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Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction and ecosystem change. As omnivores, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are responsible for wholesale adverse effects on islands. Here, we report on the eradication of feral pigs from Santiago Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador, which is the largest insular pig removal to date. Using a combination of ground hunting and poisoning, over 18,000 pigs were removed during this 30-year eradication campaign. A sustained effort, an effective poisoning campaign concurrent with the hunting program, access to animals by cutting more trails, and an intensive monitoring program all proved critical to the successful eradication. While low and fluctuating control efforts may help protect select native species, current eradication methods, limited conservation funds, and the potential negative non-target impacts of sustained control efforts all favor an intense eradication effort, rather than a sustained control program. The successful removal of pigs from Santiago Island sets a new precedent, nearly doubling the current size of a successful eradication, and is leading to more ambitious projects. However, now we must turn toward increasing eradication efficiency. Given limited conservation funds, we can no longer afford to spend decades removing introduced mammals from islands.  相似文献   

Invasive species research has traditionally focused on the ecological aspects of invasions and their threats to biodiversity. Few studies have incorporated social dimensions of invasive alien species (IAS) management. In this study, we surveyed visitors (N = 1166) to Cumberland Island National Seashore, GA, USA, to measure their knowledge of, attitudes toward, and preferences for various IAS management options. Multinomial logistic regression, two-step cluster analysis, and the Potential for Conflict Index were used to determine factors that predict support for IAS control, identify subgroups of visitors with unique management preferences, and evaluate the level of consensus among these distinct groups. Results showed that, although knowledge and perceived threat scores were related to management preferences, environmental attitude orientations were the best indicators of support for IAS control. Absolute ecocentric visitors (typically younger, less educated individuals with less experience in parks) believed that all living things have a right to coexist without disruption and favored a hands-off management approach. Adaptive ecocentric visitors (typically older, more educated individuals with more experience in parks) believed that some degree of human interference is necessary to maintain ecosystem integrity and favored hands-on management. Despite these different perspectives, adaptive on-site control of invasive species was viewed as the most acceptable and least controversial management option across all visitor subgroups. This study may inform IAS management practices by providing a framework for identifying stakeholder characteristics and synthesizing public preferences to minimize conflict and highlight ecologically beneficial and socially acceptable outcomes.  相似文献   

Eradication of invasive alien species from islands is often necessary to protect native biota. The rapidity in which eradication projects are implemented can help reduce risk they will fail. We describe the eradication of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) from Santa Cruz Island, California, highlighting those control techniques that removed the most pigs and those that removed the last pigs. In 411 days, a total of 5036 pigs were removed from the 25,000-ha island. Before the eradication began, the island was fenced into five zones. Within each zone, the same general sequence of control methods was used: trapping (16% of dispatches in 1660 trap-nights); aerial shooting from a helicopter (77% of dispatches in 13,822 km of flight path); and then ground-based hunting with trained dogs (5% of dispatches in 1111 hunter-days). Sterilized adult pigs fitted with radio collars were subsequently used to aid in the location of surviving wild pigs and to monitor the success of the project. Female telemetered pigs were more effective than males at locating remaining wild pigs. Only 10% of the last 102 pigs (the last 20 or so present in each fenced zone) were dispatched as a result of being found with a telemetered pig, but telemetered animals were responsible for finding 43% of the very last pigs once normal hunting had ceased. The time taken to eradicate pigs on Santa Cruz Island was about half that taken on a neighbouring island of similar size (Santa Rosa Island) and 12 times as fast as that on Santiago Island (58,465 ha), Galapagos Islands. The deliberate sequencing of control methods, using first those that taught surviving pigs the least, and the intensive implementation of those methods, represent important advances in the practice of eradication and so biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Natural areas are becoming increasingly fragmented and embedded in an urban matrix. Natural and semi-natural areas at the urban/wildland interface are threatened by a variety of ‘edge effects’, and are especially vulnerable to invasion by introduced plants, with suburban gardens acting as significant sources of alien propagules. Urban/wildland interfaces also provide access for humans, leading to various types of disturbance. Alien plant invasions are one of the biggest threats facing remaining natural areas on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. The area provides an ideal opportunity to study the dynamics of invasions at the urban/wildland interface, since the largest natural area, the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), is surrounded by the city of Cape Town. We explored invasion patterns in Newlands Forest (a small section of the TMNP) and detailed the roles of habitat features and distance from putative source populations in three main habitat types: natural Afromontane forest, riverine woodland habitats, and plantations of exotic pines (Pinus radiata and P. pinaster). We also examined the role of disturbance in driving invasions in two of these habitat types (Afromontane forest and pine plantations). We hypothesized that alien richness and alien stem density would decrease with distance from the urban/wildland interface, and that alien richness and alien stem density would increase with increasing levels of human disturbance.Distance from putative source populations and levels of anthropogenic disturbance influenced alien richness in Newlands Forest but not alien stem density. Alien richness decreased significantly with distance from presumed sources in the pine habitat, and increased significantly with disturbance in the forest habitat. Percentage overstorey cover and soil pH were important environmental variables associated with alien plant species. A socio-economic approach is discussed as being the most effective approach to the management and prevention of alien plant species in Newlands Forest.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species cause considerable economic and environmental damage. Nevertheless which species should be targeted first and exact control strategies are controversial matters. As no categorization of the impact of alien bird species is available so far, we adopted an impact scoring system for mammals to birds and scored the impact of the alien birds established in Europe. We investigated 26 established alien birds in Europe and compiled all known impact data for these species. The species with highest environmental impact were the Canada goose (Branta canadensis), sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) and ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). The most severe impact on economy was exerted again by the Canada goose. Also the ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) had high impact in this category. Combining these potential impact data with the current distribution generates a list of alien birds with highest actual impact. These two values can be used to prioritise preventive and control measures. In comparison to birds, mammals in general have higher potential and actual impact in Europe, but some bird species reach impact values as high as some of the worst mammal species. Still, these bird species - in contrast to mammals with high impact - are hardly targeted by control programmes. This study shows that there is no scientific reason for this. With the here presented scoring system we offer a decision tool to practitioners which supports them in finding an appropriate reaction to invasive birds.  相似文献   

Garden floras interact with native biodiversity by providing resources for wildlife and by acting as a source of non-native species. Understanding the composition and richness of garden floras will help evaluate the relationships between these floras and the wider environment. The composition and richness of vascular plant floras were measured in a stratified sample of 61 urban, domestic gardens in Sheffield, UK, based on complete garden inventories. The entire garden flora contained 1166 species, of which 30% were native and 70% alien. Across gardens, aliens showed lower occupancy than natives, comprising 79% of the species recorded only once. The garden flora contained 146 plant families, which included 72% of the native, naturalised or recurrent casual families recorded in the wild in Britain and Ireland. Gardens contained on average 45% natives, irrespective of garden size. Garden area explained 30% of the variation in species richness within individual gardens. Doubling garden size led to an increase in species richness of 25%. The garden flora comprised 10% annuals, 63% biennial/perennials, 18% shrubs and 8% trees; shrubs were disproportionately composed of alien species. The floras of urban domestic gardens probably form the greatest source of potentially invasive alien plants. However, the plants found in domestic gardens have closer affinities with the uncultivated flora than is often perceived, and their role for wildlife in gardens deserves reassessment. Declines in garden size that result from recommendations on the density of new housing are unlikely to have major consequences for plant richness in gardens.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests are among the most endangered ecosystems in the world in general and in Hawaii in particular. To investigate the regeneration ecology of native and alien dry forest species on the island of Hawaii, we used a factorial experiment with microsite (sub-canopy vs. inter-canopy), water (supplemental vs. ambient), and weeding (alien species removed vs. not removed) treatments, and also seeded six native woody species into each plot at the start of the experiment. At the end of the 21-month study, the biomass of the volunteer native and alien species (i.e. unplanted species consisting mainly of relatively fast-growing shrubs) was nearly three and 13 times that of the seeded species, respectively. The biomass of the native volunteers was greater in the inter-canopy plots, greater for the seeded species in the sub-canopy plots, and did not differ significantly within this treatment for the alien species. Few species survived in the ambient water plots, resulting in greater biomass in the watered plots for all species. There were no significant differences in the biomass of the native species within the weeded vs. non-weeded plots; on the contrary, we found consistently positive correlations between the abundance of the seeded species and the volunteer native and alien species. Thus it may be possible to restore Hawaii's degraded dry forests by manipulating these naturally recruiting species to create microsites favorable for the eventual re-establishment of the endangered native canopy tree flora.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of developing countries is increasingly threatened by introductions of invasive alien species. This study on the allodiversity in Lake Naivasha, Kenya reviews the pathways, establishment rates and outcomes of introduced species, and provides the basis for determining conservation actions that, if implemented, could prevent potentially harmful effects of similar events in other East African lakes. Introductions into Naivasha commenced in the 1920s with the release of a sport fish and have since produced an allodiversity of 23 species. This includes species that are no longer present (e.g., some tilapia species), presumed no longer present (e.g., the Nile perch Lates niloticus) or whose distribution is highly localised and ecologically neutral (e.g., the coypu Myocastor coypus). It also includes species that established successfully and invoked major changes in lake ecology (e.g., the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii) and a species that is producing apparent economic benefits to the local population (i.e., the common carp Cyprinus carpio). The most frequent donor continents were the Americas and most species were the result of secondary introductions. The main introduction vector was active release that aimed to enhance fishery production. Alien species now dominate each main level of the lake’s food web and produce impacts that are rarely restricted to a single ecosystem service. With a few exceptions, the majority of introductions translate into socioeconomic costs that contribute to rising social conflicts and exacerbating poverty. Development of appropriate conservation management tools within a regulatory framework could help protect Naivasha from further damage and could be used elsewhere in East African lakes to ensure that subsequent introductions enhance ecosystem services without affecting biodiversity.  相似文献   

Introduced commensal rats (Rattus spp.) are a major contributor to the extinction and endangerment of island plants and animals. The use of the toxin brodifacoum to completely eradicate rats from islands is a powerful conservation tool. However, brodifacoum is toxic to animals other than rats and on some islands its use may not be feasible without prohibitively expensive mitigation. As part of a regional conservation program, we experimentally tested brodifacoum and two less toxic rodenticides, diphacinone and cholecalciferol, in eradicating Rattus rattus from three small islands in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. All three rodenticides were successful in eradicating rats, suggesting that the less toxic diphacinone and cholecalciferol may be useful alternatives to brodifacoum for some island eradication programs. However, the choice of rodenticide must be balanced between efficacy and the risks to non-target species. Applied field research is needed on less toxic rodenticides, as well as improving palatability of baits. This may prove invaluable in preventing extinctions and in restoring larger and more diverse island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Invasive crayfish are a major threat to stream ecosystems, yet research has seldom identified successful ways of preventing their spread. Thirty-two stream sections were surveyed during 2000 and 2001 in the Santa Monica Mountains of southern California to determine the distribution of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Streams with large barriers (waterfalls, culverts) often did not have crayfish present upstream of barriers. A mark-recapture study indicated that P. clarkii moved both up and downstream between pools, but that barriers significantly reduced movement between pools. Seasonal high flow velocities likely increase passive movement downstream and reduce movement upstream. Results indicate that crayfish mainly spread downstream from a point of colonization and are restricted in their movement to adjacent upstream sections by both natural and artificial barriers. We suggest management strategies for removing invasive crayfish and reducing their spread by focusing on smaller stream segments that are bounded by a downstream barrier and by timing removal efforts to follow large flow events.  相似文献   

Disturbances favour plant invasions because they provide a pulse of resources for seedling establishment and growth. However, little attention has been paid to the importance of the different disturbance regimes in the extent of invasion. In this paper we asked to what extent invasion depends on spatial and temporal patterns of disturbance. By using the spatially explicit model Fateland, we simulated how Cortaderia selloana, a large-wind dispersed perennial grass invading Mediterranean grasslands, responds to different medium-term (up to 55 years) disturbance regimes. The different scenarios combine disturbance frequency, extent of disturbance and temporal and spatial disturbance variability, and they roughly mimic real situations of habitat management and disturbances in cultural landscapes.The model predicted that the proportion of invaded area would increase with disturbance frequency. The extent of the disturbance overcame the importance of frequency. Aggregated disturbances randomly distributed in space had a more positive effect on invasion than scattered disturbances at repeatedly fixed locations. Whether the disturbances regularly occurred in time or were irregularly distributed did not influence the percentage of invaded landscape. Our simulation analysis unambiguously supports the hypothesis that disturbances are essential for the persistence and expansion of Cortaderia sellona. The high amount of seed rain from a few individuals (e.g., gardens) make this species very sensitive to landscape changes produced by different disturbance patterns (e.g., land abandonment, habitat management or rubbish dumping). Our results can contribute to redirect land management options.  相似文献   

Invasive alien trees and shrubs pose significant threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services in South African fynbos ecosystems. An ambitious initiative, the Working for Water program, commenced in 1995 to reduce the extent and impact of plant invasions. Despite substantial progress, the problem remains immense, and innovative ways of improving the efficiency of control operations are urgently needed. This study sought to develop a robust conceptual framework for effective management of the most important invasive alien plant (IAP) species. Two methods were applied in exploring the complexity of problems, thereby identifying appropriate response strategies. The DPSIR (Driving forces-Pressure-State-Impacts-Responses) framework and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) tool were used to design a strategy for prioritizing management actions. This strategy considers explicitly the most influential factors that determine the distribution, abundance, spread and impacts of IAPs. Efficient management of IAPs is constrained by multiple interacting environmental and socio-economic factors. Factors related to the fire-prone nature of the ecosystem and the characteristics of the invasive stands emerged as pivotal features for setting spatially-explicit priorities for management. Results of the analyses provide an objective and quantifiable perspective for improving the management efficiency. We conclude that considerable progress in controlling the spread of IAPs in fynbos ecosystems could be achieved by better coordination of management practices and by improving the quality of species distribution data.  相似文献   

As a result of Elymus athericus (Poaceae) invasion in the last 10 years, a major change in vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay (France). Such invasions are known to modify biodiversity and consequently ecosystem proprieties and functions as well as the conservation value of invaded areas. In this study, we especially focus (1) on the impact of the invasive species on the conservation value of the invaded ecosystems and (2) on the impact of mowing in the invaded parts of salt marshes. Among the various biological models, spiders were selected for the present study because they are an abundant, diversified, taxonomic group of generalist predators. Furthermore, data are available on this group since 1984, allowing a comparison of species distribution ranges in salt marshes before and after the E. athericus invasion. This diachronic approach showed that the invasion of salt marshes promoted the progression of non-coastal species, web-building spiders and cursorial spiders, but did not interfere with resident species distributions, finally resulting in higher spider densities and species richness in the entire area.The species composition, functional groups, abundances and densities of spider assemblages were also compared using complementary sampling techniques (i.e., pitfall traps, collecting by hand and quadrat technique) between natural and invaded stations in 2002 for synchronic approach. One main result is that some halophilic species decreased in abundances and densities in invaded plots, which is thought to alter the marine character of salt marsh arthropod assemblages. Lastly, mowing, by reducing non-coastal species and enhancing halophilic ones, tends to reduce the negative effects of Elymus on salt marsh conservation value. The relation between the treatments tested (invasive species and mowing) and the spider assemblages by changes in environmental variables confirms the high value of this group as bioindicators.  相似文献   

Understanding how organisms respond to human impacts is increasingly challenging biologists. Short-lived organisms can adapt rapidly to changes in environmental hazards, but only recently have long-lived organisms been shown to adapt to human impacts. Changes in any life-history trait, such as individual growth rates, may affect demographic model predictions and reliability of elasticity analyses that are often used to help manage and conserve long-lived organisms. The aim of this study was to test model predictions of the effect of increased recruitment and density-dependent processes to manage populations of long-lived turtles in two continents. We explored how human-induced changes in juvenile density affect population growth estimates and the strength of selection on stage-based life-history traits. Model projections undervalued the potential effect of an increase in nest survival. Sensitivity calculations indicated greatest selection intensities for juvenile growth or maturation, whereas elasticity analyses indicated that changes in adult survival have the largest proportional effect on population fitness. Long-term use of the locality of our North American population as a recreational site may have increased adult mortality of turtles and reduced the number of nest predators, inducing rapid individual growth and early maturation. The traditional static view of turtle life history and demography thus is inappropriate even over relatively short periods of time. Anthropogenically-induced changes in demographic processes can potentially induce adaptive changes to life-history processes, which can seriously impact the reliability of long-term projections from common demographic models. Management practices must account for this dynamism accordingly.  相似文献   

The Asian musk shrew Suncus murinus is an invasive predator that has had a considerable impact on biodiversity. An eradication was attempted from Ile aux Aigrettes, a 25-ha island reserve off the coast of Mauritius as part of a wider restoration program. A total of 759 shrews were removed using up to 1112 live-traps, in six trapping sweeps of the island. After the first four sweeps, in which 705 shrews were caught, complete eradication appeared to have been achieved, with only four shrews caught in the next three months. However, thereafter shrew captures increased and after six months shrews were again being captured in large numbers. We examine three hypotheses for the failure of the eradication program: (i) low efficiency of all traps (‘low efficiency’ hypothesis); (ii) low trap efficiency in certain locations (‘refuge’ hypothesis); and (iii) presence of trap-shy individuals (‘trap-shy’ hypothesis). We constructed an individual-based simulation of the first four trapping sweeps to predict expected patterns of shrew capture for different shrew densities and capture probabilities and in the presence of trapping ‘refugia’. The observed patterns of capture were not consistent with the expected patterns of capture under the ‘low efficiency’ and ‘refuge’ hypotheses, but were intuitively consistent with the ‘trap-shy’ hypothesis. We use the results from this study to help plan future eradication programs for S. murinus.  相似文献   

Biological control using host-specific natural enemies is sometimes the only long-term and cost-effective option to contain dominant invasive alien species in natural ecosystems. To assess biocontrol success, most monitoring studies focus on the negative impacts of the released biocontrol agents on the target invasive species. Very few studies have shown the conservation benefits, i.e. their positive effects on the recovery of native species and habitats. A fungal pathogen (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. miconiae) was successfully released on the island of Tahiti (South Pacific) to control the dominant invasive tree Miconia calvescens which forms dense monospecific stands in native rain- and cloud forests. The pathogen causes a leaf disease leading to partial (5–35%) defoliation of Miconia canopy trees. We studied the demographical parameters of the rare endemic sub-shrub Ophiorrhiza subumbellata, growing in the understory of montane cloud forests invaded by Miconia. We compared Ophiorrhiza populations in 13 plots set up in two sites located between 950 and 1000 m elevation, having the same Miconia invasion degree but different levels of leaf damage. Our results showed that, whereas the total population density of Ophiorrhiza is not affected, plants’ growth and fertility were significantly higher in more defoliated Miconia forests. A 3-year-long survey of Ophiorrhiza population at one study site indicated that the number of seedlings and juvenile plants increased, suggesting better recruitment and survival. This study demonstrates that biological control has contributed to the recovery of an endemic plant directly threatened by an invasive species, and may be considered as an important management tool for the partial restoration of native forests.  相似文献   

Both disturbance history and previous land use influence present-day vegetation and soils. These influences can have important implications for conservation of plant communities if former disturbance and land use change species abundances, increase colonization of nonnative plant species or if they alter soil characteristics in ways that make them less suitable for species of conservation interest. We compared the plant species composition, the proportion of native and nonnative plant species, and soil biogeochemical characteristics across seven dominant land use and vegetation cover types on the outwash sandplain of Martha’s Vineyard that differed in previous soil tillage, dominant overstory vegetation and history of recent prescribed fire. The outwash sandplain supports many native plant species adapted to dry, low nutrient conditions and maintenance of native species is a management concern. There was broad overlap in the plant species composition among pine (Pinus resinosa, P. strobus) plantations on untilled soils, pine plantations on formerly tilled soils, scrub oak (Quercus ilicifolia) shrublands, tree oak (Q. velutina, Q. alba) woodlands, burned tree oak woodlands, and sandplain grasslands. All of these land cover categories contained few nonnative species. In contrast, agricultural grasslands had high richness and cover of nonnative plants. Soil characteristics were also similar among all of the woodland, shrubland and grassland land cover categories, but soils in agricultural grasslands had higher pH, extractable Ca2+ and Mg2+ in mineral soils and higher rates of net nitrification. The similarity of soils and significant overlap in vegetation across pine plantations, scrub oak shrublands, oak woodlands and sandplain grasslands suggests that the history of land use, current vegetation and soil characteristics do not pose a major barrier to management strategies that would involve conversion among any of these vegetation types. The current presence of high cover of nonnative species and nutrient-enriched soils in agricultural grasslands, however, may pose a barrier to expansion of sandplain grasslands or shrublands on these former agricultural lands if native species are not able to outcompete nonnative species in these anthropogenically-enriched sites.  相似文献   

Successful eradications of harmful invasive species have been mostly confined to islands while control programs in mainland areas remain small, uncoordinated and vulnerable to recolonisation. To allow the recovery of threatened native species, innovative management strategies are required to remove invasives from large areas. We took an adaptive approach to achieve large scale eradication of invasive American mink in North East Scotland. The project was centred on the Cairngorms National Park (Scotland), with the primary aim of protecting endangered water vole populations. The project was initiated by scientists and supported and implemented through a partnership comprising a government agency, national park authority and local fisheries boards. Capitalising on the convergent interests of a diverse range of local stakeholders, we created a coordinated coalition of trained volunteers to detect and trap mink. Starting in montane headwaters, we systematically moved down river catchments, deploying mink rafts, an effective detection and trapping platform. Volunteers took increasing responsibility for raft monitoring and mink trapping as the project progressed. Within 3 years, the project removed 376 mink from 10570 km2 with the involvement of 186 volunteers. Capture rate within sub-catchments increased with greater connectivity to mink in other sub-catchments and with proximity to the coast where there is more productive habitat. The main factor underpinning the success of this project was functional volunteer participation. The project is a reason for optimism that the tide of invasion can be rolled back on a large scale where the convergent interest of local communities can be harnessed.  相似文献   

The highly diverse and endemic Pacific island biota is disappearing and being replaced by a relatively small number of widespread alien species. The land snail fauna of Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) contains at least 72 species (58 native, 10 alien, four cryptogenic—of unknown origin). In 1992-1994 we surveyed the fauna in order to evaluate its status and, by comparison with previous surveys, to detect any trends. Twelve species have declined (eight native, two cryptogenic); 17 (15 native, two cryptogenic) show a “probable decline” or “possible decline”; five (four alien, one native) have increased or possibly increased. Some species showed no clear trend; others could not be evaluated, but some of them may be extinct. The fauna faces threats similar to those faced elsewhere, primarily habitat destruction and alien species impacts. Most notable is the introduction of a predatory flatworm, Platydemus manokwari, in attempts to control the giant African snail, Achatina fulica, which became established in Samoa in the 1990s. The flatworm may or may not be able to control A. fulica but poses a serious threat to the native snail fauna. Further introduction and distribution of alien predators should be strongly discouraged.  相似文献   

Research on biological invasions has traditionally focused on the ecological component of invasive alien species, either without considering or by considering in a restricted way, the knowledge of the social component. An understanding of the human dimension of invasions is critical to effectively tackle the problems associated with invasive alien species. We distributed questionnaires to evaluate the social perceptions and attitudes of different stakeholder groups affected by invasive alien species in the Doñana social-ecological system (SW Spain). Our analysis served to characterize respondents based on their knowledge and perceptions of the impacts of invasive alien species, and the attitudes toward their introduction and eradication. Hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses identified five categories of respondents, and potential support of eradication programs was assessed using a contingent valuation approach. The five stakeholder groups differed in their degree of knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, and willingness to pay for eradication. The fact that different stakeholders have remarkably different perceptions about the impacts and benefits caused by invasive alien species, and different attitudes toward their introduction or eradication should be considered in any decision-making process regarding their management, particularly when developing appropriate educational and informative programs. Consultation with different stakeholders should also be encouraged from the onset of any decision-making process. In this way, trade-offs involved in IAS management are directly addressed and successful implementation of management practices is facilitated.  相似文献   

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