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Trade may be an important factor driving over-exploitation of endangered species. Often, however, there are fundamental gaps in our knowledge of such trade: how are market chains structured and how do they operate? What drives demand? This paper investigates trade in Abies guatemalensis Rehder, a conifer species on CITES Appendix 1 and listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The aim is to contribute to the development of an effective conservation policy in Guatemala. Data were collected from December 2004 to August 2007 through a nation-wide survey using standardised open-ended interviews with plantation owners (n = 26), retailers (n = 67) and urban consumers (n = 993). Triangulations of estimated traded amounts and prices, combined with an assessment of own-reported values, indicate that the findings were reliable. Illegally wild harvested branches move from collectors to regional and local wholesalers and finally to urban based retailers who assemble the branches on a pole (hereafter semi-natural trees). This is in parallel to legal trade in certified trees from plantations. The number of traded illegal semi-natural A. guatemalensis and plastic Christmas trees increased dramatically during 2002-2005; demand for other types of Christmas trees remained at low levels. In the same period, prices significantly increased for semi-natural A. guatemalensis trees but remained constant or fell for other Christmas trees. This is explained by rising per capita incomes, a strong cultural preference for the uniquely scented A. guatemalensis, significantly higher price of certified legal plantation trees and ineffective implementation of existent legislation. The importance of increasing legal supplies, e.g. through decreasing plantation production costs and involving local communities in managing in-situ resources, is emphasised.  相似文献   

Many chameleon species are thought to be restricted to primary rainforest where they are threatened by the continued fragmentation and degradation of natural vegetation. We surveyed chameleon abundance in forest subject to high disturbance, low disturbance and in a riparian zone in Madagascar. Four Calumma species and Brookesia thieli were present in all habitats, but B. minima was not recorded from the high-disturbance forest. Chameleons were more abundant in rainforest subject to low-disturbance (e.g. selective timber extraction) than in patches of high-disturbance forest that was recovering from burning. Riparian zones within low-disturbance forest provided linear patches of high chameleon abundance and are therefore an important conservation resource because they also protect a range of other endemic and threatened species. Carefully designed management plans are needed to conserve biodiversity and allow the sustainable use of forest products by people in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Excessive hunting pressure, due in large part to commercialization, has reduced the populations of many tropical large mammal species. Wildlife over-exploitation is severe in Indonesia, especially on Sulawesi, where human resources and funding are inadequate to monitor the wildlife trade and enforce existing protection laws. In response, the Wildlife Crimes Unit program was established in December 2001 to: (i) monitor wildlife transportation into North Sulawesi and market sales; (ii) provide legal and technical support to law enforcement agencies; and (iii) promote public awareness of wildlife and protection laws. Over a two-year period, 6963 wild mammals en route to markets were encountered (∼8 individuals h−1) and 96,586 wild mammals were documented during market surveys. The trade of some protected mammals declined significantly over this period, but overall trade in wild mammals increased by 30%. High volume of trade in non-protected animals such as the Sulawesi pig Sus celebensis and large flying foxes (Pteropodidae), raise concerns about the sustainability of current harvesting. To combat this problem, we recommend that: (1) efforts are continued to reduce trade in protected species; (2) protected status is extended to heavily traded but non-protected taxa, such as flying foxes; (3) the effects of hunting on rat and bat populations, as well as its impact on forest dynamics, are quantified; and (4) work is carried out with local communities to strengthen awareness, set sustainable limits on wild mammal harvesting, and establish practical mechanisms for enforcing these limits.  相似文献   

Over 30,000 species of animals and plants that are, or may be, detrimentally affected by international trade are listed on the Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). The Convention aims to regulate transboundary trade in species and their derivatives through a system of permits and certificates, and to ensure that such trade conforms to the principle of sustainability. In the developing world, a considerable component of its biodiversity lives outside protected areas where governments have limited potential to manage wildlife. Based on selected vertebrate and plant species, this paper concludes that: (1) use of wildlife in developing countries is more likely to be an imperative rather than a choice; (2) the legal instruments of CITES have limited capacities to ensure that international trade is sustainable; (3) sustainable use of species is best achieved by gaining the support of affected local communities; (4) community support can be maximized by the devolution of ownership or user rights of species from the state to, e.g., the communal level, and the development of effective economic incentive structures to prevent alternative land-use strategies; (5) countries in southern Africa have pioneered devolution of ownership/user rights to the district/communal level; (6) in combination with effective CITES trade controls, trade opportunities, rather than trade restrictions, are most likely to assist in the development of incentive-driven conservation strategies; (7) to avoid negative incentives and to increase awareness of livelihoods, the international CITES community may need to consider whether CITES Appendices I and II listing decisions should be based not only on biological/trade criteria but also on socio-economic considerations, if it is in the conservation interest of the species concerned; (8) a strategic cooperation with the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) could improve strategies for sustainable trade; (9) while incentive-driven conservation can provide significant longer-term potential for the protection of animal and plant species, it may be most difficult to achieve for species whose high-value products have a long tradition in medicinal use and (10) the conditions under which incentive-driven conservation is most likely to promote sustainable use need to be clearly identified.  相似文献   

Amphibians are globally threatened by anthropogenic habitat loss, the wildlife trade and emerging diseases. Previous authors have hypothesized that the spread of the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) and amphibian ranaviruses are associated with the international trade in live amphibians. The North American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) is thought to be a carrier of these pathogens, is globally traded as a live commodity, and is sold live in US markets. We obtained importation data for all live amphibians, and parts thereof, into three major US ports of entry (Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York) from 2000 to 2005. Importation of live amphibians into these ports totaled almost 28 million individuals over this 6-year period. We collected samples from freshly-imported market frogs and found infection with both pathogens in all three cities and all seasons, with an overall infection prevalence of 62% (306/493) and 8.5% (50/588) for B. dendrobatidis and ranaviruses, respectively, by PCR. This study definitively identifies these two important pathogens in recently imported live market frogs and suggests that the amphibian trade can contribute to introductions of these pathogens into new regions. It provides support for the recent listing of B. dendrobatidis and ranaviral diseases by the OIE, and provides evidence for measures to be taken to eradicate these pathogens from the trade.  相似文献   

Traffic of plants and animals of wild origin is a major threat to biological diversity creating a need for legal protection of traded species. Epiphytic vascular plants are a diverse guild which provides the horticultural market with many species. Many epiphytes are under protection intended to stop illegal trade at international and local levels. To measure the richness and volume of the epiphytes that are traded illegally on a local level, we monitored an illegal sale point in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico for 85 weeks. We recorded 27 traders, 207 species and 7598 plants. Nineteen species were known for Mexico but not native to Veracruz; two others had been collected in Veracruz but had never been reported before for Mexico. About 25% of epiphyte richness in Veracruz and 47% of the State’s epiphytic orchids are traded illegally. Most of the species traded could have been harvested in lower montane cloud forest (105 species), however all vegetation types of central Veracruz are potential epiphyte sources. Twenty-seven species protected by Mexican law were traded, along with 41 species endemic to Mexico and six endemic to Veracruz. We concluded that on a local level, the richness and volume of epiphytes illegally traded are high; in fact, the volume of orchids traded equals the annual average volume of legal Mexican orchid exports. Illegal epiphyte trade occurs worldwide, making necessary crucial increases of protective measures and the development of sustainable ways of harvesting epiphytes.  相似文献   

Exploitation of wildlife for meat in the tropics (‘bushmeat’) is a critical threat for biodiversity, particularly in Africa. Here, we investigate the importance of protected areas (National Parks and other forest parks) as sources for the trade by exploring patterns in pricing and condition of bushmeat carcasses. We surveyed carcass prices in a large sample of trading points (87 markets surveyed, over a 35,000 km2 area) in Cameroon and Nigeria in the Cross–Sanaga region of West Africa. We assessed evidence for national parks as the source of animals traded as bushmeat. The study area included rural and urban centers (Calabar, Nigeria, and Douala, Cameroon) close to important protected areas: the Cross River National Park in Nigeria, and Korup National Park in Cameroon. Both parks host very high species diversity, including a range of endemics. Prices increased with distance from national park boundaries, particularly in Cameroon, where parks may be less depleted than in Nigeria. There was evidence that trading points closer to parks were more likely to function as wholesalers, with meat moving onto further trading points, rather than being sold to the end consumer. Carcasses were more often smoked (a treatment aimed at preservation) if they were not sold to their final consumers; smoking was also commoner at larger trading points. Prices were higher close to the road network, where opportunities for further trade were more available. We consider how wildlife harvests in and around protected areas may be managed to minimize depletion of animal populations, and if protected areas may, on the principle of marine no-take zones, be sustainable sources for regulated harvests.  相似文献   

Commercial trade is a major driver of over-exploitation of wild species, but the pattern of demand and how it responds to changes in supply is poorly understood. Here we explore the markets for snakes from Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia to evaluate future exploitation scenarios, identify entry points for conservation and, more generally, to illustrate the value of multi-scale analysis of markets to traded wildlife conservation. In Cambodia, the largest driver of snake exploitation is the domestic trade in snakes as crocodile food. We estimate that farmed crocodiles consume between 2.7 and 12.2 million snakes per year. The market price for crocodiles has been in decline since 2003, which, combined with rising prices for their food, has led to a reduced frequency of feeding and closure of small farms. The large farms that generate a disproportionate amount of the demand for snakes continue to operate in anticipation of future market opportunities, and preferences for snakes could help maintain demand if market prices for crocodiles rise to pre 2003 levels. In the absence of a sustained demand from crocodile farms, it is also possible that alternative markets will develop, such as one for human snack food. The demand for snakes, however, also depends on the availability of substitute resources, principally fish. The substitutability and low price elasticity of demand offers a relatively sustainable form of consumerism. Given the nature of these market drivers, addressing consumer preferences and limiting the protection of snakes to their breeding season are likely to be the most effective tools for conservation. This study highlights the importance of understanding the structure of markets and the behaviour of consumer demand prior to implementing regulations on wildlife hunting and trade.  相似文献   

Wildlife breeding farms have been promoted to aid biodiversity conservation by alleviating the pressure of harvest on wild populations. There is, however, growing concern that many breeding farms are being used to launder illegally caught wildlife. Surveys of wildlife traders in the Indonesian provinces of Maluku, West Papua and Papua were conducted between August 2009 and April 2011 to assess the trade of the green python (Morelia viridis), the species currently exported in the largest numbers from Indonesia declared as captive-bred. In total, 4227 illegally collected wild green pythons were recorded during surveys and high levels of harvest were found to have depleted and skewed the demographics of some island populations. Snakes were traced from their point of capture to breeding farms in Jakarta where they are to be exported for the pet trade, confirming the reports of wildlife laundering. Extrapolation of monthly collection estimates provided by traders revealed that at least 5337 green pythons are collected each year, suggesting that at least 80% of the green pythons exported from Indonesia annually are illegally wild-caught. The results of examination of 139 eggshells from five python species suggest that reptilian eggshells may be used as proof of provenance for each individual reptile exported. This method, in addition to the evidence that breeding farms play a significant role in the illegal exploitation of wildlife, allows conservation managers to begin to adequately monitor, regulate and determine the role of breeding farms in the conservation of wild populations.  相似文献   

The endemic Seram cockatoo, Cacatua moluccensis, was placed on Appendix I of CITES in response to declining trade statistics but in the absence of population data. We conducted population surveys and collected data on habitat structure at seven sites on Seram in 1998. Cockatoo densities ranged from 0.93 to 17.25 birds/km2 and averaged 7.9 birds/km2 across sites. We classified habitat into three types but found that cockatoo densities did not correspond closely to habitat differences across sites. Cockatoo abundance was significantly associated with presence of potential nest trees and strangling figs. Analysis of forest cover and landuse indicates that while most of the island is still covered in lowland forest, only 14% of these forests are protected and almost half the island is classified as logging concession. Conservation recommendations include better information and enforcement of laws protecting Seram cockatoos and resolution of boundary conflicts between parks and logging concessions.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) arrived in Zimbabwe ca. 1000 years ago. Numbers of free-ranging dogs have reached unprecedented levels in communal lands (agro-pastoralist rural areas), and interact with large wild carnivores along boundaries with wildlife reserves as predators and prey. This study examined a population of 236 dogs in a 33-km2 section of Gokwe Communal Land (GCL) bordering the Sengwa Wildlife Research Area (SWRA) in north-western Zimbabwe in 1995-1996. Dogs were found up to 6 km within the SWRA, and were the most common carnivore on the GCL-SWRA boundary. Observations of 16 radio-collared dogs showed that they were inefficient predators. Only 20 kills were recorded amongst the remaining dog population, of which three were wild ungulates. Dogs were unsuccessful predators due to their small group size (mean 1.7) and body mass (mean 14.7 kg), and the abundance of alternative food. It is therefore unlikely that they compete with large carnivores for wild prey. However, leopards (Panthera pardus), lions (P. leo) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) preyed on dogs in GCL, removing ?6% of the dog population in 1993. Such predation provides ideal circumstances for disease transmission. Canid disease was prevalent in the study area; including rabies and probably distemper. The risk of infection is greatest during the dry season (May-October), when peaks in rates of disease, carnivore incursions into GCL, and predation on dogs coincided. The role of jackals (Canis adustus and Canis mesomelas) and spotted hyaena predation of dogs is discussed in relation to disease epidemics within wildlife reserves. With a dog population growth rate of 6.5% per annum, and the prevalence of canid diseases, the conservation threat posed by dogs is escalating on communal land-wildlife reserve boundaries in Zimbabwe. Measures to control dog numbers and improve vaccination coverage of dogs are discussed.  相似文献   

Illegal wildlife trade is a widespread activity with direct impacts on biodiversity and street markets are frequently pointed out as hotspots in the wildlife trade route. However, due to its illegal character, it is difficult to accurately estimate how many individuals and how much money are handled by traders. Precise data on the number of individuals and species involved, and the drivers behind the illegal wildlife trade are essential for fighting it. We use the example of the metropolitan area of Recife, in northeastern Brazil, a well-known route of illegal wildlife in the country, to access the extent and impact street markets may have on biodiversity. We present quantitative and qualitative information on the illegal trade of wild birds in eight street markets in the area, indicating which species are preferred and why, estimating the number of animals and the volume of money involved, and quantifying the impact that the removal of those animals may have. We observed a high and diversified species offer, biased towards adult male songbirds, with birds of 15 families and 55 species on sale. Birds are kept in poor conditions and some individuals are sold for as little as US$ 1.00. However, we projected that up to 50,000 wild birds may be sold annually in the markets surveyed, including possibly 16,800 individuals of Sporophila nigricollis (the yellow-bellied seedeater), the most frequently observed species. The activity is profitable and may deal with significant amounts of money (up to nearly US$ 630,000.00/year). The numbers involved indicate that street markets are significant wildlife sinks, with a large and frequently ignored impact that must be taken into account in the control and conservation of the biodiversity, not just in Brazil but elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) came into effect in 1975 to protect certain species of wild fauna and flora against over-exploitation through international trade. Determining which trade is detrimental to the survival of species in the wild can be a major difficulty in the implementation of CITES by national authorities, partly due to limited knowledge and understanding of the species’ biology, management, and the impacts of harvesting. Some of this knowledge could be acquired through targeted scientific research. However, to date there exists no general overview of the current use of biological information in determining detriment in CITES to help scientists identify research priorities. For an international meeting in 2008, over 100 scientists and regulators compiled 60 case studies covering a wide range of CITES-listed taxa, outlining how information on the biology, harvesting and management might be used to determine whether international trade is detrimental. We used these case studies, workshop conclusions, and other published literature, to identify 10 potential research directions for the scientific community which, if addressed, could greatly assist in the making of Non-Detriment Findings. We hope that this will encourage more scientists to study CITES-listed species, and foster more collaboration between research scientists, CITES national authorities, CITES technical committees and local communities. The case studies highlight a general need for advice on how to identify and manage levels of risk involved when assessing possible detriment, and for advice on assessing detriment under complex harvesting scenarios such as when multiple species, or parts of individuals, are harvested. Broadly, they highlight an opportunity for scientists to further develop a body of scientific studies that propose, refine and adapt methods for assessing detrimental trade in CITES-listed taxa. Comparisons within life-form groups indicated the potential for the identification of practical advice that could apply to groups of taxa. The case studies highlighted a widespread need for more information gathering studies of CITES-listed taxa such as the broader impacts of harvesting on populations and ecosystems, and the potential long-term evolutionary impacts. The case studies also highlighted the need for practical advice on how to implement adaptive management programmes and for research into enterprises based on the harvesting of CITES-listed species from the wild.  相似文献   

Himalayan medicinal plants are threatened by large scale exploitation for trade. Research applicable to their sustainable use is largely lacking. We analyze the effects of different harvesting patterns on the population ecology of two highly threatened Himalayan medicinal plants, Nardostachys grandiflora (Valerianaceae) and Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Scrophulariaceae), in Shey-Phoksundo National Park and in its buffer zone in northwestern Nepal. We first documented local harvesting approaches of two major user groups, amchi (traditional doctors trained in Tibetan medicine), who harvest plants in a selective manner for local health care purposes, and commercial collectors, who harvest unselectively and at much higher intensity for trade. We then applied the selective harvesting approach of amchi in an experiment to test the effects of different harvesting levels on the population ecology of these two species. These experiments revealed a positive effect of low harvesting levels on plant density, but recruitment and survival rates decreased with increasing harvesting levels. We also analyzed the effect of high harvesting pressure for trade on the population ecology of N. grandiflora. Recruitment and survival rates were higher in N. scrophulariiflora than in N. grandiflora; the latter species is more vulnerable to harvesting than the former. The difference between them in sustainability of harvest is related to differences in their strategies of vegetative reproduction and in harvesting practices associated with these strategies. Management of Himalayan medicinal plants can be improved by taking harvesting patterns, plant life forms and growth patterns into consideration.  相似文献   

Populations of large wild mammals exist in one national park and several reserves and protected forest areas in Mali. In addition some wildlife survivers in areas, in the south where onchocerciasis and trypanosomiasis, and in the north lack of available water, prevent human settlement.The ares of present-day Mali has been populated by a succession of relatively advanced African states during the past 1500 years, who have influenced the vegetation and wildlife.An account of the present status of large mammals is given, based on survey carried out in 1972–1974. Of particular interest are a population of giant eland (Taurotragus derbianus) in the Mandigue mountains populationsof giraffe (Giraffa cameloprdalis) in the Baoulé National Park and northern sahel, and populations of addax (Addax nasomaculatus) and oryx (Oryx dammah) in the desert.The development of the livestock industry in the north threatens wildlife in all but the driest areas. In the south there are plans to eradicate the insect vectors of onchocerciasis and trypanosomiasis; the human settlement of the land which would thus be made availablefor agriculture poses as a severe threat to wildlife in these areas.  相似文献   

Seahorses have the potential to be flagship species for estuarine conservation around the world and considerable concern has arisen over their declining abundance in the face of exploitation. All seahorses were recently listed on CITES Appendix II in recognition of threats posed by unsustainable trade. However, the efficacy of this measure and the development of other effective conservation solutions will require an understanding of natural seahorse population dynamics at relevant ecological scales. In this study, we provide quantitative data on seahorse populations over nested spatial and temporal scales up to 10 km and 3.5 years. Unexploited populations of the big-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis) in the Derwent estuary, Tasmania, Australia consisted largely of mature adults with highly female-biased sex ratios at all sites. While big-bellied seahorses had an aggregated distribution at the spatial scale of our transects (200 m2), most individuals were found alone. When they occurred in groups, the distribution of individuals was random with respect to sex in contrast to the pair bonds found in other seahorse species. All three monitored populations showed significant declines in abundance of 79-98% over the period 2001-2004. Estuarine physicochemical conditions did not change markedly during this period. Possible causes of seahorse declines are interactions with invasive species, disease or reproductive limitation through Allee effects. The magnitude of the declines in the absence of direct exploitation demonstrates that seahorses face multiple threats. Robust fisheries-independent monitoring will be required to demonstrate that conservation actions such as CITES listing are effective.  相似文献   

Human–wildlife conflicts like wildlife–vehicle collisions pose major challenges for the management and conservation of mobile wildlife in human-dominated landscapes, particularly when large species are involved. Mitigation measures to reduce risk of collisions may be based on information given by wildlife movement and collision data. To test whether movement and collision data indicate different spatiotemporal risk zones, we predicted year-around probabilities of road-crossings of GPS-marked female moose (Alces alces) (n = 102), and compared them with spatiotemporal patterns of police recorded moose-vehicle collisions (n = 1158). Probability of moose road-crossings peaked in May, June, and between mid November and the beginning of January, i.e. during moose migration. Moose-vehicle collisions were more likely during autumn and winter. Comparing environmental attributes of crossing and collision sites showed significant differences. The likelihood of collisions increased with the abundance of human-modified areas and higher allowed speed, and was lower on forest roads. We found that animal movement data alone are insufficient to predict collision risk zones, while analyses of collision data alone overestimate the collision risk in certain habitats. Our findings suggest that higher collision risk is largely due to low light and poor road surface conditions rather than to more animal road-crossings. This suggests that efforts to reduce wildlife collisions should focus on driver attitudes and road conditions rather than animal movement, and any efforts to model the collision risk will require actual collision data, and not just movement data.  相似文献   

棉花是中亚重要的出口农产品之一,在水资源日趋严峻形势下,评价棉花生产需水和虚拟水贸易对区域水资源管理具有重要意义。本研究基于中亚175个站点长期气象数据,利用ArcGIS空间插值和作物系数法,结合棉花空间分布情况,首先估算了中亚五国的棉花需水量和单产需水量;基于单产需水量和国际粮农组织(FAO)的棉花产量和贸易数据,分析了1992年以来棉花的生产需水量、虚拟水贸易变化趋势及影响因素;最后评价了虚拟水贸易对中亚水资源的影响。研究结果表明:1)中亚棉花需水量为761.0~1033.9mm,单产需水量为2834.4~5732.1 m~3·t~(-1),其中产棉大国乌兹别克斯坦为4263.8 m~3·t~(-1)。2)1992—2017年,中亚地区棉花收获面积减少和产量偏低,导致总产量下降,生产需水量从初期的不足300亿m~3下降到目前的不足200亿m~3;棉花消费量增加导致出口量降低,净出口虚拟水量从初期的200亿m~3左右下降到目前50亿m~3;年均棉花生产需水量、净出口虚拟水量和净出口占生产需水量的比值分别为237.2亿m~3、147.4亿m~3和62.1%。3) 1992—2017年,乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦通过棉花出口分别输出其可更新水资源总量的18.4%和12.7%,加剧了咸海流域水资源短缺。因此减少农田输水损失,提高棉花水分利用效率,是提升中亚棉花总产、减少棉花生产耗水、提升棉花出口贸易、减少虚拟水外输的有效措施。  相似文献   

There is a large annual international trade in the rhizomes of the alpine Himalayan perennials Nardostachys grandiflora DC. and Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennell) Hong, both species in a monotypic genus. This paper estimates the range of the annual trade levels and discusses the conservation implications. Data was collected through a nation-wide survey in Nepal using standardised open-ended interviews with 223 harvesters, 149 local traders, 90 central wholesalers, 53 regional wholesalers, and 16 processing industries. Data collection allowed cross-checking of findings by comparing an annual supply estimate and an annual consumption estimate. Regarding methodology, it is concluded that using agents’ own-reported values results in reliable volume and value estimates; however, validity should be treated with caution, as there is evidence of systematic bias in price reporting and underestimation of quantities. Trade data is thus evaluated to constitute conservative estimates, with local trader derived data being more valid than wholesaler derived data. Annual trade levels from Nepal are estimated at 100-500 tonnes of N. grandiflora rhizomes and 175-770 tonnes of N. scrophulariiflora rhizomes. In the case year of 1997/1998, the respective global amounts were estimated at 350-400 and 650-1000 tonnes (of which a maximum of 50-300 tonnes are from Picrorhiza kurrooa whose rhizomes are mixed with P. scrophulariiflora and traded under the name kutki) with a total CIF value of USD 2.7-3.6 million. Nepal is the main supplier (82 ± 5% of N. grandiflora and 66 ± 12 of kutki) followed by India (13 ± 5 and 19 ± 12) and Bhutan (5 ± 4 and 14 ± 8). The importance of applying a regional approach to conservation of the species is emphasised, as is the need for improved official trade monitoring by governments.  相似文献   

Emergent infectious diseases are a severe threat to global biodiversity, thus conservation biologists need to understand the emergence, spread, and evolution of pathogens to identify factors driving disease outbreaks. Amphibian chytridiomycosis is a recently emerged amphibian disease caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) that has led to species extinctions and declines worldwide. The spatio-temporal dynamics of pathogen occurrence and disease outbreaks, and comparative genomic analyses of global Bd strains, support the spreading pathogen hypothesis (SPH) with pandemics occurring after introduction of Bd into naïve host populations. Here we used population genetics of the amphibian-killing fungus to test for genetic consequences of pathogen spread. Our population genetic analyses are consistent with the spread of Bd from North to Central America, based on low genetic diversity, reduction in heterozygosity, and increased allele fixation in Bd from recently infected populations. Our findings confirm the spread of Bd in the New World, and indicate that future conservation efforts should focus on: (i) functional consequences (such as changes in pathogenicity) of these genetic changes, and (ii) public education and restrictions on wildlife trade to help slow spread of the pathogen at the invasion front.  相似文献   

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