taxonomic group. Validation tests revealed strong correlations between observed and predicted species richness, with 83-100% of the observed values falling within the 95% credible intervals of the predictions. Whether reporting rate data improved the explanatory and predictive ability of cross-taxonomic models depended on the taxonomic group of the indicator species. The discrepancy in predictive ability was smaller for same-taxon models. Our methods provide a manager with the means to maximize the information obtained from longitudinal survey data.  相似文献   

A considerable number of alternative approaches have been suggested during the last years to predict species richness of a given taxon, while retaining information on the identities of the observed individuals. Such information can be extremely useful for choosing conservation priority areas, either by using raw richness values or, preferentially, by considering the complementarity between potential sites. Among the most popular approaches is the use of indicator taxa. Both one single family and a group of several families are here tested in their ability to predict the number of spider (Araneae) species independently of sampling effort, geographical location and type of habitat. We use data from three Portuguese protected areas as a test case. A two-family indicator group – Gnaphosidae and Theridiidae – is found to be a good surrogate of species richness, even if caution is needed regarding the comparison of sites with considerably different sampling effort or vegetation cover. No single family can be seen as a good surrogate of the totality of spiders. In addition, only a group of the two mentioned families is found to be efficient and reliable either when used to rank sites according to taxa richness or for determining near-minimum sets of sites for conservation. We therefore recommend surrogacy with this indicator group as a promising approach for the prediction of spider species richness or evaluation and ranking of areas according to their conservation importance. The reached conclusions should uphold for Portugal and the entire Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes can complicate conservation efforts for species with uncertain taxonomic classifications and discrete geographic populations. Discordant morphological and genetic patterns across the geographic range of species further calls for the identification of evolutionary significant units for conservation. Using island and mainland populations of a small Australian passerine (the superb fairy-wren, Malurus cyaneus), we examine the relationship between morphological and genetic divergence among two subspecies, M. c. ashbyi (Kangaroo Island, South Australia) and M. c. leggei (South Australia, mainland), using eight microsatellite markers. Island birds showed clear evidence for morphological divergence, with a larger body size and thinner bill compared to mainland birds. Two genetic clusters were found using Bayesian methods, comprising mainland and island regions. Estimates of recent migration rates between all sites were very low (<2%). Morphological and genetic differentiation between island and mainland sites correlated significantly, but not when controlling for isolation by distance. Genetic and morphological substructure was evident with three distinct genetic clusters in each region. Males, the highly sedentary sex, appeared to drive correlations between morphological and genetic differentiation. Our study provides evidence that the subspecies classification of M. cyaneus in island and mainland regions encapsulates two independently diverging populations that can be recognised in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Ethiopia is known for its wide topographically induced variation that favours a large amount of plant genetic diversity, and determination of the genetic structure of the germplasm is a crucial step towards exploiting this variation. Accordingly, a study was initiated to determine population structure patterns based on spatial and temporal factors and thereby establish group accessions depending on genetic similarity. To achieve this goal, 15 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used for 199 barley landraces collected from ten administrative regions of Ethiopia. The analysis of the spatial genetic structure was performed on the entire data set and on two groups created based on the year of collection. The results obtained from the model-based Bayesian clustering revealed 16 unstructured groups. Furthermore, the grouping of the accessions based on SSR markers resulted in hierarchical chain-type clusters with most of the accessions in the first cluster. The spatial correlations between the genetic and geographical distances revealed a weak population structure for the entire data set, and a weak temporal population structure was also observed for the barley populations from the recent collection. In general, the results indicated the absence of a distinct and consistent population structure among the regions, which could be presumed because of high gene flow. These findings will facilitate parent selection in order to broaden the genetic base of modern cultivars via breeding efforts and also provide information for the planning of an efficient germplasm collection strategy.  相似文献   

The use of indicator taxa for conservation planning is common, despite inconsistent evidence regarding their effectiveness. These inconsistencies may be the result of differences among species and taxonomic groups studied, geographic location, or scale of analysis. The scale of analysis can be defined by grain and extent, which are often confounded. Grain is the size of each observational unit and extent is the size of the entire study area. Using species occurrence records compiled by NatureServe from survey data, range maps, and expert opinion, we examined correlations in species richness between each of seven taxa (amphibians, birds, butterflies, freshwater fish, mammals, freshwater mussels, and reptiles) and total richness of the remaining six taxa at varying grains and extents in two regions of the US (Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Northwest). We examined four different spatial units of interest: hexagon (∼649 km2), subecoregion (3800-34,000 km2), ecoregion (8300-79,000 km2), and geographic region (315,000-426,000 km2). We analyzed the correlations with varying extent of analysis (grain held constant at the hexagon) and varying grain (extent held constant at the region). The strength of correlation among taxa was context dependent, varying widely with grain, extent, region, and taxon. This suggests that (1) taxon, grain, extent, and study location explain, in part, inconsistent results of previous studies; (2) planning based on indicator relationships developed at other grains or extents should be undertaken cautiously; and (3) planning based on indicator relationships developed in other geographic locations is risky, even if planning occurs at an equivalent grain and extent.  相似文献   

Because it is virtually impossible to collect seed or tissue for ex situ conservation banks from every known population of rare plant species, it is important to rank populations systematically in terms of their priority for collection. The New England Wild Flower Society, which maintains a regional seed bank, developed a set of three complementary decision matrices in spreadsheet form by which to prioritize all occurrences of all state-listed rare plant species in New England in terms of their urgency and feasibility for collection. Data on 4333 occurrences, spanning 456 taxa, were collated from six state Natural Heritage Programs. The first decision matrix ranked taxa in terms of their amenability to storage or propagation at ex situ institutions, and determined whether any known New England occurrences were reproductive. The second matrix further ranked taxa in terms of their global and regional rarity and the viability and genetic and geographic representation of collections already present in the bank. The third matrix scored individual occurrences within each taxon in terms of the presence of imminent threat, reproductive status, vigor, protection status, potential genetic distance from other occurrences, availability of landowner permission, and their current status in the bank. Occurrences were then sorted in ascending order by total matrix score; those with low scores were at the top of the list for collection priority. 3743 occurrences were deemed eligible for collection. Scores ranged from 14.5 to 182, and were influenced most strongly by the number of occurrences per taxon. Clear breakpoints were apparent in the distribution of scores, with clusters of uncommon taxa at the low end of the scale and a long tail created by taxa with more numerous occurrences in New England. These breakpoints could potentially be used to prioritize groups of occurrences that should receive the first attention for collection, while postponing collection of higher-scoring groups. Fewer than 1% of occurrences were misclassified, according to post hoc inspection. This simple set of decision matrices can be adapted by a wide range of institutions involved in ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

Molecular data are shedding new light on our understanding of genetic diversity and biological diversity in general. We examine results of recent genetic studies on African birds that document endemic diversity in small, isolated montane forests of Africa. These studies show that levels of genetic differentiation in these isolated montane regions are substantial and indicate little or no gene flow with their closest populations. Although this pattern of locally distributed montane taxa is not something that has gone unnoticed by traditional taxonomists, we argue that many of the small, often outlying areas run the risk of being devalued in conservation planning because these areas generally have comparatively low levels of overall diversity and endemism (especially at the species level). We strongly suspect that other organisms will possess similar patterns of differentiation in Afro-montane regions of Africa and we argue that this information can be effectively brought to bear to highlight the conservation significance of these smaller areas.  相似文献   

The diversity, genetic structure, and genetic flow of wild populations of Phaseolus vulgaris L. within its Mesoamerican area of domestication, were analyzed by means of morphological and inter-simple sequence repeat molecular markers. Overall, 89% of the loci studied were polymorphic, 35% in the least diverse population and 65% in the most diverse. Genetic diversity in the populations was high, between h = 0.14 and 0.29, as was the maximum distance between populations (D = 0.3). Between 40% and 45% of the diversity was explained by the differences among populations, indicating that a large number of populations is necessary to represent the wild gene pool in the germplasm collections. We found uniformity in allele frequencies among the populations, suggesting presence of outcrossing. We did not find correlation between genetic and geographic distances, but the dendrogram topology suggests geographical isolation due to the mountainous topography. Negative correlations were observed between the coefficient of variation of seed size and the distance between wild populations and fields . We obtained a highly negative correlation between percentage of polymorphic loci and distance to the nearest crop field, which also suggests gene flow from the domesticated populations. These observations suggest that genetic flow is taking place from domesticated toward wild populations and that the farmer, through his agricultural activities, could be influencing the magnitude and the characteristics of the gene flow, and along with this, the differentiation of wild populations. New approaches should be established for conservation in situ and maintaining bio-safety, given the risk of introducing genotypes from the Andes and transgenic varieties and causing genetic assimilation.  相似文献   

Conservation biology is mainly interested in prioritizing sites on the basis of their high biodiversity. Although species richness is a commonly used criterion, it does not take other crucial aspects of identifying conservation priority sites into account, such as rarity or taxonomic distinctness. Additionally, management efforts are usually focused on the conservation of a small number of species, mainly vertebrates. However, the biodiversity patterns of these faunal groups and the main factors which determine them cannot be generalized to other faunal groups (e.g. aquatic invertebrates). Therefore, the objectives of the present study are: (1) to compare the response of 11 biodiversity metrics in order to know which ones are redundant, (2) to identify key environmental factors for biodiversity, and (3) to find out whether sites with high biodiversity values also have a good habitat condition and high protection status. The study was done at assemblage level (crustaceans and insects) in 91 wetlands in the NE Iberian Peninsula. Regression tree models were used to identify the key factors influencing biodiversity, including water, wetland and landscape characteristics as explanatory variables. Generalized Linear models were used to establish the relationship between biodiversity metrics and protection status and habitat condition. The results obtained by the two sampled seasons were compared. Conductivity was the main factor influencing biodiversity metrics. Positive significant relationships were found between some biodiversity metrics and wetland habitat condition, whereas there were none for protection status, indicating the inadequacy of conservation policies to protect wetland aquatic invertebrate biodiversity.  相似文献   

The endangered fish species Anaecypris hispanica is restricted to eight disjunct populations in the Portuguese Guadiana drainage. The genetic structure of these populations was studied in order to determine levels of genetic variation within and among populations and suggest implications for conservation of the species. Based on five microsatellite loci, the null hypothesis of population homogeneity was tested. Tests for genetic differentiation revealed highly significant differences for pairwise comparisons between all populations, and substantial overall population subdivision (FST=0.112). All sampled populations contained unique alleles. Our findings indicate marked genetic structuring and emphasise limited dispersal ability. The high levels of genetic diversity detected within and among A. hispanica populations suggest, however, that the observed fragmentation and reduction in population size of some populations during the last two decades, has impacted little on levels of genetic variability. Data imply that most A. hispanica populations should be managed as distinct units and that each has a high conservation value containing unique genetic variation. It is argued that geographic patterns of genetic structuring indicate the existence of eight management units.  相似文献   

Anchote (Coccinia abyssinica) is plant endemic in Ethiopia with a high calcium content grown for its edible tuberous roots. In spite of its importance as food security crop, there is no information available on molecular genetic diversity of this crop. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess genetic diversity within and among 12 populations of anchote using ISSR markers. Using nine ISSR primers, a total of 87 scorable bands was generated of which 74 were polymorphic. Within population diversity based on polymorphic bands ranged from 13.8 to 43.53 % with a mean of 33.05 %, Nei’s genetic diversity of 0.04–0.156 with a mean of 0.12, Shannon information index of 0.07–0.23 with a mean of 0.175 and analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) of 51.4 % were detected. With all diversity parameters, the highest diversity was obtained from Gimbi, Bedele and Ale populations, whilst the lowest was from Manna. AMOVA showed a 48.56 % between populations variability and significantly lower than that of within population variation. Population differentiation with FST was 48.56 %. From Jaccard’s pairwise similarity coefficient, Decha and Nedjo were most related populations exhibiting 0.76 similarity and Manna and Nedjo were the most distantly related populations with similarity of 0.52. The only pentanucliotide primer used in the study, Primer 880 (GGAGA)3, showed a unique band in some individuals that appeared to be associated with morphological quantitative traits (lowest seed number, high protein content, largest fruit size and smallest vine length). Illubabor and Gimbi populations exhibited highest genetic diversity so that the populations should be considered as the primary sites in designing conservation areas for this crop.  相似文献   

We assessed the genetic differentiation of the Mediterranean olive from its wild relatives found in different geographic areas (Mediterranean, Asia, Africa) using eighty RAPDs revealed with eight primers. Variance analysis (AMOVA) enabled us to estimate the overall genetic differentiation parameters between wild populations. Oleasters from the Near East and Turkey were discriminated from the other Mediterranean populations. Olea laperrinei, O. maroccana and O. cerasiformis were the taxa the most related to the Mediterranean olive. In contrast, O. africana was shown to be the most genetically distant taxa from the Mediterranean olive. However, we characterised hybrid trees between these two taxa. Significant trends between genetic and geographic distances were met within the subspecies cuspidata and within the Mediterranean olive. A genetic diversity gradient was observed in both subspecies europaea and cuspidata. These results are in agreement with a mechanism of differentiation by distance in the O. europaea complex, but another non-exclusive mechanism could also be gene flow between differentiated taxa. Furthermore, we characterised the discriminating power of each RAPD to recognise the different taxa using intraclass correlation coefficients. Lastly, IGS-RFLPs enabled us to assess rDNA polymorphisms on a sub-sample of individuals. On the basis of these data, a low interspecifc differentiation was found. This suggests a recent genetic divergence between the different taxa of the O. europaea complex or the occurrence of gene flow during favourable periods or because human displacements. All the olive cultivars were genetically related to the oleaster populations supporting that Mediterranean is the olive domestication area.  相似文献   

To generate European-wide information to contribute to the improvement of national and regional crop wild relative (CWR) conservation planning and the development of effective CWR conservation strategies, a questionnaire was sent to the members of the Wild Species Conservation in Genetic Reserves Working Group of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) to collate information on progress in developing and implementing national CWR conservation strategies and action plans. Responses from 30 countries were analysed and literature sources were consulted to fill some information gaps. Results showed that 13 countries were in the preparation stage of their national strategies, i.e. having no drafts prepared yet, 14 in higher stages (from the first draft prepared to the published and approved ones), and three have not yet started the planning process. Twelve countries included all categories of species autochthony (i.e., native, archaeophyte and neophyte) in their priority CWR lists. Wild relatives of human and animal food crops were selected as the highest priorities by 23 and 22 countries, respectively. Relative level of threat was identified as the most important prioritization criterion by 23 countries. Italy reported the highest number of CWR in its national checklist (10,779 taxa) and priority list (1118 taxa), whereas Ireland reported the lowest number of CWR in its checklist (171 taxa) and Portugal reported the lowest number in its priority list (20 taxa). Regarding the percentages of prioritized CWR, the strictest approach was applied in Portugal—only 20 out of 2262 CWR taxa, or < 1%, were selected as priorities for conservation action, whereas in Spain 578 out of 929 CWR taxa, or about 62% were prioritized. Eleven countries have proposed the establishment of genetic reserves, from one per country (Israel) to an extended network (Germany and the Netherlands). Only the UK had a formally established genetic reserve. The highest number of priority CWR taxa that occur in existing protected areas was reported by Spain—472 species, or 82% of the national priority list, whereas the lowest number—14 species, or 70% of the national priority list—in Portugal. Israel reported the highest number of priority CWR taxa (319 or 98%) conserved in gene banks. Among the limitations in the development of national CWR strategies highlighted by countries, was the lack of an EU agency responsible for genetic resources. The development of CWR conservation strategies is mostly within the domains of agriculture (13 countries) and environment (12 countries), although both domains are involved in eight countries. The most successful results in the development and implementation of CWR conservations strategies are achieved in the countries where multiple stakeholders, including ministries, research institutions, NGOs, local communities, protected area authorities and national PGR committees are involved. Some discussion and conclusions regarding further developments are provided.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 58 wild and weedy populations representing taxa within the V. sativa aggregate from the former USSR, 4 cultivars of V. sativa, 2 accessions of V. cordata and 3 accessions of V. macrocarpa from Mediterranean countries were analysed using randomly amplified DNA fragments (RAPDs) and seed protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Interspecific variation between taxa in the V. sativa aggregate could readily be detected using both techniques. RAPDs and seed protein patterns were found to be an effective means of identifying accessions that cannot be identified clearly by morphological criteria alone. RAPD and seed protein analysis revealed a clear relationship between observed genetic variation of populations and their geographical distribution. Populations from each region had their own gene pools. Geographical variation was detected in V. segetalis. The degree of genetic divergence between local populations was usually related to proximity. In several locations where wild and weedy populations of different V. sativa agg. taxa grow sympatrically, intermediate forms could be detected at the DNA and protein levels. Both RAPD and seed protein analysis support the view that the V. sativa aggregate consists of 8 taxa warranting recognition at the species level. Several species in this aggregate are evolving intra-specific groups which can readily be detected at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Species are classified as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List if there is inadequate information to make an assessment of their extinction risk based on distribution and/or population status. Data Deficient is probably the most controversial and misunderstood of IUCN Red List categories. All 63 globally Data Deficient bird species lack sufficient information on population size, trends, distribution and/or threats to assess them against the Red List criteria. For 10 species (16%) the paucity of data may be a consequence of taxonomic uncertainty. Three species are known only from specimens of uncertain geographic provenance. Since 1988, 58 Data Deficient birds have been recategorised, mainly as Near Threatened (48%) or Least Concern (16%). We speculate that of the remaining Data Deficient birds, just 14% may prove to be threatened. Proportionately fewer birds (0.6%) are listed as Data Deficient as compared with mammals (15%), amphibians (25%), corals (17%), conifers (4%) and cycads (6%), because birds are better known and perhaps because for birds greater use is made of contextual information (e.g. condition of habitats, likely ecology/habitat preferences and trends in known threatening processes) to assign alternative categories where this is plausible and precautionary. Ensuring consistency between taxonomic groups is essential for the credibility of the IUCN Red List. For non-avian taxa, the higher proportions of Data Deficient species introduces greater uncertainty in estimates of overall extinction risk, but the results from birds hint that the real values may fall at the lower end of these estimates. Data Deficient species should be treated precautionarily in terms of protection and assessing environmental impacts, and regarded as urgent priorities for surveys and research to elucidate their true status. Greater attention should also be given to documenting data quality and uncertainty for Red List assessments of threatened and non-threatened species.  相似文献   

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